<br />r
<br />
<br />~..1_ 0058?8
<br />Lend~r pays Borrower interest on the Funds 3nd applicable Jaw permns Lender [0 f1fae such a cnarge, BOrrower and
<br />Lender may agree m wnlmg that mterest ,hall be paid on the Funds, Unless an agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires mterest to be paid, Lender shaH nOI be reqUIred 10 pay Borrower any inreresl or earnings on the Funds, Lender
<br />shall gIve to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to Ihe Funds and the
<br />purpose for whIch each denit to the Funds was made, The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured by
<br />this Seeunty Inslrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held cv Lender, tOllether Wllh the future monthlv navments of Funds navable orior to
<br />the due dates of the escrow Hems, shail ex~eed the ~m~un! required to pay Ihe escro;'.v'it;ms when due, th~ e~cess ;ha!l be,
<br />at Borrower's option. either promptly repaId ro Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. Ifthe
<br />amount ofrh" Funds held by Lender is nOl sufficient to pay the escrow items when due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br />amount nec~sary to make up the delictency lfl one or more payments ~s required by Lender,
<br />Upon payment m ful! of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later
<br />than lmmedl,ue!y pr.or to the ,ak or the Property or its acquisinon by Lender. any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />appilcation as a credll against the sums secured by this Security Instmmem,
<br />3, Application of Payments. ljniess applicable law proVides otherwise, all payments received by Lender-under:
<br />paragiaphs i aha 2 :;;h.aH b--.: applied: first. to late charges duC' under the r-";ote; s~nd. to prepay-ment charges due under the
<br />'>'ore; lhlrd, [0 :!mounts papble under paragraph 2; fourth. to imerest due; and last, to principal due,
<br />4, CharKes; Liens, Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to the
<br />Propenv w!ucn mav Oltlam pnomy over th,s SecUt1ty I nstrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any,
<br />Borrower shal! pay these obllgatlOns m the manner proVided III para.graph 2, or ,I' not paid in that manner. Borrower shall
<br />pay them On time direct!> to the person owed paymenl. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts
<br />10 toe patd under rl;,< paragraph. Ie Borrower makes these paymen" direr'!y, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender
<br />ft'Cf'!prs ev!dencmg the payments.
<br />Borrower ~haH promptly d!3Charge 511)c hen whicll ~. n ;;-1 "ty :")1 r thlS SeCUrity Instrument unless BOrT:Qwer: (a)
<br />"grees In ":mmg !D 'he payment Df [he obh?lll', .:, ,,;cured by",~ hen m a manner acceplable to Lender: fb) contests in good
<br />':lllh the hen bv ')f defends agamst enforcemel1l of the hen m. kgal proceedmgs which In the Lender's opinion operate to
<br />prevent the eniorcemenr or the hen or forleJlure of any pan of the Propeny; or Ie) secures from the holder of the lien an
<br />,lgreemen! ""tl,!actorv 10 lender subordmanog rhe !ten to tillS Seeunty Inslrument. If Lender determines that any part of
<br />:hc Property :;~ \tibJec~ rc.. a hen WhlCh may ;Jl.taln pnonry over thiS Security Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a
<br />qonce- ldenuf:nng the ilefL Borrower ...haIi ~,..HlSfy the hen or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br />~)f ihe gf\'lng nt n\H ICe
<br />5, H~rd Insurance, Borrewer ,nail keep the ,mprovements now ex,s:ll1g or hereafler erected, on the Property
<br />insured .ag:lln.st ~ns'i hv ~re, h~tl,arn$ m-Clu-d~d wHtnn the: term .'extcnded coverage and any other hazards for which Lender
<br />r<:qmres Insuran~:e_ Th;") Hl,Uf3nce ..,haB he mamtmned In ~hc J.mounts and for the penods that L~nder requires. The
<br />Hl'S.Ufance ~:arrH:f ;;(~':'.~-1;jnlg ;he :n<~urance .;,naB t",,-~ chosen hy Bnrrow~r subject to L~nder's approval which shall nct be
<br />unreasonably wtthh-t':lcl
<br />An m:-.urance Dc;;jhcl_t'S JOt) r~newab "hall he acceptable to Lender and. ~haH indude a standard mortgage cJause.
<br />LCHCler :,tuH haH~ ::he n~ht tn hntd dle ~'Jnh(,les JfH1 renewals. If Lender reqmfes. Borrower shaH promptly give to Lender
<br />J.J! reCelp!~ of paid pre-mItlm'i and reneWJ,1 tiCH-ces, In [he event uf h.;-S..s.. Borrower shaH glve prompt nouce to the insurance
<br />(~rner ana Lender L"nder ffiav make pn}of nf lo~~ Jf not made promp'!Y by Borrower.
<br />t:nles.-, Lt"fHlcf ;.-1no BQrrov..t"f nther';"IM:' 3.-gree m wnnn~. :rsurance pro<.:eeds shaH be :-lpphed to restoration or repair
<br />i!( ~hc Pro.p-eny damaged. ;f i he fe-~!'i.)fUfwn i}f rep-31f lS et.~onomH:aH'f fea."itbfe and l~nder's ~ecunty is not lessened. If the
<br />;.6lorailOft ,Jr repH' i<; no!' c[:-(m1.}mu.":lHy te~'a~lhie ~)r Lender"'. se-..:-unty would be ies.sened. ihe insurance proceeds shaH be
<br />J.pphed ~c rhe \um~ )-{.""cl.1red b:- :1'.15 Sccuntv tnstrumenL .\o\.hether or not then due. with any c"c~ paid to Borrower, If
<br />Borrower ab.andcHb the Pr('T~ny. erf (h~ not :'inswer wHhm 30 day~ 3. notice from Lender that the !nsurance carner ha..~
<br />dlfered t-(, ..:.enk .o~ c'L:Ufl!, then L~nJcr :11.1\' coHt1..~t the Insurance proceeds. Lender may u.se the proceeds to repair or restore
<br />;he I'rcrpeny ,'it i\~. r~1\ ';'J.!l:.~ ..,c....(~red /':;\. rL,s Se'.2untv [n:>.tfUrnent. wne[her Of not then due, The JO-da~' penod will begtn
<br />~hffl the nOth;e l:'. :21V'~n
<br />t~nk~)- Lcn(l~r J.nd t:k,1frnv.cr uthe-.rWise agree m wntmg. ~H1V arphc~tIon of proceeds to pnnc1pai shaH not extend or
<br />}xl:StfX.-1oe the ;.1Ut' d~He \.'1- rh~ nhJ:!'ntlj\ p:J.yrmcnrs referred to H1 r:mt'agr:!phs i ana 2 tIf ('hange the amount of the payments. If
<br />~~nder para~r3.ph 1 ,) ;hc P;'T'~rlY 10\ J...::qUlret.1 hy Lender, Borrower':5 n~ht tG .:Iny If:~urance pOliCies and proceeds resuiung
<br />~'r-orn dan1a-*=e fl.' the Property: prior tc the' :iC.quIs.ltJOn 'ih:lH pa-ss to Ll'.nder to !he e~t~fH of th~ <;ums s.ecured by thIS Secunty
<br />!:1strume:nt lmmrolatdy rnOf j(' the :'h:QUlSl00n
<br />l\, Pr""ervllllon and :\1sintenance of Property: Leasebolds. Borrower shal! no! destroy, damage or substatltlally
<br />,,:hange the Prnp.en~, aUo\:.>' the- P..-ope:-t'\: to dcten()fllre Of commIt waste. if tnls SecufHv Instrument I.'; on a leasehold~
<br />Borrower snail ~omrh \~..lth the prO\':l'iK)~l'l> of the It'jsc. ~nd lf B-0fr0WCr acqUlfes f~e: !Hte to< the Property, the Je.asehoid and
<br />f~ tHte ~h;';iH nnt mer~~ unH:SS Lender J~rees h' the meT:ger m wrHmi';
<br />~ Protectio~ 01 Lender's RilllUs ", the Property: \!ortRage Insurance. H Borrower fads to perform the
<br />;,,}'\:enant5 and ;'l~ree-ments (.l~ntaHH::d in !h!s Security in~trurnenL ,)r th!.':;~ l\ a legal proceedmg that may s:gmticantiy affect
<br />Lt'nder\. ,:,;~hts m the Pr0pert\ {.;ouch ;1"S- J: ;In.x;eed:i~g Hi bankruprcv. r~)hatc. r'<}"r condemna~K.,n or ':0 ~nforce laws or
<br />[e~utan0nsl. ihe-n Lender may ,10 :lnd ray (~'!r \vhmever l~ neL"t:::\sary to rrQtecl the value ofrhe Property .lnd le'nder'l) nghi~
<br />,n ~hc Prnf'<ny Le!hj-e;.~ J~:li..mS may :n-cluue p:!:Ym~ any 'i-WT1S \t."C:..;re-d !::tv J iH~n \\hlCh has pnonrv i)\cr !h1:~ St:'CUfH\'
<br />Instrument. 4ppearmg m (Gun:. ~J.ymg re.a.sonable'au~~rne\:'.' fees and ente:nng \"\0 (he Pr~~peny tn mJ.ke repaIrs. Although
<br />Lo::rrder rnav t,1Ke JC~ll."'!-11 ,~. "eel If:ti, ;:::H3:gr::1ph ~ Lender j()e~ nQi ha\e It! j.:; s;,:)-
<br />'\n\: i.U"rH1UnfS Jl,,-burseG b~ lC"!HJer un.::Je-r thiS ~ara~r:iph '7 ",hJ.!I h-t':(:(.}f!1C ..H.h.1HH.mat J~bt o( Bi)r\O\Ver c.,ecured b\' lhiS
<br />S<--";U.rH'; !n\H't.Hnenr t'njc~5 &~rrQwer :In.J Lcnu.er :Jtr!e-e t~) ~.'!!1er 1t'nn~ I}l. raymt:n!. ! l'les.c amounfS 'i.h:JlI b~:H 1nt~re~t 'fl ~~m
<br />~hc date p{ Jbbur:v:n1en~ ,;it the :-..:',;te r::He J.nd ':!!u.l! bt.' ray.1hk, \\ lth m(efl"St. U;11.Hl lk't<.:'C' (r,Jm Lcnejer 1\) BUE,~\\-c-r
<br />re-qU-!:$Hng p<:t~'rn~n;
<br />if Lcnd-ef requltcd mon~a.ge m5uranCt: .1;;, J: ,,:Dm"1lili..:,t!1 ,.\t mJ,r;.mg tne ;(,an \ecured M~ rht~ SC':cuntv Instrument.
<br />Born)'wcr ",h.aH P-i~Y ~he rrernwm\ fC'"quue-d !(, maIntain the msuran(c :n e-tfect unul \th.:n !lmt: as the [e-qU1femffir for the
<br />'l'1:\aftu.i.ce !~trrunat~ in ~c-(..:,o!dan(:C' wtth [k~rrower\ and Lender', wntun agreement or apOII-cable la\\-
<br />~t IMpect.to-'L Lender (If its a~en{ may mak.e re-a:s.onablc en!nes upon and mspcctH:m~ ,li the Prnpe-rtv. L-twjcr
<br />\fl3-,Jl S1',"~ Borfo'lie:r nntH::e J:! the ~~rn.e of ;1r pnor to an m:spet,~!}on ~peclfvln!t reasonable ..:ause {(:If the ln5pect"iOn
<br />9, CnmkmJUUioo. rhe pr:J(:~a:l"$ of "nv award or ;..i..um for tiarna~~. (hre-c! '.Jr ..~cl1sequcnt~aL m cunnei,;tH.!D wqh
<br />~AY (".o.:.~~!\-atH.1t~ ur tH.her {it.kn~g of any part A' ~he Prnp-er17", :yr for Cf!fP.;e-">21flCe :n ilt~iJ ':.'~f .::,..,ndemnaaun. are h;;:>rrt~\
<br />
<br />i
<br />L-
<br />
<br />:l,~.s:tined M1d IJ,hJ!.il b<-
<br />
<br />i.{~flatr
<br />
<br />h, th~ .evrn~ ,:t t(,t~d l.:.'!.kln~ {)f th~ Pr(',~rh, f~~ pnx:eeds "h.aH t~ ttt~-fi.h("...d L,'; lhC' ~\~ms ">.e.:ure.J t:,\. !ht"; Se,,:unr-.,
<br />In:;ltnJOl~L -:.,:t~.eHltf iY{ H""n' fh.e-n dut.. w~th a.ny t.::\{,~e-~~ r:rai'.d lCi OOtHJW-rf in );he e-......r:nt -:A';1 p~lr1mi Wkm~ "f dll..~ Propcn\
<br />;H"t.in~ tj,;-,{tfjWe'~ tH\;J L-'tnd~r c'Hte'fWl~ ;':;l~.re~ m ~Tltln!t. tht" :>;.um:'\ ~~cure::.j i:'\i \ht~ 'S,~un!\' !nsuurnent ~h;lil j~ H,,\ju,~.~d h'
<br />h-t' ;,;tf?tf.;!~J.n~ lh.tt m':;W"~eet.ol-, 1't,-UH.rP{,ieQ hy !te ff<1-Cilon \n th.e !,"".a! ,~m.t}-;:H1.{ 'if '.rH" '<,um"i. ..,('cureD H1'irnr(11..1h'l
<br />':';ft,)t'f' thi; ti!.!e;..!H.jt, ;j.,oJ;-..:Jed t1-'{ ~b-,l tf1-\:' f~;:,r n:,~rj;(e! vai~).t' ~rc~ p~;..'~P!"rt"; 1mM-:'.'x)):H~~'o ;~t.:'t,~~~ ,~H' l,ilnn.e 1:.~'\i '\;ll;-U\,,'::,
<br /> .~iLli;
<br />~>~~4 ;.U' f.%.U r'i~.Jtf
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