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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />84- 005756 <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interesi: to he pain~ Lender shaH not be required to p~y Borrower any interest or earnings on the -funds. Lender <br />shall gl've to Borrower ~ without charge~ ail annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the :funds and ,the <br />purpose for which each dehh to the Funds was made. The Funds are piedged as addiiionai sc:ctiiity for the sums 5eCur~ by <br />this Security Instrument. . <br />If the amcu-n~ of thE Funds hdd by Lender. together with the future monthly p.ay~ents of Funds payable prIor to <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amounl required to pay the escrow items when due, Iheexcess shall be; <br />at liorrower's option. either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds, If the <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items when ciue~ Borrowt:r'ShaH- pay. \v Let.ii~-au:; <br />amount nece3Sary to make up the defictency in one or more payments as required by Lender, <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply; no later <br />than immediately prior to the sale of rhe Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the timecf <br /> a credit .'1gainst the sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br />3, Application of Payments, Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under <br />paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. to late charges due under the Note: second. to prepayment charges due undtrthe <br />Note: thIrd. to amounts payabie under paragraph 2; fourth, io liiicfcst uilc~ and iast~ to principal due. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shaH pay aU taxes.. ~...sments. charg!$,. fines and jmpositions attribu~ble to _the <br />Property which may attain priority over this Secunty Instrum~n[. and ieasehoid payments Of ~luun.d- rents. if."~y. <br />Borrower shall pay these obligatIons in the manner previderl in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall <br />pay them on time dlreclly to the person owed paym,'lt. Borrower shall promptly fumi;;h to Lender all noricesnf amotints <br />to be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly Furnish to Lender <br />r~~i~r"- t"'"idencm~ the Davments. <br />Borrower :haH pr~mpllj' discharge any lien which ha~ r'~1C over thIS Se>':Cl"il.j Instrument unless Borrower; (a, <br />agrees In wntintt to the payment of the oiJ!igailOft ~'_'.t::d by ~t ".1 in a manner acceptable to Lender; {oJ contests in good <br />faith the hen by. ,)f defends agamst enforcement of the lien 10, legal proceedings which in Ihe Lender's opinion operate to <br />prevent the enforcement of !he hen or forfeIture of any part of the Property; or (c) secures from the holder of <br />agreement satISfactory to Lender subordmaung the lien to thiS Security Instrumenl. If Lender determines lhatany part of <br />the Property IS sub)""t to a lien which may altam pnomy over thiS Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a <br />nOllce Identlfymg the hen Borrower shall sallsfy the hen or rake one or mOre of the actions set forth above within IOdays <br />of the glvliig vf notiCt. <br />5. Haurd Insurance. Borrow(,f "ioaH k~r the Hl1_prov~rr.en~s. nc~\' existing or here-after ef~icd on the: .Property <br />,n,;ured a~amst !"" b" rire, hazards Induded w'thtO the rerm "~'tended coveralle" and any other hazards for which Lender <br />requlr~ ~r'__'\urance. -Th!s ;!1SUfJ._'ce shaH he rnamtamed In the ::tffiounts and ~for the piriods that Lender requires. The <br />msurance ....'arner rrovldmg the lnsur:m~c ,hall be chosen hy Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be <br />unreasonably wnhheld. <br />All Insurance pollLie<i .wd r~!,!~u.~!5. ~h.:::!! b--:: ~;.::~cp~~t.k ~0 Lcuu-cr am.i snaii mciucie a standard mortgage clause. <br />Lender ,hail have the ngilt to held the ",)he'es and renewais. If L~nder requires, Borrower shall promptly gIve to Lender <br />JH receIpts oi paUl premIUms ana a:ncwdIIlOl.lI.;6. In i::-j~ ,JT\.':n~ 0f lv:;'s.. B-c:-r-:Jwer ~ha!! grve ~r0mp'! !'o!!ce to the insurance <br />.::arnef and Lender. L~nder may make proof-l,)fioS51fnot made promprJy by Borrower. <br />l'n!= Lender and Borrower 01hcrw'5e agree In wntmg, Insurance proceeds shall be appherl to restoralion or repair <br />oi the Property damaged. .f th. restorallon or repaIr" economIcally feasible and Lender', securilY is not lessened, If the <br />restoratiOn '-.Jr re-r-alf 1\ not e-con<Jffilt.:;l!i!' feaSible or Lender's secunt}' would be lessened. the insurance proceeds shall be <br />;'!'rtlr~:d to the ~ums ..,ecured- h.,. !ht~ S-et;urny In-strumefu. whether or not then due. with any e:\cos paid to Borrower. If <br />Borrower :lband,:ms : he Pro~rty, i1r docs nor answrr "'"!thm 30 days a notzce from Lender that the insurance carner has. <br />G-nered tv senle 3. (!.:llrn, lhcn L~n-rier maT ..-:oBei..'! the lt1surance pn:x:eed.s., Lender may use the proceeds to repatr or restore <br />the Pr0~n~ '.'r r,--' j)-ay "'\lm-s "'n:ur~ b~ \hl~ Se\.:Lint~' Instrument. wh~thef or not then due. The 3()'day penod wiU begin <br />\\-hen [he Tl('{Ke i~ g:\'cn <br />l'n[~s L.:nu~r .Hid B,---)fr~Y,~t:r '\then~l~e J.grce m wnung. .In! ;jPphc;.ltlOn of pfocC'ed~ to pnnclpal shall not c:\lend or <br />;'V~'s!~'nt' the dul;:' ~i:..1le ~,f ~he IThJnthh pa\men[~ refcrrro h} in ; 2 or ,-'han~e the amount of the pavments. If <br />under ~ragraph t ~ the PrQpen~ ~\ .~~4lnred by Lender. Borrower\~ nght to any II1sur:ln~e POhCle5 and rroceed~ resuiting <br />from Jama~e (I.' !he Propeft:v rrH'f In th~ ;KqU!SIW..ln ~h:111 pa.\.S!O L~nder to thee-~tent of the 'Sums secured by thIS Security <br />~r!~tn.Hnr-f1f lmm~di3tt:!~ ;nll)f tL1 the Jl:QU~:).HH.m <br />6, l~r~rutlUn llJ\d :'\taintenance of Pro~rtJ; Leaseholds, Borrower ,hall flot destroy. uamage or sU()stanllaii~' <br />..-h;,.u:~c \t~ Pt<:;r,it~, ...:!;:.,:".':.: :h~ P!\~~ny !0 d--:!e!"!')r~f~ :'f :,'.)mmu wash~. If thiS S~unt\' Instrument l~ on J leasehold. <br />~no.'WC'r s~.:lH ..:ompJ) '>'Hh the rn.-..\-'\~tons \"1 the le-a:>.e. .,md If Borro\\cr ~H;qU1r('s fee tHle lO the Property. (he leasehold and <br />tee tl!!~~nah Hot merge unlQ--S Lender agrC-e5 to the merger 111 \\-'ntln~ <br />~, Prot<<tion of Lender', Rights in the Property; \tortltage Insurance, If lionower ialls (0 perl,)rm the <br />..:o-..enants and dg.r~m('rHs. cont:llned m [hl~ Se~'urH\' Instrument. I.'t [here l~ a kgaJ procc:edmg: tha( may ~Igntt'kantly atl"ect <br />Lem.k(" n~hb In !he Proper!\- l"u~h J.~ J. rf(~:e-r:-dm~ HI hankruptcy. probate, (df (oHd~mna!10n \.~r [0 enfon:~ 1.1""s ()r <br />:cgul:.iH..msl, :hen L..nder ma~ j....., 3nd .~a\ f"",,j wh:itc\t:r I:') net:('S~Jry to protc~t the 'oJ.!ue nith( Property and L~nder'~ nghts <br />;n the Prop.r:r!y L~nJer'... J.cth....ns :nay :ndwje p:.:l\"lng ,Ui~ ~ums b~ J hen \\-nli.::h ha~ pnonty i)\t.:r thiS Security <br />!n~(fumenL ..rppe3nng lO LL"urt. rJ~mg reasonable attorncoys' fees ;In(! et1fcnng lm the PrOrt-fi~ to make repatr'S. ..\lth",Jugh <br />L~nd~; ma~ ,~H..e s>:!l,.)\1 l.ln\1(,f thI~ r..H:igr~ph - L~nJcr d.l~ ilQ{ h2'-e' {l~ de ~p <br />-\ny JllH..'tmts Jbbu('~d by Lender under ~hlS paragrJph - "hall he-\.'{)Illc :JJdltwnai Jt:bt (l( Borrow('r ~e('ured hy lhl':i <br />So.:urH~ in~irUment L'nh:s~ l:x,rr'.nloer :lnJ Lender .:lgrl:t: r~" ,-..ther f,t'rm~ ,!:'r~nmcnt, the~e Jn10ums ~hall bear 1l1tere'Q (r'.-'m <br />th~ .J.He ,,( disbur\-e!1lcnt at the 'me rate .i11d ..,hail ~t" t'~l\aDle. '.~Hh lrHcrt:'~1. Ur(ln r}{1!l(t' frt~m L":fldef [,) B\\ff\.l\HT <br />re-qu~tm~ p-.J~me-n{ <br />if L:nder ft'qU!re-Q mi...'!"tgage m~uran("e "t~ J \.';,)oJHlon ~,f rrUKing me h)-an "Jt'cured by thiS SecurH~ lnstrurne-nl. <br />Borr,l...-ef ..hAll p-a~ the- pr'CmJljm~ re-qutred !i.) mamlum {he H1~ur~nl.:(, !ll f..tree! until "i-uch tlme as the rcqUlrem~nt for the <br />ms.uran>.:'C' !(:rrtmate'\ m ",.;:cnrd,J,uce wnh Borrtwt'er\ anti Lender's wnttl;."n agr~emen[ ('1' J.pplh.:abie la...." <br />~t [~1io:;._ L;::t-de:- ~'t!, ~!! ~t:;:~!1! m...y m->tj,;(" !'e":;L'\O.onable eutn~ upon and ;nsp<cnon~ "f the Prppe!'ty 1 ~ndl:r <br />...hail g.l"': l-k)Jf\)\lJer fH__HKf".H t he ~un\':' of nr pno( to an msp,ed!l..m ,peu[)'mg re~onable l.:J.use foJ' the II1spectlO11 <br />9. C~ma.hun. rhe pfoc-eed~ ()f Jt\) 3\\dfd l,n dan~l r'of dama.ges. Jlre....t \'r i.'on:;.equcnual. 1:1 ('~\nn-r-(\l(ln \lo lln <br />any .,.:\\r\t!C'tflfi.<tHOfl .J-!, nlher titkm-g of any part d' the Propeor1y, "n fOf c-nn'*e\'ance- In he-u t1f ;..'nnJemnailOtL .ut" ilc-ret~\ <br />a:\..\lgn-c-d ;.tnd \haH he pl:U-d h', tender <br />in tne ('\'ent 'Jf a hlt4.i ta....a~g {~l tht Propeny. the phX"ttd-s. ~hail h(' ~pphe-d 11" l.he "um.., ~e(:urtd hv !hl~ i)(\:Ufll\ <br />ha.tf1.HntnL ""-Itt'th-r-t' ')1 r1t.)i !h~n .,iUC-. ""'\th CXi;~5 r;nd h, BD-ffo,*er In ;h~ !'''er\t ,_)f;1 parWti Llkin~ ,.>1" the' f'';"Opcrt~ <br />\lnh:;:.-, i~)If,c'''e-r And L-c,nd-cl "therwr~e .\gree m 'A'nung. 10(' ':oum", '\!-:-:;uft""\.\ hi (~~j-~ S-t;..:un~;: 1, ..:rUf!:1en! ..,h~~il h(' !t'dll,:i.~~ h\ <br />tht dnHj~,mi ,'t tht frfl,>\.t'I;:t,.'" muihphecl h", the f<)Hn"'H""~ ft;ll.n~ln t,j,; Iht l<'tl.l; JJ:rtt>un~ \:>! :he 'u-m~ '<Cl,.'un'"l '!THll;:,..:ilil.{C;\ <br />~>o!:~"-."H' !ht" L~L';'l!, .;_L'd~b~J 't~~ ,i'>j th( r~H' m..\uJr.t'! ..-dlJt' ",f~hr- }'r-ot"(:f1\- Hnnlet..ll.-uej\, hdpf1.' ~ht' LJ~H1~ \0\ b,:d.H1-1..(' ...h.\t! ~'-r' <br />;'W4J 'f.i<\i r: ,v,'.:r <br />