[J:titrcntta CavartwtvTS. Botvower nttd Linder covenant and agree as follows: ~ ~ "w°°' ~3
<br />1. Pagrstierl of 1Pilneipssi atss4 ~ntetcst. Borrower shalt prampefy pay when due the prittcipat of and ineerest an the
<br />indebiedttest cvidtats:md by ttst Moic, prcpaymctit acid Eate charges as provided in the Note, and the principa3 rif and interesi
<br />oft any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trus[.
<br />3. fisr'TQarated i.x. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, i3otTtswer shaft pay
<br />to t:etp~tx on:tfec day matthly iostafhnenks of principal and interest are payable under the Note. unt7 the Note is paid in fuq>
<br />a sum therein "Funds^) equal to one-Cavdith of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priarity over this
<br />17d~d of Trust, sold ground rents on the Property, if any,. plus one-[weffth of yearly premiam installments for hazard insurance.
<br />phis one-twelfth of yearly pirmiura instalttncnis far mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasonably estimated initially ¢nd fram
<br />tattle to ntape by Lettdcr wt the basis of assessrrrtnts and bills and reasonable esnmates thezeof.
<br />Tine Ftands shaflbeheld fn an institution [hc deposits or accounts of which arc insured. ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency ~ncfuding Leader if Lender is such an fnstitutioni. Lender shall apply the Funds to pa said taxes, assessments.
<br />fnsuraarr pttmiums and, ground rents. Lender may not charge for sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verii;yfng and cotnpiGttg said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrawer interesk on the Funds and applicable law
<br />ppee.. iri Lender to melee such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exet:ution of this
<br />Died e~f Truaf that interest on the Funds shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or appticabk law
<br />requires attclt fntet'tse to be paid. Lender shalt not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give ta:Borrower, without. charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits eo tfie Funds and the
<br />purpose Eor which each debit to rite Funds was made. The Fonda are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by rhea Dttd of Trost.
<br />if the amount of tfie Funds held by Lender, [agether with ehe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />thedtu dates of taxes, assessments, insura:rnx premiums and ground rents, shall exrexd the amount required to pay said texts,
<br />asscssntents, ittanrance premfurras and ground. rents as they fat! tine, such excess shal3 tic, at Borrower's aptian, either
<br />promptly repaid Eo Botxower or credited to Borrawer nn monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lertder shall not lac sttflicient to pay [axes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they tall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up [hc deftci..tncy wi[hin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender ¢o Bormvrer regttestitsg paytt[cnt thereof.
<br />Upon payttrontn full of ail stuns secured by this Deed of `frost. Ixnder xhall pramptfy ro€und to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender, It under paragraPli t g hereof the Prapeny ~ Bald or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shad apply:, no #atcr than irntttedtately prier to the sale tit the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />f_e®der-ak the time of application as a crcdiT against the sums secured 6y this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. A~iieitiaw of Paywetsn. Unless appticabk law provides csehetv+tse, all papmen[s received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall. he applied by l~ettdtr first to paymen[ of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragittph ? fttreaf, ttaert in interest payable on ifiC Nate, then to the principal of the Note. and then. to interest and
<br />princcipal on any Fututc Adwanixs.
<br />4. C1ttsRes: Lle~t. Sorrower shall pay alt lases, asaessmen[c and ether charges. fines and impositions auributabte to
<br />the Property which tray attain a priority over this Deed of Trust_ and leasebald payments or ground rente. if any, in Lhe
<br />matttter provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, iE nai paid in such manner by Borrower making payment,. when due, direcily
<br />w t`nepayet tbereof_ Borta~wer shelf prampily furrisn iu itrtdtr a.l .,.. i s of axottnte due ua~r thY.< paragrapt+, W d ir. the
<br />event wershati make paytnent ddrectly. Barmwer shall prompifr hirnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Batrovt+er shall pcomptfy discharge any lien wfaich has priority over this C?eed of Trust; provided, that Borrawer shall not 6e
<br />required fo discharge any-such lien sa long as Borrawer shall agree in wTfeing w the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a meaner acceptable to l.cnder> or shat! in good faith contest such Tien by, er defend. enforcement of such lien in.
<br />toga[ pproteediogs which operate to prevent [hc enforcement of the lien ar forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. >(;~Sii-iatisarteea B,¢rrower shaft kee{a zhe improventcntx now existing or hereafter erected on [he Property insured
<br />agaietst foss: by fire, haurds iticttsdcd within the term "txtcnded :overage", and su~rh ether hazards as Lender may require
<br />and in such aatountx attd far suoh pcrtods as I.attder may require: provided, [hat Lender shall not require that the amount of
<br />such coverage excad [hat amount of coverage required to pay the Bur<is secured by this Deed of Tnisz.
<br />Tlu:irisutatme caterer provfdi[:g the insurance shaft be chasm try Borrawer subject to approval by Lender.. provided.
<br />that sitth apluoval sfsalE sot be unreasonably withheld. All premiums ati insurance policies shalt he paid. in the: maaaer
<br />lxovidpd utdtx paragraapib 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when dote, dirrr!ctly to flit
<br />tEgttt9aCt: CaIT1ar..
<br />AI[ insurance policies and renewals thereof sfiattl be in form acceptable to lxnder and shall include a standard mangage
<br />clause 'tn favor eat attd fn form acceptable to Lender. I.endcr shall have the right io hnld the poficfes and renewals thereof,
<br />artd Borrawez shall promptly fwrriah to Lcndtr all renewal notices anti all receipts of paid premiums. In the evenk of loss,
<br />Borrower shalt give prottfpe twtitx zo the irastisaace rxrrtcr and Lender. Lcrxftr may make proof of foss if eat, made promptly
<br />by f3otxowtr,
<br />Unless I.eiauler and Borrower txherwise egret fn writing, insurance proceeds shaft lac applied to rtstorakfon or repair of
<br />tlx Ps'upe:ty damaged, pravidcd stacti restoration or repair is tcanomicatly feasible and the security of this 1?eed of Trust is
<br />nofthttebysmpaircd. if such reaYOration or repair is not economically feasible or if the security of this Decd of Truse would
<br />be mpriced, the in'aitx[sce pracceds shall tae applied [o she Burns secured by tfiix 13ecd of Trust. with the eztczc. if any> Paid
<br />to Boisowcr: if for Property is abaadoned fay Borrower, or if Borrower tails [o respond to Lander wi[hin 3tl days from the
<br />date ttatise is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier of#trs to settle a claim far fns[trant:e benefits., Lender
<br />is autlioriaai to taollxt and apply tFiw insurance proceeds at ender's option either to restotatian or repair of the Prtalterty
<br />or;[o the satms.secuttd by Mir Daod of Trust.
<br />€lttless Leader atsd Borrower otherxvise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds. to principal shall not extend
<br />or -the due date of the monthly fristalltatcxtts referred io in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />Iutrhnsulititents. if trader p!aragra~r lei lureoE tht Property is acgtiirecf by l.endtr, a31 right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />PA-acct to any iusttrane~,policesatttim and [o the proceeds thereof resulting. from damage to tbt Prolxrty prior [o the save
<br />cat acgeesititoti shall pass ta-I.t[yder to the extent of the sums secrtrcd by this Deed of Trust immediately prior [o such sale or
<br />>:
<br />is ltsa~vttYttar tssug 11LtfrM~ace: td 1'ro*artpt I.esefiOlia; CatNntarislatn~, PlswtsN Utsit Dereltspateata. Borrower
<br />shall keep [he Property in good repair and shall not commit was>e or permit itnpairtnent ar deierioratian of the Property
<br />atu-shall taumply with the provisions of any trasie if this Decd of Trust is on a ieaschold. If this Deed of Tres[ is on a unit in a
<br />coadeattiaanor or a plssemed unit diwetopment, Harrower shaft perform all of Borrower's obligations under fhe dccfaration
<br />or ~tevemms ueating or goverrririg the caadoraiexfum or planned. unit devefopmen[, rite by-laws and regufa[ions of the
<br />atxtilomiaiuta at plaitacd unit devefoptnet[t, and. constitueett documents, if a condominium ar planned unit development
<br />rider is cxcciy~l by Btxrawer and-recorded tagetber with this Decd of Trust, rho covenatis and agreements of such rider
<br />shall be itawrporated into ara3 shall amend and supplement Yhc covenants and agreements of this t3eed at 'Trust as if the rider
<br />were a pan. her~f.
<br />?. trii a4 f,,etries'k Seaaulty. if 13arrowcr fails ra perform the covenants and agrecxncros camained in [his
<br />I'?eeti of Trust, o: if auy'adioa or proc~fittg is ca[nmeaeed wleich mattriaBy atfcets Lender's interest an the Property,
<br />including. LxM not litctfsad tai; ettsiaeett domain; iiuolvenwy, code. enforcement, ar arrangemrnb or praceedfngs involving a
<br />yaarrupt ar deceiient, thiyt Leader at i.eoder's option,. upon no[itx [o Borrtrxer, may tnakc such appearances, disburse such
<br />sarrrs and take such fiction as i~ rttetsaary to protzct Lender's tntesest, including, bin not limited to. disburseratent of
<br />reasortabk attontey`x tens aid entrg R~pan 4he Pi`optrty to make mpairs. if Lender required mortgage ensuranct as a
<br />co*nfition of making :etc sw~ secured Gy this f3eed.of I`rust, f3orrctwer sfiaff pay tltc prixnfuins regttitezl to maintain such
<br />~:xwiance iii e>tltet iuitil rucJi 7iinc as roe rtaquiteattnt 'or suds fmuratice terminaie5 in acrardanct wfih Borrt>wer's and
<br />Leut,er's written agrrentcnt or appr:eabie !asv: i3tirrowtr shall pay the amount at all mortgage insurance pret[siumx iii the
<br />rrtaantr pr;:ryded :an:fefi pa.nsriiph 2 Rtrtxrf:
<br />.tiny aenrnttns dishuis3 h~. 4_.estdcr pprcuant tit this patagraplt 7, wilds fn[erest tltmnwn, shag htcotne addit"Banat
<br />irxlehtcEttc3s s f Btarrvwer secured hp this Dtsarf of Trust.,. Llaless Attrrttts°cr slut l..ender agree ttr otl[er teeters of papment, s[[ch
<br />xtatattrEis :hart f+P nayattie upon nc>ku ftit4m i..ettder [o Borrawer regttestrngpayirraot. tbtreof. ared:si5ntl bear itteres[ from the
<br />da+o of +f~urstrtteat at ttx rate payattie liven titsx [a tirnc on otttstattding principal utadcr the Note tmlcsa payment of interest
<br />of tubh et:e ><o'atd `±e .t>ntrary tit appticabk law, in which fuser siiclt atticruists sliaB Eieat inttrtst at the highest rata
<br />pcrrmiasiftte otrrier tttgticahile taty„ Nathin~ cttntafatd in tires. par•agsaptr 7 atiafE rt~rttre Lender to itKttr any expense ar [eke
<br />;c•Sr aetsata tttrexe[I{6r.
<br />Eetyricdra. F. ctstkeamay make or cause-ass t+t nude rrasa[xalafo crarits xipon arni inspetiiarts of the Propectty. prouictcd
<br />ir,st I.cttdtet shal9 ,It,ve l3rirr>pi~ nenacc: prior w say stall inspection specifying rcasanatrk cause thcrefar re=iattd ter Lender's
<br />rarrrrw ar. the Prc,ttass*'.
<br />