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~2--~ r.- ~a C1 ~ ~ o <br />DR9ZNANCE No. 47az <br />An ordinance directing and authari~ing the aanveyance of Lot Five t51, Hlotk Twenty- <br />flver, Packer and Barr's Second Addition to the City of Crand island; providingfos the <br />giving of notice of such conveyance and the terms therea£; providing for the right to file <br />a remonstrance against such conveyante; repealing Ordinance No. 6754; and providing the <br />effective date hereof. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1_ The conveyance to ARNOLD C. WENN and DENN A. RENTER of Lot Five (SJ, Block <br />'Paenty-five (2$~, Packer and Ban 's Second AddiPien to the City of Crand L51and., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, is hereby authorized and directed. <br />SECTION 2_ The consideration for such conveyance shall be Eight Thousam3 Dollars <br />t$$,OOO.OOI. Comreyance of the real estate above described sha1Z be by quitclaim deed, <br />upon delivery of the consideration, and. the City of Grand Island will furnish an abstract <br />of title. The City will furnish sanitary sewer main to the property Line. <br />SECTION 3, As pravided by law, notice cf such conveyance and the terms thereof <br />shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Daily Independent, <br />a newspaperpublished for general circulation in the City of Grand Island. Immediately <br />after the passage and publication of this ordinance, the city clerk is hereby directed <br />and instructed to prepare and publish such notice. <br />SECTION 4, Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the C1ty of Grand Zsland <br />to file a remonstrance against the conveyance of such within described real estate; <br />and if a remonstrance against such conveyance signed by legal electors of the City of <br />Grand Island equal in number to thirty percent of the electors of the City of Grand <br />island voting at the last regular municipal election held in such City be filed with <br />the city council within thirty days of passage and publication of such ordinane¢, said <br />property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter, be conveyed. <br />SECTION S, The conveyance of said real estate is hereby authorized, directed, <br />and confirmed; and. if no remonstrance be filed against such conveyance, the mayor and <br />city clerk shall make, execute, and deliver to the said ARNOLD C. W£NN and DENN A. RENTER, <br />a: quitclaim deed for said real estate, and the execution of such deed is hereby authorized <br />without further action on behalf of the city council. <br />SECTION 6. That Ordinance No. b75b is hereby repealed.. <br />SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its <br />passage and. publication within fifteen days in ane issue of the Grand Island Daily Indepen- <br />dent, as prcuided by law. <br />~£naeted +FJJ1+-uARV' $L,. <br />/'1 <br />s <br />o erc rix, ar <br />ATTESS: ~ ~~ <br />fty ;.~ <br />