<br />(f) month prir~x to its due. date the annua} mortgage insurance premium in terrier [a provide such holder
<br />with 2,mds [a* ptiy stxelt premium to the Sea:retaty of Housing and Urban llevelopmsnt pursuant to t}ie
<br />:~fatianal Housing Act, as amended, and appifcats#r Regulations thrrrundrr; or
<br />(ii1 if and so Tong as said note of evert dale and [his instrument are itrld by the Sea^retary of Housing and
<br />[3rbatt Development, a monthly ettarge fin lieu ref o rnerrtgrr~e rrrsura»rr prerrtiuml wttiCit shall he in an
<br />amount equal to one-twehFth (l j}2) of one-half f1J?) per centum of [hr average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note ctxnputrd without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />{b) A seam equal: to t2ie ground rents, if any, next dire, plus [}ie preriums that wIlt next become due and payabDe on
<br />policies of fire and a#her hazard insurance coverfne [hr mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />an the; mortgaged property (alt as esrirnnted by ttie oifrrrtRagee/ less all sums already paid therefor divided by [tie
<br />number of months to etagse before one mane}t pricer to the date when suc}i ground stints, prrmfums, taxes and
<br />assessments will become detsnfluent, such sums to be held by 'Mortgagee in trust [o pay said ground: rents; pre-
<br />mitmts; 2axesand specatassessments; and.
<br />(c) r11t payrents mentioned in the two preceding subsections oC sills paragraph and a!1 payments to be made under
<br />the note secured tterek+y shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid t?y the Dv9ortgagor
<br />each month in a single paynterit to br applied ha• [he Mortgagee to the t'o4oweng items in the order set farttr~
<br />{I) ptert5ium ~iargansundax the contrast of htsuxance with the secretary oC Housing and Urban Development,
<br />ar mamtaly charge fr`n lieu n,j'rrzrrrtgage insurance preznzurrzJ, as rite case ;nay he;
<br />(IT) ground rents, taxes, assessments, ;ire and other haxard insurance premiums;
<br />(lit} Interest on the note secured hereby: acrd
<br />(14'l amortization of the prfnCrpa} of said note.
<br />:any deficiency in [he amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagoc prior to the due dafe of t#te itext suC#t pavnrant. a>nstitute an event of default under this tnoxtaage. Tate
<br />a~lortgaeee may Collect a °lat:r charge" not tct <xuex;d Pius cents e=t¢) for each dollar (51 } of each payment mtrre
<br />rhan. Cfftren { l S) Bays it arrears to cover the extea expense tnvnhred ire handling delinquent payments.
<br />a: '{`h'at if the total crt Chu, payments made by the Llore;gagor under /i>i of paragraph 3 preceding shall taxaeed
<br />t#re amount of"paytn$ttfs ar-tually made flu the thut~agee for ntnund mms. tazea and a sea;`ments or insurance pre-
<br />tniums;, as the i<a~~e mitt' her 3ach ertcess, if the loan rs current, at the oprion of t}te Mortgagor, shall he credited by
<br />the 3lorrga}xee cm ~~ib,~eyttent payments to kre mndc fry the, ttart~a;tnr- er re€unded to the '~}ttrtg:tvar. l€, havvever, !ht
<br />r,rontlrlp pavmenu= made by the:. Mortgagor under ~' ~ of laragraph :preceding shall not be sufficient to pa}' gsatnd
<br />retie. taxen and a.~~esstnent err insurance premium~..ta th<+ rase may trt•, wheel the same ,hail become dos and pay'-
<br />- able. then ttre liorti;a~or -haft pav to €he iloregagee arty amaunr, neressan• to make a}r the deficiencv: an or befose-
<br />Lhct data when paymev,t nf -,rch',amand rent.tiA tare-- ad t•ssrtiuni., or insuraneo premiums shall be r#nE'.. ll' at any
<br />tlnte the ~tort},a;;or shalt t~+nder ter the M1ltrrt~agce, in at'sariittnt^e with the pro,~i-alone of ttte nnte securc~af tierebV.
<br />Cull payrtrent cif th-i tint€re indebiedness rnprc+~ented therraf>v. ihr, liortf;axf•e wE[ail, in computing the: amount of such
<br />inc{ef,tednes-., dre~c ca the aceiwnt of rile Mortgagor ati p:r.=Wont:; made under the p>ro,i..ons a;f ; aj of para{tral~ 2
<br />hereaPx~urb tfic 19artgagee ham rmz het:ume ,ttrlit;.n,ud io pac i1r the iex`rrturl- of }lrfusin~+ ..rod }=rba_n (3vetopment
<br />mid'-a~y~ &af:enceremaitnng- in the funds accumulatcti under they prole.-iort~ of ':1 of paragraph L Itereaf, [f theca
<br />_>ha}l fie a iicFaztft under :ut_v ol'tfaa protisinn of thr~ rfsort.;;;~t;r r{~.u}tang tr a pub#ic .-alt^ ai the premt-n= covered
<br />heneby, or i€ the 1Mrtg$gtt+r sctlttirttt+ thi> pr<rpertc +vtherw4<x afir,r dt,F.tult, the M1lnrtgagec alto}1 upp#y, at. @rt~ time ref
<br />the eotnmt*neemrrnt. aC such praicevding+, or ,tt the time ilte pralrnrt>, is athtjrtvrse ac.yuired, iha° halant;~ then rkmain•
<br />ing in trite €nnd: arcumuiaced under •?,; of pary;xzrph ~ practuliny;. xs a credit against the unxJUnt. oi' prfncigai then
<br />rttmainin„ unpaid tutdcrsaid none, and ahal# ptx,perlt .tdjtrtt :u+r pas•menis ouiric}i ah311 brave beers made under i ~1
<br />oC parar;rziph `?-
<br />3- xhat ehr Martgrsgur wii} pay gzotmd rent.. rzixe- isrseataent;,. water ra~tra, and a!her t:ovrrnmen[sl or rnunicipa't
<br />char$r,. fines, ar int~isitiuns. leer with:h per.+vas+an has n.>t txen nracie hrreinbeforr, zind in drfanlt iherei>f the Mortgagee may
<br />px}°°ihr' same: artd thatthe 't€oxts~;ngor wilt prantpti}~ deliver the afliei.mtrrcripts therefor to ihr Mortgagee.
<br />* 'i~he Morigugur wi23 ray :at7 taae, 's'hish +nuy~ tar levir:d fapan ihr ,vlentgager's intesrsY in staid rest rniate and i+npravr-
<br />merits, told Nhicir may br. lc vied uptan dais martgapc ire the: drf?t secured hereby that only to the extent the[ such is not prahibrt-
<br />ed by tare and only Cur the rxtrna that such v:il# not ruakr thts #aan u,urtutis}, but excluding any incaanr tax, Slate qr Federal.
<br />ntfw •cd ~!n:'Martga~x:, and wit! aile the utTtciai receipt ,hourng such payrztrnt wits the Mifrtgager. Lipen violationof this under-
<br />takinK.:;; at tho~ '< ~: +eags: i ,,r his„r.d'oy any law ^ow ar hcrtaftrr e!ciamg from paying. tlee ,a<ho}e or any portion of the a€ore-
<br />saiu [.a~-., or upont~a r,~rd -;np of aey cuurE decree grrahifr€ting the payment by the't4artgagor or sov sui;h taxes, c+r i€ suchlaw
<br />ix de_rce pn~ria chat an r;oun; .o paid by the ifc3r'ttagor sitnt} t+r crrdite,f an the marigage debt, the Mortgagee shall ttavr
<br />the ~ gnt to ~;i,a ri r :, a v<rr¢teu not~-a; err the ownrs vi the aaarttid {?rGraises.,equ[r~ing the paymnn! o€ titn mortgage
<br /><..,t. Tt suuh rr c ;rz _:~ ~. + ;ha sd debt sirriii hecaxne due_ pay'abie and cu#>eCUI>ie .?t the rxpira[iUO c)€ said ninety days.
<br />6. That :ht+uiai he fa;] ac ,,riy surn or 3.ecp an} cavc~.zant prawided for in !his Mart~;ege. then the iViar[gagce, at 'its ap-
<br />!i,sn. eta> r+:,y .:r cx:rfc,rrn cnr. ~~ntc. anu a13. cnt3iture.+.:~:u m,ade shall be audrd zo-ifite principal cunt uwngirnt}tratrtrve. irate.,
<br />:a;i lx +crrrei_ fe eb~.. ar+d anal rear interest at trite rode ,r[ ic}rth in thesaid'no[r, unlit paid.
<br />Thera fK vu cb; as gns, trs [,rs and sets +»'er to the ~1ort~grr, to hr applied toward the payrnent of the note and ail
<br />wrr,;. ,ceurrei it ~rcf,y it , c ;.° :, ,efaulE in the. prrforrnanc~ of u,'ty of t}te terms and condititrns of this Aiortgage or the said
<br />r~;;~r-. 9 t;te rcn -.:r=en+=r, arc ie~a~^tetu be drtawrd frsam the mattgaf{rd prrniises during such time err: tfie anarigage indebtrd-
<br />nc_s sh '1 reria.r, un~;d_ ~in+J the ~?err itagea shad have pew~rr to zippuint any agent err agents it iraay dc^;ire Sur the purpose of
<br />repa~ nr, ,.fig ;, <„t:,c. ra..l ,~* re:ut:rm: the +anre tmd cailectingahr r-tints. revenues and nut,nf~, and it rnayr pay part ctf easel in-
<br /><irr:~ J ~,p~n •, ,>: re ' ;eg .;i,: , rerni,,ea and necessary commissions acrd rxprnvcs inew'red in renting anal managintt the
<br />:.f;sfc t,n~+ <tt ur., ic~ttng r~i [~ , ;tzirrin>~,+: i.ne twl:ans:e rantaineng,. if am, to he apptied tuwa:.d the dtschtrge u€ said. ntortgafr.
<br />crhicbledn~s~.
<br />lnai tk, ~, iii kcc> the ~np:v,.+rrnt, now txistittg err hrreseftrr erected ran the moregta~d psopcrty, in.urrd as Wray br
<br />,:;.qu,rrat ircfrt urtre ',, time i,v the 11 nu3s<•C erg:+inSt lass by lire and other hazards, .sistta}ties ,~nci contingencies in such
<br />:iat.at n , m; a ? >uch , cri r:J. as r:r:f :k rrGuirt:', h`: the ~9uritafyr anti wi#1 pay promptly, when due. ems prenfitzm un s:.cl;
<br />,,>;}s i uc~,v,n,n far ;r -u,•nt <,t v.?:ich ;. •. rw ix cu rn.:de he,einiretose. ;~#il insurance shall tie ...uaieu m t«rrpassiea :i;r.
<br />,n,i,~d'rr +he ' c rfti';3ee na:,i .hr p.,.+, ,<s ~,.,, :.,;e.+ai, :hereof shads are held ht ifre Mi>rtgngrs ~v t.,•:z .rtta>,frcd thereto+.,rss
<br />taa;a rEx '- e.rse~ •n to„t• <; .v~,i io f;r.,n a, ccptu BSc !~+..t#r Mattis. }n eirFlaE t:tf Po" ;fiarrgagar m, - <~ itntn+:xlieie na3tiea SYq
<br />rl~;li 1L= L~S4 ~{iVt ~-S::CI. '•s kl. R:iti I.l~i:i' rt.ii~f ,af,: it n«i anode pr'amptly b} Mckrtragii. and r:l~ F ~ISl,ura ttie catrtpanv 4'i)ta•
<br />~ ,~
<br />~:. r•ri .. i. '.1i/1v{l.'.+. S::U Q)rf.ta , . .+. d' ~J, '3irni far tittCi3 if?,,\ it trC, ley itl .!IC "f '1 f,,E.:.<'. i<"a{r ,:~~ to tIIL' MCexijtatT4lr
<br />;iris a ac- 4u-t};.,a, Fay err,:: tSe ,n.. a-nn~< r:. '_ . €x^ rn} peel Phareaf, „lac ~ ~ pt+s,e . ~ ~ ~~_ i,1 ;opts orttatrt either
<br />.. ,-, -a~deetax:ar :,. Chi' it rka h..: dr ~-, hereby ~.i.rn•±~n ~~s +hc rc,;vi.etiabu .i+ +<{..., ~i ,i.c : _. ~- +,': t•cnt pi f+3rei:.ltt-
<br />:err ~., :1+<r.~~rer.r. ~;,.,i+e: car,.f ~, o[.u tilt r.o ~;or+a..:gr., aru=...;ne of r*.. t t:,: ..oi., + i• sl.+~Ei;r:<-. ,eeureaf i'irre2~_v:
<br />.'.~,h t..e' an vc ?. , :~1 'S,C Vt,.r ~a,,:. ,,-• ,u.d , '. +~. +'r rr,'a-:+..let fe. ttf~n n' +._ tc t.~e ^ur,. `f ,. _. - irr~c.
<br />t n. _.. ,un.-_,. .,,, la.• .,, .__.it, ,K .. ,, ,',i ter a,,.c ,. c.< ... .J~ •. .,..
<br />.IL JAI. '{''f~.
<br />-:fir-,~~. rfx1tiu.E .f,';. n~.~^ rh f,a ~.. k4, ~;+t . , .~.e~ ,~ta .. t~^f,i,~+ ~ ,-!++ ..,, . _~ one:
<br />~f,m ;e~#: Mitt ,+IAi ., _. .U:u .. .a h D ii.:. r ,tb.' ., r., .. ~. . ...i. ...~ .. ti
<br />'.31£-:' :f.S IH. :TM+ iP.f >.~ t~ _ .~L~t ., t`1.7-f :#:t '. L:~:~: i - i _ ~..
<br />- - - 5f -'-.I ~ ~;l ~ cif J.',
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