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~2°-~~E~~63;~ <br />suBDlvlsxoN AGREEr~NT <br />BRODSKY INDUSTRIAL EMPIRE SUBDIVISION <br />In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, P~tike C. Brodsky and 3udy A. Brodsky, husband <br />and wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners of a tract <br />of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />{E~SE4) of Section Ten (IO), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine <br />{9) West o`f the bth P.M., in PPall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE=); thence southerly along the East line <br />of said Southeast Quarter (SE ;,) a distance of fifty <br />and eighty-eight hundredths (50.88) feet; `hence <br />deflecting right 51° 44' and running southwesterly along <br />the southerly line of Fourth Street in the City of Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, a distance of three hundred eighty- <br />nine and twenty-eight hundredths {389.28) feet to the <br />actual place of beginning; thence continuing south- <br />westerly along the last described Bourse a distance <br />of seven hundred (700.0) feet; thence dez-lecting left <br />79° Sb' 30" and running southeasterly a distance of six <br />hundred thirty-three and fifty-one hundredths (633.51) <br />feet to the northerly line of the Union. Pacific Railroad; <br />thence northeasterly along said northerly line of the <br />Union Pacific Railroad a distance of six hundred <br />eighteen and twenty-sir, hundredths {618.26) feet to a <br />point on the East line of said Section Ten (10); thence <br />deflecting left 87° 08° 44" and running northwesterly <br />a distance of seven hundred eighty-four and sixty-five <br />hundredths (784.65) feet to the actual place of <br />beginning, and containing 10.573 acres, more or less; <br />desire to have subdivided as a subdivision the above described tract <br />of land which i~ located within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City Council of <br />such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and r~lat <br />of such proposed subdivision to be known as BRODSKY INDUSTRIAL E:~T'IRE <br />SUBDIVISION, designating explicitly the land to be laid out and <br />particularly describing the lots and easements belonging to such <br />subaiyi. ian, wi?ai lots designated by numbers and easements by dimen- <br />lions, and propose to cause the plat of such subdivision when finally <br />~pn~caved by the Regional Planning Commissian and the City Council to <br />be ac'=cnowledged by such. owners, certified as to accuracy of survey <br />by a registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the <br />easements to the use and benefit of public utilities. Zn consider- <br />ation of the acceptance of the plat of said Brodsky Industrial Empire <br /> <br />