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<br />thereot toe l\'J,on:gagee may pay LHC :')GlfHC, <br /> <br />84~, <br /> <br />0057oi1 <br /> <br />6. if he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in thls mortgage;, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may payor perform the same, and ail expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the aUD"'" note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principai indebtedness_ <br />7, Upon request (}f the Mortgagee~ mortgagor st-...:ill ex~cut.(! .and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum 01' sunls advanced by .Mortgag,ee for the altera.tion, modernization, Qr improvement~made:at <br />the llortgagor1g request; (l1' for maintenance of said pl~enlises, or for taxes Or ~eB~~nts ~g.a-iJL~t tb~ <br />same, and fot." any other purpose elsewhere authorized her.ennder, Said note 'or notes--shall be-:-seenred <br />hereby on a pal'ity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the nl;l~firi;t <br />d~eeribP<! above. Said supplemental note or notes shaH bear interest at the rate provided forinthe.p,rinc <br />cipal indebtedness and shaH be payable Iii iippro:d.'Uate!y "'Illal monthly payments for such periodasllUlY <br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Faiiing to agree on the maturity, the whoie oillie 5tiiIi <br />or sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. Inno <br />ewnt shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br /> <br />8. He hereby assig%, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the note and aB sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terMS and-condi- <br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from tire mort"'- <br />gaRed premises durin;; ""en !im" HS the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mnrtgagee <br />shaH have rJO,\"er to appo_i nt any agent or agents it may desire :for the purpose of rentingt..~e sa~ ~d col- <br />l<-cting tht' rents, n'\.enu('s and income, and it mar payout of said incomgg 3H necessary commissions and <br />(~xp{'nses incurred in renting and managing the same and, -;:,')Uecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />rNnaining~ if any, to he applit:d toward the discharge of '.', ,;'u.rtgage ind€:ht,~\lness. <br /> <br />(;, He will l"ontintlously maintain haz:..,'d insuranc". vI such type 01' types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />lnay from time to Urn€' r('{~'.::!"e. .m the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and except when <br />pa\rnent for ail ~Uth premiums has theretofore been Inade under (a) ui PA_(<<gr-~ph '2 he!'~)'t \,..iU ~v <br />promptly when du,' any pn'miums therefor. Upon default thereof, Mortgagee may pay the same, All <br />ili,urance shall bc' l"arri"d 11\ l'ompanif's approved by the .Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof <br />shall bc' hdd by Iht' ~lorl~al(e(' and ha"e attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in form <br />~~':~'_'p-t-R:hlp to tlw \-ftJd~::19'f'f\. In f\\'ent (d loss ~-Iortgagor will giv(\ imnlediate notice b:\" mail to the Mort.. <br />gagee, who 1t1<'y make pro"f .of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company con- <br />l"l'rHel.l i5 IH:rt.'by Huthori'l(-d and dirp{"tl~i to make paYlnent for such loss direetly to the I\fortgagee instead <br />of t.o the 'iortg-u}!"or and th(' ~h'rtgaR"E'e jointly, and the insurance r'roe~edsJ or any part thereof~ <br />may be appiied flY tit., Morti'ai''''' at jis option eilher to the ,'eduction of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />Jr io th,' n'>'tnl'atwo ,.." n'p:ur ,.f th" property damaged, In event of fol't'e1osure of this mortgage, 01' other <br />transfer \If ~iti,,~ to tlk nll.wttragt.,d property in t"xtinguishnlent of the indebtedness securl.~ hereby. all <br />!'l!lht. tiOt:> and inh'n::4 HI' ifW ~lortJ{agor in and to any insurance policies then if! forre shall pass to the <br />purchaser or g-ral1tt."{~_ <br /> <br />H\ _~,~ ,Hiditionai and ll>ll" security for the payment of the note dt\~tril)(,.d. .and :lll sums to become <br />due untler this rnort~i\Kt..'_ tik )Iortg-agor ncrf'uy ~t~~~~'n;:; ~o ~he- ~!~'!"tg-~gPP aU leuse bonuses, profits, reve- <br />nues, royalties. rights, ;end "UkI' h"nelits accruing to the Mortgagor undt'I' an.v and all oil and gas leases <br />now. or du,'ing' Ow lifl~ \If thIS- murt){H.Rt'". executed (Ill said IW('mis-es. with th(' l"ight to receive and receipt <br />for the :-:am.t" and apply ~ lwm VI ".;ald indf'btet:int>s$ as W{:IU t}(lfun\ as after default in the conditions of this <br />fllOl-ti.":"a);,'1.'. ;HH} tiw j,tnl.t)!ag-.'t' may dt'lnand. sue for and l't'COYt.'I' any such payments when due- aud pay.. <br />abh"~ but ::-hali !lot t"lt.' t..'\~Ul.rt'lj,ow ~;, d(:" This ~!~~igntnpnt i$ to tenninntc and be-tome null and void upon <br />' Hf tins. 1ll~,rl~a~-\.'. <br /> <br />11. lit' ~hali nvt l'lllunHt ,II' jH','mit'; l:i.iid shaH rnaintain t.hf~ proJ)(ll~ty in as good eondition ,1S at <br />pn__'st."nt, rpaSllHabte \\ t'ar aud h'ar t"x("l.-'pted~ FI){)U any failure to st) maintain, hfortga~Y't...~~, at its option, <br />may tOaUSt' rt'~lSnllah!t' mamlt-nam.'l' wurk to bt.. perfornwti at the rust of MOl'tgagot'~ Any anlounts paid <br />t~wn~t'ur by }-durt){ag~,'"' :-.iiall h'ur int-erPst at tht~ rah' Pl.ovided for in the principal irHleotedn~S5, shall <br />tha"lll"'" 1l('t'\'1Ilt' a part pi th" 11,,1,'bt..>dness st'<.'ured by this, ratably and un a parity with all <br />othel' ""lebtt"llll'''S ~(T"r",i j",n'by, aud shall b<., payable thirty (:10) days aftel' (ir'mand, <br /> <br />1:!:. If the prl'nlj:--~,;;.. nf any p-art then"of. he. ~undemned under the 11O\\'t.'r of t,.milwnt domain. or <br />acquin~i. t\)}. a puhlt\., U$t', tht, datMges awarded. the IlftK..('t>f!s for the t.a.kiH.K of. or the n.H1Sio.eratlon fOI~ <br />Slh-h al'l!uisitiuH. to tht, t."xkut td the full ffilluunt of the rt"maiuiug unpaid indd)tt.!tln~ss sA'l'urPti by this <br />nwrtgllge, 01' tH,l't'b)' "sSI!(u"i to the !'>{ortRlIKe", and shall be paid forthwith tn said Mortgag,"': to be <br />apvH;:.\-d ,l!l i.-H.'('ount "I thl' ntaturin~ inst-aHnl~nts 'l1f such in-debte-tine-ss. <br /> <br />IH. If tht, j.hinj.{,it~Or falls to make any pa.ynlents when due. or to nlni'urm to and ronlply with any <br />vi'- t-onditlOH.s (II' .(lgTe~'mt'Ht.s \.'ontauled in this mot.t,KNbTt'. \...1" tht:.> nuttls whit-h it st,'(;lIn,.s. tht>n the <br />t'nt:re prin'\.~l)","\i s-unl ..Hh'l W:"i'rlhzl intt."t"l'st shaH at I)n(-e ~}l'~\..onH.' due and paY~lbii', at the t'le,'ti<.\1l ~)f the <br />~ftlrtga~: ;-uuJ this H1urtg-a-g-l' may ther'euJRHI be fort"(.'iost'\.t inunetliatel.r for the \\-h\,dt~ of the indebh.ld.. <br />Ht:'SS St-cUf:.,l, HI\..'iudiHg tht..~ cost of t.'xh'llding H\I...,;. abstract oi title frotH the dalp of this Inort- <br />gage. t.o l~ Urnt.~ t;f f..'OHUllt'l1nng 1!out'h suit. a !'t:'8sunabtl.' attnrney':;; ft't., and any ~um:i paid b.\' the \'t't('ran~ <br />AdrninHitrat!-on tin ..l-ll'tlunt {If thl~ ,K\utranty or iH:5.UranCf' Lit' tht.> itHh'blt-tlrH.':'.~ c'q'lll'~'d Ill'H.h)", all of wiudl <br />shaU be locltltl...l II, t.he ,it'<'r.", of fon,dt>l!\II'(', <br /> <br />t"t. If tn.iI jtH.le-btt.'\dne&~ set.'un'"t-f hprt.-by be KlUln-lnh't.~i ~lr \llstu.~'flllntit'r Titk ;~x, t ~fllted St.ates Ci)th', <br />~lldt l'iUe aUf. n~l"ulatifmg i~\.H--'11 th~rt'und{lr and in l'tft'i.'l pH I hl' datl..~ hpn-'-1d 1'hall KO\'t'rH thl' nghts, dut i,,'~ <br />and Ualrlhti-\;,. (I( thf~ parta';g ih"f't'-tO. and any pruvisions flf this 1H' OHU\f m~tfunwnt8. i'Xt"(,~uh..-f 1ft ("(HHlf'dWli <br />Wtth. said lnd.,bt\~f\tl'S8 whi<'h ni't. itl{~On8jst.t!nt with said Titl~ or' H,l~ulatt',m.s al't\ hN"f_'h}' Rlllt'wh:'f:! to <br />runlon:n ti1et't!-t-o, <br /> <br />''Nw ;'o\,pn.n~ }.wn"in l.:ontAinf~ S;ft..H bind, and th~.. hpni;~Ht,"\ and H.d\'a.ntat{l.~~ tihall iHun' to, nIP <br />