<br />Lender`s written a$cecmrnt or applicatle law. Hormwer shall pay the amaunt cf all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mau+scr pYavided under paragraph 2 heeeref.
<br />Any amotmts disbuescd by Lender ptersuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become addf(ionat
<br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgagn. Unless Borrower and Lender agree Ycr other 1ertYrs of payment. such
<br />j atttattnts shall rte payable itpcrn notice foam i.ender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of d'esbutsement at rho rate payat+le from itme to time on outstand'eng principal under the 'late unless payment of
<br />iate~st at xuch rate wovid be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shah bear interest at the highest rate
<br />petvniasible under applicable law. Nothing captained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. inagtectitra, Lender may make or settee u> he made reasortahie entries upon and inspeMians of the Property, provided
<br />that Tender shall give Borrower notice prior to am~ each inspection specifying reasanahle cause therefor related to t..ender's
<br />~. intarest in the 1'raporty.
<br />4. Ctmdetntaatloa. The prncceds , f any au>ard or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />eondemnarian oe other taking of the Property. ar part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />andk shall be paid Yo Lender.
<br />to the event of a total taking of the Property, the prcxecds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excesx, if any, paid m $arrowrr In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless 8orrowcr and i.,ender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there sfiall lee applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as ~s equal to that propi>rtian which the :amaunt nt the cams secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately poor :n the date of !eking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Property is abandoned by Barrnwer, ar if. abet nntia.e by (.ender to Harrower that the condemnor a$ers to make
<br />an award or settle a cladm for damage., Bnrrawe: fails to rzsnnnd rc Lender within 30 days after the date Stich notice is
<br />mailed. iatttler is atsiht+rifiad io u~lleet and apply (Ile prtKee6s. at f entier's option. etither to restoracinn ar repair of the
<br />Property nr ;a the sums st:ctsred hr this Mortgage.
<br />L3nieSf Lender and Borrower otherwise agree to writing. ens' such application of Proceeds to Principal shall not extend
<br />or past~ne the dos date of (hC monthly' installmcnrs rc2zrred ro in ;+aragraph< I and 3 hereof oe cY.ange the amaunt of
<br />such installmerns.
<br />10. 6orro>+er Not Relcaised. Extension of the r,mc far , aymert er modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this ?xfottgage granted by Lender u± any successtrr .n in€erest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the 1sabiliry of the ariginat~6arrx.wer and Harrower's rrccessors in irteresr. Lender shalt pat be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to ezeend time Fnr payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Martgttgc h}' t'cason of any demand made hy' the c+r=.ivinai Borrower and Harrower's su:.cessors in interest.
<br />It. TMorettaitaatsa br a.€ar'.zr Nrk a "~aa.er. :'.tr. ;:,r(~na,ance :`, l.cnder in ex^^„sing a v right nr remedy hereunder. or
<br />a[hetwise afforded by applicable taw. sh~li not he a waiver c.t nr preclude the exercises of say such right er remedy.
<br />Tlie procurement of insurance or the paymem of taxes or nthcr liens cu charges by £..endez shall no[ he a waiver of £.endcr's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness ~ectsrsd by this Mortgage.
<br />t2. Remedies Ctmaalaft~e. Ali remedies pravrded n this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any ashes right or
<br />remedy under Ibis Mortgage ae at#ar;£ed hq !aw~ or equity..tnd Tray M cxerctscd concurrently. independently or succzsxively.
<br />13. Suetsesstrra alto AsaiE;m 13oattrl; Joint alto $eret'at l.iabtlttyt Captions. llte covenants and agreements herein
<br />con€ained sh~B bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respccnve successors and assigns oC i.:ender and Aarmwer.
<br />subject tt> the provistans of paragraph ?' hereof- rtil covenants and agreements of Harrower shah be taint and several.
<br />The c:.aptians and headings of the paragrap?ts of this Mtrregagc are far cunveniencz only and arc not to he used to
<br />intzrpre( or define alts pmvisiems hereof.
<br />td. Notice. Except for any notine required under applicable law Ira he g,ivKO is another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this'viorigxgc shall he grvcn by malting aucla nottCc' by certified mail addressed to Anrrower at
<br />the Property Addrt+s nr :et such ixher addr~s~.es H<>rrc.wcr may de.:gnace by notice to l.cnder as prnvici~d herein, and
<br />fb3 any notice to Lender shall ++z gsvcn by cert:fnd misfit, rettcrn rcxetpt rrques2ed.:o I enders address slated herein or to
<br />sxech other address as l.rtider Wray designate by :>oricc tt+ Harrower as provided hertm_ Anv notice provided for in thus
<br />Mortgage sha1S tee deemed to hive been given to Sot'rowcr or i ender ^^+hen gi4'en in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. L+nifotw MattRay(eS (;overniey( Law: SeserabHity. Thrs form of mortgage amrbinex uniform covenants for national
<br />nee, and pan-unifarnt cavenams wHh Eimitexl variataens by ;;irssdietiou to cansti2ute a uniform securely instrument covering
<br />rea.3 property. This Mo€'tgagc shat) tx^ gaverued by the is+w of tf>z }uri,dictian in ~.<~hich the Property is located. in the
<br />ev¢ni that any pravisiim or clause of this Mortgage or the Note confl~icis ~witlt applicable law, such caniliet shall nett affect
<br />- other previsions of this Mortgage or the Nnte wirkh pan t>z i,,,ven effect witharrt the conRliciing provision, and io Shia
<br />end the provisions aof the Mortgage and Ilte Note arc dr'iared to he severahie.
<br />1i. ltortower'a Copy. Harrower sliali oe :urntshed a conformed cc+py of the Note and of this Mortgage a2 the time
<br />of exrcutson or after ccuxdacion hereof.
<br />19. Treader of toe Property; Axsampiiau. tf ail or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ar transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender's prior writiea consent, excluding tal the creation aC a lien ar cncumbranc;e subordinate to
<br />This Mortgage, fb? iltC creation of a purchase. mosey security interest for household appliances, tcJ a transfer by devise,
<br />descent ar by opu'ation c?f law upon the death of a }Dint tenant x ie;F the grant of any Seaselsold interest of three years or less
<br />not containing an option to purchase. £,etider may, a( t.ertder's op€ian, declare ail the sums scatted by this Alortgage to be
<br />iisrtnetiatt3y dtle and payable. 3~^ndes shall have waived each option to accttuate if. prio2 Ln the eats or trangfcr, t.endcr
<br />and the person to whom the Propi:rty is to br said oc transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satietaitory to lender and that the interest payable an the sums. secured by this Mortgage shall be at such rake as Lender
<br />shall regttest, if Lcsutca has waived the option to acctkratc provided to this paragraph i7, and if Borrowers sacs uor in
<br />intrazsi has .:.xccu<od a written assuanption agreemea+t ass:eptnd in w;;ting by tender, Lender shaI] roleasz torrower Stara all
<br />obigations under this Mortgage sad the Nate.
<br />If Lendct exercises sash option w aceclcratc, Lender shall ntaSl Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragrapt td hereof. Such rtotlce shalt provide a pcrind e; m>t less ihao it3 days from the date the: nozict is mailed within
<br />whttlt Harrower mat pay the sums declared due. if Borrower fails to pay such rums prior Co the ezpiratian of such period,
<br />Timdcr tray, without further neticc ar decmatxl oti Harrower, invoke any remedies pcrrn;tted l,y paragraph ! 3 hereof.
<br />Nr1ta-UNfFi}aM CovENATiTS. t3orrawer and tinder fit»]tcr covcnarr and agree ss follaws~;
<br />fib., ACCtlnt'~f10H; 1fei~iilta.. lritttpt 8:5 paoritted is paragraph i7 itee$af. upon iiorruwer`a ieteacla ef. any aac66ra2. nT
<br />aeapeM.nt`Berrowu in the Mrrrtgnge, intSadittg the cuseraaats to pay when one ant sums sacnted by ibis M1'l<rrtgage,
<br />I,araikr pr3ar to acCelextLLiwa sttaafl maH uattee ter BWrawee as presided in paragraph i1 hereof specifying: iY} the breach:
<br />d~)'tbe asEMte rettaJrttt! to cause stash br+wzfr; t3} a date, not teas than 3ti days from the hate the notice is tnniled to Borrower.
<br />tryrrtucb awcb.6rtax# tams(. be rarest:. sad 443 tkst failure to cure such breach au er before We dale spec:itiat in the taotice
<br />F. patty traeuft In at:t:tbssatlatt a$ tAe a'atats art:urcd b,} itti+t .'trforlgage, farectasare tr7' judicial proceeding and sale of tkc Ptxapcrty',
<br />~... TNe uutne si>vH.ftittktrr iafai'mtt€orsxawxr of the r~ht ao reiamtaRe after aectteraiton and the tight to assert in the forechwure
<br />' prra^erduag rda moo-czi+ar's:i•e of a dtCiuelt w nay utiwer drfeaxe ttf $orrow~er to xaelrrftf3art. sad foracinaitre. f£ (be breach
<br />h tws cooed eta ter Qctwc. ibe tRaAc vpecfiind. in the rwti~c, 4etader at txwdrr s option may dec;iarc atE of the sums sccared hp
<br />tLia '*iaiteisgz to hr imtutdttdtty dac oleo payable witturut faitia:r diataatad and may fnrcrlosr by jtadicwl prvreod}trg. tcaadrr
<br />rJnait to ratitted kt rvltc::t in aFtaeh tarvctetttrig nit axptmss of Paroctosurc, (rutuditr~, hug pat limited io,. c~r5 rf duentzrentary
<br />gridctrsc,, asbiMrty:}s axed tint rpp+?eta'.
<br />t9, tlerrusrrz`s 3t,4~1y to ttaimdtdte, No:withsiaudrng i_anda % °creleraturn e,f the rts~nss s~urcd by thtla Martgage_
<br />Bf3trt'~aat slx,alo haws s`re rtgtet to ?taws ao)` pazxeedinyts begun by- t,endcr ter entnrce roes '~3orgag..tnst.aat2inued et ar:v iFm¢
<br />