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a <br />l.. <br /> <br />S. its the event said property is sold ai a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sate hereinabove <br />graitted, and-the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evideno- <br />ed by said: promissory note, the mortgagee wilt 6e entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amot[nt of the <br />d~eficiencp wit~tout regard to appraisement. <br />7, Ir the event the mortgagor faits to pay any federal, state, or local tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien, <br />Charge, fee or other expense charged against [he property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay <br />file same. Arty Sums so pwid by the mortgagee shalt be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />disehargefthe indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shalt pay such sums and shalt discharge a#F <br />tnrces and=liens and the costs, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then-this <br />niortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered. <br />8. The wvenants herein contained shall bind and the benefies and advantages shall inure to the respective successors <br />and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shalt include the plural, the plural. the <br />singular, and the use of any gender shall include alt genders. <br />9. PJo waiver of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shalt at any time thereafter be held to be a <br />waiver of the terms hereof or of the note secured hereby. <br />1®. A judicial decree, order, or judgement holding any prevision or portion of this instrument invalid or unenforce- <br />able shall not. in any way impair or preclude the enforcemen4 of the remaining provisions or portions. of this <br />instrument. <br />11. Any written notice to be issued to the mottgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed <br />to the mortgagor at 307 S. Svca~re Grand Island. NE 68801 <br />and any written notice to be issued to the mortgagee shaii <br />be addressed to the mortgagee at 4 d w mh;rd t p n Rox 2(tOh,~ C;rand stand NF. h8802 <br />[tt tV"['rNESS WtiE2cDF, the mortgagor has executed Ehis instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />this itirlBtrument as of the day and year aforsaid. <br />s <br />f .. <br />William /,. Hakanson <br />Donna ~liakanson~ <br />Executed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: <br />.................................................... <br />(Add Appropriate Acknowledgement) <br />'S'PATE OFNEBRA5K.4 Before , a qualifi d Ng Public, personally ppe red <br />COUNTY OF ~ ~ GaSs., _ <br />known to me to be identical persou or peesons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be voluntary act and deed. ~7 <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seai on j'`~~z"a;,2" ~~-- , 19 ~'~ <br />NIpALrNp1A-its N NsinNa <br />(SEA IIO~EIIT ~ <br />Ysiawtt.;faR New Ii, tY~2 <br />i4"!y Commission Expires- ~, 19 <br />~/ ~ <br />l5 ~'~ u~ ~J~ "~ r/ <br />Notary Pu is ~_--` <br />S"fATE OF NEBRASKA f Before me a qualified Notary Public, personally appcarcd .~_~.._~___,_.. <br />S5. .--.__~.__......._.,_._._._._._...... <br />CC1liNTY OF ~ President of _.~ _______._ _ _____~_._ _. <br />a corporation, known to me to be the President and identical person wtso signed the foregoing instrument., and <br />acknowledged the ezecution.tltereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such offtcer and the voluntary act and decd of <br />said corporation artd that its corporate seat was affixed thereto by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Scal on `.__________, l9 ___._.,. <br />fSL'A1.? <br />d:? C c~rp::issinn Expires <br />t9 <br />Natary Pu61ic <br />