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<br />a4,-0058:28 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />If Ihe Propeny IS abandoned by Borrower, or If, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar offers to <br />maKe an award or settle a ~jalm far damages. Borrower fails 10 respond 10 Lender wilhin 30 days after the date Ihe nOlice is <br />gIven. Lender IS authorized to collect and apply Ihe proceeds, at its option, either 10 restoration or repair of the Property or <br />to Ihe sums secured by this Security Instrumenl. whether or not then due, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwIse agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone Ihe due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs I and 2 or change Ine amount of such payments, <br />10, Borrow~r ~9! Re!fl3.sed; Forbel!nLl'!~e By Le'1der Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or <br />modification of amortIzation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br />Interest af BorTOwer shaij not operate ta release the hability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. <br />Lender shall not be reqUired to commence proceedings against any successor in inlerest or refuse to extend time for <br />payment or otherwIse modify amornzatian of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasen of any demand made <br />by the ongmal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />shallllot be a waJverofor preclude the exercIse of any right or remedy. <br />1 L Successors a!!d A""ign;s Bound: Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of <br />this Securny Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions <br />of paragraph! 7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secunry <br />Instrument but dOt."S nol execute the Note: (a) IS co-signmg this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey <br />thai Borrower's .nterest III the Property under the terms of IhlS SecurilY Inslrument: (b) is not pef"..onally obligated to pay <br />the sums secured bv tnlS Secunty Ins!rumt"nt: and te) agrees Ihat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without <br />that Borrower's consent. <br />12. Lo"" Charges. I: the loan ,ecured by tt\Js Security Inslrument IS sublect to a law which sets maJumum loan <br />charges, and that law IS nnaliv interpreted so thaI the llltereSt <:or olh., ")an ';harges collected or 10 be collected in <br />connecuon wHD the ;oan exceed the rrermnted limIts. then: Cd t;Ut.i!: loan charge sball be reduced by the amount <br />neces-~ry to reduce the charge!o the p"cffil:tted. hmiL and it, _ "J;HS .:lread.y (~~_Juected frem Borrower which ext"eeded <br />permmed bmm wlil be reiunded to BorTOw~" L~"der :1,<., .:.c'{)se to make this refund by reducing the principal owed <br />under the Note or by makmg a direct payment 10 Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as II <br />pamal prepayment wllhout anv prepavment charge under Ihe Note. <br />13. Leltislation Affecting Lender's Rights. if enaCll'lent or expiranon of applicable laws has the effect of <br />rcndenng any prOVl$Wn af the ~o{e or thiS Secunty InStrument unenforceable according to its terms~ Lender? at i-ts option, <br />may reqUIre Immediate payment .n full of all sums secured by .his Secumy InStrumenl and may invoke any remedies <br />permmed by paragraph 14 If Lender exerCISes thiS opllon, Lender shailtake the steps specified in the second paragraph of <br />paragraph I" <br />14. :"totices. An:.' notice to Borrower prc.lVlded for m chiS Seeunt)! Instrument shaH be given by de!ivenng it or by <br />mal!tng 11 by tlrsl ..:LlSS mad unless uppilcabie law requIres use of another method. The notice shaH be directed to the <br />Propenv Addre~s i)f any i1ther ~iJdress H0rrower desl!~nates by notlce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaH be given by <br />li!";1 class mall to Lender' addre" Sla'<.'d herem or any other address LenJer des'gnates by nonce to Borrower, Any nOllee <br />prOVIded fer 1fl thIS Securny l:1srrum~n{ ~haH c-e deemcct to hav~ been given tv Borrower or lender when given as provided <br />In IhlS paragraph <br />15. Governing La...: ~everabilit}, nus Secumv Ins!rument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the <br />jUnwlctlon In which the Property" !Gcated, In Ibe event thaI any provISIon or dause of th,s Secunty Inslcument or the <br />~ote conflicts \l.ah applIcable law, such (;}nfhc~ shali not :ltfect other pro\tSlOns of thIS Security Instrument or the Note <br />\4-hn:h c~n be g~\'en t:tTec~ 'Nab-out :he (l.Jnfhctlng prO\TSlon. To thlS end the pn)\fJsions of this Security Instrument and the <br />'\iote are decL:ucd !(, be- severabk <br />16. Borrower's COP)'. ROfTow~r \hail he gp..en one ;,:onfornl-ed copy f)f the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br />17, Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Illterl!'St ill Borrower. If ail or any pan of the Property or any <br />1rt!erest in it 1"S ';'Cld t\r transferred i or ;f.a ~neric:ai ,nrerest in Borrower 15 sold ..Jr transferred and Borrower 15 not a naturai <br />j::"ePi-on J \\ nhout LenJc-:':', prior'.\. nt!en consent. Lender may. at Its optIon. reqUire ;mmedl3le p.ayment In fuB of aU sums <br />\ecure-d b)- thIS Sl-~UrH~ Instrument. H~)wc\'er. ~ht~ optIOn shaH rwt be e.\crcised by Lender tf exerCIse IS prohibited by <br />fe-deral LIW;b ,,}f' rhe J.~te c~f th~~ S(:cunty Ins.trument <br />if Lender t,er":lSt:S thIS optlun. LtnJe; shaH g:'.'t:' Borrower n01.Ice llf acceleration, The notice shall provide a period <br />()f not le~~ than L.13~'S from the I.t.He the !K1tH.:e is dehvere-d or mallW wlthm whtch Borrower must pay ail $urns secured by <br />thHi Se'':U_flty instrument. if Borrower fad~ to pay these swns pnor to the e.l\plrat!on of [hiS peflOO. L~nder may invoke any <br />remedies permined GY ;l1tS :Sc~unty in~tiUtnc11l: WIthout further notIce or de-mana on Borrower. <br />18, BorrQwer's Ri~ht 10 Reinstate, If Borrower meets certalll (OnOlll"n" Borrower ,haH have the right to have <br />:::nf0fcement {1( rhis St.'>-('unt:\- in~lrumerH !.HS-C(}[ <;Il~- itme pllGf te the ~::rh~r i)f fal 5 days ior such other period us <br />.ipphcabk ;a>A m3Y '!-peel!\' ({)f rCiDst:Hcmen!! be-fcre ,4th:: (}f the Property pursuant to any power of sale containt::d to Ihis <br />SecurH~ Instrument: ,---';- ~))l crl\r~ .,,-,t" ~i :uJ~rrten! er.fofcrng thJ:~ 5~curHJ- instrument Those conditIons are that Borrower: <br />{:o pays Lender aU ~urns wnKh then wouki be due unaer rhts Secunty Instrument and the Note had no accderatll.Jn <br />lx;curr~d: \~} ;,;-Jf~ .my .:i-eL.iuit ~,f ,:tny _.l!hcr (<.:n,;enants (}( agreements; (cl pay~ ail expen~e-s mcurred !f1 enfon:mg dES <br />Se,:-ur;;y in:,.nurn~nt, F1CiilDmg. but n'.I" ;Hnued to. reasunab!e attorneys' fr~: and (d) t3iu.."S such Jetton as Le-nder ma~.' <br />reas-onabiy re-qulre ~l> J.,.sun: iha! (he lien C'l thiS Se--..:unry Instrument. L~nder':-. nghts In the Prof",-erty and 8orrov"-er\. <br />,)b~lgaoon t(\ ra~ !:h~ ~ums ,ecured by thiS Se<...:unry Instrument ....haB con!lnue unchanged, L:r-<~\f1 rCifist:'ft,:rnen! by <br />Fk~rrO"eL -; hl~ SC'''::U:''Hy Ln;-.rrumenr JrHl the Oh-ilgatKHls' ~e-cured hereby ,hail r-em,:,un fully r:nectne as If no a('.;der..lfHJD fud <br />')-ccurr-e-J_ Ho\\e\-er. ihis r;ght 10 reH1-stJte '::<haH nor apply m ~he cost: ,)i LH.:cde-r::Hton under raragr:lph'"i J J or 1 '7 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />)i{)N-V~IfORM COVE~,"NTS Borrower and Lcnde! {t:i1her covenant and. agree as follows' <br />19. Ac:celUlltion: Remedies. Lender sball gin notice to Borrower prior to acceleration followinll Borrower's <br />breach arm)' c,mmant or agr<<ment in this Security InstrUment \but not prior to acceleration under paragraphs 13 and 17 <br />ul1!ess app.Iic&hte I... l'fOrldes llthel"fl'ise}, Tbe !lot!.!:<< shall specify: lM the default; (Ill the action reqlHred to cure Ihe <br />deflllllt: (c). Gate. !lot leiS tblUl30 days from the date the lIotice is given to Borrower. by wbicb the default must he cured: <br />and hf> that failun! to cun the detault 011 or before the date specified in the notice may resuit in accclu!ltion of Ih", sums <br />secllAll by this S<<uI'ity Instrument llnd we of the Propeny, The notice shall runher inrol'J11 Borrower of the right to <br />rflMtate aft. ",,<<leration and tbe right to brin3 a coun action to assert the non-existence of a default <H lIny otber <br />~ of Borrow. tn Ka!leratioo and we. If the default is no, cured on or before the date specified in Ihe notice. Lcnder <br />at ita l)pti0fl may r~rt immediate payment in full of all sums .;;eeunn by this SecuritY Instrument without further <br />~ lUId -r in~ke die po"u lit sale and any fttner nmdles permitted by aP9licJlble law. Lender ,hall be t'ntitlcd to <br />cnLled; ail u~ ilK:~ in Ilvnuiq the remediell proyiMd in this p;t.r1lIITaplt !9, ",cludin\<. hut not limited tn, <br />r_bk .ll~$' f<<!$ lIOO Ct!!iU of title evi.u~. <br />ff 11M! ~lWff ,,/ ujtJs in..oked. TrU5tee sballl'<<Md It ""tice of dd.u;t in eacll county In ..hlch all" \ll1rt nr the <br />~ ~ kM;*Ufd :Utd JdtaU ~ (~~ u! !i=-h auti-ee iff the m:a.ID1ttf pt'escnbfli by i!vulkabh~ tf.l" tn B~lrrQ'!H.-r and to tnt' <br />.,tiler lI'!/f_ l'I'~ribe<1 by appliC'llhll! llJ..., Atler llw lime rE'quired ,,, "Ill>licsble la..., TnL't"" ,l111ilIlIH l>t1tllK ""II"" ,.t <br />~ to ttw .t"Wtt'i ud in t:ftto ~Mt p-rr.K.'rJ~ by liP~H-c.b-i-.fllaw. lru~te,t~, witht:H1-t d?ffHtfH] tHl HH-f"rH""*"'f. ...h:ail ...d! th' <br />