<br />I
<br />
<br />ft,.
<br />Off - nf1~r;<;"=
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that th'e'MJJe~htJ:ttfers to
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is
<br />give", L~nder is authorized to coll~t and apply the proceeds, at its option. either to restoration or repair of the Property or
<br />~v the sums secured by this Securitv Instrument. whether or not then due.
<br />D nless Lendei and Borrcw~r ctherw!5e agree in writing~ any application ,)f proc~~ to principal shall not extenti":cr
<br />posiPone tne due date ofrhe mOiiihly payiiit;iits ref"'ilo:d to in paragraphs 1 ~nd 2 or ~hange-the 2!!!OU!!t OfSllCh paymen:t.-5..
<br />10. Borrower :'%t Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for paym<mt or
<br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any sUlX:esSor in
<br />interest of Borrower shall not operale to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />Lender shaH not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br />p2ymen~ ,'r otherwise modify amoruzation of the sums secureU by this $.;.~~*'i:J !r..:.~~~~"'!! by!'~ ofany-det.rtandmade
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />shall nol be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any righl or remedy.
<br />11. Successors and Assign.s Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of
<br />thIS Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subjecr to the provisions
<br />uf paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements. shaii be joint aild. ~yerd. Any Borrower who co-signs this-5ec-unty
<br />fnsrr..1ment hut does not execute the Note: tal is co--slgmng this Security instrument only to mortg-"....ge. grant a..T\d:-cOrtvey_
<br />that Borrower', Interest in the Property under the terms of thiS SecUrtly Instmment; (b) is not personally obligated to pay
<br />the sums secured by this SecurIty ii15tr-,.H'U,nt: cinc {c) :;lgre~ th;.!! Lender and any other Borrower may agree-to extelld~
<br />modifv. forbear or m:lk~ 2.nv ac(:ommodarions with re!!ard to the terms of this Securitv Instrument-or the Note without
<br />that B~rrower's consent. ~ - ~
<br />12. Loan Charges. If the !0an secured by this Security Instrumenl is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br />charges, :lOd that law lS finaiiy interpreted so that the ,"terest or o'her loan charges collected or to be collected in
<br />connecuon with the loan exceed the permitted !!mlls, then: (a) a"y '.~ loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />necessary to reduce rhe char~e to rh~ ~mmted lima: and {b) a~;. ',:... a!l"eadv c01iected from Borrower which exceeded
<br />permirred limHS w~H ~ ref1J~d-ed t8 HorroweL Lt. ''1t;.' rnay 'h:",~-r_:; tV lii~~~ lhi3 n::fu~ by fed~Ci..l'!-g tMo principal owed
<br />under the :'\lote or by making a dIrect payment 10 Borrower. If a refund reduces prinCIpal. the reduction wiH be trm.ted as a
<br />partIal prepayrnerit '..\'ithom any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />i3. ~iati(jii Aff~cting .LenderJs Rights.. If enactment ,)f explration of applicable taws has the eJfect of
<br />rendenng any pro"""n (,f !he ","ole or Ih" Secuntv Instrument unenforceable according to its terms, Lender, at its option,
<br />[.Hi>" reqUIre lmmethate paymenr in (uB of JH sums ..;ecurro by thl~ Secunty instrument and may invoke any remedies
<br />permItted bv para~r:lph lQ If Lender <,erClSe; ,Ius "pllon, Lender shall.take the sleps specified in the second paragl1lph of
<br />p3.ragraph t '!
<br />
<br />14. ~otices. >\ny n~JU(e to &Jrrower prOVIded for in thi~ S~unty instrument shaH be given by ddivering it or by
<br />mstltng Ii hy nr"'i -,.ia~s mal1 '..lnles\ JppilCablc law reqmres use of another m~thod. The notice shall be directed to the
<br />Property AdJrcs~ or ;iny \1lher :.i.ddr~~ B(,rrowcr Jeslgnate5 by notice to Lender, Any notice to Lender shaH be given by
<br />!1r<;;.t d.3-:o.<.;. mad !n I .ender', .Hil'irl.":\~ ...::lteJ ht.""fElfl ~)r :;tn\' ,nhe:r address Lender desi2nates bv notice to Borrower. Anv notice
<br />prOVIded tor :n thl~ Secunty insrrum~m 'ihaH he .Jeem-ed to have' been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br />
<br />m {rH~ p-aragraph
<br />
<br />15. Go.erninJ! La..: S"'ef3bilit~., fll!s Sn:umv Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br />)Un~1CU1.)il di whh.:j ~hc Prcp;:-r:v :5. :~.:-o..:.:!!-=':!_ I!"! ih~ ,..\(1"''1t that any nrO\'ISlon or clause of this Security Instrument or the
<br />-~Otc (nnni;,:~s with ;lppiic;lbl~ !3~, ~u('h .:cnrllct shaH not affect oth~r provl1\ions of thtS Security Instrument or the Note
<br />wnKh ,:an ~ gnen dfeci '.\"Hhout the o)nftIC%lng provPilOn. To thIS ~nd the prOVJSlOns of thiS SecurIty Instrument and the
<br />SOle :He dedara! to ~ se...-:rable
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. tk~IT,,-'"er "hall be gl\ct'n tme conformed C(.~py of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br />17, Tn..",fer "f the Propert)' or a ll"ndicial Inter""t in Borrower, If all or any part of the Property or any
<br />mter~t \n a is, '-()IJ "r :f:J.n:~J~neu ("if :f.1 t'encnt:ai :fitcrn-i. HI OOl jl.)",,'-i2r i; ,:>..)id nr ~r~nsferred a..'1d Borrower is not a natural
<br />per\t."nl ~Hhl.}ut L:ndcr'~ r'-fl(1r \.\-f\tten (,--m~cnt. L.:ndcr may. at as "pHon, reqUire Immedtate payment in fuB of all sums
<br />.....1."1.:'Ufe",J u) (hIS :S~~un!~ !flSlfUmerH HO"6~r. :hi"-' ~TOon ~.h~d 11{)-! !1e ,=_"\erclsro by Lender if t::~crClse is prohibited by
<br />ft.'dt"fJ.1 ::1\10 J.':'> "f the J:.HC l,1f thl'\ ~t"<.::.1nl:. In~[rumcnL
<br />If L",-':H.kr ;::'t:'fi.::~b thb ..'ptltlf1, L~nJt'r \nJH gl'>'(. BL)rrOWl:r notice fIt' a1,;~eicratlon, The notice -shaii provide a period
<br />,\f ni.....f :~\ d~.an Ii,) ,:1;1\'" fr,ml [he Jate Iht< no{t..:t!~ deli'd~rcd;,ir mailed wlthm whICh B(WfOWer must pay aH s.ums secured by
<br />rrH~ S-ct.:u.rH\ In"lrUflll;"nL if Burro-.er falb (0 pay :h~c ~um:,,> pnor 10 dIe c:~piiati0fi df~hl:i pe:-:~)d. Lender fI1~-:.: ifi:VOt..(' .any
<br />rt."!llCl,Hc'). p<,rmltt~d h\ :hl~ SCCUrll: in"tfurn~n[ \\,lthout funhcf' nou..:C' or demand on Borrower.
<br />18. Borro_er's Rhtht to Remstate. tf Borrnowef !1lt'C(S .:c:rtam -:onuIu,ms. BOffnwer shall havt:' [he nght to havt'
<br />t."!1r~:'lr..TmerH ,'r'~hf~ ~~...:un!~ In~tn::11e~1 \..H,::>\.:tH1Unued J.t :ln~ IlTne ;~nl.'! i\j ;ht: (:iibc:" ,,~f: t~;:' d::!.y~ ~(~!' I;.Hch other ~ntXl J.S
<br />.~f'p!!<.:.':!!~!~ ~l\l. nn:-. ....f't,..;.'l!\ ;',,;[ ;t'!f1~tJ.it"m~m! heflJre ....ale I)f the Pr~)perty pursuarH to any pt"1wer \.)1 sale contatned In thiS
<br />~('I.:ur!!~ in~tn.:mt:"c .~'r 't"! ~.'f1:r'" -,'f..l ;JJimerH C';!fof{,,::ng !h!S Ses.;ur:t\' In...rrurnent Those ~om.htI\I16 <ire ~h;l~ BcrrDt.\-'er"
<br />I_a) p-a~'i L(nuer J.li ~Uflh '-'I1Kh th:en-\\'tl~:u tl-c: du~ ..mjer Ihl" S-ct:u~ltV Inslrum~nt .:lod the Sote had no act.:'eterafllm
<br />,x~urrt-<J" 'bl ..:Uft'""lo .In. de!'au;l ,)f ..ln~ .1{her ~'~ncnam'\. ,_~f .1grcemcnr~,'{':j ra~" ..dl t:"'\pen\~ tncurred In c:nforcmg thIS
<br />Se\:uf;!I.' Inst!umt"n!. :r..:luamf:., ~UI :h:'i :H1HtCU t,"'. i'C;J.~oJn,Jtde ..iaiJfi1e~')' ~'en: ..t!1J (d) Uk6 '\u...:h ,ict:\.m ..is Lender may
<br />;,,,,~:\vn;;J,bl:o ;'~'4u;re ~,~ ,\~~un.: :hJ.! ;h.: ;l;;;n ,'{ :;H~ Se""':Uflt~ Instrument, L<:"nder'... nghts tn the: Prnpeft: :ind Horro\\cr\
<br />
<br />~~l:~~~~~~ r:~~> ~t:~!r~~~ >-l\\~~: U:~~:1~e~nS~ h~1~,:~i ~:~!~,~:;~. ';~:~~:~~~:~;b:h:~~~i;>~~l~~:~;~ (~!~~~~;:~~~'e ;ttT~n:"~~::\:~:~~~[ :l~'~
<br />
<br />.....;..urre-cJ HO',~('>.1;."r, :hi~ n~ht r,: r~H1\!ate "h~!lJ 1;:,H -.1rr!~ !11 the (:b..' ,\f-J.((~it;'r:l.I!"i1 \dHjc~ pJ.ra~uarhs t]- ,if 1:
<br />
<br />'iO!'.,L'~lfORM Cr)\'E:-;A~l'S oorrower i.md Lender further ClWenarH ::ma agree ~t., fl)i!OWS-:
<br />
<br />19, .~ntiOft; Remedirs. Lender shall l!ive notice to Borro....r prior to acceIenllion following Borro....r's
<br />brucl1 01 u)' COV_Ht Of ai!l'eemenl in this Sffurit)'lnstfUmeot . but not prior 10 acceleration under pllnti!l'apbs 13 and 17
<br />....Iess ~bIe law provide;; other..isel, Th.. nottc" shaH sp<<ify: lal tIM: default; lbl the action required to cure the
<br />defult: tcl a date. not lea lhart 30 days from the date the notice is given to Horrnwer, by "hich the default must he cured:
<br />... ,liJ tllal laUure to Cll<<! the deiault 00 or hefore the date spe<:iliC!d in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br />wellnlCl by tills Security llliiuumall and sale of the Property, The notice ,ball further inform Horro..er of the right !O
<br />,.,;...!!!!t~ .it.... "<<'*I<...tlon ....d th.. riglll 10 brinll a COlU'l action to assert the non.eustence "f a default or any ,.the,
<br />~ of Borrower to a<<eler:ation tlDd we~ If the default is not Cttrt"d on or beiore lb~ (uile :'t1Kt:.ifitd iil th.; iH)tke. Lcnd~r
<br />at ilS optioa -r r~uin ilJlfttl!diare paymenl in full!>f aU SWId ><<ured by this Security Instrument without (urlhel"
<br />"-'l and _y illYoke tilt! power Ill"",, uti any other remedies permitted bl allllikable la... Lender ,hall he entitled to
<br />~ tiI U_ inellt'l"ed in ~l! the ....medi<ls pro.i~ in this parall,T1lph l<l, tncJudinjl. hUI "ot limited 10,
<br />~ an""""fS' f_ """ "''''15 of title ...idflK:e,
<br />if tiM 11'>"" of..at. i. ill.okfl\i, TOd_ ,lIal! I"""....d a "otiel! 0'( de(ault in <acb Nunty in which all~ parlor Ihe
<br />:~~l7' ~= t.::~-&t~ ~ ~11 ~l ('-q~_ of st&(.h twtit~ ift 1he mPll€r J)f't"Kribed h~ applicable taw to B-\-)ft'"fl-_er and (H ftU.'
<br />"'..... ,...-. ll~ibed by ,",..i<'able I..., After the tl_ required hy .p91iublr I..... TmSl"" .lu.lI ~j,,' puhil<, "oii<<' ,.1
<br />Wt' (-0- rhe ,e.t"$Ol.l$- <U<<I tn lbe f'rt.aAtMr ~~ribed b,- ilppJica.b.~ !3ft. rfu_~t<<. ,.utw-u( dcmsnd <Ht n-orr(f~""'r. '\h.i&il ..di th~.'
<br />