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<br />, ..'; , '; 1\ --DO 5452 ADDITIONAL TERMS
<br />
<br />PREPA YMENT AI'liCCRUAL OF THE HNANCE CHARGE: Even though I dn not have to pay more than the regular scheduled monthly paymen., I have the
<br />right to prepay the whole amount owing t~ you in fu.lJ at any time or in part from tim~to.time. I.fthe l~nding institution or ban~ that buy& my contract c?mputes the finance
<br />charge daily. I !mow my finance charge will be less If I make an early payment. and It wlll be hIgher If I pay late; J also recognIze that any necessary adjustment to my total
<br />finance charge win be refI-=,,'fe(! in :ny ~~~ bUL I also 1<-....-,ow that_the_ a:nounts shown on the revers~ side for the Finance Charge, T ola! of PaYll!en~! ~d the Tt:?utI Sale Price
<br />~e esti,mates ims.ed ~il the assurnpuon (na~ ~Qu. wi~j re<:eive.eac~ or ~ parmenrs exact~y on Its aue date; and I know that there .wlll be ~o retunolt I prepay because there
<br />IS nothmg to refund If I am charged on a aady basis. It the lendmg mstrtutJon or bank aoes not compute the finance charge datly. and if I prepay the whole amount, you
<br />wiJl refund to me the unearned portion of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting ~rocedure known as the actuarial method: and the amount of my rebate will be
<br />~11~~ ~ ~f.OOh:fNl:~t ~t:~ amounts of my monthly payment and not on tlle actu dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. I know that a refund
<br />
<br />L
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<br />
<br />(b) I have read, in detail, tl1e separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this conttact. It explains the conditions and circumstances in which the IIUUl-
<br />ufactured products will be repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on the werrant~, and I particularly recognize that any implitd warranty which applies to the
<br />goods lasts only as long as the warranty or service contract.
<br />SPECIAL-QRDER GOODS: I know thaI you have measured my house and its openings so that you can make lhe products to fit my particular house, I take noticethat.the
<br />goods that are manufactured for my specific house probably will not fit any other houses, and under such conditions, I know that I cannot cancel this conl1'aCt at any time
<br />after the period of time given to me, by law, in which to cancel. After that legal period of time , I know that I bave the obligation to pay you in fun the amount owtd,
<br />OBLlGA nONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL EST A TE: I. I promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for at least8()'J1, of its replacement value
<br />by buying a fin: and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company must be approvtd by you. and the policy must hav.. beneficiary clause which says that
<br />you are to be paid if there is a loss. The insurance company must agree that it will not cancel my policy without fIrst telling you. I authorize the insurance company to pay
<br />you directly for any loss. You can choose to use this insurance payment to either repay any amOIDlts I owe you or to repair my house. 2. ] also promise thatl will not allOw
<br />anyone else to place any hens on my real estate without your written permission. 3. I promise to pay all taxes. assessments and other charges on my real estate when due.
<br />4. 1 promise to timely make all payments on my prior loans secured by my real estate. I also promise that I will not extend. renew or change prior loans without your written
<br />pennlasion, 5. Ifl do not insure my house or fulfill my other obligations to my real estate, tllen you can do it for me if you want (but you dO not have to), If you cIopay any
<br />of these obligations f?"r me, I agree to pay you back on demand plus interest at the highest lawful contract rate of interest. Until I pay you back. these amounts will be addei:i
<br />to my debt to you which is secured. by my real estate and house. I know that if you decide to buy insurance for me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability
<br />insurance.
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promise not to sell, lease or give my house 10 allyone until I ha'- fully repaid my debt to you,
<br />DEI' AUL T: I will be in default underthiscontract ir:
<br />I. I don 'J make a payment when due; or
<br />! break ailY p.Vinis.e I i1liide to you. ill il'1i~ (:ontnu:t; I.)i
<br />J. Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised; or
<br />4. I defaultoD any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any. in it.
<br />
<br />IF I AM L'I DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to foreclose the. Mortgage I have given to you and have my house sold to repay any IIllOUlIts I owe you ifl
<br />am in default under this conD'acl. Before my house is sold, you will do everythmg that the law requires. If you hire an An<::ney 10 assist you to sell my bouae, or,~
<br />or, to protect your riJhts. I agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys' roes and for other related expenses such as coun costs, title searches andlllOllO)' you
<br />10 protect my house, .fyou are allowed to collect such amounts by law.
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choooe not to er-.fo:-ce any ~f tbe rights under this \:Oiltraci as often as we Wilfit without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcia& aD)' 01 the riP_
<br />without losing them. We can also use any rig.hts now or In the future given to us by law.
<br />DELAYS: ] know that you will use your best effons to install the produclS I am Durchasinll on mv house. but I also un~ that Ln 50Jnec situation! y-oJ.! may ~..!-"ter
<br />delays. tr:at are ca.!.!sc.:1 by str-..k:s. w~t.~r conditions. delays you nave in obtainmg materiils, or for other ~asons that are beyond your control, I u.nderstud t&at you will
<br />not be liable for such deJays.
<br />ARBITRATION: Ir I have a dispute or claim with you <oncerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products, I understand that my dispute may be IUbmIt\llCllO
<br />and se.tled ac<ordin~ to the mediation-arbitration program that may have developed in my community, I also know that any decision made by an &tbitl:alol(l) wouId be en-
<br />tered in the CQurt havrngjurisdictionover me and ~J,
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know lhat the windows, woodwork. ll.l1d od'!er !!lateri!!!! tbat have to be removed by you for t.hJs installation have NO wvap value, 'Nblm you,...
<br />move them. ~o~can havoc tbemfor whatever purpose you want.
<br />SPECIAL SrruA~QNSl~ to the unique..... of som<: of the products that you sell, I understand that in special situations that r"!" RepOlll! Oftlcemay have lO "view
<br />and accept this COlltracl. I also understand that this sale occurred 10 my hom<: and thai you and I may not have had all the comet information ilnp2!-:o.ot 10 I!lia ll'IIIIICllolI
<br />at our fmgertips; I give you m)" consent to correct any obvious errors that may bave occurred when the blanks in this contract were completed.
<br />
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<br />
<br />CO~..PLE'fK.""'F.ssOF THIS CONTR.~CT: Thi~ oontrlc';t G!!n only ~ C~Mtgw if both you a.1lrl I ~ in writi'!g.
<br />Tne follo~'ing norice brings to my attention1he rights that I have even when this contract is sold to a financial institution or a bank, and I shouJd notice tb-. tbolmporio
<br />lance of this provISIon is stn:ssed by its appearance in ten point, bold face type; NOTICE 84 _ .0054 52
<br />
<br />Th" credit contract f1nancea a purcha... All legal rights which the Buy., haa IllIIlnat the 8e/Ier arteIng
<br />out of this tranaaction, Including all clalma and def~_, are allO valid egalnat any hoider of tIQ contrIIOL
<br />Th& r1itrt to rwwVWi' monay frem t~ holda. und.r thla pro.I.lon fa limited to the iiir'.vUiit "'d Irj the buytr
<br />under thll contract.
<br />A c"lm .. a legally valid I'MaOn for auln" the Seller. A dafen.. 'a a legally valid IWMon for not peylng
<br />the Seller. A I\cldor Is anyene trylng to collect for the purchaoe.
<br />INSURANCE CANCEU,A nON: If I ha"'''''lllQied in>urance in this 'purchase, i may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) dayaf'nlm the
<br />date of this contract by notifying. you or the holder of this contract in writmg. I know that the canceDation of my coverage will be artIlIIpd with the ina_ cmler(a) and
<br />a full refund of my premium(s) togetl1er with applicable finan<e charge will be crediied to this contract.
<br />n;;;~;~7~~!;: ~;~~'f.:~'f: ;;,,,:~~~~~;i5 Ci=~e~~Itl:~~~fi~~':,~~~:".J:J 'J;:?:~~~t~N~~~"~t~~Y:=~i:'J~,;'::j':i11;
<br />the extent stated in the rollowing Notice of Proposed Insurance. I also know that I have insurance covelllge only if I have been chllQltd for it.
<br />I. take notice tbat either Credit Ufo or Credi! Accident ~ Health Insurance, or both, will be applicable to this Sale> Contract on the ~verse side on1yif fhave choaen
<br />it by sllIDng t~ request tor such Insurance. ThiS insurance Will only coyer the ~rson Slgning the request at the I:ost for each type of tnsurance shown. Sub,;oct to ~
<br />by the In5ur&nCt company, the insunmce \\.ill be (;11Cdive ~ of lOOaY and wIll continue oal.)' for me number of mcnths after the effective date equal to the JIUIIIber_of
<br />monthly payments. I ~ that this particular insurance may.!'Ol pro,vide coverage felr my last few p"yments, and that dlll'in& thlt period of time I wllll\Ol have any
<br />~m:u.-an...--e cO"er"-ie. All ve-nefits lind Pf:~ oflhc insurance WU! oe pal(l to r.ou or to a tmanclal mStltuuOD Of-a bank If it purchases the Sales Contract to the exteQtofitl
<br />Interests and any Dalanc. will be payable to me. The initial amount or Credit L,fe Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total ofPaym.ents: theteaflet. the insuraDCe
<br />decreases by the amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If I am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buyer, and we have both siaDed
<br />tbe request fur Credit Ufe Insurance, deatIi benefits will be pavable only with respect to the first one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waitins period stated
<br />in the ms."rance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Hearth Insurance is for the benefit amount of 1i3Oth or each month. s payment for each <!oy thall am lOliIIl)! dilllbled
<br />due to an I"JUry or sickneas whIle I owe any payment to you: however, I understand that I have to be pn:v..n~ rrom wori<ing due to such totaIdisabUity formoreihan four-
<br />~n (14) consecutive day. before the in,urance benefit is paid beck to the first day of my total disability. I aIao knowtbat I cannotobtabtUl ~ ~l'OIIlfl
<br />am 0_ 65 ,..,. of-.. toda, ,1UId I aIao know that tbe I",wane. ""....... provided to me may COIltalD a DUUlmllllt amount of C\lv...... which w\Il not pay 111_
<br />eMU, tIN! mdrt _at tllat I 0"')'011, Due to the mal imum amount of coverage sta~ in the insurance policy, I know that any unpaid amount in OXCCS$ of the inau_e
<br />covenoge will.ti11 have to .be.paid. If the Sale. ConD'oct is l'ttpaid in full prior to. t.'Jc Jut ""yment date, any.une.medinsurance premiums wlllbe n:fund~ to me in the man-
<br />ner prescnbed by I.w. Wtthm thlI1Y (30) day., I WIll ret'e'Ve the cel11ftc'te or Insurance men: fully descnbmg my I'sura"ce coverage. If the tn.utance It not ac<:epled by
<br />the ..iunmc. company, I will re..iv.. a refund or the insurance premium. I have paid.
<br />BUYER: The: nt'JU ~v par~...phli t-onta11i ....cu"'TaJ"'itits ndath~ to ul;is :Hilt: iivi:n by Ui tv too ftujJ'Kiil UiSUlutlQQ -Of ba...u. in ordcr for it to bu)' mill wntr'iirl.,
<br />
<br />,OR V~~~:'~I~~~~:~~~':I~~,~~~~~:,E:~,~~ .~:~~,~<':.~t~(!~\~Q':~~~:i~l'Z~~f,~~ __
<br />
<br />iA~Hi-:~i: j aU of iu ri.ht<;;, titk ar.d interest in and to the fntulhnentSaks t\'),ntli,..;:-~ ind Mong3B~, tcg<emer ~.1th -allllenr. e-~i~tins {( ec-ure lh p-B\'mt'r.t. and the propertJ.
<br />ffJ\.'1tmbet-ed hcreh..): AS:\$i1l<< u; ~ 1,Ub,htuttd ~-'\ Mon_ga.g<< under fhe MoftS-ll$f. provt~iom of th~s I,,'omra..;t ScUef \\arrant.'St aryd repre~l'li:!i; \ t) It has the right
<br /> to "\like
<br />~h.u. ~lljHf"Hl.loe,t~_t. Co.! .~n~tat.em:t'nt~.wi ~im'e! In lhill l,:ontntt and ll1 the 8uvtt'$ stak::mern.rc mateftllHy 1:r.Jt' and ....'(jfTt\'t f!l This l't:>nlrlh;" a....O$~ ftxn"1'!.lhc
<br /> rona fide "It
<br />,-;ft~fl!" i~~oJ..., -l'lIlrJ^~i"",:-,::" ~_:nOeti ~n~ i"i Tn:c ~1(h_~)w"pllytn<'tH \hown m it'll! Lt~."tta.\',i was- lK'tu~H)' r.dki \:'ly Buyer _ilntl n(\ p:t~ of ~td dowllpaynlt'rH
<br /> \\.1U lo~ di.
<br />rtlf.:th- Uof' ltl.oHt':';:_tl} h~- "Her !(l BU'fet, ~~, Each Buyer I'; lepHy <:ompetetJt to l;'t"'nJTl1{~t i6) Thn_ ~(~tnK.t \'\ nnf iind WI!! rK'H ht-_...ub~-(,'! t~J- -il'l'\" >.'htt!'r.,
<br /> M!eMt', dt-nnu'l-dorrlght
<br />'f <~fh.e!. ~; r~ e\~.'I.H~~,n d" thn ~:'i:l1trart and the- l.I~oiitH:i: ~~ ift!~~;~..nn ~!'l'i~~ ~~ f_~"",~~-, ~t~ ~~.~ ~~(~!.e!!' ~;.. ~'c'<!:'~':t! ~~ i!.\l-~'" ':;\j; _. dlie{!:':~.
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