<br />1. Condemnation: In theeventthet`'roperty,nranypartthereof,,hali bz taken by emineht domain,the Mgrtgag~
<br />i5 ein?ower?d to'c~Hectand rateeive all coan~rtsat"eqn which may be paid for any ppaperty taken or for damages to property
<br />~,o'. raker, and Mo;t~agFe sitar apply such coiupensatfan, ad; its optign, either to a reduMlon of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or io mcair and restgre the propertp so damaged:
<br />S. Pei~aemasnce by Mortgagee.. Mortgagee may, but shat! have no obligation,. to do any aet which the Mortgagor
<br />hoc agreed but feils>ta do, and Mortgagee mag also do any act it deems necessary toprotect the Iien hereoY. Mgrtgaggr-
<br />agar s t o repay, upon demand, any sutnss: so expended by the Aotot~agee for the above purposes, and'any sums so expended
<br />by the lLlortbagee shall be added to the indabtedeiess seeured hereby and:become subject. to the Tien hereof: Mortgagee
<br />shall not incur any personaF'labllity begause of anything it may do oromit io do hereunder:
<br />9. Default; Assignment of Rents. Time, is oY-the esseace hereof, and upgn Moxtgaggr's default in aaiy covenant
<br />or a;~eemcnt of this ~lbrtgage, including covenants to: pay when due the sums secured"by this-Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall::.
<br />be entitled, at its sole. option and without notice, to declare all sums secured 6y this Mortgage to be immediately.dua'and
<br />payable and ma}^ cgmutence foreelosure of this Mortgage by judicial proceedings; and, provided furtherythat.upon such:-
<br />default the Mortgagee, nr a receiver appginted by a court; may at its option and without ri9gard to the adequacy of the
<br />security, enixr upon and take'possession of the Firoperty and collectthe rents, issues and: profits therefrom and apply them
<br />firsS. r„ the cost oE' cotlectioo and operation of the Property and then upon the indebtedness secured,bythis Mortgagee;
<br />said rent;, issues and profits being assigned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of the indebtedness
<br />secured tierabv. -
<br />10. Transfer of Property. If afl or any part of the Property: is sold ar transferred without the express written con-
<br />sent of the Mortgagee, Mortgagee. may at its soleoption, declare a}I sums secw ad:by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and payable. ,
<br />21_. Future Advances. Upon request. of Mortgagor,. Mgrtgagee may make additional and,:future advances to
<br />Mortgagee. iiuch advances, with interest thereon, shall. be secured by this Mortgage when e~idertced bypramissorynotes
<br />:stating that said notes am secured hereby. At no time shall the principal. amount of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, rat nchrding sums advanced to protect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />t2: Miscellaneons.Pravisions.
<br />{a). Any forehearance in exercising sny right or remedy shalt not be a.waiver thereof.
<br />(b)' Alf remediss provided herein an= distinct and cumulative to any. other-right afforded by taw or equity,
<br />and-may be exercised sonc,urtently, independently or successivety.
<br />(c) The covenants and. agreements contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure tf±, the-respective
<br />suceeswrsand assigns of flee b4ongagor and the h3ongagee.
<br />(d} AI! covenants and agreements of the Mortgagor are joint and several..
<br />(e} The beacliatgs of the paragraphs of this Mongage are for convenience only and shalt not be used to inter-
<br />prat or dePne the provisions hereo£,
<br />13:;Rek:asr,. Ugon:pay.ment of all runts secured by this Mortgage, ~~lortgagee shall discharge this. Mortgage acid
<br />shall-execut?eand deliver a satisfactsry release therefor.
<br />IN-WITNESS: WHEREOF, ~4ortgagor has rxkeuted this .Mortgage on the 32Y3 day of _ Febrtzar~__, 19 ~~ .
<br />"p
<br />ttenbr~~~ BOffUWYI"
<br />BOLTO W er
<br />Sete of l~tebraska, Ha21 _ County ss:
<br />On this __3S'd_ day of ~~&z'Y _, 19~.:.,_, before. me; the undersigned, a Ngtary Public
<br />John ;uiettenbrnk
<br />duly comrnissioned and qualified for said-county; personally camw - -_,-_,__,_ _- -----
<br />-------- ---------.-_-- ._, , _._ ___~.~.--~.-_---• to ma known to be the
<br />identical perspn~s) who::e ^amel~} are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and ackngwledged the, execution thereof
<br />to be . _ _-- ~-5--_----~ voluntan•- act and dec d:
<br />Siitnerss. m}~ hand and notarial seal aL._ _ Grand ZSl -Jr` 4 --...._._..._.in said couttty, the
<br />data aforesaid _ ~ ~s - - ~ ,
<br />bly Cortmis,ior. expires
<br />airtllit ilflMr-itlal~~ ~ / G',!__u~~~~ ~~ ~-- -.~-
<br />if0rfl~'P A Mpr>l~ / ~~1xrr eubAic
<br />~ IAK 4 ton ~,11i
<br />__.___ __.____-____-_.__._..__. i~Paco tirlo.~ Thu Lin.: a.eyrrred F'p; Lenclerand Rec~Lde) -.__-,..--.--....--.------.-.-___,~....__
<br />