<br />pr ~q `•.y i
<br />~~ ! C ~ Lm +4 g. 1~ tt ai /y7y
<br />~~~9t3itex~ d`
<br />t }} manth prior to its dug date dte annual znrrstgvge insurances ¢Arenuum in vasder to pravitfe such haldtx
<br />with Funds to paw such premium to the Setretan a# }fousYng anti UrFaan [Dtvelopanent pursuant to ells
<br />€dathinal Htacts3atg Aot, as atrtended, and applicable Rcgulauans tltereuadcr: ar
<br />{~) it' and so long as said note of tvrert date and this itsstrument are haEd by the Seczetary of Housing and
<br />Jrban Develapment, a monthly charge fin Lieu r5d'a mnrrgagr insutntrce gremi£erral whie}t shall ht in an
<br />;tmratrnt equal to one-twel#th f7?F2} of ant-lta!# (1 fiw) rtt ctntum at' the average autstandine balance
<br />due on the oats computed without. takanta ante a~crzttnt delinquencies ar prtpaymtnts;
<br />(ia1 ~ sum equal to the grtwnd tents, if arxy next due, plus £lae premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />palscics a£ tine and ether hazarJ insurance :;zsvering tttt ru,rtgagtd pco}aeny. plus ta.><es and assessnaenis next due.
<br />on the mortgaged property fa11 rrx rxrrxnatad F?a~ glee ?!t•rt~¢,geel Iess all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />nttmlzez of months to elap~ bekare am month ttttur to the date when sue-h ground rents. prenuutns, taxes and
<br />assessments will become detutqutnt. such sums era ise held by "ttnrtsaaget ire trust to pay card grvaund rents, prt-
<br />miutns, taxes and special assts;ent3; and
<br />(c,) All pavnttnt~ tnentic*utd to the two prcetdin¢ saabseotians of thix paxa_eraph and all payments to be anadt under
<br />the oats secured hereby shall tae added tc,gethcr..tnc3 the aggre~te ante,unt t2teteaf s}aall be paid by rile Mortgagor
<br />each monfhtn a single payment to he applied hs the Marzsagte t~ the i;,hcau:int neras m the alder let Carth:
<br />(i~ premium charges tinder the ,.yntratt cf insurance ~~ith the ~ ~retary t,t Hcrrssitxs and C;r;aaa [Aev~tapment,
<br />az tnt}nthty r;hargr: (in lieu rxi aatzartgrlge intururtzt° F=rentzuna) s t^~~ c:~ may 's~:
<br />~:t l ~raund rents, taxes. assessments. it:; and other hazard ansutance premiuans;
<br />i ll l l rote=ess an the note strur€d hereby, and
<br />(JV r amartlxation of tkte prtnupal al~td note.
<br />Any dtllciency irr the amount tat anw such aggregate n:catuhiy t~aynttnt shall, unless made etwd by the Mort•
<br />gat;c)rptis~tta the dot da3e of the :xxt such pavTrtent. < =statute an c,~ent =>t detault cnadtr .his mortgage. Ttte
<br />?.#oit~gte may cotit~, a "late clrar~" alert to exceeal i«cr ;:sots (~tt) Ear each daitar fSl 1 a(' each payment more
<br />than t`ifteenfl>} days m artan tit caner the rxtr:e rxpensr tnv>?lved in handling uelinpuent payments.
<br />,,. That if the total of the paymestts made by the "rlortR:cgor under r 4, ~ at paragrapfi '' preceding shall exceed
<br />the am~aunt of paymrmzs actuaits made by the 14urtp,*acee fr~r =~ruund rents, Faxes and a5.~ea.ments ar in-urancc pre-
<br />mitxass, a.~ the t°xsn roan be, such excess. if the ltxsta i~s current..u the aptian of the Mortgagor, shall t>e e: edited by
<br />the Atartgsgee nn ~ubseyupnt pavtrtat+nt5 to be made by the 14ortg:tgoe. ar re#und+~d to the I4lortgs~or, IF, ltnvv°ever, the
<br />ranxri}i}r f,avrm-rrt-. ttatctt l>~~ the ~rcartr;a,tar under r , ~,i paeia:ra}rlt .' },re~c ui. K shy t :ot >t: 4_tfiei.ertr to p_tv gr~atni
<br />rental resat, and a.sse~sm+ant.: r:r in~uranc~e premium. as rho r:a-: t' mnv err,. when tht~ ~atme .-•da;tl i beeomc• dug? and pat-
<br />ablie- tin the d}:,a-tyaRvr r:ha}i pay to thn• 4lartga~:e~e any anwunt neresaan• to mal.a up the dsficiencq. nt£ or before
<br />thedatewhen payment n#-att~h ground tr.~nta, tart>=..t4~e>-smf•ntti r,r in=uranct> prt~mium~ ~}tafi he due.. fi' at any.
<br />titste dte tlnrtt;2dcar -haft tinder to the ytnrtsaoec, in :£ccerdanre wtitlt the pruvisiun~ ta# lttc• rtote securrtd hereby.
<br />fuilpaxenent of the etstire iradebdednes~ rEpre:,entod thereln~, the ylnrtg,tgee shall. in cramputin~ !!te amount of such
<br />rmfebtediirss, t:redit to the z:ccrxtnt of rho ;'.Sortg:3gctt all paymt-ncs ntasie uttxje~r the p.ovistorts caf (~a; of par~tgra{alt
<br />lteseuf which. rho ~brt~a{ree !tale not txstiomfa ahlitatttd to pay w tht> .~tsr rotary of Hnu.~inh xnd t rban Development
<br />and ~y ba#anre remxininfi in the finds ace:urn~uY:atcd under the pnavi.~ion of fi•i +if paraagraph 'd herwaf. 3f there
<br />the a default ancksr anv of the ptrredsnrns of this mart.,ttttac resulting in a pahlir ~-ale• of the prr•miae.~ covered
<br />.hereby. tar if Ehe lktrtgee actlttitrs~ the pr+.rpnrty~ arthrrwi=e ;elu•r df•fztult. t1u• Jkrrt~,egc~i~ ~haE! ttpply~, at the times of
<br />eke cummencemcztat of such pnaeeedangy, nr at t$ae trine, tltt^ propertx i< tath+trv«r.~e~ arcrluirnd, the haktnct~ tf~e~t re•muin-
<br />ing in the f#tnd~ a~t~aumulatcd rxnd>~r iE>.i ctf pnraaraph ' prercw+int:, a-, a t relit a~csirt.~t thr• a~maunt of priniripal then
<br />r~airring ue{rafd under ~,~ti ttcrte, :end shah }aar~prric adtu~~t :ran pavmrtnt.4 xhiCh -h:ttl htn.~ basso made gander (c,'
<br />arf para~rac}rh a,
<br />hfVit the Ott>t!~.^t~Ur »ri; ~~y Grti7und ru•nta. tszr as+r„mert•. ~aatar ac,. anal crttaer ~.xtirrnnaerritr! err munici{atil
<br />chaey :^:. frne~, iz£ ttsa~nsZSrtii,nv, Ior as~ht~h prcie~r.z.?n hers riot t~~tn ta:ade tkreinbctore. and i;t drtiault thertiaY the 41<rrtgugnc natty
<br />pay ter ,;tint; and that the °rtore¢~er mill pr„oat ttv dc:3ta~c£ ahr rrt?itaal recr.apt, ihtvcfor t<3 hC Ott+rtgagae.
<br />ti 1-hc Merti<,ag+?r ro+~iil pEty° :tl# i.azts v.-~~htch t:aaw i,r ;c'.aet4 ttnern°the ;v4c+r¢},agee~; ~ntere~a to said seal r+ta£e €.nd ineprca«~e-
<br />nientti, nevi wlx+ch maq ta? ievatd upt>n the. eu,rtyt~es er Uav ,.±ebt «ac: urrd htr'ehv ihttt only u> the extent that such is not prahihit-
<br />ed by taw and aniy ter tY!t txttnt that .ueh w,t1 n ;t make toles i.aaaa wuti<suej- tail e.rntdan>: any anc.etnt tax. St<ae or Feder:+l.
<br />~~p<=•ed on Aivn}Zag. ;rod ti~illrile the: thr;isa'e reaetpt show~u}}; 3uth payment K~tih the ~£ortgagtc. t'pvora viuttaiata al' this under-
<br />tal.ing. or it the 11rar4f~titstr as prnhihited by gray i;3tir n<r,. car hertaae; x'titctink from F.tping the ttihe~le r„~r .ny~ partir,n t~il the afart-
<br /><aui:a~e,- ~,r open the sendtri;ag of ant- c,rurt dr4rec pr.~ahi^ating [hr ^;,y mena b.~ trio \4aRragar a=t anv sttcfi talcs, t>s ;f such law
<br />ar dz.tee ~rtrv~de3 ihat~nx !~taurtt ,e, taaid by the Aorte..t,',r sRalt t+c cre;}it=d an the nabrtbnge deh£. lies tviariiager+',b'el3 have
<br />ill&~ A~ .t [a ~i •'C + i'rset}" c:a?rs" written nVtiLt to+- the era nor i the .T. rrt~gtd piemi>es- reyuirirt tlaC taaa 4'ttTt{ai Of the murtga~e
<br />dgi+i..1 .uch nr t c !.e _~;. en, the said debt .hall t+ec:ame. due payzahle std collectlbte at the eupiranon of said ninety des>~ s
<br />r. : ha; ,tx ai' ne i:ai to nay any sum tae lsett> ara:+~caaenuntprxavitled far to thiw `Mortgage. than the Mertgagte, at it, cap-
<br />iir~r;. t-y pay er -~ €srrn the sonar, :end tail ex~rrJitures ,et made ahal! t+e adc4td tc the princip.a! >s.nn awing an the abova nufe.
<br />aha?i hr _ ~~tre~ her ' :.n.i ,a!f'brer inttrea st the rata. a~,~t €e, ih in the s~aad ate,ta, untik paid.
<br />~ .~, sir h -~iyr.., trutasftrs and Bets ever tz, tha 3itirtgagee. tr, be :,~pplt'td toward lire sa'r<raertt c:f the orate >+ntl 1ti!
<br /><rnt; ~ -t -cri n a~ ut 4zose of a defste3t in the pe~~~carmance of anv of glee terms and eunditunt, r !ids !.trsrtgage nor the said
<br />nute.:a.: the rent, c cnrec-end income to ht derivev3 t'rom the naa:rtgalted pre»uies dunn}e iuita tints .+w the irturtgeke tndettted-
<br />nen> ,h_:~ i~a».r.n r., ,:, t, ~~nd the ~1art~gL~r shun hive power Eu a 2ety;,aent er agenta it rna+ dasitc frig she purptrce ni
<br />regxstising -:.id pr r roe: ~ixaa <ai ;tr uag tht~ came arty eollecung the rcnr>. rtvtnurs and ntcaantc. and it txray taut <aut of .aid in-
<br />eon~cr ~-.'.I c~penv, _ ~tf rep sir;g ,.ird prtmi~ze< and nexacsary cumrti ,,sn, ,,ltd tzpensca incurt`td in renting;+nd tnattar~ng the
<br />=s^.aa :,ad .,i i~, girrs• rc _r,. d:uctr~.•:n; the balance remaanmg, it : =.y. tc* be a}+grlicd tav:ard the discharge ut ,,nri rn<?rtgage
<br />.`ndc't;Ettil rig «-
<br />:i. that he +eiP i<ezp re ir>.tpre3•. ~mtat. ;;ew tziwting <x hereafter ertctee} on the mottgag8d tuoperig. insured as ntsy ix
<br />•.r
<br />:Cyt::fL'G: 1F:1%Tk t!{)ic' , r311~ ``\ tl1C 4r _t;a!.;1CC .iti ilal~t i4)~? rF4 hie arllt iDLhC'P 1tdfL;trd:5. Lk\Uattieti ;}nc7 Lan n£ttjeitC.tei ns 4il LlR
<br />R±73 n,ItnxS .ult} ti] 'a £', ng. e. _._ _ rr~rk fi iM A _ rc1 u-ill nx y' 0ramtl£i l'. 1R'h£n iaa 35C`.. all } jjrC'fa ltatn5 Un 5UL'li
<br />r m .. _ ~'-- ~ .-.-a
<br />+n.~araax:e Frovr a r ,vs y- :rent .•t s{h-c~h hat n.-~. ~e-n madr.~htreintacfore_ :1i1 insurance ,hall he csrrie.' in ctm;ta,,taics asp-
<br />; r:;. ,the M1tcarts;,;~ c tw a,c rx ! .::r _rvi ~r r kx~, ihc~i ~ _'._,!i he i~td Dr the \tori~,ihe~ ,:;d have attaettr~# thereto ies:
<br />ga; sn._ c,;av_e, rn t..: t,r .. . •eJ !n ;r,r a, ..c.c{?ta'.>,• a 'ht alai a-;get. In frCnt of lc~«e `.? t,.,..e•. :a all givz i£rtrtardaate na4Ce Irv
<br />~cii n, ftx '=k-+rtg,at,r.;. :: t•o .<v .:;:tKO ;rrw•t t ;~_„ ." o, ..; dr r,£,,,~ptiq~ l>v ;S4 r>rt~x>Z .~~. ::,t,h ~:,e.ra<. .,.tparav .:,7n-
<br />:erne>3 w herfi?. ,ualuxi~ ~ns d,t::.c.' ,. -:r.,i, iy:ne r,~ hIc,> directly tea tFat'yta,rrt;,+;zr ~ an,te:.r, .. ~• the'Wtiert}:~tpear
<br />~.rvd stro %lcx tFaya is net+, ;~rr,i a';e :,. a,.....r t> . , .~ .:v : , r +r' I 't:eo`. stay ka appIirtt h~. .he '. ~ ~rn.,tt eettttr
<br />.o ths -~~dnrr~~tiit nt t}TC rt~r~tcdncax t,rtch'. ~e~.r.KC~ •~t r., _c r_~thr, t :n or rc^.r:r a# iht t-•a; ~=I r d. r,r :~., a,.. . ~a ~' :.rrrcla-
<br />- .i`.~r 'ft~!f=:ar ~.,.:a~;C +,Y ,•..F„ ~r.e P.,,,~..•I tt[!C 4. t:r r; c:;t ~ 7r-.~'. ~1 C?i tt,lis ~,~~.' t ~r .. _. .... ::i2XC.#licA"c1r4.
<br />.... za}4f>t a*_Ic a... ,tea. .. r „_ ti4 r,r -.y~± rr ., .. ,~i;, ~ ... ,r~~ ... ..a .. ~ ~ _ . ~ I - . ~ ~_:.uttce
<br />1 F+.,[ n.l¢1fr. t::: , t s..,.. ,. 're+ q~, r+i:- - r~, ., }~ ,qe _. -~ei1 r +, u.: _ . _ i , as aitdz`t t1t£s
<br />. -ta.sxr, it'.c S6c~ ale..,, -.,v.i<,. .., it, ,,t; __ .=e i. ., er-,c ~ ..... ... ~ •.~. ~•> aCirYnray: tU the
<br />;:t:~~ik.,.,. u4.}'s, n,~_.,~i ,t .. a .. Ti...._ 'h [~ t:rh ._. c ... i .. In .. aa~~ atnrf ag,,n1D
<br />_, , <, r., ,r-... t tu._. .. m .. t>-: , rc ~ .,. .. ..~„~~r _ . rd„i ...., i •,f ,. ...rind..=:ar~
<br />.. ~ ., ~ .... . r ?r_t' r r. pass ., .,~. _.. ~ u g}g„ rrtt f~. rv. o r ,,., £Pe- ~ut.gtC
<br />' di?W ;fix;'1a3f
<br />