~~~. uvtll4~
<br />!i, C.waswtlas T'hepxoaaada o€ aay'awardor elaim foe damagta,. direct or cottsequrntial, in connection wish any
<br />txsndryrare+deaor other taitia{..of tlte.Ihoperty. orparttheroof. or for conveyanre in lieu of cta~eannation. ar+rhtrebY assignat
<br />sad shall Ir ptid to header;
<br />'[n the event of a total tak t~~~~~of the Propeety, the praeaeds shall be appkied to the stems secured by Chia Deed of Trust,.
<br />with the excm.:f any, patmd to~ Pt*rrower. Io fix event of a partial taking of tlx Property, toeless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise rt;ree io writing, there shalt be applied to the sums: secured by this Dtei of Trust such proportion of eha proceeds
<br />as is ~~uai to that proparnon which the artwtmr of the -sums:: secured by this Heed of Tnut imtnediattiy prior to xkte date of
<br />1ati~ 6can to the fain matkd vtiitte of ~ Property immediately prior to the date of takiog, with ttte balance of tha° proceeds
<br />.paid xo Borrower.
<br />1[f the Property is abandarxd by Borrower, ar if, after notice by Lender fo Borrower shat the condemnor odors to make
<br />an award or xnk a claim fdr dama~. Harrower fails to tesportd to Lender within 3I) days afar the date such notice is
<br />ttatukd. Leader is authorized to colkct and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or ttpar of the
<br />Pr+optxty or to the suau seturred by this. Deed of T'tast.
<br />llttlea Leafier and Bmrtower otherwise agrct in writing, any such application of practeds to principal shales nof: extend '
<br />or psi the dtte rifle of the monthly in^,taltmeats referred to in paragraphs t and ~ hereof or change the amount of
<br />such i ~ttanlilnunt5.
<br />th. lreesweeNarlgekaeti. Fattnsioa of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums-secured:
<br />by thts Deett of Trust: araxtted by Linder to any successor in inxerese of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the IiahrTity of the aripnai Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />procredmp agaitnt such sttctx>aor or refuses zo extend tittle for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the-sums
<br />socuted by this-heed of T"tmt by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Ferierttree ly Leeier Net a Wairer. Any forbearartce by Lender in c~•rcising any right of remedy hereunder, or
<br />othenrise:adol~l by appfinbk law, shall not he a waiver of or prtctude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pcocfurxatxitof imunrtce or the payment of taxes or other liras ar charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />ris6t to aeoekrate the maturity of tlx indebtedness secured by this Deal of Trust
<br />l2. Raratiies CarriNFe. All rorttedies gtovided in this Deed of Trust are distinte and cumulative to any other right:
<br />or remedy uttdrr this Dived of Trust or afforded by law ar egtnty, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />avoaaarvNetyy.~.
<br />13. Seceaeeasa asi Aripa laodz-]!del awd Sercral LittbiWy: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />cotrtaitred shall bind, atsd ttrt rights hereunder shat! inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />stdzjeet ttx the prt»~'isions o€: p~atasraph t 7 hereof. Aii covenants and agreements of Borrower shad be joint and; severest.
<br />The captions std hrsdinp of t6t paragraphs of this Deed of Trust ;ere for convenience only and arc not to be used to
<br />itnerpree ordeflx the provisions hereof.
<br />I1. Nttiiira. Etccept for any notice required under a icablc law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />t9ortrtwes pmrrided for is this Dtted of Trustshatl be given f+y mailing such :notice by certified .malt addresud to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addrr~ or at attch othce address as Borrower ntay designate by notice to Lender as pmvidtd herein,, and
<br />{b1 any notice to Leader shag be-given by certified malt, rexura receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />;set; asli~ ad3stss as :^sy ~;g:~tt ~•y :~*~~ tr+ Barrtswtr as orovided :rtrcia. Any nczice t rowidtd fcr in this
<br />Deed of Trtat.shail be deasted to besot been. given to Borrowu or Lender when given. in the manner designated herein:
<br />15. Uwifbef•,!)ee~ of?rah Garerritrg Law: Severabillty. This form of deed. of tract combines uniform covenants :for
<br />nafioeal uss.::andnars-uniforcm covenants with [imitcd variations by jurisdsuion to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />rxsveritt= real. property, This. Deui of Trust shall he govertud by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Propettiy is [neared:
<br />to tree event thu any provision or claust of this Iked of Trust or the Note ~ro~r$icts wizh applicable law, such rnnflict shall
<br />not affax'other provisiota of this' Deed of Trttsa qr rite Note which can ere given effect: wsthout the conflicting. provision,
<br />atxl to this end else provisions of rite Derttt of Trtnr and the Notc arc declared to be severable.
<br />Ia,_ iesrwrnr's Cory. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note.andof this Deed of Trust at the time
<br />of execution or aGer reootdetion 6txecd: .
<br />tT, 1'enl[es o[ t1e 1?rlr~afp; AawttwpNen. if art°ar any parr of the Property ar an interest therein is sold ar transferred
<br />by Hatrowerwithout Lettder:s prior written consent excluding ta) the creator of a lien. or cneumbrance subordinate to
<br />this t3eed of Trust, (kr).the creation of a txtrchasc nronty stcuruy interest. for household appliances., f c) a transfer by devise„
<br />descent ar by operation of law upon the death of a jnmt tenant or (d) the. grant of any leasehold. inftrtst of three years or :less
<br />not contaistinss an option to purchase, Lctsder may, at Lrxrdcr's option, declare al3 the sums•sterrrcd by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />imnsedrataly due and payabk: Lender shall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the salt nr transfer; Lensfu
<br />and ttte petssm to whom the-Property is to be sold or traosfcrred reach agreement in writing that the crr;dit of such person
<br />is satisfucory to lender and that zt>~; interest payabto an the sums sccurtd try this .Deal of Trust shall tx at such rage as
<br />I_enckr shall request.: If zntkr has waived the optaor. to accelerate provided su this paragraph l7, and if Botmwtr's successor
<br />in interdt has exasutsd aw'ritten assorrtptaaa agrcerrrcnt accepted in wrisngtsy Lender:,i..urdtr sltaCi rcl!ease Borrower: from
<br />all obli;atians under :this Ike of Trust and the Note.
<br />Tf L.ersekr exercises such option to accelerate; ].ender shall mail Borrower notice of accckration in accordance with
<br />parasraph 14 ireceof. Such notice shallprovidt a period of not less than fl days from the date- the rtatict is mailed within
<br />which liarrosrer maypa y the curets deciarat dire. It Borrower Fails to pay such sums pine to the expiration of such period,
<br />L.crtrkr may, without further notice ar demarsd on Borrovatr, invoke. any remedies pcrtrtixted by paragraph J g hereof.
<br />
<br />tioN-t;vr[=otrtt Govetvstrrs. Borrower cad Lender furtiscr cavmant and agile as follows:
<br />18. AccaktalialK.Reaaeifies.. Eseepc ae provident>iw:parapapl,I7 lersot, open 1lerrs~eer's bteacl of airy rnvenaot or
<br />antee~t of liorr~wee it tidre: Deed d:Tt~ ttielaiitrttttrr corewaass to pry molar dwe cry sntna secured by-:this Deed:-
<br />a! Trrrt, [.crier price to accYttt>'Miar alidl cell Bake to raYOwer s rraririrrd in ynrat;rnpit 14 iced apecityirtRc (1) the
<br />hrucit: (2) the acsiaw rc~riee~ to Cree sae] hreacl: (31 a dale, rtes] Irws-Bari J8 days froth the date the itotke b roared la
<br />lrtere.rer, by whirl steel breach rear err cured; and fi/ tlutfarrre` ro:rnsc inch bnaci on:or 6etore:tire dalespcci&td:.
<br />in t4 sefiee sty wall iw aceekrMiaa of lie scare setwed -ty rile Deed o[ Trwt and sale of the Property. Tire noiiice
<br />slier rarther ittrtarw ie-rower ut ue riglt to rciwetale deer scteteratiae..and..tbe: rigitt:::to beiwr a. court actiew :to. aalert..
<br />~fle ww~esisienct rd a defartk rn ay filer detewre d 1lormwer toyeceieeaeiot-.awd;eale. Iftltbreatlis:not.cnred:
<br />or a ]eerie tle4le rpea;~d is tie ao~ce; I.ertder st header's optloa my doctor! ar d ties suss: cleared by-this Deed
<br />d Tr~f to 6e inrteiislely doe. and payaife witbW fsrrUrer desaad awd say ir~olc the P~'w"d sale arid uy dlrv reaiiedinc
<br />t~ b ~~ inv. t.erder rfuN be entitled to croNecr:sllreaeaealie wets.. and exueelea..iacrrred In putsaiag,tbc.
<br />re>i.iia pa~vided M tYis pragraplfl, iaclydieg, hit nor tinriled ta, rearrataefe attu+rey's trxs.
<br />H the la+r'eY d role L ieralad, Trastec scar rnord a notice cd de[aNl is eaelt chicly is wide] rite. Property or.sose
<br />pert tlreerf i6 locstd cad sits elicit copies d such notice in tic rrraewer preaeriled- by ap~Iirable taw to lsorrawer -and to the
<br />-Drier pereeas prerertied lv apprrdie limo. Aber the 4pc of snci brae s may be,re;tdtei by:appiieahle:.law. Trertee shalt
<br />jot ~i8t aNirs d sale is rhs ~ersoee awd in the meaner prescribed by applicable it+r; Trmdtgwit-oytt. dtwund:on
<br />r, tier rcr the l~parry tl prlYc arretion w the highest bidder at the Unttaett pbccand,reder the terews desyewated
<br />w tie tsattice wt cafe i+ ore err sore prreY cad k srci order ar 't'rautee rnfydlltnoLe. Trtrsfee may..;pastpore sale of: aB
<br />- ar cry pareeid tie Pnrertr l'y panic tawasrwcesewr M the tiers and lilatro eS :any prerinasly sclxdrtled sale. I:.taAeror...
<br />l,ewrht's dtntpae >say pwelrre the r'~tY at aey sale,
<br />Upon recetpf ai peysaM d the price bid, "l'nsnee liar tleli.cr ro rite purtMrrr Tttwtec'e deed cottiwieyiaR tie Property
<br />+aii. "Ile reRiltalt it tfre TrsleeS deed elan Ire visa facie eriderrtt of the trrdM of tie s4atenreNr irsade thereit-, Trnrfee
<br />rice rypiy se a,t tie axle is tie fr~r~wtt~ order: tat to rr rrasowalle cash and etrpeaaiet of fbe sMe, imchidirtir, beet
<br />nrr NiwiMitrr T'rwtNreis hn a aer tewe t-ea 11 < of 1 ~E or the xrar >,ais peitr. teaannabie attororw's tees snd;coxrs. of.:
<br />tl~ erirsraw, iii w airrrsr recurred l7 rile Deed or' Trwt: awl (c) the cscerw it nay,:to.tha. ttersoo or prrsnnrtegaryentitied
<br />tleealls.
<br />l1. iiareawvt`s tlglet a RaleMSit. 1+lotwithstarufing ].ender s eccciera ion of the corals u:curerf by SSn Died of Trust,
<br />Borrower shalt taavt tP+t right to bare say prescfcdings t,exern by Lender in ertorct !his i~ccd "lru+>, .1.:cxanrinticd at.
<br />stay titrre prtix ter the car}ic; to occur of fil the fifth day fietorc t he safe al [he Yrapcrty puixuant to the xw<•i of soh contaiatd
<br />!o ehia~ed 1f Tttmr.xtiiyaHn n(~ ivui~nene enf:=~n:irg t,`~ix Dce6 rf ~~rrtst :°.: [al Burrmrer pa;:~s t_csictrr elf s„rn; n~hlrh world
<br />tae then due uraL:r thet IJetixl of Tncsr_ ttx Nrne rand raoits ,YCUrirg Future d~"an:^s~. i( :,ray. hsd r,:~ :.ccefrrauoy rA';,cttrred:
<br />ih't 1k9rr~.+xr cttrcn at1 DtticAcs ni any .vhtr cnderar=.. ear a~: cemcc+s a,! f3err~~.er can[azncc+, in ;hfs [7ted crt~ Tnisfi
<br />s;7lyvrrswt; rrxyi aF£ rps~mabte r.;w.atee tsce~rn°A b. Levzckr a ~i "Cr.isrec m cniorc rag are ca -rants r.nd :rgtcetnents aP
<br />Horn= sa crmxaxrrert 6n skits Llec3 z`i 'Cr+cct end .~ entorc:ng J..c;actcr'a on.J 1'r+sattc'+ mtntttics -r,X pPeu,d:.: ices -paragraph !h
<br />F.rsuo~ inrdu+itrtt,., F„n rrox IstxratctS fn. rca,+wnaktr- .:tornC*' * (ecw: a~td' N ,r=ewer f:d..-s 5exctt ~art.?~, ax Lrntidrmay rc;tnansaE+ly
<br />rc.acurr •a, axraUrr that. the .rn :rE :t>:c !:~<i r.. tYt;.t, L~,^rtrht's :attr#^F :a~ sett P`rtxpe~rt :: asset. ?Sc.rrawet';. nhtigatiars m pad
<br />