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<br /> 'Phis z~7rm is-uaed in cannee- <br />q1~ ~y <br />~~~~~r4~ (,~ *~~~~. Y~~~j <br />l1 li $inn With tt1(!t't{*, $l ,~^P.d 6n4ttPpd <br />Undf'T tl'tC OTt.E: ttT fOIEP'-fatTiitj' <br />~ <br />~~ "'"r'f ~i Q ~ ~ ~ ptnviainns of the hlatinnaJ <br />Hauaing Act <br /> <br />MF <br />fZTS" <br />d7NTFILY INSTALI <br />R <br />' <br />" <br />" <br />' . <br />, <br />. <br />EASING z <br />B ~~ERRFS3 St~ <br />! <br />EIiEST APFD Iiu~ <br />i~Ti <br /> <br />':'HIS 1ff)RTE;,AGE:. made a~dde~eeutedthts 18th September ,4:P. <br />~~ Bi . by nd t+etwren Archie R. Kasmicki, a si>rlgle person, <br />sif thr Cnttnty ,~f hall ,and State of Net>s'aaska, party of the first patt,'hereinafter cai}ed <br />the ?~ftert2:+$or. and Superior f~rtgage, inc. <br />~aeorpprtntsncnganizedatrdexistPrtgunderthelawsttf i~braska <br />.party of tare secc+nd`part, hrrreYtafter~atted'the Mortgagee, <br />~'!'TNEC~;FTdi;"T'h.~tthesaid~lctrtgagor.farandincon ideratirtoofttiesumof- Thirty four thousand and <br />gsleJi00_~_..~~_ Di~lfars4S 34,000.0@ ).paidbytheMott- <br />gaeee, the raceipt of which is hereisw acknawledited, has Granted and Sofd and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain. Seii, fonvey and tc?ntirm unto the Mongagee. its successnrs and: assigne, forever, the foiiowng-described <br />real e~tatc. sHuatedintheCox+ntY o€ ~y~, , and~Siate <br />c.t Vebrteska: itt wtt; <br />'i9festerly Sevetttq-Bevan tom'} Feet of Lot Five: (5}, except the Westerly Eighteen <br />{38}, Feet thereof, in Block Six (6}, Westerhoff's First a^ubdvision in the City <br />of Grand Isattd, Hall tbunty, Nebraska, except the Sntxtherly Thirty (S30' } Feet- <br />. ths>seof, reectec2'to the City of Grand Island for street purposes. <br />of the Sixth Prirrs:ipal !nferidian, containing in alf <br />mE nt survey: <br />acres according to Govern- <br />'T") fir1~'F, kiSi)'Ct) Ht)LE? thapremt•ses ahaj+.`s described, •,kith ail the appurtenances thrreunzo ba[unging anzf including <br />alI he,a[ing. ptumtiingand ~ightingttztrrses.+ml e~rtipm~nt nrrw c>r here.rlter attached to or rased in conneelion with said real estate <br />itntn the a ,rt~rgae, and to its 3uecessors anti a_~sfgns. fr.revea.'Phe Morzlrtgor represents to, :utd cawenants with, theMortga- <br />-gec. th:,t the '~inrtgagor ha> graa>d right zp s~i7 ;ttad cenvna~ said premise..;:: tYtttt they are fxce from enczsmbrancec and that the <br />fNotlpaur Dili urr'reltt :clot dafererf tirasarne attaznst the lawful claims of at7 persons whtr:nsoever; and the said Mortgagorhere- <br />by ralingt:i,hc~ ~! rights of hramestead, and a3i marti,ti rtgftts. eittpet}-in Saw or in cyuizy, and a8 other contingent interests of the <br />S'.ongagc~r icr „net to the above-duet ilred prencis~. the isttentiefn kxing t,r owbvey hereby an xtrsalute title, in fee simple„inciud- <br />irt. ail ngt:t t hiitcytc,.il, ,,•hci rihfat; arfd initreatsas aforesaid. <br />PRt7~' fllf D ;~.i.t\ ~ YS, and ihe~epreientc arg exe:*.tztr~l and delivered upc~ the foilowingcgnditions, tawit: <br />'fhe ?:iurtg;ey:ir agrees to pay to tfze Mortgagee, nr c>ider. the pritttpai sum n€ Thirty four thousand and <br />nofi00----_r_~ fikaltars t~ ~k, OOO.OQ <br />rcith rntereu fertn da s; the ~aFe of I'~ghteen r uatftum-! 28> 00 `fa <br />pe j per annum.<ro <br />- ttw unpaid balance arrtil paid- i 1t ,raid ncipal and iazeresr sh:dl b¢ payable attha office4f <br />f~iperior Mortgage, Inc.. <br />ir, Grand 7g land, Nebraska . or at such other place as the hoiden of <br />the notem~y~I.~:ign:=tcinu;itirtg,inrtronthdt;nc;af;;rrcrtisof (according to Schedule A on said note} <br />2+lovemt~r- fhtitar> c ~ j, commencing on the first day of <br />. ty..8~ , and.on the &tst day of each munt~'t thereafter urtti3 the principal and. in- <br />tcr c :;,-e rulr~ paid. ra~epl tizai the, fxtat pay:ruant of prirtcipa4 anti interest, if nai su+aner paid, vhati be dne and <br />>3a ~ ~tcle ~rrr .he firtit day ,,f October, ~Oll ;ail according to the teims of acertain prtxlxis- <br />~ur~r,tr,r;c~.te~Satchcrewthexetutacfhgthesaid:+9ortg~ur.fdeferred interest shall be added to the principal <br />);alanc.~ monthly and sYtall' sncrease the pr ~teipal balance to not more than $38,510,421 <br />'The~ic.rtEit:arinordr; na~rrefulJ} tcrTrnlOCtth¢5eetui!yut thi 'sicrrtgase,sgrees. <br />...., ... . y-.. .,......,. .. ., ^.L~..f ,.E pro ...tsc~<. : iasiYei iir pay ii,e ifein eu 'viittaie, ut i1't ittt <br />z+e,rou:x ckwtl to ane or enure snorthiy a_c tnent> ;?n~the.ptinufwl t~rnt arZ nexttfiuc un the:noie, un thefarst day of airy month <br />prier to ma[:rraty: F'ro:ided. ~.iue~ser, l"hsr v+allen rw!ka u1 an irr;cc+titYn ulexes'ufsesutl'~ ptivi~egeisglven ~z-feast thirty i31!} <br />iia•, ~ pri+,z to ~tepzy tuent. <br />t., <br />' dhat, tcg.~tfter with..+i:d in i,dtliti~r. to, thv nr-rrtAi p;t::~rents if prinC~pa144ttdinlerr%[ payts~ErdcntlllurxltNter1T>tiv of the <br />nntc secured hctehy, the 4fnrrgagor wit} ca. m _bc wtnrt~agce. an :hc fixet day ~ eachznonth uritit the sss"li nnzets fusty paid., the <br />tai +.~:,.=ac. s>_;.zc>tirrt . p.ocsdc i;~c n~d:ier ~:cre,lt,ket3: i~nils,tts-,pa;: tfaEneact rra~rcgs.insura,Yea }u~~wantf this <br />~s:nzrrne~t. at ~ th.: , .~r ir,,;nte~l ircrer~v ar< iss~red- cr a rrc~:a.hiy ehargc i irr tiex uj>:r.rrarxra~ege irrs'etnxrxtn~: f~re- <br />+.tu:n3 i' r,r:, _=r< i4 :~: & ::;tn , , r ,~.•e•.h it t ~_,o.,r~ i)cvrst~anx:nt, rts. frttic~ws. <br />s l i I' ar;d r ~ .:~;, w -a[zt rr t : „Y e ~,r d3de ar „ t~ ::; ;ns9 r-.~a~nt .eft are~ntrrvz c,r ,xxa r'eitl~usei, ~as~.l r ; P:epr~c)- <br />:..,t ,ns a t ,4 k:ia<.n~, la., etsz atu<~.4t~ s>;I[u::rt?k iii. xa:cunta~~te Std the Osarsla a€ the t c t r axr•, <br />t'flU3#e~~."&r`sC {q ?l+L,r-,d~ a.rx z*~ur t ue=_ ~..:v~. t ,.,5•!y .a -ssTgaua.Yrtd <br />ri{fiti e+i t os++ nl 7f)i <br />