<br />Thiw Toran is used in c~c>rt~a}er- 1
<br />tits tt with ltxart,gatiec Enwurc~x4
<br />' ~'}'r~~• ~~~~ ~+~~~~~°~i~j" under the ant. to fucrr-famtiy
<br />OAf~"~`""3) (<t Lt~~ ~ prnvisioxt:a caf tkre ;~laas'4on~n]
<br />HousirsR pct.
<br />n97Z9C1•S Dl*~F>:J ZtS~St$u`i' ANB ItBEiV(i A~DA7T;1`F3E.Y INSTALLF4ENC5aa
<br />SfitS ~AflRTG~LS'ir,c»tnadenndextettted thin 2r~th daynf August .A:t).
<br />7481 .by :and6ctwr:ttt Rssdney n. t+~it:xel and 1]ebra J. Weitzel, Husband and Vt€e
<br />taft$e C'estenty of SaI i ,and State of hlebraska:.pang of The first part, taereinafter eatled
<br />tf+etto~'tga8or. and SuP~'ior " I+Sast9a9e. Istc. ,
<br />rCOrporatiorrorgani2ed-and'cxistinstxnderhe'lawsoF Nebraska..
<br />pBTty of rte ceeaod part: hrzeittattrr eailcd'tfie R3ongage+e,
<br />cYIT>d ESSE"T'I•i: That the sa;d ~4urtRr+gnc, forrt~d in r~>rrsidrration rf the sum of Fort~r egYtt thosssand and No/10.0
<br />ths-------------_.._________ iloliars tS 48 , 000.00 D. paid by the lsiort-
<br />SaSY-. the receipt a~f' wAich is heret+y acknowirdgtd. has (ranted and Sold and bu these preseris daes Gxant. Barr
<br />grin. Se!f_ Convey and Confnrtst ont~~ae ?,4ut~~ttee, its succzssors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real est:ete_ sttttattdinthe(?otrrrtyofi 3. .and State.
<br />of Nchessiua: to wit.
<br />i,ialt Thirteen. { 13 ), iza Bloch '£tuo (2) , ?irentwoad Second Subdivision; in
<br />ttse City of Grand Island, Hai3 County, Nebraska
<br />of t h~ 5i>tt;t Pfinrtpsl '<teridian, contY~tining~ in alt ,ernes a€€errdin~ to Giwern-
<br />tnrnt survey-
<br />17:t H,~V E A~7D fL) HOLL3 t~hc pk'e+rai~s alscws•e dea€tit~d, with c er.4 apr~;:rc~naACes thez,<unto belongin6 and including
<br />afl k>eao,intt, pFumhing ana tightrtg lirtArc~ anti eattaz~zn*n~~~~. cu bore !~ s !_nca tc~ t*r ~-rsed in €onnection withsaidreal estate
<br />umr the 'elortg~gee, and t~, i;K +uceesu,rs anzias+ign,.::rr :vcr. i~~: v rtk.:;zar r ;ri,,,tats ta. and eoveaants vrith, the ;l4ori~xa-
<br />.gee. thst the ^A'ort~gar has i:~~e}d ris~t :»t SCii ~n=3 a?staev ~.ud rrcm! _ ih~Plhey arz !'rce from encumbran€e: and that fhe
<br />~lairtge~r ~.~iII warrant anc deferal the ;umt ,,g; ~r~vt ;t~H I u~ "•r! c•,tatms~ tzt ! ;~. t ~.n:~ whoms+:!tvert snd the said ~1'on~at;~or here-
<br />r relinVuishes a}; rYghTS of htrtncstcad, uncia?4 m ri-ri rig}rs,. either`+nlav+ yr in etEu#y;:and afP othercomingent interests afrthe
<br />'ytortgagc3r in :u1at =n ale above-dracriti~td pre!tiis., the ir:F, nin•n l~int;tca ttfzeeey trueiati an ah!t+afude tiiiu. in fen ;implc. incluet-
<br />irgall r=gifts of hs3nee<tzad. arwl other rtg#sts nna~ rnter,t ; •.a afares;tid.
<br />FRO V I DE L` .~ L W .~ `; S • :~rni t9a~se presents :ue. exa<;utes3 asad :ielsro~recl riprcrn thi tudluwtTg cuniiitions. to w i t:
<br />The Startgagt~r agrees so p;.y to thx tlortgateee, ear order, tlta pxin€ipai sum uf' Forty eight thousand and No/10Oths
<br />----°-______~.r_ f3uilars r54g.OOO.OI} i.
<br />evs tit an retest €remr daee at t};o raee of ~venteerr per cerium( i?.Qt? 7a}per rastnumt>n
<br />i?!z eat aid 6a.hurrr until pnr~3. 7?tr cNi3 Tn~incipa; ancf izitcrr ct shat}I~E+e payat3tC 2t the o#kiC~e<}f ~~per~.~0~ j+7py°tCfr'f{~Q r S'nC
<br />:~ Grand Fsiattds Nebaras3ca , <ar at stz€h oEkter piaee as the hr,3der of
<br />tttc nt!tz rzny tit~agtiatein wtiSin~, in !ttonTtsEy~:insf~l7trrents etf (according to 5chedtale 7: on said nat~X
<br />7,cranTmeadingun Thr, •r,t , .+f
<br />~~'~-r~9 ,and can;The firer ziay ~f etch nac*nzh lhecraft~r until the prtne.~f ~,i act in-
<br />rarat ,tee fisfSy paid. ezcrp: .hat the ft ~3(+'t#en! of principal and interest. if rwt c,.ws-er »aatd, sh,t'l M. „ere artd
<br />~Yabdr on t~ t3r t r#:2t of Sept-ettiiier . 2Q;~i sY3 actcarslitsg,to Shr terms of s en .wn protnik
<br />cry :,~rta of e. en dzaa i;ctewith executed `ay the said Liortkagtrr. (deferred interest snail be added to the principal
<br />bz-I~t~ tttOt3tlliy and sna.'»1 ~ucre~ase the principal balance to not nsore than $:54,121.88)
<br />rte ~4trrtgng~ar m tJrdcr ntoro te»3tc n, rralrtCt rhesecurity of thus Aic+rig:+ge,:Tgrees
<br />t. "I'?zYt he wi?t pay tffe utdebiCVncsb. a. frnreintie#t~re pta>ridtd. Privilege ~ xeaerred to l>a}~ the dt:?+t in vihcifle: 1st icr.!n
<br />.r:~c>unt cuual to one cr mien^.acrn(hlV paynxnrs ,:n thz Fr'tncipat that are next dsae-on the nvtet i»z+ [ha first tt.t} t3fi :rny mr>e~th
<br />prtcst to veattttit}°: f'rvrideai, a:}ueret. That acnrer.:xatitt uF anintenti~n-ra-Cxtrc:r5c 5+xch ptij•itegc is geven nL Iztcst thirty r30t
<br />i.tir}'S pr list tt~ prey±s)'.^„Ctil.
<br />_ 'Chas^_.'!~u-ihtr ~..ith. ~rx; +;i ~ C ti zi; vim, :nc mn!e[n pas,;rrr: , prasaraytai aa?ti F3turest payaoiz under the trrcns atf' the
<br />sx%te ss~rv~.f hratby-, t!ec !.!ortg:a,~wer ~~ ~ pa:.' t~.r thx ]fcar!pjy,e_. «n tY~ ]tr,t:3z~: evf e.<httt!>nt'3t unti3 th+~ s:ti8noir !, fu't*v pied, :hc
<br />#ai".;mtTy{. :.urr;s:
<br />,ar _Qsn.zvnt ~uf;~~u[ (~ ~_,~.rr±±• [;rd h.d ut. >o-z re:" .e a.?r ~.: aIs :v ~,a~ r., ~~yt; r,,.cte Tnxblranci- xt e!:aaras tr tk?is
<br />1;'1 Ft::l *: iC12t R3:ti( .:'. i1{YFf =~ltfl. t'[ ML^Yi'h5~ ;?i' FC ~:l t:'l1. i': ,. f~'~U`J t~11~ fl lr,.n r '~-~.U ~ ~,' ;T ».SU.i'rtF IJt.1lFFRJtt'~ ;)Pt'~
<br />.r~.n .' rtiay art smkd r.;~ rf ^ :x•:c ,.-~:., •t t~4~~a!: ate avv? ?. •!~aa f'+~v~e .,7,. ca _:a;, ... m .
<br />.;z =i saaeS ~. :~xa, ae us, ..ate x7a ,.., s a„o »» „ ..:rrr; ,... -.a.., .,. ~ r. ... .. .,
<br />..«.mi; h: ~r~71:-L.a. i lf~ ,.t.~ "st _ a. d ~. ~~ ~ 7 E,.. )e+ , t.Y ~: d~: .atec I r... a I ~... _, r
<br />v~;u~.. <.t t4?k9 .r-rhr~s .~~ .~a:uu= r,~~.-rnp ,ax a,am~ ti'f tTF_i51~ A9.€i}; ~ti},; .'~
<br />c;.. ~. -. ~ a:.. . , ~.
<br />