<br />This Mortgage is erzteted into between ~ 4sa_f_} l.C ~ .~.4(t31:6gfi.S ~Srg ~ • ~t4af selGt --
<br />_1}~,i~and and W~fo, ~s 3oint `,"enant~. and trot ,as tettartts in coamao
<br />,T _. n(heeein ^`3Sortk'agor") attd 11
<br />---EilFx' Pt]L~1T5 HA3LK- T _ _(herein "Mortgagee").
<br />Mortgagor i; ;ndebted to Mortgagee in the princip~ earn of $ b-5Q0. Q0 ,evidenced by ivlortQ,agnr's note
<br />dated. 11~! h? --_ (hernin "Note") pmy(i3iag for payments of'principal and inbet2st, with the balance of the
<br />indebtedmess,;f not sooner paed, due and payabteot Lct.Ly b- 1 R82
<br />Tosecux the payment of the Nott:, with interest as grovided therein, the payment of aft other sums, with interest,
<br />adrancet4 by Mortgagee to ptatect the security of thus Mortgage; and the performarrce of the cove!:ants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor contained. herein, 11(ortgagor does-hereby mortgage and 'donvey to, Mortgagee the fotlovring described
<br />property Located in 11a11 Cotutty; hta.btscka;:
<br />Lot Fifteen f15} in Black Ttaa (2} in tIniver~ty Place, aft Addition
<br />tc the City of Grand Ssland, Sall County, Nebraska
<br />Together with ssl buitdittg{s;improvettcentx, fixtures;.streets, alleys, passageways, easements, right, privileges and
<br />appurtenanm located thererx; or ;n anywise, pertaining thereto, and the xnu. issues and prof;is, invasions and remainders
<br />thereof; ;ndoditrg, trot not l;mited to. heatrng and cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />;mprovemeats so to tc+ constitute a flxtux; ail aC which, inetuding replacements and add+tons thereto, is (teteby dedaxd
<br />to be a part of the real estate Berated by trig tlen ai this Mortgage and at(oi the. fdeegniag being referred to herein as the
<br />..P~~,.
<br />Mortgagor [unbar omawmlutts and.agrees., wiW 6riortgagk>'. as foltows:
<br />1. y:yramt To pay the tudebtedness and the intex5t thenwn as proveded id this Mortgage and tbe.Note.
<br />2 Tith:. Mortgagor is the owteet of t[te Ptop~rty, lw.s, the r;ght and anthor;iy to mortgat~ the Propertc, and
<br />n~arrants that Ute Iten created hereby is a freer and prior lien on the l'noprrty, except as mac' ottderwise kfe set Corih herein:
<br />d :`te Property is sci6~rt tan 5(ortgage wherein:_~~--a.__.~. ----.---.--
<br />rs the !![ortpgiee, rcexxded at Flook , Ptg4 __~ ~oC~the t~rt~ge (tkcx:;,ds ni - -~CountY,
<br />i8r<btskt, vrhieh Mortgsge is a lien. prior to the Tien created hereby.
<br />LOther prier liens or eacumbranees:_ ------_-- --__----.--------------
<br />- 3 Tazeti Ataeattnenta. 'Fn pay when due at{ fixes, ipecial astes_5menis and al( other chargcx agairut ttte Property
<br />tad, uprm vdttea demand b3' Mortgagee, to add to the payments rr~qu;red under the tvote secured hereby, such amount s3
<br />- refs!' be Wffirknt to rMble the Mortgagee to pay Such taxes, assessmeols or other chtrge+ as they txwcome due.
<br />~.-. [tlfYragee. To keep the ;mprovereents oar or. hereafter 7ucatrd on the reak estate flescr;lxd herein insured
<br />a~i~t duaag ley flR and such oche[ haiards as Mortgagee nu9 require,. in amounCi and-w9th comp;uiies acceptrbie to the
<br />]~loat(pyee, and with tt» payatilc to fix Mortgagee. Irt case oC toss under such pol;cies the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />ad~rb, cs~[ce2~ and compeaaaire, in its diactetinn, ell claims Ncreunder zt its ~e eptiun, euthorhed to either apply the
<br />Faoeeat4 to Lhe tettarattaa of Lhe Property or npon the indebtedness secured 'Hereby, but payments hereunder shall con.
<br />time unfit tha att®c settired hereby are paid in tall.
<br />5. ~ Ficrow Fof Tenea and Enwrance. Notwititstandsrtg anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />raatratY, JlOrtgl~rshhatl pagC to the 3e(ortgagxw at the time aC pey;ng the monthly ir~tallrnerrW o[ principat and intrrest,
<br />oa~trc~lfeh of tire- yea>fy :aatex, asaesaments. hatacd ittiwrance premiutns, and ground rents iif aa5 t whit tr may attain a
<br />prioritg owx Shia Mtirt~e, -ti as reasorubfy estimated from ume to time 4y the MvrYgagre: The amounk~ sa paid shall be
<br />by Brae-Mort~gee wfLltoat interest and.epplied to the payment of the items In respect to which such tmnunu were
<br />depaailedc.'1be sum- paed to Mrrat~gtav hem+rrder ate ptedXed as add;t;onal security for titP: indebtedness xcured by thts
<br />MoE~s. ~aba((pw to MnctYa/er fbr smounf of mg defir;rncy between rite actual tsxee, assessments, infuranCe
<br />partaitr~rc am[ gxwsd t[utc nerd rite deprxita hereunder w;thin 1~ 3a}s after demand ;s rnat{a+ upon ~'torfgagor regrtesting
<br />paY6MSft!herloC.
<br />8. BatriY, 1~itaKlgf t'R sad SJaG,. Tcs pr+7ecrgCl'}+ repaSr-, ~stnrc er rebuitd anv utiitd;ngr sat irs~Srrusemrn~ now or
<br />hy!tarit24c ~ tiAv EYopn'lty> to-Jaerp tGa R*spe~ty an. ¢:xod e-tsndi4ttva and erpa'.r, ~it.4eout wa2a<~.. z,~fd tree iromaniv;}zan;a'x or -
<br />adlractisrr rca4 ergrrrseS.v su.5ntaf3rratrcC to the.:len ±reta~o[: tv~s. to )rye,-art;~r err permit ens; nuisaaec o ; gist.. nor r%r dicltn-
<br />isia.va sibl~i7? flee ea(w. 3C fkx>• R'ao¢rrty try any art ;3s nrniaatrem 1a are: anw a;c c~~r~y with ~,f3 n~yairement~ of 4aw ~~it$t
<br />4t!tyitat to the P'ra~:~riY..
<br />