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TRUST ®EE~ <br />~~-~,. UU06(?6 <br />TH95TFIUST DEED, made this 8tt' day of FEBRUARY , 19 82 T, <br />be and between: <br />f~) DERAI;D L. BOLT2, SR. AND CONSTANCE RAE BOLTL, HUSBAND AND WI^rE OF EACH OTHER AND <br />EACH IN HIS Atr'D HER OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more, herein- <br />aftercafisd "Trustor" whosamailing address is 4346 LARIAT LANE GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 <br />and <br />(B) 30HN A. WOLF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, <br />_ as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />addre;tsis PO BOX 428, GRAND ISLA:~!, NE 68802 and <br />FIRS;[` SAVINGS COMPANY <br />(C) <br />_ as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br />_FO BOX 1566, GRAND ISLA~`D, NE b8802 <br />WI T NESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the <br />foROwing described property, situated in _. HALL County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FIVE (5), WESTERN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The intention being io convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with a!l buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING pe~~c~O~Re,~~rnent and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the payment of the principal sum of .D&~Ig~3,*~467.52***** ~ <br />as evidenced by a promissory note beani~g evert' a e at t e rates o mteres t arson which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the farms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being. payable according <br />to terms Set forth in said promissory Hots, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as 4he holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />pegd, shall be due and payable an the 22nd __day ofi FF,BRUARY__i _, 1984 <br />Trustor and 8eneticiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />t. Warrantgpt Tit1R Trustor is IawtuAlY setzoo qi me PropardY; ~: Has gwd right a' <br />tew2ui aYitlOriiy to sail antl do May the ProDexiy, the PtDpart'y rs tre¢ ana Giear of ell <br />gene anti enCURWrancas eXaepi liens :ww Ot teoard; and Ttuatar will w.e++ant and <br />datand. itq Ulis 1o tM.ProPertr unto iha Trustee and o:s saG<easors. and asagas <br />tdxevar, against the claims otaii. persons. Truster, at its bxpense, wilt and+n[aln and <br />prage, e!he IiMOfthJs Trust Oeetl as a ii¢n upPn tna T~uSi Pfope+ty Suptaci Only t.~ <br />enGUm6rancas oXla[iitg as df ine date haraGt, will cau59 this Tarsi Deetl, and axon <br />atiMndmehi a au9Plemartt thereto. 3o he tilatl and rorw0¢C as a ma:2gage of the <br />Tnut Prdpert'y G, svoh Indnnef and rT. sacra plaGa, eMt -will tah@ atnet dc210n as <br />in the oWrilur. 09 Trustee may Da tedutred hY any presan x tutors law m Dryer to <br />PerfsGt,. maintain and pro:ac: the tren al Ynrs Trus: been, as fns same. m 1y he !rpm <br />tang IOtint{ ArtarWedar sUDpiamo:118tl. <br />2, hymMtt W PyPndt9al \rtd inNrlat rusiM shalt punctually Pax Ina prMCipai ai, <br />8rW intbast dr., said promiaacsry ote }no2uding any aCvar t78te[p as provided <br />Herein an iha daces ar+a al Na piaG¢ arYa Yr tt+e manner p ti :dad knerein and aiN <br />punctualh Par.2arm ate ey9eP.eenls. cd2MlIians and PrOVisianS OS dnY otn¢r aocu+ity <br />itYatrymeeiF Wean in V'oRnaG7Wn witn PPii Vanaaetioa <br />3.. RPM,M1':71oa °+rG -Wlnkru/4Y. 01 Prapdny. Trualor wid7 not commit Sny waste <br />tr,a =rape > sac wilt, tail. times, maminin the se good u~da: anC <br />MStI ~ Nd f yr }ram t 10 tifna 4 ApasYS, r9nE 8. ¢p18C¢men:5 <br />add't ntenta n;.un are ~¢BSUf O:Y repo: Hd 2p prevent wd52¢. <br />trnpa.m e~., _r , ~ ed]lotl atsa}d property, NO atillding or tmprarement Haw or <br />' I, rx l- i%pn. ihs Property hat[ bC ailetad. raMOV¢d Or da:noiisned <br />«;tM,ui +.ikiten oansm+t ?g¢rra!ttlarr. <br />..:~ u .ryysv2y, .n Casa a. a. y dama9 , o dasrr tt C„ga. <br />"tp ~/ Je'sWr¢! nrape tY o s Y;YiS rtg Tar' of tY>e o ,y whether <br />4„s >acc rya py utan.,e o c[h .sa, at ± s !e coat a <br />'rail ry. reatpra capa}r, rapid rid rRaulld iha sane as ..lea 4y as <br />.And t M im gd{aEalY p.Ofll' Pp Ch bameya a as I: ~ klo Ph <br />'Ye na i atiar:s as Trusror a aew."~ aPO :R aY. .~.,, ,. <br />~ Jn3 dp dl aF Flafiy ease n¢ alJa and TY 2 g n <br />b ..~ n '] Pa 5 na. ly tip the '. C Rd' '(- y p .O <br />\hh G~ ny~~~t _p r~ d4.0Y eYhi1,! ..t 1v~ .O rqt p4 , emervt !•om th9 <br />y" '-m `dnbt 'f dnth Prof GS .. kit Tr'uataa pUl ants to <br />r,e z.u ., 1 ,. wmaxpe ,dad urnbaxt,spr.viz.~n <br />1'ayp^ T r - ! po a 9, t ~ y .,: <br />arnv e.,p .igM e.vndp ,. -as, .a ,. .r. <br />brae ~,~e .: - .,. .. , e. .,. „ ., .., ., ,. ..... ~. <br />'~ . <br />`eap¢Ctwe pAr2189. AlI mSUrdnCe pahcles maintained pursuant IG tnis True! D¢etl <br />.shall Name Trustee and Banell Glary as insureds, a9 their respeclix¢ !nl¢rests may <br />aapaa+, aed pror,aa mat mare snap ae no a cetiatPOn o moyuicauon wi;nout <br />r+fteen UaYS R+ror wfitten nGiitrGatipn (O TNSteff antl Berle}IGlary. !n Ihfr BVen[ dr1Y <br />poEicy ttereuntlet i8 .not r8n8W13tl on or Oef ore t,ffoen days prior to its Azplrahon <br />dale, Trustee ar Banaliciary may procure such insurance ana Ina cost ineraof snal: <br />pa added [O Iha. loart secured pY Ir f us D¢eo nU stall pear tn(¢;dst ui Ina <br />g`¢at¢r U1 Phe interest raid apauhed [herBln or iha highest mi9reai rate au:her:2ad <br />by iha laws pf the rJtatb OI Nearaska. Trustor shall U¢I;ver t0 8enetrclary f he p+iginaf <br />policies o! insurance and r¢nawa{s lher¢Ot Or memo cODies at such -Olicias and <br />enewals :hereol. Failure to fumtsh insurance ay Trvstar, Gr r9newala as rCqulred <br />harCUnUer 5hai, al iha option o! l3enaliclary, consutut¢ a 0atault. Ail uneamaU <br />ereny assigned :e Trustee as adaibcnal s my ana a sale and <br />reyanGe Uf the PropERy by ine Truaia¢ shall oilerata to GGMBY tc Etta ;JUrCnasar <br />the Trustor s I~terast rn antl SC a.: pai1G%Ca GI insurance open the Trust Proparry. <br />]. Taiea and Feaea\mentb. TruaPGr shall pay all tape3 anG sPCCiat 856¢5&?fan:s <br />levied nr assessed age+nst or me upon ;ne Propany ba:are yepngaencr, and wnc <br />G¢'rCr to Bette : y GOPies c! •¢ceipis sn 9 P y~. eni >' such texas and <br />Sppcidl as SasSrttenis. li BenellCiary a^AI. Sd fetlva:.t, TrUSPer agrees lea! lhaf8 Sh8l, <br />.ie aade7 2d ¢acn periodic p y p~ ruC tc be ma a n¢yeuntler an ampun^ <br />"ir:d2ed by TfUStaC t4 ab s }rC-el.1 Io trtap:¢ +eu:.lur/!o pay, a eat ail days <br />tw.ora dernduencY; all YaxeS asaasem¢nt= a o•ner GUyIIG Gnarg~¢S agd n.5t Irv <br />.operty, Ma YJAt9 secured ay'n1s Trus'. Dasd, or oiler. aGCGUn: oY the tlebt ur <br />h ~ n of 2nia Trus: Dead, ;oget^.ar «ift. p. rao..irec ;c pe <br />aided vx¢r thin Trust Geed and nc Int ! nau a¢sparapie Ip <br />espeet :heraot. Upon a and by T. !ae, iruslor snarl tl811var ust¢u'~ <br />~ t+anal s raY a a;y ,+' make uV a ,cy it ,ham <br />unu bro;.as:try to anaCie T..W taf J ~Pa)any Gl t!W `oregGl'ig vrng,e <br />5. AUanlansl I,rena irus'a: s i dk. a:' p r fey, a.d pr•+crpa a <br />p yma e d Iy hd 4hdrga P¢. Ada 0 ea 90ntla '.¢d 2C h¢ paid ?p 8n/ <br />- trig -le,• h0 d r p';ar sera ¢1.99 _nde ]. J P - T " SI Df4 , MUrtgaga Gr <br />G(hdr SBGllt.y eg ¢B -.- bo! & tna det0 lh¢y 0 u91n,,.a,t dM14 !u Gay arty Ctnaf <br />c a;m wn:,.n }coparat_es .:~a sacs: ity g,antor! na ern. <br />A RrotecPlws o° 8anafleidry'a Saeun2y, Shu iC 1. 't a:' a Y p V Cr. P, <br />fail t0 de dn'y ace aA Harem padr(dad ae e! any a„1'ut Or prOC. a nJ a ~ ,cud <br />wn,cn mata;;aily attaGta Hdtwnolary's Interes4 nv Iha Psatmrty. '~nGUC~rg, trot not <br />-im;2a6 to. am: 9. t f ,tency a.<a..qe .en... .r K-- e¢ain„a .rr~:+•. , s <br />_+uv. a....., -ant !M1a^. bd ..nary +„ f, aY +: Lu: ..,Ire a s .!.,-.:. ,:• <br />