<br />I
<br />
<br />84-
<br />
<br />00576,1
<br />
<br />To H..t\"~ AND To HObT) t."tn:;&,-nG unto tJu:: Mortg""~~1 as herein provided. lnortgagur rep:resents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mm:-tgagee-, fr.:-at the Mortgagor has good right t-o sell .and co.nvey said.-p_remises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as he:relnotberwise recited; it.at the MC-...w1:~~--wiU-w~t
<br />and defend the same &gainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, Mo!"~ p.erehy ?9;~.::=~
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and aU other contingent interel!ts,of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises. .
<br />PKOvluw AL'N A YS, 2.!!d thp~ presents are ~eeuted and delivered-_ upon --the'- -fQliow~wg- ~~~~~:
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum withi.nterest iro1n~~
<br />at the rate of ::I.E;V'EN and 15/100 per centum ( 11 ,l~) per annum on the unpaid~nnti'tpaid;
<br />The said principal and intel""--st shall be payable at the office of Tower Financial, .Inc.
<br />in Lincoln, Nd,rdskd ,or at su...h other place as the ho1derofthenotflmaydeslgaateill
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the nlortgagor, in !l"mnthly installments O-f- 1HPJ?E_ HamREP mmrr- ~<~_~~9/100-,
<br />Dnllal'S ($ 337 ,29 ), l'ommencing on the first day of December ,19 8.4 and CQUtinuinlt9Uo
<br />the first day of each month thereafter IltlW sfiid ;,~,te is fully paid, except that, if not-sooner paid,thflfinal
<br />payment of principal and interest shaH be rlue and payable on the first da~ of November ~ 20.1.4 ;-:~Y.-
<br />according to the terms of a certain prolnissory not.e of even date here\\'ith executed by~'1e 3&id--Morlgagor.
<br />
<br />The 11lortgagor furtht~r agrees:
<br />
<br />1. He will pay the inlkbtf'dness, as hereinbefore provided, Privilege is reserved to prep.yatany
<br />t.ime, vdthout prenl!mn or {{It" the Hltire indebtedness or ar . Dart thereof not less than the-amountof one
<br />installment. or one hundred dc,ilars ($100.00), which",,:.,.;, _"". P"€}>aYl'1L.' in full shall be credited on
<br />the date r€Ceivffi. Partial prepaym,ent. other than on >lfstaHment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the nex'! following. instalhnent due date r>t thirty days after such prepayment, whichever-is earlier.,
<br />
<br />
<br />2. Together with, and ill addition to, h" monthly payments of principal and intel'l!st lll\Y!\b!e under
<br />the t.,rms ot the not<' secured hen'or. .\forto;agor will pay to Mortg'dj!'t'C, as trustee, (under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first d"y of eaclt month until said note is fully paid:
<br />(a-) A sum l~4uai tn the ground rents. if Hny, llpxt due, plus the pl'pmiUnls that .win next become due
<br />and payabl.' pH policies of tire and r,t}wl" hazal~l insurnncl' covering the lUOItg-aged property:;
<br />p::.;:~ ~;~^i.'3 <iiid "i~:.f-:;S.illt'Hbi nt'Xl dm' on tilt' mortgaged property (all as estimated by the :ftlort-
<br />g:agf'e, and ,,! \I Inch the MortgagOl' IS llotili"fll I..'ss all SIlins already paid therefor divided by
<br />the IlUmt.h'I' of months til dap..,(~ hf~fot'(, \lIH' month prior to the date when such ground rents,
<br />pr~mi!Jms, taXt'", and as....t'~.snlt'.llts wit! bi.'come deiirHluent. sueh sums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />in trust to pay :;.aid g-rnund n'nt~. prl:'miUnls, taxes and spe--..:.i31 !lEses.."lme-nts.
<br />tOJ Th~. <l~j;r\'g'a:(' --!. ~h':l :-fn1"11nl;-;. 1~~1.\-ablt' iHlt'suant to subpanlKl'aph (n) and those payable on the
<br />Il\)tt' st'cun'd hiTuby, ::.haiI b-p patd in a sing-h' payment em.:!l nlvnth~ to be appHBo to the foBow...
<br />ing itt'"lT1s l!i. thi.' I..,rder ~tat('d .
<br />i I) ~TOUntt rl,:nts. tax~'~, <!:;s.-,:.;.sm~'Bt~, lire and other hazard insuranee premiums;
<br />(it) j~,~('rl'~t (~n ~~k n,>!t.-. ~t~\.:!H't.d !-wn'b.v; ,'lnd
<br />~ n!) _d!1tJl"tilatioH {if ! h~' prI!lt."lpaI (I! S~Hd. note.
<br />)\n)" dd;nf-Ol,.'.\' ;:\ l~l\' antll{j!;t Ill' ;lny :->uch <lg-~Tf'${alt' monl-ht,,- paYi'~1'-':lt eha!!, Hfl)PJiS mzde good
<br />!)y th,-' .\L'n~r,~}~"!' pnf'r tu tb. dw-' dab' or the lwxt sUt..'h paynlt1utl constitute an t~vent of de-fault
<br />undt'!" t.hl$ mortg:a).rl'. .-\t .\lnrt~aKt't!-S option. :\ioriJ{i':1)lOT will pay il .'late I.':harsre" not exceed..
<br />iI1)C f(IUI' p~'r n'ntum t 1', } of any lll:stall !nI'Ht whcH paid Inore than t\ftee-n (15)- days after the
<br />,jUt.~ \.lah' tbt,t't_'t\f!n \."u\\'1' dw t'\.lra t'XfJt'll~t' inqd\"t~d in han{HiJlJ.{rii.~iinquent payments, but such
<br />"!alt' \. hal'g,'-' ..h~ili !:dt bt' p<iyahlj' lIlt! i,f the IH<o,,'~'('Js of any sale nutde to satisfy the indebted-
<br />!H'S~ St't'Ufn.i .h\.~ITb.v, uHk~s ~u;::h pn:l'tTt'd.s art' sUlnelt,:nt to djst.~har~~ the entire indebtedness and
<br />.:dl pn;i}(~r t 11sts and t'Xi_}t-'nsps ~t.'t'un'd th..,t't'b,y.
<br />
<br />;\, It' the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />,'xCC<'<1 the amount of p.'lynwnts actually made by t.he Mor(!l'agt,<', as trustee, for ground rents. taxes an']
<br /><\&lessn*nts or 1th~UranCe premiums. as th... "'.l"" may be. such excess shall be aedited by the Mortgagee
<br />on subsequent payment.."; to be made hy the !\fortgal{Or for such iWIDS Ul"t at :Mortgagee~s option. as trustee,
<br />shall be n..funJ,,,1 to .\lortgagol', if, hOWI'wl', such monthly paym..nts Silllll not be sutlidellt t.... pay such
<br />item;; whell the same shall be<'om.. due and payaole, then lh.. 'fortgagor shall pay to Ihe Mortgagee. as
<br />trustt."(', an..\" amount Elt.",,-;.essa.ry to make up tht~ d~:!icit'th'Y within thirty (:JO) days after written notice from
<br />the MOrlgag\.'e stating the amount of the delicieru:y, which notice may be given by mail. If lit any time
<br />the ~fortgag{)!" shall tender to the ~lortgagt.'"t". in at;\:oniaol't' with th(> pt'o\.isions of th\~ H9t.e speured
<br />hereby, full payment of the t'ntlrt:' indt:Ltedness repr~~8t"nti:'d thf'l't>by. tht" ~lort~ngee, as. trustCt'. ~hall.
<br />in .."mput.ing the amount of stich indebtedness, credit to tile accuunt of the .\1ort!l'agur any credit balanef'
<br />l\<,'Cll.mulated under the proviSIOns of (il) (If paragraph:! h,',,,,)!'. If the,." shall bi' a d,'fault under "ny
<br />ni the- provisions of this rTlortgagc res.uiting in a public :-:.ak' of th~~ premiSt.s CO\'t't"('(i hl.'rtlby~ (ir if thp
<br />.Mortgag\"(~ nC4uin~8 th~) prulH:'rty other"..iSt' after default. t!w :\1fwtKH.).!;l't'-. as trH~tt,.. shaH apply. at Uw
<br />time of th~ l'fHunlctlCernenl of such prut't.'t~tiingg. ;lr ilL Hw tH1H..~ ttw pr-nl-wrty is: othpl'wise acquin>tl. i.ht\
<br />amount th..n remaining to <'l'",!it th.. MortJ{agur un,"'r In) of pnraKl'aph :! pl"\,,',~hnJ.l. lIS II crf~1it on the
<br />il\t('n~.st ac("nt-t~.d aud unpftld aud ttll' bn.laJ1ct.' ttl tht_\ priJH.'ll'al tlWll n\nu\iulug unp,aid on said note.
<br />
<br />,1. Th~' !It"!n of this 1n~U'HHh.'nt ",hall n>main in full (,\n't' and drt,'f.:t. during any pn$tpl~IH'mnnt or "XU'BT
<br />sum \If tht~ tltUi" lif IHij tW:Hi. (Of th~> inddjkthu_'-S{i Ht. hflY pH,n \ ht'n'ut' ;.H:'UH't'd hl'i"eby_
<br />
<br />;). Hi- v.'lll p~y all )troHfld ",:td,"" ta,:>'t.'sl H::-O"'..;l'.;:I.'illlt'iil.-{. '''.i(t.:'r nttes. and l_dwl" g'\J\'t,lrTH1H'Ilt.al or lHlHlit'l~
<br />ph-I fhafg~-'n. ;:\r..l'tt. ,jf ~m~:o*lU,,"n:l. 1. \-!".t! H~~.'!~ ^'la~'.i pr'-'tHHps ;\fui that tw \\ Iii par all taxI':" k'- ij~d npOll this
<br />nl\)rtga~, or the ~id!t ~l't'un'd iht'rd:;_y, tnK:'t'v;r u l~h ;1U)- '_Ith-r j,'1\(':; Ill" a,sS~I~slH~-'HL... \\hil..'h ma.y hf' it'\'h,d
<br />i,H,G*-'-t' n~:- iaw8 Hf ~t"hra:,ka ft}otHli1st Ult' )'lort~av,.,~". ,It t h,.. \.'v:ti h'hh'r Ilf :--a,,; l'nni ipal !!\ltl'. di ,~i~,(,!!!~t of
<br />th\$ !W}Pf,t,--'dfH!~~ f.Xt,'.f.~pt \-dlj.H P;-j.)-!~Vllt (in- !:\~~ :-Hi<_b Il-PHb ha~ 1h-'H'~cl{~'f.t' l""dl In:Hh. ldnkr ('1" \if pnl'a~
<br />)ffaph :..: rWi'l;'~jf. and h.. \~ ill pn'lht41,\-- ,J.,Il\H Uw ,-,H~na; rl,_'1.t'qH~:"l th"I-").i.~r \" ,\;c \t'_'rt~r;Ht~'~' In det'~H.l:H
<br />~Mf-\r~'~.if HH' }{OFtj{ai;tf'Ji" HW.} Pfl}" tht' ,,,,:J;Ht..,
<br />