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<br />~} ~~ ~ v ~ ~` hSfPRTGAfiE <br />This Mcrtga~ is en[et~ed iMO heiween ll$EI'1FirIN1~ ~...._ <br />_._. .- ----__- --•-__~_~___ _..__.-___. .(herein"!Mortgagor")and <br />If~_!~VII~I.~AI31)_i~i.4TF~Q114tSL,Bf11~ IJFF` C~1iV17' ISL,At~II1:. G2~T3C1 1S1fLild~ NE ~_(herein "b,iortgagee"). <br />luicrt.gagor is indebted to D4ortgagee in 'the prittctpal sum of $ 335 `(740:00 ,evidenced by.s4t~rtgagor's note <br />tiHted ~ebrsaz~' 3_3982_ (herein "Note"1 prnv(dmg for payments of pr-neipat andinterest, with ttie. balanr..~.o4' the <br />indebtedness, i; not sooner paid, du+e and payable on April 15, 10$^x- , <br />To secure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment u[ all other sums, with interest; <br />advanced by :Mortgagee to protect the security of Lt»s Mortgage; and theperfotmanca of the covenants and agraements of <br />the ?.tortgagar ecxttained herein, Rfortgagor does iwreby mortgage and "convey to Martgegee the tottovriag described <br />ptnprrty iocated in ~ IiHI 1 Gorxnty. 33ebraska_ <br />Attaetted <br />'f'ogether with: ail buildings, improvements, Gxtisres, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br />appurtenances iocated Thereon or in ao}~wisc• pertaining titeretu, xndttte renst issues and profits, revetsidns and remainders <br />thereof; including, but not limited w, heathg and cvottreg equipment and: suctf personal property that is attached'to the- <br />impmvements so as to nznstitute a fixture; akt of which;. including replacements and additions-thareto, is hereby declared <br />to be a part of the taxi estate,secured by the lien of this &iorPgage and attof the-foregoing beiagreferred to herein as the <br />..Property" <br />Mortgagor tlirther coavenstets and agrees, aiittt Mortgagee, as t'oliows- <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and The.-interest cFtereon as provided in this Mortgage. and the. .Note. <br />?: 'iltie- 'Kurtgagor is'the rrwner of the Properti~, has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants ittat [he lien created hereby is a;ftrsL and prior lien on:tne Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein. <br />C~ The Property is subject Lo a: iMortgage wherein _ EC]lll ~3lJll?_I,1.-fe ASS 1~T .an~y~~C~;? ~t Of t~p_~Tn3 ~~(~s <br />isthe Mortgagee,.recorded at Book _~_,.Page.._-._.. __..: of the itilgrtgag€. Recrrrds of,~ .Hail _Couaty e . <br />Nebrs::ka, which Mortgage is a lien prior to ilea lien eiwated #serrby- <br />~ Omer prior liens or encumbranceti ~Igle_UFIIE'X'I7Xld_Natonal H~ Of 0rand Island <br />3: Takes, As~ssments. To pay when due ail to.:e:, special aasessnier.ts and all other ctiaCges against. the Property <br />and, upon kiritten demand by ?tTortgagee, w :rdd to the payment-. required under the :sate secured hereby, such arnour.c as <br />may 6esuf6cient ko enable tite Mortgagee to pay such tax ~, assessnerrta or other eharges y they become due. <br />4. in~rance. To keep the improvements. now or hereafter locmterl ort the real estate described tereininsured <br />aQaiust damage by ti re and~uchother. hazard. a Atoctgagee may require, in amuunis and tivlth comp~~ies acceptable to the <br />-Mortgagee;and with lass payable to the Mortgagee, h cant ~:( los under sueh policies the Irtortgagee i; aut;<oriaed iv <br />adjust, collect and compromise, lei its ciseretion, al: cl;ums thezeunder at its sole option, authorizrd:.ociiherappiy ttr <br />pcoeezds to the restoeation of ti~~, Yrop+rty or upcu the indebi.ane~~ ,~~cund hereby„buL payments hereundersnatl con- <br />tiniH;.until the samsvecurcdhcreby are paid in t`uk,- <br />b. ~~ Exrrew.For Taxes and Insurance. Notwiths[andiae anrthiag contained in~~eragraAbs 3 and 4 hereof to the <br />contrary,-~iortgugor shall, pay to the Mortgagee at thetime r1P plying the monthly inStafiments of principal and icier,' <br />one-twe{Ftb cf the yearly ;.axes, a::scssments; hard insurance premiums, and ground *ea~+ iif zn}'i which rrtay Ettain a <br />prioeSty_over taus Mortgage., al! ax rexsenably cseimattd Cram time 'c time- b}~ the 14ortgagesr. ~'he amotutis so paid sha19 1~ <br />held bp, Ina !Mortpagsrewitkiou"s interest andapplied to thc~ payment of die items in^_~spcci tc which such BnigLRLB we~u- <br />tir;u»iced. "the sums paid to &tortgagtzehen~ondec aze pledged as additional .;`xarity for the ir,debtedne.~ aecured by this <br />?dortgage_?vicrigagcxshail pay to Mortgagee [he smoant of a .y detiv~enc - betwee n the ac taxi inx s, ati essrnent&, insurance- <br />presrlur~-and ground rents and the deptkvit; hereunder v;thin ;U :ay e.tter desnane i- madr hlartbagor zequestiag <br />~psyrr~eat [hereo-t: - - <br />5. Reisair, ~Ixintgmxuec snt! Dsx. Tce pronxptJ xr.paic, n~Starz~ or rc uuitd any hui?dire~r v:. ircepro,remet rww xtr <br />fseresxifsr ef;! E4ee lioperLx; Sa Kseti !6e' Pm~ra 32 gKn~d +~or. de tii~mx;rti xepaar, wi!,hca vast+~. un .Enx CP~i td~ nze.ChaalC'a'or <br />~stkfet tdesr= rot rxhsessfy~ auhordsai.ed :o Lhe lien her-<s! not- t~> rczakn, sati~r ~~: pe; m~; r,nt ~kxuis?an~ :~ to ex~sl, afar to d'4min- <br />isti ~x >razpcir the t-«tut~ of ttae.Prosexky- by a*rr net <~r rrtK-sari tc :pct: a,~a ~.~~:np ; wit:r all n-~.a,dr~r°~GZt,Fs of taw witfi <br />r~~t fir the Frciwst; , <br />