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<br />7. f~n~d>~muatsoa.. Ic the ecrmt the Property, ar any part thereof, shads. be taken by eminent domain, the,Mortgagee <br />is.empaw~r~red to cotlecr and receive adl car¢ipe>zasatian which'may berpaid forany property. taken or far darnageb to propetty <br />rot tsicen, and Sfor~ga~ee shad! :ippty sash compensatdan, at its option, either to a redueti~ of the fndebtedness seeurect <br />hereby or i~ repeilr and restore the property sa damaged'. <br />t 8. Performance by iortgagee. Mortgagee may, but shall bees no abligatlon, to do any act which tlxe Markgagor <br />ii };~ ,s~~ but tails to do, and i9ortgager may alap da any act it Lo proGett the lien hereof. b4ortgagor <br />agree~c to repay, upon demand, any sums so expeaded by the hlortgagee for the above purposes, and.any sums so expended <br />by the ~fortgugee shat) ~ added to the`indebtedness secured hereby aad become subject to the ilea hereof. Mortgaiiee <br />sha;f not incur any personal liabititc because of anything it may do or omitta do hereunder. <br />9. f)efauit Assi~tmettt oC Reats. Time is of the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant <br />octgage, includiagcovenants to-pay when due the sums secured b this Mort <br />or agreement of this M y gage, ties Mortgagee shalt <br />be entitled, ac its sate option and vhthoat notice, to declaze elf sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and <br />payable and may catnmenee foreclosure-of tizis Mortgage: by judicial proceedings;: and, provided further, that upon such <br />defaulk the Mortgagee, or x receiverappaintad by a court, may at-its option and without regard to-the adequacy of the <br />secuity, enter uprrn and take possession of Lhe Property and collect the rents, issues and-profits therefrom and apply them <br />Firs! to the case of sotlection and operation of the Property and then upon the indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee; <br />said rer~s, i<suesand profits-being assigned to the hIortgagee as further security for the payment of the indebtedaess <br />secured hereby. <br />i0. 'i~ansfer of Property. iP all or any park ofthe Property is sold. or transferred without the express written coa- <br />sert of the Mortgagee; Mortgagee may at its-sole option, declare adl sums secu~t 1 by this Mortgage. to be immediately'dtte <br />and payat;te. <br />1."x. Futute Advances.. tipon. request. of 1'tortgagor, Markgagee ma3~ make additional: andfuture advances toy. <br />:'Mortgagee. Such'advaaces, with-interest thereon,. shads. be secured by-this Mortgage when evidenced by=promissory notes <br />stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no Eime shall the principal amount of :.l:e dndebtedness secured b} this- <br />Mortgage, not ineiudang sums:advanced to protest the security of this, Mortgage, exceed the original Note: <br />12; Miscellaneous Provisroas: <br />(a) Any forebearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof. <br />ihl Ali remedies provided hareia are distinct and cumuiat:ve to any other right afforded'by Eaw orequity, <br />and may;be.exercisgd :^oncurmntdy, independently or suecessrvely. <br />(c) The covenants and- agreements contained herein shadd bind, and the rights inure to, the respective <br />suecessors:and assigns of the. Mortgagor and. the !vlortgagee. <br />{di A!1 covenants and agreemedts of the hfortgagar are joint and several: <br />(e) Tlse headings of, the paragraphs of th9s h7ortgage-are for convenience only and shall eat be used to inter- <br />pret.or define-the provisions hereof. <br />i3. Release. i7poa payment of alF'sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge .this Mortgage. and <br />seal{ execute. and deliver a satisfactory release therefor.. <br />IN WITNISS WHEREdF; 74lortgagor has executed this 5lortgage an'che ~~L;_ day of _i<'tl't1TV , 19 ~_. <br />t ~ <br />~ i <br />__ _ ~ _ <br />Borrower <br />. .. Borrower <br />State of Nebrasky, ____ N~71_ ~ _.__ f;aunty .ss: <br />oa tni,_ 3rd __:1ay of --- _ Febrttas'Y , 19 g2_ . <br />before me, the undersigned; a Notary Public <br />dais= commissioned and auaBfied lar said county, p,~rsonally canie._ CIdY'~Z__~fE?t.~Elri~x?nk- ;^ __^T_ <br />- --- --------- _ -- --~._~ .~..~.._.,._~_______ to me known to 6e the <br />iden[izal_ person(s) whose name(sl -re -uhu~nbed to the foregoing instrument andacknowledged theexecution.ahereof <br />to be ~ b _-_-~--- voluncar} act and deed. ,~`/'~f~~ <br />r ,/ <br />1t stress my hand and noi.ariai Wand ISI _, in: sadd county, the <br />date ator.satd: ~ ~ "-' <br />My Cosnrrirsnion e ~'// r;' <br />GiaUM awiw-Mrp ~1 Maw .~'. r P' ~ „> <br />4 noiwa ,%f . ---Notary F,rbt;c <br />~ ad.a [w- Ilea. ~e ~ <br />--~- --- i!+P~ir Relu~ Trri1 t.use. Rescr,•~~d For t.emder uad ReeorderJ ---------.----..-_.._.-._~.~-_. <br /> <br />iii. „t;t'~ t \ i~ ~ -. <br />