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82- ~ 1~U5 <br />X11 of Gary ;4~ttenbrink's right, title, and interest in and to the <br />following: <br />~ Saarthwest Quarter (S4V$)af Section Eight (8} in lbwnship Twelve (12) <br />North, Range Nine (9) West Of the 6th P.I. iA Hall (btmty, Nebraskay <br />except 7.6 acres in the Southwest Corner of said Southwest. auaY'ter (SW~) <br />formerly occupied by a Ctsurch and Sc3mo1 consisting 'of 152.4 acres more or <br />less, the 7.6 acres mare particularly described in Deed recorded in Brack 96, <br />Page 190 of the Deed Records in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall. <br />County, Nebraska, and Sartheast Qt;drter (SEA} of Section Sight (8), <br />TY~wnship Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9} West of the 6th P.Z4. excepting <br />that portion thereof conveyeed to the State of Nebraska by Warranty Deed <br />recorded in Hank 77, Page 57 of the Deed Records of Hall Oounty, Nebraska, <br />and the Southwest Quarter (SW~) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Tbvvnship <br />TMuelve {12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. and lnt Taco {2} in <br />Section Thirty f~) in Taunship Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of <br />the 6th P.Al., Hall County, Nebraska, and The Southeast Quarter {SEA) of <br />Section T+~enty-Six (26) in 7bwnship Twelve (12} North, Range Ten (10} West <br />of the 6th P.k:., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The South Half (S~) of Section T'en (10),Township Twelve (12), Range Ten (10), <br />except a tract of Iand beginning at the southwest corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SEA); thence westerly along the south line of said Section Ten (10), <br />a distance of Four Hundred Forty (440.0} feet; thence deflecting right 90000' <br />and rnnn; northerly, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy Eight (378.0} <br />feet; thence deflecting right 36002' and running northeasterly, a distance <br />of Seven Hundred. Eighty One and Twenty Five Hundredths (781.25) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 35052' and running ~rtherly, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Ninety Eight and Fifty eve Hund_*~dths (698.55) feet; thence deflecting <br />left 20011'50" and rnnnin~a northwesterly, a distance of Aline Hundred Sixty <br />Six and Eleven Hundredths (966.11) feet; thence deflecting right 110°14'20" <br />and n,nn;n~ easterly, a distance of Six Hundred Eighty Eight and Seventy <br />Six Hundredths (688.?6) feet; thence deflecting right 110017'30" and running <br />southwesterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Sixty Six and Eleven Hundredths <br />(966.11) feet; thence deflecting left 20°20' and running southerly, a <br />distance of Six Hundred Ninety Eight and Six Tenths (698.6} feet; thence <br />deflecting left 25°31' and mm~ing southeasterly, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Forty Four and Thirty Nine Hundredths (644.39} feet; thence deflecting <br />right 25°21' and running southerly, a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Seven <br />and Twenty One Hundredths (427.23) feet, to the south line of said Section <br />Ten (10}; thence westerly along the south line of said Section Ten (10), a <br />distance of Three. Hundred Fifteen (315.0) feet to the place of beginning <br />and containing 20.005 acres more or less. <br />The North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N~SE~), Section ;tventy-Nine (29), <br />TL'n~sship Twelve (22)> Range Nine (9) <br />117.1 in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />L.__ <br /> <br /> <br />