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<br />The undersigned Declarant and all other owners of units hereby join for the purpose of
<br />increasing the number of units in the Condominium hereafter referenced pursuant to the exercise
<br />of special declarant rights contained in the Declaration heretofore filed of record in the oHice of
<br />the Hall County Register of Deeds as Instrumnent No. 200608021 in the manner established by
<br />the Nebraska Condominium Act.
<br />1. Name~. The name of the condominium is "North Point Condominiums", a
<br />condominium. The name of the association is "Condominium Owners Association of North
<br />Point, Inc,", a non-profit corporation.
<br />2. Description. The condominium is situated in Ilall County, Nebraska on the
<br />following-described real estate:
<br />Lot One (1), KAAAR Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Ilall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />3. Number of Units, The number of units to be created, by this exercise of special
<br />
<br />declarant rights, is seven (7). This number of units, however, may be further increased by the
<br />
<br />exercise of retained special declarant rights hereinafter provided,
<br />
<br />4. Boundaries. The boundaries of each unit, including the unit's identifying number,
<br />
<br />are shown on the Plat and Plan, attached hcrcto as Exhibit '"N'.
<br />
<br />5, Common Elemcnts. The common elements are all portions ofthc condominium
<br />
<br />other than the units, The limited common elements, other than those shown on Exhibit "A", are:
<br />
<br />(a) If any chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column, or
<br />any other fixture lies partially within and partially outside the designated boundaries of a
<br />unit, any portion thereof serving only that unit is a limited common element allocated
<br />solely to that unit, and any portion thereof serving morc than one unit or any portion of
<br />the common elements is a part of the common elements.
<br />(b) Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches,
<br />balconies, patios, and all exterior doors and windows or other fixtures designed to serve a
<br />single unit, but located outside the unit's boundaries, are limited common elements
<br />allocated exclusively to that unit.
<br />
<br />(c) Any garage and corresponding portion of the drive allocable thereto
<br />identified by the same unit number to which it is deemed a limited common clement.
<br />
<br />6, Special Dcclarant Rights. The Declarant shall have continuing developmental
<br />rights to add units, subject to the limitation that any additional unit shall not adversely affect the
<br />acccss or use by any other owner of a condominium unit, and power is reserved by the Declarant
<br />to make the condominium part of a larger condominium, group of condominiums or other real
<br />estate and the Declarant shall also retain the following additional special declarant rights:
<br />
<br />REcoRDERS MEMO: eYe a:fer
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