<br />(a) we 8S Sl:LLl:R Hl:Rl:I3Y DISCLA1M ALL WARRANTIES;--t:Jlt'I1t:::il:iCU VI1 IMI"'LICU, vr Mcn"n....'...
<br />
<br />r
<br />I
<br />
<br />(b) l have read., m detail, ,the separate" LIMITED WARRANTY," which accompanies this conlrac~, It explains th.: conditions and circumstance:!! in which the man.
<br />ufactured produCb will be repaired or replaced. I.take notice of the hmltations on the warramy, and I particularly recogmze that an)' implied warrant)' whkh applies to the
<br />gooch lasts only as long as tht warranty or service contract
<br />SPECIAI..-ORDER GOODS: I know thai you have measured my house and its openings so that you ca.., ~'";;ake the products to fit my particular house. I take notice that the
<br />goods that are manufac~red for my specjfj~ hou~ probably will not fit any othe: houst;s, and under such conditions., I ~ow that I can~ot cancel this contract at any time
<br />after the period of time glVen to me, by law, In which tocanceJ. After that legal penod of time , I know that I have theobhgatIon to pay you m full the amountowed,
<br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL ESTATE: I. I promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for at least 80% of its replacement value
<br />by buying a fire and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company must be approved by you, and the policy must have a beneficiary clause which says that
<br />you are to be paid if there is a loss. The insurance ~o~pany must agree that ~t win not cancel my policy without ftrst felli,ng you, I authorize the ins~rance company to pay
<br />vou directly for any loss, You can choose to use thts IOsurance payment to etther repay any amounts I owe you or to repalr my house, 2. I also promise that I will not allow
<br />anyone el.se to place any liens on my real estate without your written permission, 3. I promise to pay all taxes. assessmen. ts and other ;harges on my real estate when due.
<br />4, J prorruse to timely make an p&yments on my prior loans secured by my real estate. I also promise that I will not extend. renew or change prior loans without your written
<br />permission. 5. If I do not insure my house or fulfill my other obiigations to my real estate. then VO'J can do it for me if you want (but you do not have to), If you do pay any
<br />of these obligations f~r me. I agree to pay you back on demand plus interest at the highest lawfuf contract ra.te of interest. Until J pay you back. these amounts will be added
<br />to my debt to you WhICh is secured by my real estate and house. I know that if you decide to buy insurance tor me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability
<br />insurance.
<br />SAtE OF MY HOUSE: ] promise not to sell, lease or give my house to anyone until I have fully repaid my debt to you.
<br />DEFAlJL T: I will be in default under this contract if
<br />I J don't make a payment when due; or
<br />I break any promise I made to you in this contract; or
<br />3, Something eise happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. I defauh on anyobligatlons for which I am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any, in it,
<br />
<br />IF I AM. IN DEFAULT, I understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to ,epay any amounts I owe you if I
<br />am in default under this contract. Before my house is sold, you wili do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to ass,ist you to sell my house, or, to sue me,
<br />or, to protect your rights, I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' fees and for other related expenses such as court costs, tItle searches and money you expended
<br />to protect my house, If you are allowed to collect such amounts by law.
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to .enraree any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them, Or, we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />without losing them. We can also use any nghts now or in the future given to us by law,
<br />DEtA YS: I know that you will use your best effortS to install the products I am purchasing on my house. but I also understand that in some situations you may encounter
<br />delays ~hat are caused by strik.es. weather conditions. delays you have in Obtaining materials. or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will
<br />not be hable for such delays.
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have a dispute or claim with }'ou concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products, I understand thaI my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and settled accordIng to the mediation-arbitration program that may have deveroped in my community, ] also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en.
<br />tered in the coun havmg jurisdiction over me and you.
<br />SAt V AGE V AtUE: I know that the Windows, woodwork, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installation bave NO salvaae value, When you re-
<br />move them. you can have them for whatever purpose you want,
<br />SPECIAL SITuA nONS:lout to the uniqueness of some of the products that you sell, I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may bave to review
<br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale occurred ill my home and that you and I may not have had all the Correcl infonn.ation important to this uanllCtioD
<br />at our fingertips; I give you my consent to CClTeCl any obvious errors that may have occ:urr . ,"hen the blanks in this contract were completed.
<br />
<br />INY~ID p. ROYISI<?~.S.: If an~' p:u::~.~i~~ Ott~~:,~?~~:~:?l~~ r::.: ~:V~~~_,1': r '-. ~_:,~:~l~~_~~~::. ~~~*~~~~~~~I!,"t:';~~~. i!.~t~ ~~! connct requirea
<br />pay "....!1! of more In!ere,,,.. .ha.'1 the 101'.' r'~.:_'~""'" ......" .'Uu ." 'u v".; ,'~p, ..".. uu"" ,'.' , ' ., U'-'lll!l~ un;: !:UUVUI!t....! UUel~~ WUIPwll Ul~UlW i.ilow~ )'vu.
<br /> wCQUt;lj;t,
<br />COMPtETEN~ OFTIDS CONTRACT: This contractcao only be changed ifo"th you and] agree in writing,
<br />Th~ fono\\'i~g ~ouce brings to my attention'the rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a fmancial institution or a bank, and I should notice that !'.he impor-
<br />tance olthls proVISion 's stressed by its appearance in ten point, bold face type: NOTICE 84 _ 005452
<br />
<br />This credit contract finances a purch.... Allleg.1 rights which the Buyer Ita. against the SeIIW .rIaIna
<br />out of this transaction, Including all cl.lms and defen..., ara .Iso v.lld against .ny holder of thl. contrac[.
<br />Th. right to recover money from the holder under thl. provision Is limited to the .mount peId by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />A claim ia a leg.lly v.lld reason for suing the Seller. A defense I. a legally valid rauon for not paying
<br />the Seller. A Oo!der is anyone trying to coiiGct for me purchase.
<br />
<br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: ]f! have requested insurance in this purchaJe,l may cancel such request for insUl'llllCe for any reason within tlfteen (15) dayI from die
<br />date of this contract by notifymg you or the bolder of this contract in writi.~g, I know that the cancellation of my coverage will be arranaed with the inIunulco cairler(.) and
<br />a full ",fund of my premium(s) togetberwith applicable fmance charge will be credited to this contract,
<br />PLEASE NOTE: If I have requested insurance in this purchase, I will receive within thirty (30) days a certifICate or inilUrallCO more fUlly describing tbeinlunncecovorqe.
<br />I know that if there IS any conf1i.cl in the co\terage (,f the language of Lhe certificate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed Insurance that I ...n covered onlY to
<br />the extent stated in the foflowing SOllee orProposed Insllrar.ce. I also know that I bave insurance coverage only if I have been cbarged for it,
<br />
<br />
<br />I take notice ~'>at either Credit LIfe or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or both, will be applicable to this Sales ContnlCt on the Ie_lido ~ Ifl ba..cbooen
<br />it by !)i~ing the request for such insu.~. This insurance will only co..-er the person si~ning the request at the cost for each typcl of insurance sboVr11. SubJect ro ~
<br />by the lnsurarn;e company, fN' IflSl.!r.mce wlll be (;tto.;l1'..~ iU Of today and Will conllnuc only tur the number of months after the effective date f!Qual to the...... of
<br />monthly payments. I understand mal this particular i~surance maY not orovide coverage for mv If!~t f~w ~v!M!!!!. !..'!d t.~ duri..ng th!t p:rlcd cf time 1 ~Jl :ct ~,'~
<br />insurance cove~e. All benefits and ~eeds of the Insurance wUI be ,ed 10 rou or to a linanCial institution or a bank if it ~rdIaSes the Sales CODlI'aI:t to die __ ofili
<br />~::::~b~' ~~ ~;;~~ ~f~ ~~~fy~~~~~~'t~~;h~~~t 36 ~~d~~~cI~-iS~j;~~t~bt~=~~~~~~;:?~ ~t!';=;:::;:~~~
<br />
<br />the request lOr Credit Life Insurance, death benelits will be paYable onlv with respect to the first one of us to die, Subject to exclusions, e1iminltlons or ~ ~ Iiieed
<br />In the ,nsuran"e policy or _'ertificate, (",,-"<iit Accident and Heafth Insurance is ror the benefit amount of 1/3Otb of each month's paymentfOl'ucbcla)'tballamlOlilllydiHblocl
<br />due to an injury or sicltness while I owe any pa}'ment to you; however,] understand that I have to be prevented from worlcingClue to such totaldiaa!HlltYfor_lbaafauJ'o
<br />teen \ 14) consecutive days before the il!Surance benefit is paid back to the firsl day of my total disa&ility. lako ltuow lball (:8DDQtobtalDllIS): !I!IlIiro>__~,!!!!lIt!
<br />.....0- 6S yeanof.loday, and I lIlSO ltuow _ the li1sunDc:e cov...... provided to me may conlaln.maxImwn_or...-.WIlleItwlllllll,.,....
<br />CllI<S, the entire IUIlOWIt that I owe ....., Due to the maximum amounl oIcov~. stated in the ~urance policy, I. '!now that any .d'!ftllWll ill exceaaoflbe~
<br />.:o..tra.e.~ ~'iH s~~ ha;-.c. tv.bot paid. Iftl-~ SakSCOiitiGCt i,j pf~pi.id Lil full pnor lo I.he tal raymcnluatc~ lUly uneamcoms~prenuUlD$ w1il.bo~ioqh1ibiiiiiiP
<br />net preS<.'nbed by law, WIthin thirty (30) days, I will receive the certificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coveraae, Iftbe inaurance ia not IIQcepIeCI by
<br />the 'nsurance comparl}'.] will receive a refund or the lOSurance premiums] have pald.
<br />
<br />BUYER: The next two paragraphs contain warranties relative to this ~e giv~n b)'!!! to the f!!!!!!Cia! institution or b-..nk in order for it to buy thi! 00!1tt8CL
<br />
<br />FOR VALl'E RECEIVED, Seller hereb} sells, assigns, conveys, transfer> and delivers to -eo
<br />(Ass~) ~l of .its rights, title and interest i~ and to the Installment Sales Contract and Mo~gllgc. logctherwith all liens existing its plvmetlt. and the ~~
<br />encumtlereO nereb.;:' i\SSlgnee 's nereby SUbsbtuted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage provisIons of this contract, Seller wamnts and represents; 0) h bas tberi&\ti to rilaQ
<br />dtis assignment; (.) All statement> and figures in this contract and in the Buyer's statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contnlCt arose from the boiia Ii<Ie aaJe
<br />or the good, and services described herein; (4) The cash downpayment shown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no pan of said dO~nt ......Ioaned di.
<br />rectlv or indirectly by Seller 10 Buyer; (5) Each Buyer is legall} competent to co~t; (6) This conll'!'ct is D<?t and will not be SUbjecllO any d~, defense, demand, or ri&hI
<br />of offset; (7) The neeutIon of thiS contract and the underl)1ng sales transacbon gJ\'UlB rtse thereto did nol VIOlate any federal or Slate law, directive. rule orreaullbOn now
<br />In efl'K~; (8) In the event that this contract or the underlymg sales transaction is subject 10 a ~t ?f n:scission or cancellation by_the: :B.!I~. such meillioli.or cancella-
<br />tIon penod has ..pired and nellher the sale nor this c"ntract has beeyancelled or rescinded, 1iI1S C9llRACT IS SOLD 8Y SELLER itll1lllVT IlECOlIRSE.
<br />IN TF,STlMONY WHEREOF, the undersign<-d;>-~thyli~ repre~f the Seller and has signed below on bebalf of the Seller on this
<br />day or ~_________ // 0 .19~. /
<br />
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />The foreg"Ing '","\lO'Ient wa; ""knowledged before me on~___ PACESE~PRODUCp, INC. ~ /.....
<br />
<br />-~--------------- . S;J /A ~~~!.)~ 11).00--' (C.J ? ,~-.. /,,>U~ L--"~
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