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prtior is entry of a pudgtnent enforcing this Nfcrlgagc if: raD Borrower pays Lender afl sums which would lse then due un<ter <br />this Mortgage, the Moto and notes securing ~ttt=re Advances, if any, had nn accelcratinn aceurred; (b) Harrower cures ail <br />hreaehes at any other et)venamt~a ur agccementc of Borrower ccantaintd in this Mortgage; {c) r3ocrtswet pays alt eeastltlable <br />expehses incurred by II:.ender in enforcing the covrnants and agreements of Bgrrgwer cpntaiated in this Mgr[gage and in <br />etlfittcing iertdefs retmtdies aspravided in pafagraph I$ hereaf, inchtding, but naf Limited to, reasgnattle attorney's fees; and <br />(d}:Borrower#akes sucEt action as I.erider niay raasanably require to assure thad Ehe Eien of this Mortgage, E.ender's interest <br />1n thr Ptegertydrxl:8orrower's oblgatider to pny tlrr sums seczrred by t1riE IvfnraRatra s}ta11 crontirzne unirnlaair~d: Upon aneb <br />~3- ~7 ~„>t by~ro„~; ~~;~),3~~ gr ~ ~ s~~ ?)~i ~,a ~~~3 k~ ky Via)) n,~,an m Sa;)) 5-~~t- ~~' F:~~x ~>~isr <br />~'a~emra» ~3>P2»a7 A9~1»x3s~~~s~ vS~s>el~ssvare) z~z iA ~'sl~is~,)~s». »s -~~Smr~~ s~»isy ~is~~~~sz. ~s~ss~ <br />Rereb~ assS~its to t:attder the rentc o> iRe Property, provided that Borrower shaSS, prior to acczSeration unties paragiaSsb t8 <br />Rereof iil^ :zbanilgniftrnl ti5 tR~ 4ra»erty. Rhve fR~ rr~Rt w co11~:t *sntl retnln svcR rents as they became due nttiil payable. <br />Lx~n acestsraRSCrt •+cK14r ~acagra~tt~ tg tcccs>t or ata~aaoacame ox cE<G ~ro~.ty, r.oaaoc, .a p~~QCS. t,y ~~eas o~ sue. <br />jcrdicia}~r appointed reserver, shall Esc <nxixked xo enter upon, take po: cecs:on of and manage the 1=ropeKV anal to collect the <br />recta rsf the Propeerty. inetuding ehcse past clue. All rents collected by Lender qr Che receiver chaff be applied frrsf to payment <br />4~ ` r ~!~ ~~ ` i ~ S ~~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ 11 ~ ~$ ~ 4 S S Tom" ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ S ~ ~ S ~ ~ S ~~ 1 ~ . l S l ~ L U ~ 1 S 1 ~ i - ~ l l S S ~ b S L S ~ l l ~C zl~ . t tl . ~ ~ E 5 ~ l ~ ~ S ~ ~ 4 ~ . 4 S ~t4111 S l l~ it L 1 <br />.h~~Slis..\~all45s ~s~~~S ash ems. Zt.-, ..S. S.. ?:-~:Q~~. ~.:. ti, <br />s~c ~ iS~Y~11St445t ~~t;S;SA S~it~s O~ ~~FSw4[, tinr~RG4, 4S ~:.adar's ogfiop Frlor Ca reC<ase o(fft! R(aK~a~e, rnao <br />taak~\ic~ t\dYa~cs ~r Rc~trstrcc, 4sich €'mvit~ c~dva~~..~th irist~i :h~s~a, ~I.ati !.~ ~~.,red Fey tk€~ usct~ akin <br />.,.,:a n~.~. by p.~,:~.~,. ~~< <~. ng rt,a. ,a;d .,.o n ar< .,.mot d,~.~~s.• ae n~ t,"me shaft ta,e Grin~si~/ .Yetieaunf of ehg <br />~IFlFlPlilFz9..,,.. ~zl ko lAi2 Mst}~a~?. ~lsl iaatudlag 3n~ta advattead in aeenrdanee heeemith td ptttteet the SRC:lltilV o~ t~tas. <br />Mortgage: rzrxed me arigrflal arnouor cat me 'vote plus US~S.. , 21,ifi4C..Ob.. . <br />M, Rekree. upon payment of al! sums sactrred by this 4lnrtgage, Lender shat! <lisoharge this J~#tlrtgxge witlaoUt <br />charge rp 8arrowcr. Barrovrcr shalt pay all costs of recnrdaticm, ii any. <br />I f~ a ST~X~~F ~ ~~ ~~ e~ ~ l _~ ~N ~/~ e. <br />5 as .cl~•,/+j.A~tie.S.~,~~fur:.s~ L'~^3 -~~••°"'~• <br />..:__ S@~csazsx. T'__^,.R.it2'fS~SSy +~ C~~°P 3? Z?2=_e~t`FSCCCCeacac <br />:S)'i9Tf Q,2' ~1~IYAtF~r :: . ....... . ...::LdtitL~l~ .... ~ . , .. ~ ~ ~ , , _ , , , . , , ~%r2dd77#j' a53i <br />oa t~_ . - . - .4~ 6~t- ..... -day of ...= el7rlasz~S....... E 9 ti?. - - ~ft3cc me. [he nndcr5igueti_ a Notary Public <br />dull wtrrmissiaxeed gad qualafied far said county. pss5onalEy carne. STE4Et3 .F. -~.tdD£StrJ:7r .A. CTc:i~vk''.AZ-?A,L'TP."r.12 <br />0~', 3.~.A. • ItvV~aTcfEiiTSr. Ltd..,,, ~B~.c~,:~~ L~fIT)rJ,'A,~,f~E,FtS,flt'........ , te*, me icndwn to be the <br />idcntictt peasants) whose nalncts) arc subscriEM:d tq she ;ore~aing instrument and scknowiedged the e><eeutipn <br />s]~3L`~SD}YSa~S~. <br />~N3' E'a~m~r_in1I.C..rpilCSr. 9~ f ~ ~ YF! t' f f cam <br />__.~r S i~~.. .,, i ,.,., ,~,,,,,~,,.,~, <br />{.f#Fah4 MOl AAT-S1NeMksl:pka Notary' Pubfit <br />i 1t-fpRtl'Y NY. Ev~tillMBEi1 <br />NFY!~aanA11. ~P ~N $• t4Q~ <br />rs~~ tC67UR TRI$ 41RG 8asarooo F6f llGrtiLFf ttttl7 tS&4lai8fr7 <br /> b <br />~ <br />t7 !fi <br /> <br />~ ill ~ -'1 <br />~ <br />rn <br />~~ ~ ry ~ <br />~` o <br />"` m <br />T~27.. <br />c~ _- a ~ c~ <br />n ~ a ~~ <br />~f~ 2 r <br />~ ~ '~ ~t <br />' <br /> <br />~ a <br />~ F~ <br />, <br /> -nr• <br />Gn <br /> ~ ~' b <br />r <br />E _~~ <br />~Jt ;, <br />