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-,... <br />+J Ll ~ ~ ~ ~ MQRT~AGE <br />{' This Mortgage is entered inter F;etween ~ GE11~Y. HSEIZT~Hk7:INK `~ ~._ <br />p (herein ••NSortgsgor"l sr~d <br />! _ 'IiiE_O`J~I~1~, l`It~'I'IfJNA~i BEi1VK;U~ GRAl~7 IST Grnnd Tsland. NE (herein "Mortgagee"1 <br />ytartgagar is-indebted':to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ `lam' ~. ~ , evidenced by Martgagor's note <br />dazsid -~iJrtlBS'Y 3. 1952 (herein "Nola"j providing for payrnents of,principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness; if not loaner paid, dae andpayable on Ai~Til 15: 1~2 <br />To serum tttepaymentaf the Ivotf, with intemstasprovided thereih; the payment:of-all ether sums, with intenzst,: <br />advanced-lry ~tvlortgagee to protect"the security of this Mortgage; and the performance of the covenants and agreements af- <br />the C~iartgagar contained herein; Martgagar does hereby mortgage-and convey to:bSOrtgagee the t'ollowing described: <br />propertc !orated in HaT1 ._~ County; Nebrasliai <br />West Half of the-. Southwest,42uarter (W}, Section. Three (3}, <br />Toviinshi.g Eleven (21), Range Ten (10}..West o3 the Bth P,;4f. , <br />Hall County, l~ebraska, <br />Al <br />Attached <br />Together with all buildings, improvements, t'ixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights,: Privileges and..: <br />appurtenances located cherean or in anywise pertaining.thereio, and the n rill. issues and profits, reversions and remainders <br />theccmf;,inrluding, but not .limited ter, heating aad cooling equipment and such :personal property: that is attached to the <br />improvements sa as do constitute. a fixture„.alt. of which, inctudmg replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared <br />t® be apart of the real estate secured by the-lien €rf this :Mortgage and all oC the foregoing being referred to herein as the:- <br />Mortgagor furthersonvenarris and agrees, with Mortgagee, asfollows: <br />1.. Payment., To pap= the indebtedness andthe-interest thereon as ptovidecl in this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. Title. Mortgagor is, tree owner of:the Propt+rty, has the right and sutharity to mortgage. the-Property, and <br />watrtmts. thak the 3ien created-:hereby. is a f rst and prior iieo on. the ['roperty, except. as may otherwise be set forth herein. <br />The Property s subject. to a A~lorgage rvirerein Fqu~table I.>l~fe Assurance Society of .the United States <br />is the ?Mortgagee, rccatded at-Soolt~.~~ ,Page, ~---_ _.. of the-blur&gage Recards.of ~. Ha:ll County,:... <br />Nebrasiki.. which b}rNtgage is-a-lien prior to the lten created hereby:. . <br />~}, other prior hens or;encumbrances: _ The Overland National;~Bank_ of Grand Islatid_ <br />3. Tars, htt; To pay when due nit taxes, special assessmetsGs.:and alfother charges against the Property <br />and. open written deuraud by Mortgagee, to add to.the:payments requited under: the Note securedihereby, such-amount as , - <br />may be sufficienE to enat~e the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as they become due:: <br />4. Insurance. 'l'n i:eep the :improuements now. or hereafter located, on the real:-estate described herein insured <br />againsE damage by fire a1d sueh ether hazards as ?ilartgagee may require, in amounts and' with companies acceptable to the <br />lMortgagee, and with loss payable to-the Mortgagee, in case of Easy under. such policies the Mortgagee is authorised to <br />adjust, collect and compromise, in its discretion, all cleans thereunder at its strle.optfan, authorized toeithfrapp!y tr:e-- <br />pn+ceeds to the mstoration of xhe Property or upon the indebtedness. secured hereby, but payments hei+eunder sSali con-~ <br />- time urdil the sums secured hereby are paid in full... -.' - ....- ~. <br />5. +~~ Escrow For Taxes and lnxuxarce. hotwithstandingar?ythingc;ontained:in paragraphs 3 and 4 hercol ta:the <br />cancrary, :iaaig>~cr suaiipay to tie y3orEgagee ai the-iimeoC paying t ~ ,.:n.hrJ F- of ptine:ipai,a,~u ~,< <., <br />erne-twelllh'oC ttre yearly fixes, as.~~smenta, haca;d insurance premiums, andground re»s (if anpjwlrrch-ma}° attains <br />priority over this Mor-:gage, stl as reascnahly estirrrated from ttme: to time by:the ?r2ortgagee. 'f he amounts so paid shall be <br />t„p1d b}• the :vlorl;agee. ~viG'suut irtetesk and applied. to thepa}'ment vi t!ie items. to respect towhich:suchanaunts.were <br />3e~we<Eed_ Tare sunzr, paid io ',4artgayee hereunder a:e pietiged as addiuc+nap secynty far3he tndebtedness secured by this <br />Mo¢iga}p_ ~fortgagocattali pay to lriorsgaxee the tsmouutsrl' <urS ~ r^ieacy between. the actual taxes, assessments, insurance. <br />prerniczn~ acrd ground rents and tlic deliasii=, l:ereutzder witisi~: 1J dapsst`trr desnand.s`s made upon hlartgngur tequestiog,. <br />pnyrrreriitltrrc•aC. <br />~. Etepair, llaintenancz and L'se. f'o promptly repair. restore err rebuild any improvements noxr err <br />hsrvntitt,r an zh,+• Pra,'znrr;•; to g:eYp t>•e Property in g.>od r~undition azid eepmsr. wsthoui.wast~.mnd:Creefrom mec~#Eenir~"s ur <br />r Sher?lens riot es prex-.> r.~:iwrdihated av tau lien nerr•at: nr,r. to make, su F"#er ur perrrrit vny nui4arxcxx i.a exist, nor aodiratirr- <br />Fli yr iattr ol- iE~rv a:~tiu~ r., tier, ftioi»•rt~ b. an,. uwi :*~' a: rsGazioai ice itc.E. Brad to rr,7mplg ~i16~ al! €eelulraKtre2tt5 of taw wibh <br />rextmc 1,= gjig. Prc,ln-rt?'. <br />