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~2-°-i~0[?SC~~' <br />an4 wlth0ut nantemt, @Rali Da immad+Atuly dva ann h18 by I <br />Dear IntOrast a! tns maximum @Ilowahie legs' *ata p o . 1_d n 'al at ma <br />ophon at 9Rne•io:arv cr Trstba sx: acid ,d e p m a. ba.encR <br />of any lntlebtRdnagg s+a0ured haie'.Yy and 5 :! ~aea. t ! s 9r.Cn <br />tndRpledn099 and 5haH ba FayaDlWr tabN OVS/sihe manlnq ter.nlnere~~+$ <br />t0. Aasq{nrrwtd of Rants. 8Rntilc!ary Sna•I nave inn nght. caws! aM authpnty <br />dnrirg Lha c.~nhnuflhba bt tnl3 True! Dabd to pOliBCt !ha •ent5. i3Snra9 and Pro}Itg of <br />ton Property and of any DarsGna? prarerty tocafnd tnb!enn w without 'axing <br />p0a30sSFOn Ot IM property Aflettad hereby, antl TNSt« nBlaby absolute+y antl <br />unrnnditfOnatry Assigns alt sucn rents. Issues and pra±its to BBnellciyry <br />(senBflGiary, fmwbvar, hereby consems t0 ins T.ustw's tolls C^.%nm ann retent!an o! <br />6UCh renla, iDDUaa And FrOfita 8s they dCCrth* eon become GayeblR so bng 8a <br />TNDtp( ID n01. at aVGR times In delaUfi with rB3pb~t m DBYmant ai dny <br />irydapl8dne9e 96CUrad MreDy M to the pBrTOrmAnpa tit any dg/bemerv9 nerBUnde+ <br />upon any sucn detauu, sbnenclmy may ar any tin:R. saner to parspn, Dy ngant, cr DY <br />a receiver m be Aap«Mad by a wL witMUl netts a out rapard tP ins <br />adequanp of any saeunty tOr rna ntlebtRnnass Hereby Securodt la? e.n!a+ u And <br />take Des!Ieesbn OC the PYOpbrty cr any L`art Yereol. and it its bwn name Ave for Jr <br />Mr1BICYler! cwkct Sueh rams, Isgu@9 and prOfilS. +n[ludinq loose pass due son <br />unpaid, and aDRiY tits -.mb. !e ant expanses at operetinn and CollecHPn. <br />Inctud Mg rrs8sonabiB attorney teas OUOOn any in^.ab+Rnness seta.>n nRraOv. and 1n <br />Auch wtlRr as BRnellCiary may tlotermine: iDl pc.rferrn s errs o .eDair o <br />prOfectlOn as m8y t>e necessary or proper to conserve ins va'ue O! Ins Properly. icl <br />1ee98IM $amB or any Par; tMrC01 for SuCn rental, term, c-.d upPn . '. ~Pntlitions <br />89115 jucagement mAy dictate UnlesA T•uStOr don BPnafioiary a:;.•r~ Oiharwis2 In <br />writing, any eppllcation nt ra « prolits [n env +nnsatetlna^.s s retl <br />ttereDy an01t n01 extentl or posipOneathe due Hate M the Instaflmenl payments a5 <br />provWetl In said promissarv nose or cnangR tnR anevnr of sucn Installments Tna <br />antaring upon ar+d taking possesstpn p+ Hte P.oaany, m <br />cnllxucn o+ sucn rents <br />iD8ue8 antl prollta ann the appfbation inere0l as atpregaw, snaN not waeve or cure <br />any dBfelli! or notice OI deyau0t hereunder. +i a+ida:e any acl pone aumuart rD <br />6ueh nO11Ce. Trustoe als6 assigva to Ban Rr:c+ary. as !unher Security to. <br />petfwmanca at rna ohligatbns s ,eCy a reaaln .a a <br />dnR .'u.-n v <br />whkh Tay nave DeM «m8y nerRatle= be nep09nad w R'. ss+d T,ustor Dy any IP.SSee <br />of the Property, tc Senura 'ha paymem o r n ^. 6ataun :n <br />pBrfOrmenee o} any OI thD Droviaions ne 8cl T uvstcr areas ir~deiWer Su:.h rants <br />aril tletkYSita !o Ue BanaHC,ary Delrv!v n + ~? Oenehc,arc's <br />axemiDe at the ngms gramac nereln, to env tanam a~_n+;..nrG earn waml.aes enau <br />bn 5ufticlanl to raouVre sa MJ IP.ndnt la say sa+C ren: re a BenRlrC:a FV until runner <br />notice. <br />tl. Wlsed Pnrakw. Within 10 Oaya 6tSbr demdnn. Tru9tor Snell tumiAn iC Tru$l0e <br />ttohetlui0 Ceitifled t0 DB tNa. SB111ng 2P^.h all 194 Sbs ci sDeCe Ir, the Trus: <br />PrtMertY !Mn 1n eHact. !ncludinp, in aacn cash. ;. name Pt fha t0 ants ern <br />orxupaMe, a lea«Ipsian at me space ocDUmaa Dy sucn talent and Occupant. m <br />ren4e! paYaDk t« sate Space arw slxn Mhar InrormaHCn end Oocumanis who <br />respect SD sucn kBaea anC LBRanCIBS as ins TrJ9tee may reGUas[. <br />Without tea prbr written consent of ' vsise, T snarl not. e. ectry o <br />IrWlrectiy, WIU (DapaCi t0 eny iBaaO OI space +n the dBSClned G'BmI3C4rwhelnOr <br />such 'daeyia iS Haw cr nardaiier in ex,aabRCb; eaj ec.:api Or permit any OrapdVm2 ;. <br />dtewunt «a0vanca rent paYabk [Hereunder, IC) CanGet Or :armmeta rna serrte, or <br />aCCp[ arty OdrKellatFOn. 18rminehOn « SUmOrker iMrepl. Dr permit eny even[ 30 <br />OCYN( wMGh Would Bni Hle 2M k9sea CRBreUrkBr tO termrnatC Or CenOal One Sama iCl <br />amend «modiry the same ao as ro retluce ins lam tnarbot. ins reMet paraDlA <br />SheiNrtder, w t0 [Range any ranewaf provlsmns tnareln contarneU: 1^_? w'awe anY <br />Oa4auH therwrMm or DtNCn ihereoh ;eD glue anY G ant, w apprpval <br />Shlaraslt0ar « teW any ntnx action In connechan tnarewttn, o+ wi:n a lasses <br />1Mreuntter, whlCh would Rana iM etPect of im0airing IM value of lessor's m(arest <br />tRMwntler, On tM Property auDiecl tRxem, oY 01 impair+ng tntl ooeh'mn or Inlereat <br />of tM TNStBe or Berroticlary; Dr ;fl sah, a=sign, pillage, arrgaga o .. roles <br />dlapweof,wencutmyer, It91ni8ratlt in aM nlcM1 1Eas9 W my rents, issues or protrts <br />Ipuing w arlaing thereunder. <br />12 Celtdeltwali6lt II lifts to any part of the Praparty bilatl tae lekan In contlBm::etlon <br />procaadinpe, by rlgN of eminent domain « similar aGliort, Or shell DB said uMer <br />threat Of COndMlMibn, all aWerde, demege6 8194 prxaeda are n8ra0y asalgned <br />antl neat! ba paM to 8enbikiary robe bnali aOp'Y a wares. tlamagba and <br />I>rocasde ID ih0 same scoured by the TrUyi Deed, wiin ihn excess, d eny. pa+d to Ina <br />TNE20f. TNSbI rote Dromptiy, area who tlvB OIIIgOnGa, re0e+r, sitar &ren resters Ins <br />remabing part 6P [M TNSi Property to ils IOrmef GOr!OIhOn 5ubelanireily to Ihs <br />eslartt toll the same m8y M ta85+Oi6 anp sP as to cons[HU18 a con+p18[a a:W vsaDte <br />unll <br />T0. Fglen rWsancsa Upon request of TruatW, BaneflWary. 8E Beneficiary's Opt+On. <br />pdw to fefAny'8y8nGa Pi Ins PYOOaly to the Trust«, r^.dy mdka iuturb advances tD <br />tM TNbi«. BUGh IU2ula ddYBnCeb, 'wt2n !ninr4a! thereon, andli !k Secured by tnls <br />Tnml. Daed wean avidancsd by Crorniayory noise stab+,g ;net said notes a <br />eUGUYed Mreby; pfoYltled that at nn hme seat! trq sacu+ad DrinO+pal, tulure <br />atlvarlrAO, trot fnciading 6 edvance6 to protect t only, excaa0 one <br />hutMrW percent (100X)05 to «tgie>si prinGpaiamoun(s nsa0urR0 narab'r <br />te, Msaadlaa Crmwtedra. Ati rematlks Drpv+tletl in tms :ruse Dabs era ClStlnct ant <br />Curlwkt4W to any OtMr rlgnt or remedy urtdw :bra Trus( Deaf « e'tOrdaO DY iew ar <br />equity, and rrie7 tyebxercieecf wnrwrnnll Y, indBpe~Aenily Or yucCaaalveiy. <br />15. hawMriMtarc HaraadtH: Sala Upon oetaWt by 'rumor In the payment Ot eny <br />irlflaCtednee69BCUred. hBfBDy of in [M (MAOrrnalYCa Ot any agreBmenl nereUlwBr, <br />Banaflokry meY dentate ail sums eacuren nBraDy imrtaydlatery Cuo 8rld peYabk Dq <br />r3aliYtly to TNa4ee OP written daciaratlan of dalaWt. TRa TrgStDa &'retl nave the <br />power of ask of tM Pmpert)' inn 1P Benatictary Oesuea Ilia Property to be soil, 1; <br />atwli dlypelt who Trustee this That Deaf aM ail promissory npte6 antl Documents <br />wlGanoinp a%pentlkuBe secured heraDy, and snail de};ver to TNateb, a written <br />a011q OL default anCeiectbn to [sues the Prppvrty to De sold, atW the Trustee in <br />tut. MyaSi Drepue 8 elmhar Notice In lM twm raquiratl by law, wnlGh snail !sa Duty <br />hladtor reeved try TN9tea. <br />W AHar LM lapse OP SUCH time as may oa raqu3ratl Dy law loliDwing the racOrd- <br />aibR of saki RMtce at 3a!suR, 8nd nc11Ga of dO/aNti and nG!iGe P? sate Gavirtg <br />Dean given 86 regUir80 by iew, Trustee, w+tnPUt dEmanG On TtU5lD1, atoll sail <br />tM Property on tM Hate 8dtl at i.M time and Dkab 6bsYgnatbd an sei0 nGHGe 0! <br />Nle, at puplb auction LP tRS Mgnesl bidder, tM ;w•GtWaa R e payable In <br />taro}ul money of iM iiniled Slates at tM bow of sera Ttti parso:t ccndt.cting <br />the sale may, Iw dny cause ne deems axpedier!t, boEtbonR iM sate Irom lima <br />to tlm0 uRdi k sMi[ W Gompkteq antl, in every Saco tax, notice o! pwipona <br />mant shat{ ba given Dy pubhC de,:taratMn tnarao! by sucn parson at 2hb !ime <br />and piece last appOlMbd t« life bak; prOV16aQ; ff th6 @a:0 I9 posipOtt9d 16t <br />ibngar than St) daY peyond tM bay dealgnatad in tea notice at safe. no2rce <br />ltyreof ahaii b g'Ntin in !M s8rrb manr~ar 8g tea «lpfnal noLCe of gate" <br />TNateb dRNi a%a0uttl antl delMw in the Durchmtl: ma Deatl GanvaYteg the <br />.,___~ __.~ .. .: ky ' ~ .„. w ynru n. +mMlRd Thk <br />rsGkals in iM Deatl of any matt a or taci5 nn '1 Da ..wulusava p'ac{ 3l the <br />truthtuSnbsy tnbre.02. Arty person, 1.:ciun:ng Benaficisri, .may pwcnese al Ore <br />(D) 4Yhan Trus36a setts pursuant 4o tM paware heroin, lea T;uatea ehb!i apptY Yna <br />p+ocaroda of iha ask to Poy1nMi of the wsty ann expartsas o' axarcia;ng Inb <br />~r <br />tww.ef 62 ask antl GI ins Hale, g lea ¢aYment Ot lib TrUAtae'b Fabd <br />K4Uaiiy InOUyrad, n0F 40 vx06ad .x.__ fi of LM seta price, and than t0 <br />iM Etama in subparigrapn(rr m tnb wdar;hax2 riated <br />To{ A46V wyfiq iM hams sDeoit4en!n aubparHgoapn fD{ ii zna aateaa br Tru-area, a. <br />tt» prvjar c ar,a Rimr Goats at raaanawe ant sate e she' sere is cw+s.uanr <br />to ~dtcla: +owbc+Ux;ra, tea praGeeda of sate arw7+bR aapt+aa u: rna user ataiad <br />iG the WY'.~., a, <br />Stl vOS` =! a.^ys'rrnancs :',t tYM Drt+•'u'aG rn Y;Cnneµ,'xon with Svc': ea!x anu r~~ <br />, n atayhas, <br />9#t} A.~}w-ay ^wn aeoVSa9 ?+erbLY: <br />SBtY TM rarnaAmPar, .r eny. the par3W[+tt:g.eAiy ..tu.. t, w,n.o <br />YH pucks antl Obtigaitonv of TNatna Ia= Tr, Gunnrs gnC pDligxHPns of TIll51{WI <br />nail ba N , ed 5c1µ. Y - Ot tne'r+,yt DeBd anC Tru9lae <br />anal! not be a ceF 1,. r ., nn dirties and ODligaripns ae are <br />essence t ^a Ae cs amlgaHana gnab ae <br />+mposR.n p 7, ~ tat: +D N Ih • ugt Unad 5nah require Tastes to <br />end o n fundg~ o otRerwiSa m any Hneneial ahilgatbn :n tM <br />pe+tOtmance os 9~ny al its miles nai8Unc8r. n numb exarOisa of eny Of lta dgnY Pr <br />.Droste. If tt eh81t have grPUnds tOr bRliaving Inat [Re rOpeYTent 61 9tfCh fuRdS M <br />atlequate !nonrnnltY sgainst sups risk o+ tia0i!hy is not reastlnaply aasuradto It; fG{ <br />'Nat00 may consul! with Counsel cf n+a o cnPOSing and ins aCYlc@ of 4UPR <br />un98! ahAll tw Y II ARC CDmplRfa authOrlyaflon and prO2BCf16n b tM fespect 01 <br />any action taken or sutterpd by ft hereunder in good Isi!n Hn0 rellence thereon; Id) <br />TNelee Shfl1i opt be IiaCIB ter any actlPn Yakan by Him in good faitR and <br />ne!78VM7 Dy nIm iG On auttKxlzed w wiinln the dtecrellOn or rfghla of ppwera <br />conftlrred upon 14 ny thig TlUSC Deed <br />,7 1ldditbne45acuhty ItutNments. Truslor, sY Its oxpan9a, will execute andtletiver <br />O Ina Trustee, pramptiq upor. demand, sucn s tally inglNm0nt9 8 m8y be <br />.~aqulrad Dy'frnstaa, In term antl substance 9atiareGOry to Trustee, caveing any Of <br />trrb Pmpbr:q carvayatl Dy !n s TrV9t Daatl, which security Instruments anBit bb <br />atlditional security rot TruBNi s ktthtul pvrrwmBnCe 01 all Or the term8, covenaMD <br />an4 cOntlitfGnS of this Trust Dead, inN pMmi980ry nOtAb 90GUred Mrepy; afW any <br />atner AecurlTy in9tNments a stated it cntlntlCtlOn with Ch1a tnn9aGtlOn. BuOR <br />nstrumanl9 Snail De recornad cr tI1M, ann r&ttroOrd~ arW reHkO, Ht TNeIOr'6 <br />expense <br />16. Mkrxi4snsous. <br />,al n !Ra avant eny one or more ai toll provislone contalnen In tNe TlUat OBatl Or <br />the prOmlSeOry nGPB or any Dinar 9aCUfity In9LNm8n1 gI YBR In wRrtectlon With <br />'NS Vansaeiton Shan ? any re n be neltl to be tousle, Illegal o <br />Anlaresaole m ea0act s Gil Invalidity, Iikpallty, « uneMOrceeDNity <br />snap. AI the aptlon of Baneflc:ary, n.:t aHact any OIMr prov191on of tole Trust <br />Deco. Du+ refs TNaI DBaP anan 60 etYt StNed 89 !f Such ImaHd, Illtlgel. Or <br />un9nlnrcea0le Cravl9:On `.Ad never Dsbn cont8lnatl herein or 1Mfeln. <br />ID) TH19 T: ust wren sDN'f be COnstrUbn eCGOrtlinp t0 me kw3 Of CRa Stars Ot <br />NBbnSkA <br />fc; Tnt9 Trus! Deed snarl i re rc arM bintl tea heirs, legatees, Cevlaeee, <br />xnminfslrators, oxecutora aucaesDO+s and a59ign5 Of the pert168 hereto. <br />Id1 TrVStOr anah pay alt tax' soled upon this TNa9 Oxen Or tM deDt 58CUred <br />Hereby, :ogelhvr 'ann gnvso!ner !4x89 Or asaesamenta whbh m8y DO IevlBfi <br />dgalnat me Trus:ae or BCneric:ary or the iegat holder of sell promiasary note <br />cn account at rna mcaptedness ev+tlenced IMreby. <br />16+ WMnnver useC hvrain, the s:npular nurrmer Shelf Ihclud9 [he plural, [M <br />9inpul8 r, rna use of any gender seal! t>e appliceb1810 ah gBntlBn, 8nd Ins term <br />"Haneiiciary" anal'. Inc+ude AnY oaye0 of ihO lntlBbtedne9S hereby secured oY <br />a ^.y' tren929r mare«. w nether OY pPe!e[IOn pf AW Or otM*W 9e. <br />18. SuoceasorTNStM. BBnB'iClB.ry may imm time to time 9u09titute a BucCBS90f of <br />env trustee namOn bere+n w acting Hereunder t0 execute tole Trust <br />Dead. Upon ,Such BUDOmtmani antl 'wttnput conveyance t0 the 9UGC096Or Trustee, <br />ins IAtlBi Shall Da vbyiaC with 011 ui10. Dowers. and dutie9 canterred upon any <br />usne hareln mad .acunp r Under. Eeon sucn appointment end <br />subshNkan Shan sea made by wnhenaln9trument Dy BeneHCkry, contabing <br />r9terenCb t0 IRIS ?NS! D9ec and ,t9 pldcB OI recOfn, Whlcn WMn lecordetf IR 1M <br />Pf lice of the Heglsfar Ot Dabds of the county Or countlea In which said property Is <br />sliuaie0 anbfl nH concfus+ve p+001 cf proper appOlntmBnt Ot tM successor TNbtea. <br />Tree ioregaing pawar of subSUWhnn ane the procedure Neref«a shell not De <br />azcVU9i <br />vv of iM Dower end procedure wovitle0 for Dy law for the eubaittutlon oP s <br />Truyltle or rNSteea In rna D+aGS Oi !na Trustee <br />24. FoMannca bP esrn4kkry w TrwlN NW • WaMr. Any brebearance by <br />Bernhdary ar Truatea In axerclatng any riphP or remedy hereunder, or othenviea <br />alfOrdOd DY aDphGebie taw, shall not De x w or or praClutle the azerclDe of any <br />right ar remedY rwraundbr. ~ er by Benallciary w TNStee of any <br />default o? Truslnr u^.dar t^+s i rust DeBO shall not be deemed Lo ba a waiver of any <br />other or simber tla:auita acbsbyuanl+y occvrrmg. <br />2t, TNBtw Not Halaensd. Gxiensian of the limn for payment or mOdltiOailOn a <br />orvxal4on of rna sums sar:urad Dy tt•.la Trust Daetl granted by 8enellciary tp eny <br />ar In interest W irvstor snal• ern [petals to release, In eny manner, [M <br />gdbility or ins Wlgmal T:ustor Or Trusl Or'8 suC,cbs9o± In innreet. Benetlcl8ry anal) <br />^.w Ge rbquiraO i0 c e Proceedings A•gain9i auto 9uccea80r or ntu68 l0 <br />axfenG tlma SPr pdYn tni Wig,^I!•vrrlsa ^aul iy amortizbllon ui the sum8 sutured Dy <br />tole Tru9f Deed Dy reason of any damantl mane by me orlpmel Truster and Truetor's <br />svcuesBOrs In Interest. <br />T2 Dafaalt n trv re 5na:l oe a ea?au;t unaar tn+6 O®ed of Trust or unOeY any prbr <br />rwngage. !ha Banehct8ry may c uen dafeul2, env' Ins amounts aOr0itc00 by, <br />and athnr OOSta an6 expanses of the ttanaficiary In cuting such default, wiin <br />tn[ernei at ins datauli rata Gontafned in Iha Nota Secured RBr06y tram tM time OI <br />Iha advances or 7aymAnts ana11 Ds adtlad 20 tnv IntlaDtetlness becured Dy this 7NSi <br />D98U and may De CofiBCtetl Hereunder al dny IImB a/lbr tM time of DUCK atlvaRG08 <br />or payr„„ants and snail Dn dabrnUC t0 be xwred narb0y. <br />7J. Dpt4on Lo Forsciass. Upon Lea oerura.nur e+ anY tlelaull hereunCa:. Banatkkry <br />sna11 nave tM Optbn to Pwac:oba tole Trvat Deed 'In iM manner provldb6 Dy iew }or <br />,ne I«eGlGeu(e 01 m«IgagaL 6r. real prODeny. <br />2<. Tnntofs Htglits, Absent LHiwIL Unt:l any tletauit In the DeVment Oi <br />Inaebtadna9s !a+reLy secured c! antl! the breach of xry Gavenant nereln contalnen. <br />mn Truster, .:s su:;cessars and ass+gns, snail possess antl anlGy the property, and <br />xvhre ins renla and pr0l;ts :neeetrom. Upon pay'meni of a:i sums atGUred py' this <br />Trust DaeO, HenBtlGlary snail requadt Truslea to reponvaY ins prpDertY and snail <br />urrant)er this -rue! Dasg ane ail netba av;Gancl::g Intl Bhtednbss secured DY this <br />Trust •'uaatl to Truy tab- Tru3'aa ahAil racUrrvay ?na DrPDartY withaui waryanty an6 <br />w1:ha:E C. ergs :i;fad r talc. <br />cs J g - ar8at o• per ,, ntlled Yn etO,~' <br />me ncltals4 tnatbin al a atlbrs v~ fie;; LV s I'. Oauconclusfvs pro01 0l Iha <br />truif.Fuinass 2heraDt. $u. , „n. s.^.all i:ay ail costa cf taGGrding, if 8ny. <br />25. AcroknHOa In MA EYanY Oi Tnnarer. 4n :its avant tMr t+ti8 SO 54+0 real estate lb <br />. n ~, u Ontrac:ad to be lransfartBC, trot,. the undbrvgnatl for any rbaaon Or <br />DY anY matncnG~whatawrryr, fns ar;:rC p+:nci;:Ul sum end aGCruetl intvtaSt anal: et <br />b DBCama dub a!Ie Da'fab W ai !na CleGil Glt O(:he BRnbt;cidYy. t'ailUgb ib 8X8rLI8B <br />inns opt.±on Gecause t; ..,.e 8s 24ovs led +n inetdnca snail nGY <br />=.:,;a.,.w., .. ,.a: __. .. .._ ., ,. ,,a rnrtw er nrora,nv>n! <br />M ThiE d~ Oi trust is I'unlur is :;na ealw __iti (.ii...__ <br />exeCUi6d GY ''uE.U. to _.. :velar, <br />aacunng a prtnc~pa r:cre tm _. _. <br />Wttara E:,d r+ap io:.eaxa wh; fns aHg%31Br Gr uaeda area ra<rrtn.en ay tGtiDwE. <br />