<br />i~~a1
<br />82--i~€~04~
<br />This ntt~rtgage made and sneered into this:~$~h...i.~_. day of __.~?anuar_y _~_.
<br />F9._,~__: by and ?~~twe~ert_
<br />Fax-Stalker Tnvestanents
<br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} and Commercial Islationat Bank and Trust Company
<br />nfortgag[.r), uho tita~ntaFns an office and' place of business at
<br />I-3aii Cocmty, Nehraska:
<br />424 W. Third
<br />{hereinafter referred: to as
<br />_ street in Grand. Island;
<br />~Vttta[.SSETR, [hat for the consideration Hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />dt>~ hereby mortgage, Sell; grant, assign,. and convey unto. the rnortgagce, its successors and assigns, ail of the fo(=
<br />locoing described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />Stale o(ltiebraska.
<br />IAt Thirty-Five (35) plus the South 12..56 Feet of Lot
<br />Twenty-Six {2&), Lafayette Park. Subdivision,. City of
<br />brand Island.. Ha11 Cow-rty, ~]ekaraska
<br />together with.att the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, all the rents, issues and prafils thereon, and all
<br />easements, rights, royalties, tttirterai, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, plttmbirig, refrigeration, iiehting,. equipment and all tixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or he€eafter attar^hed (hereto or nsecf in connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the, fallowing described properties which are a.nd :;hall be deemed to be fixtures and a par[ of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of=ttte security far the indebtedness trerein stated. {If none,. state "none") None
<br />'t`o }tgve attd to ho;d the same unto the A+lortgagce, as herein provtded;
<br />The mvrtKagar is lawfully :seized. and possessed- of and has the right to sell: and..-convey said.. property, that. the
<br />same i~ Pere from alt enenmEsranres-exrept as hereirrabove recited; and that Ivlortgagor covenants ro warrant and
<br />detcnd the title afare~aid chereta and every part thereof against the claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />This ins[rumen[ i, given to secure the payment of a pramtssory note dated January 28, 1982 __~~_
<br />in the principal ~[~m of 5_ 46.Ot)O.Q4: ,signed try Charles. E. Fox and:Harry C. Stalker
<br />in bchatf on ~ Fox-Stalker Investatents
<br />also, as such Hate ornot~ may from rinse to time t?e modified, renewed or exter:ded in sorting.
<br />In the eFen[ the title to said teat estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred,. from. the undersigned for any
<br />reason or by any rnr°thod whatsoever, the entire.grincpat sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />payable at [he election e~i the hfllder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of iitte as shave stated
<br />in arty instance shat! not canstittite a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of anY subsequent transfer.
<br />i. Tee mortgagor co.c:,ant and`agrecs as folowa:
<br />a. T•? protnptiy r+ay the ir?Pdet~tetlne3S estidertced i ; said prorr.s,or;~ neste ac the tames and in the rtanntr
<br />therein provided.
<br />h. Fo ras aii taxes, asscwmetits, +~^atet rates; and outer ~:~Yern:net~tal ur muncipai charges, fine, or
<br />in~p:r.i[ir~s~ far ~hicr, p*m~i;io~7 has-else been=mracie hercinbefc~ra~ -s, ,I ~,.~,13 promptiy definer the ofticiai re.eipts
<br />filter€fur to the sa,1 ;a=orte~t;ec-
<br />+> _ u,u ~ ~ 3 t e 9~ tt} , s;cd ~ ~rectEOn and ntainteranee ti>f seed ,?r ,zn:>
<br />=~+.t.u3„<~, :;~» „e, ~;!'~. i. .is~r .c, ~rr;t i ~n r,y rRr. m::rgax~ f , rive ;.~E{ectit+n of airy .fr a!} 01 the ttad~lr:di~r,.
<br />=. r; ~r ~ ,_r;rc L Er? ... .i r~.~; :` t ~.~,~_~:. .:;jc, r ., _~. Cyr . eC:`.i7tES, €~:~ SI dns- i13#'tLr s'efr~':9tlt'•[r tV ~. ,. _
<br />-. (. iy,F:Sy .s s
<br />