.r. Condsmriatlom _rntheeventthnprapecty;Qranypaetfheaevf,shallbetakeahyemineatdomain,4he-ivlortge
<br />;s empowttrett to collect and±cceive aR cucnpenxatian yr}d+Mt'... aLty l+e pald. for anypmpsirtY. taken of for damages..to property
<br />not taken, and A;ortaagecsl±sl7 aupiy such r:omixnaskion,.-at.its.~#1ua,.eithertoa'redactionof.theind8btedne~ss,seeured:
<br />heresy or to repair and resttur the property so d~nta~tl:
<br />El: Peafumance by Motl;ttgee. Mortgagre may, bat shall hike no abjigatitux, to do aay act which the Martgaitor
<br />ha agreari 6a~t tails to do, anti Mortgagee au+Y also do any act rt deems aecestary tv protect the Ilea hereof. Mostgeg®[: I
<br />agues to irrpay, upon demand. any sums an expended by tjre Mortgagee fa> the above purposes; and:aay same so experidkd
<br />4ay the Mortgagee sl,ait be addrd w tt~e indebtedness secarad. hereby atul tiecoaxe subject to the lien hea~f. Mortgagee
<br />slsall not itrcnr nny perxonat !lability berm of atsyR3ring itmay da`~ omit to dv hereander.
<br />9i. iaetault; Aaa~nent of Rtmta 15ma i&.af the eatencx hereof, and apon Mortg~µor's defaait fn any ~vr~tant
<br />oragrseer>nt of this Mortgage, inriudinR cotenants to pay vwiaen due tbesums 5eettlcii by this Mortgage; the•Mortgag<e shall
<br />be entitle+l, st its sore option and without notice, to declare ell sum3 SeCUred be this Mortgage to be imatediaie{y due amd'
<br />payfhle and may cotnnxenue foreclosure of this hlorigage by judicial prw~eedings; aad,.peorided'turther,.that upon such
<br />defaalt the Mortgagee, or a receiver appointed by a court, tuay at its option and withnat regard to the adetiuacy of the
<br />security, enter upon and take possession of the Rnperty and coDect the rents, issues and;prafEts thereBio® and apply them
<br />first to th,e cost of collection and operttton of the Property and tiles upon toe indebtedness secu~edby_this Mortgagee;
<br />said teats, issues and prcGts toeing assigned to the Mortgagee as further security. {a 'axe payment of the indebtedne~-
<br />seevred hereby.
<br />Ifk. 7Ya~ of Ptaperty: if all or any part of t?xe Property is std ar tnusferred withoat the ezpre~ written con-
<br />seat of the 1e10rtgagee,.hSoctgagee-may at Ets sale option, declare all same secured by this Mortgage to be immediately doe
<br />and payable.
<br />17. Fntare Padvancea. Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagre-may make- additional aced [uture advartcxs to
<br />6fortwgar. Such advaxtces, with interest tlsereon, shttL be secured by this Mortgage when ekideaced by promissory pates
<br />stating that said notes arc sectaed hereby. !lt. no time shaEi the principal amount of the indebtedness securtei3. try: this
<br />Mortgye, oat indading:sums advaaced'to pmtrct Lhe security of this Mortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />12. ~iiiaeelisneous ProriatooK.
<br />(a) any 'e~esr~e its rxeraru»g t~teY right or reraed:• 3haiE not be a waiver thereoL
<br />(D) Alt remedies provided herein are distinct and_cnmalatlce to any-other right afforded 1?y tawr or equity,
<br />end maybe exercised ~ncurr~tiy, iadepeadently ar succesatvety.
<br />(c) Tree corertants end agteement4 contained herein shall hind;. and the.-aghta loots to, the respective
<br />sacce~ora-and asaig~ of the Vigor and the Mortgagee.
<br />i d j All covenants and agreements of ttie MartgagoF are joint and several.
<br />ie l 7tte heading of the paragraphs: of this Mortgage are for eoaversience only acid shall not be used to inter
<br />pret or define the pmvtsionahereot.
<br />13. Release. Upon payment of all sums seeared by this Atlottgage; Mortgagee shalE discharge this Mortgage and
<br />slcall execute and deliret a satisfactoti~ release therefor,
<br />EV Wf'I'iZESS W ti~l;'ftBUF„4lottgag~ hu exeeated thiss
<br />Mvrtgage on tMe..~i.~ day of -{an..._,_.-.u _Tarv , l,g ~~.
<br />,f
<br />(Or-viile J. Qual set t:) Botzawer
<br />w
<br />.
<br />_~, .
<br />{Mary F..-''Quals~t[, Boaor.er
<br />State o[ Neb!+~aka, -- a z.12 County st
<br />On this_ bth day o[ .Janziar'9 19$,x., 6efare me, the undersigned, a Notary Fabric
<br />duly commissioned nud quaiiftad for said coauty, peraonaliy came {7fi,t T 1 e {5. C,.,a] ca t and Mar ;T h _
<br />___(~„~1<or_Yr li~,Y1.R„~3 ~~~ I:; Fa , to me klaovrti to-be the
<br />ideutiraF perscnfsj whose name{sy an sul>scxibed to the loregving;instrunaent and acknowledged ,the execution thereof
<br />to be. tieii _tiduntaryact and deed.
<br />d sad r:otarial jai at ~ r : ~}3,rasica in s7ud eoun4y; the ,
<br />dafar ~ . ;. rte': ~ _ ;~
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