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T'h;is mortEase grade and rntered into this 31s*_ day of _ raecember <br />19_~,t:, by and tK'wecn Rudolf F, and Jeantxice R_ Plate a;~d Richard L. and Barbara Geist <br />Tenanrs in Common <br />(Iereinafter referred tows mortgagor) and Commercial National $ank and Trust Company <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />rnortsagtr), who mainfams an office and place of business at `l2`t west 3rd street in Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Ncbrula. <br />WrStiFSS6TH, that for the considttation hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the. mortgagor <br />does heinby tnrxt=stie, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, iu successors and assigns, all of the fol- <br />lovrvtg described property situated and being in the County of kTall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />its One (1), Two (2}, Three (33, Pour {$), Five (5), Six (5), T`.relve (12), <br />Thirteen (13), Fo:trteen t14), Fifteen (15), Seventeen (17}, EigYiteen (18), <br />Twenty (20), twenty-One (21), Twenty'Two 422), Twen*_~r-'t:lree !23), Twenty-Four <br />(2A), all inclusive in Westgate Se~kdivisian, ir. !fall Cou:.ty, Nebraska.. <br />together with all the tenements aind apputt~ancesthtrtCrs'Seionging, all the rents. ~asues and pi•~ifi'ts theceof,'andall <br />eastmstrts, rights, royalties, mineral., tHl grid gas rights and profits, watts, water rights, and water stock, and including <br />aH heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment =end al! tixtures of every description txlonging to the <br />mortgagor now or fineaster artachcti thereto or used in connt~etion witf the prcrni°,cs herein described and in addition <br />thereto- the fallowing ddcribaf properties which arc and shall be d~mcd to be turtures and a pari ot: the realty, and <br />arc a portion of the stc¢rity for the inrfebtedrtess herein stated. (If Hoot, start "ntsttt") None ' <br />To have and m hold tht satin unto the Atonptagte, as bestir. prnvidcd: <br />The roorrsagor is -awfully seized and possessed of and has the slabs to sell and convey said property; that the <br />same is frse frosts all enctrmbrsttces eacxpt az hereitmbovc reciteC: and that ?Mortgagor rnvcnants to warrant and <br />dttend the tuft aforesaid thtteto and entry part thereof against the ctaitns of all pcrsorts v~homscxser. <br />This ?rotrument is givtn ro sewrtthe payment of a promissory note dated _ December ?i • 1481 <br />in the principal sum of S ~5(Y•OQ~-~fl _, signed by Budo3f 'Plate & Richard L. Zeiss <br />is hehalf'of thnaselves - <br />a}w, as sorb note or Hates stagy from time to time be modified, renewed or exIended in writing. <br />Ia the Crest thedt3tto said sal estate is transfe-red, ar c-ontracted to be aarsfemtd, .from tha undersigned for any <br />rtrron of by anY tneshod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued imuest shall at ones become due and <br />ppyaslt st thr eieairra of the balder hereof. Failure to arcrcise this option because of Transfer of title as aE}ovc stated <br />in oae itntanee shall not comtitute a waiver of the rigftt to txcrcise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />1. The tsOttgAgor cavenaots acrd agrees as follows: <br />A Tt~ pCOrgptlypty the ir+dCMcdttess evidenced by said ptnmistory note at the lima and in the Manner <br />ttferein p!rtrrided. <br />b. Tc*pay all tares; assrasmenta, water raxec; and etlttr govcrnmen!aF ar enuniunai .-h.+rgc:_ Eiraes, car <br />in+pasitiatrs; €ttir whie$t-proviKion has. not berm toads hereintaforc, and wilt prnmptiq deiicer the t,fficfiat rec-ccptc <br />tircr~°ctr to six said mxrrtrsattec. <br />s. 't'o ~Y such ekt±digc+ arx3 fees as r-iay be iTU'urred ere tht protecticsn sua mur+~r:=lance .-sf said pret<er~s, <br />itrC,$~flgC~d !'.£t5. of ~~;' attsttney en3tflave.~ by ilte RYOit~a~ far!' t?rr cc~~lrxal~ n of tEnv o ~:i i>f' c;~r. ieidci~tcYi~uess <br />hrtt3r^* st~enrtd, cr, ftrrts:sncate hti rr.*~,tuattce'e :.:sir. c,r u'3kii' rncet:iirxz.:, ir, sr,}~ ~i:fzs 1~ti~at~c~~t cx prr±+.-tedittig <br />aftr_xn~ }srr?~r=.} <br />