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<br />0654i33 <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I11,"l\der required mortgage ,,)Sur:jf1ce as a condHidlrofll1akillg ~ecnred. b~thi5sec\lrl[~lJ:ltl'~~tc'rtF' <br />B"Tf(l\\er shull p:ly Ih.e premiums required to maintalll Iheinsu~al1~e ineneCTUn\ils!lchtimeas the re(lU1t'enl,nlf for, tlicl, <br />in~uTance' ter'nTHlat:cs In accordance, \\.-ith Bt)rrower~~ ~nd,_Le~der;'s_~'r-iue~',agret'~_e'~(-(').r applk,~:bl~FI,~~"~::~,:_:c - _--_:~:.; :-_:,.,.:,_~,_{",>,_~::"-' " <br />8. Inspection. . Lender .I)r it, agent may make reasonabk eUlri\C~upol\an<iiflsP;:Fiipn~ofthegf{lP"rtY'; <br />,hall gi,~ Borrower nOlice at The Ilme .,f or prior to an inspections['Ct'ifyingreasonabl<:ea\lseforlfl,. <br />9, Condemnation. The proceed, of any award Or d:timfl)( ,iamliges,direcl9r <br />.3ny-..:ondl~.m,nalion or otherta-klng of any part- of.file Property,: or fnr-,t'nnv_e~;_an~ce"j,ll <br />;I'''~ned''r"l shall he p"jdto Lcndcr .... . . '. .. >...... <br />In Ih... ""ent of a lotal taking of th... Pro!",rlY, the pnlC~"C<Jsshallo~aPJ>i'ed,l<) <br /> whelher or not th...n du..., with any exec;;, paid 10 Borrower.ItHhtf'~vem <br />unless Borrower and Lender othen\'l$C-~igr{,~ -in writi-ng~ the ~-Un1S' secuft~d:~r:dl:i~'_o~~';_u <br />th... amounl (If the proceed, multiplied I:>y the following fraction: tal the lot~laJlli)\Int <br />hefor,. lh... taKlllg, divided by (b) th,' fair markeT value of.hel'ropcrlY inuned.atcly,tlt'fo <br />p3'd In lit,'rrnwcr _ _ _ _ __ ~," - _' ::. ,:-':,_' _:::--:_~-<_,,~-_:--:,_~:- <br />If tht: Pnlpcrty IS an.::mdtHlt"d hy B-\WfO\\'l:f,l}1" ie aftl,'r not-ice'by- Lcuder ttl.,B()rrQ.\YCf:Jhllt <br />mak... an award or ",tile a claim fi)f Jamag(". Horrow1:r fails III rc,polldIOL~nderwithi1'3Wd~Y~:' <br />g:J\cn. LC'nd~r is authnriz~d!o colk'1..~t and apply the prnt;ct."th, ~lt i!~ option, either t() rt.~t{')rati~')~. <br />to (he \U01' 'e..~urcd hy this Sl."l.'urit y I [ist rUllll:Ht'- \vhd her ~)f Utlf then dui.:"-. _ "_,' :_:' - <br />Unk'~, Ll:nder and Hornlwer ()l hcrwise agree in ,vrillllg.. ~ln-y apphl~~J.ti-\)il f~f-prt'H.:-ccd~J,~,r'~' <br />postr<me the due date of the monthly rayments referred 10 in paragnlphs land2 or change:th.~~ <br />10, Burro"'er ~ot Released; Forbearance By Lender Nota Waiver. ExtensiOllof <br />moditication of amonlzatlon of the sums secured by this- Security lustrumcrit---granted-::bY <br />imer",sl of Borrow...r shallnol o!"'rat... to rd,-ase Ihe liabilily of the original BtirrOWerorJ30rrO' <br />Letldcr ~hall nO[ be required to commence pn'Ceedjng.s a-gainst anysucccssor-in)nteresi'o( <br />paymcnf.\.)f l',thef\\'isc modify amortil..tllOn of the sums secun.'d by "".' Security hi.strurnCi_lt ~y:_-rea~_(l~~\~~,~_: <br />by thr: ungulat Borrower or Borrower's SUccc~sor~ HI inh.'n<sc :'nl'heafan(~ hy ,Litndef.-in.exerdsing!,~n.~-J <br />:)haliiH\tb(ilwai\'ctoforprt'diidt:'\hc~.\.C'rcl..cor~.ii1Y f~gJaL. ._fH~~Y. ",_ '_, <br />II, Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co.signers. The covenants;it1d <br />:h" Se,'unty InSTrument shall hind and I:>endil th... 'UCCl."S.'.... and assign, I,f Lender and Uorrowcr;s!tbjeC!l <br />of p3ragr.1ph i 7_ Borrower's Ctwt:nants and agreements ,hall be JeHU and seve-wi: Any Borrower Whtn; " , <br />ltlslnltlll."lIt hut dOl'~ 1Wt t'\l..\,'Ulc the Note: (:\) i~ nl-~l~tlln~ lhi~ St'\.'urily Instrument nnly hHliongilgt\ -gtu-~lt -..ild <br />Ihat 1'L.,rft)\\l'r", IlIlcrc....' 111 lhe Pn)iX'f!\, UJldtT lht" tel tI1~ llf lhi~ Sl\.>llflly 1 n....! 1 u1lll'nL (,h) t\ W~I-'ll\.'f...{)tiaIJY'J~bl.ig..~i <br />the ",UI11,\ 'cl:Ufl'J by tht~ Sl'l.'llTlt)" In'lfluuclll: ~mu {L"} apt't" th,at l.t.'uder and any other- Borruwer mayagt:cC:-tQ-."~_-X:l~~~) <br />mlxlify, rl'rht.~ar or InaL..c =-U1~ al~"'omnl(~ht1\1n.,, with fl.'gani to the term.-; of 1 hi.... Sccurity I n-strument of.-the_-'N;oI~:':~itb9_Qr:-/ <br />""':'<.",.,- <br />that Hnrr\lWl."r's~unscnt _ _ '_ ' __----..<'--:.'--_: __ __:~:,,:'_::-'_'-:~:'," '~','-':;;,-i <br />12. Loan Cbargt."S. IfIll..., h\au "l.'l:Ull.:d tw (hI." St,.'I,.'urllv lll'trllnlt'tlt i, ~uhlcct to~, law w-h,ich:~ts--m~.1unull}.'~i}~:W?;~ ,:::~:~;;{:: <br />..'har~e.., and that hiW t'i finally IHh.:rprdcd sn that the lI1h:-r~~t- or other Inall c~h-arge~ _t'olk-ctcd or tty_~--___colkX,t_qq:_j-tJ_, <br />(nnnl'dh\lI with the loan t."_\":t."cd the r~'Hnitit."J limih-, ihell: la) an) :-'lli,:h h_~1U (.Th..rgc-.shall he _reduet,~ .bY:J,hc~:-a.-Uf{l\~;t-W <br />lll',,' 11,) redu.:e the chargt- h) the pcrmittt..J iimir: and (h) any sum, already ,,:nHt't'led from Borrower which'exc-~cde-d <br />rcrnu!Ie-d hmH~ wlH be r~fundt'J ~'J BdHt.JWC:r. Lend-t'f m~ry dHJHSt: to make fhi:-\_ rC~\J11d oy rl-Jucing the' p-rilu:ipa.l_:ov.'t~(t-:;, <br />lH\l.jt'"f th(" ~l.Jh.' \'r h\ makllh! a dlrc(:1 Pinment h} Bnrn\\\cr If a fl...'tulld rC-dU(l~' PTtni..~lnal. the rl..'Juction will ht trcated,:as-a <br />partial pr;.'p...iy Hlt:nt ~ lthl..)U{ ~Hl~ rn--T':~ t!'u:nt \.:har~t. U1hJ"~- the Null...' " <br />1J Lt'~i~lation Atf(,.'C'till)t l.i.'ndt.,..... Ri~hb. If t'Il;h,:lllh:ll{ '_II t'\pllatlnn nl' ~IPJlhcahh: lav.~ h~L\."lhc, ,t:trt,."C_(J)f,~ <br />ft:nJ...'fmg ~Ui~ prO\-hh.m "fthe Noh;' ;"1' tin... SCCUrH) InsirulUcni lifH.'Hrnrt.:e~!hk a(\.:nnhH~ h' ~!:-"lenn~. Le-odt;r._at ilS.o~t:kj~>~ <br />Hla~ r\.'4U1fl...' Hntn~\.halt.' p:l)nh.'m in full of all ~t:l'Ul('J b) !IH~ S("t"urity IIl:-"UUIllCHl :and may tnvokC'__~my .r:c-uiedles <br />rX'n~lllIt,:~i o~ p~uagr~lph ;4 If lendel \.'\\.~h:i...l..''' :111... "pti>lll, 1 ...h,dl t~tkL-l!Jc :'\kps 'pt,.'\.'IIIt.'d HI the ,",cLond p,tragr~-ildl:()-r <br />p.1r,i~r~lp:l t'" <br />I~t 'ohces. :\n~ nt~ih't.' h' BOrr{}\Ar:r pn1\ hkd fur Iil dn.... SL'I.."Unl\' ltblrumcnt ~h;Jll ht..~ glvell by-,ddivt:1'1ng it'-()f b)' <br />m~i111l1s d h) tir:-.t ..'L1:.;.. mail tiiik......... ,\pph.:abk b\\ 'i..,-!U:T...., tJ~..' c! .UH1!!Wf n.dhuJ. I"bc nutH.:~ ...halllw dirL'C"!t:U.lo the <br />Ph1p-...'r;.\ .-\ddft..'...:\ ,)r an~ lither .ldd'l~''''' Bnrrp\\t.'f \.lc:-'Igllalt:\ by llulk'\,' (tl L~:ndt:t. Any noth,'i..~ HI L":Hlkr ~haU he gl'vt;O' by <br />tir..,t ...:1..1'.... m.lll It' LcnJl~r'.... addrt's\ ...t~lkd ht'rt.'lll 01 ~lI1j \)t hl'r "ddrl'" I.t.' de~lgn;Hl~\ hy n-olh;\.' to But n.)~Tf, Any tUj~)\.~l' <br />Ph'\hk'~: 1'\'1' m tin", S~i..'\Hil) In~inillH:HI -"h..illlx' d~~l:lHl'd h' ha\l; In:cn glh'l! it' BOrIU\\Cf nt Lt'udn whcll glvel) a',pnwuJcd <br />ill tht... p;il,l~r;ll'h <br />15. (;o\('rniug l.a~'; Sc\\:rabilit). I hi:-. SCI".'Ul It} 11l:-.IlUlth,'fil ...h.dl bl.' fpn--r Ilt.'d n.~ feJt..'wllaw arid lilt; l;n\ of tilt.' <br />JUJt,\'l!tlP :n \\.tH(h the P!,,~II,,-.-rt} i... It\.;. .~h'd III till' ,'\\..'111 thl.ll auy pro\i....,,111 ,'I l bu_,>l..' tlf thl'" St.'i.:UtllY Iustnuncnt Of the <br />',Ht.' "':PHth.:h \.\lth apph.:ablc la\\. ....u,:h u,)n!hu ~h;di !hlt ailt'cllIlhl'r pi\)\I:-.HHl\ of liu" SC:l.'Ufny In....lrument or the Nott: <br />\\hJ,:h ..'all il<<",' ~l\t.'n 1....tT('('l '\\jllhHH :Ill" \.'\'ntli...:ting fHt\\l"'l\\lI (;llfJl... l,'IU.I the plll\'hhlll\ nf tfn", S....curity tn\trtllllt:lIt and rhe <br />~,)h: .tIC \..k..:LJ.r~d hi Ix ~e\~fabk <br />10. llu-rro"-er"s Cop)'. Bt.~rr\\\I,I.:r ~hall ht..' gnt."u ,lll\.' ,'\.HiI~\lnk'd ":,,p~ of ttH: Sote ami nf till), Sn:urity In~trumcl1l. <br />1:. Transfer of the Prun~rl..., or a Bcnt..Hi.'i.a1 interes.t in j~urrO"I'r.. If ;111 ,<l au'. !),Ul l.f the l)nmt'rlv lif ;-\-tlV <br />;n~l..';-c,,ll!\ H t... ...~)IJ \1r tran~tt:f[n..j {llr~if a hcndkial mkll:,>t 111 Bnrr'l\h'l t.... \I,ld or !!;lll....kfln.l ..;'h.i Uornlwcf 1':'>- ~mt :1 tli.ltun:l <br />pl,:r....,,'il} \\uth'lH I cnd~'r'~ prh)f WillIt'll ,-';)lI:o.(.-nL 1 t.'p,ll...j lll.ty. allh ,Iptinll, r.:yUlrt.: i1tlllll..'-dl;,l{L' rayml'ul in fuil of all ;-.lWl\ <br />~'....'Wt"li h~ thl\ Set.:urll) In...trum~'nl. iL_}\\~\."r. ill1~ 'lPllll!1 ....h.all thl! h.: t"t'ILl'>L'd b~ l.t"lHh:1 If C:\efU't: 1\ prohl111h..'J h} <br />1\.~Jl,.'Ld L\\\ J,...~~flhcJ.atl.;'l'fthbSt:l.'Unl\ In'\tluIth.'nl ' <br />If LcnJt.:f t:.\~rCht..'S I)U~ opthHl. 'i.cndc-r "lwH gl\-t.' Bl)U....'\\l:1 IhHI\. \.' (~! ,11..'l.i..'kralhHl nil;' 111\111.:1..' .....h~dl pn)\'ldc ~l pt'rli}J <br />t)f 1\1.\1 k",;J:li JO da" fnuu t1\( uat<; the Htl1it,<t"\'" \.kll\t,,'n:d Of Ill;uh..d \\ nhlll \\ hidl B-!..lrr-O\\I.:l' filthl pa) all "un).... ;..t.'\:uu:d b) <br />i!u'o ~''-'iHn~ tn~Hum~.fH _ If HtlfHl\\-l.:r f.uh Il' pa~ Ih\''oc ...lIm... pi hH !i-' Ihl' n,pilattnl; ,If !ill'-.. Pt'lllld, l t"lHkr tlI,,! lH\-\)"'~' an) <br />r..'nh.';.h,,"', l~nHItlt..'ti by thiS St.:..:urn~ lu~tl UllH.,:1H \\IIII\1\1t i'unlH:1 ll; 'Ii... t' HI "h-!lI,Hd Oil BUll\'\o\d <br />i~, Br,rro"cr"s Ri~ht to Reinstatt'. If Bmn\\h'l l1lt't;h, ,:{(,1ll1 \..\I!"lttlnll.... ftprr'\\\I..'1 ..hall ha\( tiit.: rH.',ht In have <br />nlt~~!..-,:ml.'!~i ...{thls' Stt.:urit\ In....1rUm,\.'Ht J,,\.."uHllf\Un! :.H ~tll) tlllh' p!iuI lq lilt:" ;:;11 her of. l;u':;' d;l~'" {Pl -.u\:11 uth~r pl."f\;Jd ~l\ <br />';'1i'Ph..,-:hk i,1\\ nt.l) '1tl('\..'lf~ ft1T a-Hbl.\l(trlcnl:l hcflll t. ....\k ..ij lhl' Pruj1'-.'1 \\ I'"i '>u,llIi hI ;Ill:. jlP\\(.'! l;( qk ..-VllldHH:d 11\ ihi., <br />St:..:urll, ltblfUtlh:nt. i_ll' tb) l'nlr) {Ij ,I JUd~Jl11:.'ld I'!ll~d~'iat: 1111>- ~..',- Ut~t~ ill'>IHHHt:n: I h<.''''': \,>i_:>-;l;jqh'~l" ,liC lh;it Udrn.HI,:r:1 <br />{.J.ll"l<\~"'_ 1 t.'HO<I "H \um,- "\t-Ih:h th~:n \.\,,~JlJ h: ,hit' l.ind,:1 dth "';c;_'l'iP\ h,>,tJ',l.!1!~"il ,wd th,' -";'1, L:Jd 11;1 ,!\it,'kr.IHpH <br />Pi.-..'\.i~'t.:(,L l.h! ,-\In'\ ..iH~ ~h'fatlll ~~! ..Hl\ \'111\:1 ~ .'\..'i;.llll" ,'I L I ,'~l\--'" ,ld '.':\P\:~:" ;;,1'1,,111. ,"',/;Jl..;lllg tj:I'>- <br />S\,'i;nrn.~ In...l i UH\('nt, Hh:hj-\hil~, hUt lid "llilh',;,,} 1\1 .h \1, 'll _I" 1 (:nd..'! H!,j\ <br />tl'.''ti.1H;tl:'<i> ~'{;'tBil'l- il' ,!'..."iFt' d),ll dit' hi.'1! \ ,j I tH:-- \,.,":' dlHi Ii..;j 1, ,\\ ('1 :\ <br />{~hilf,~Hd~ k p-a} ih(: >"uln" "('';~Hnl h\ 1lj\\.. 'J('l \iJ: :"\ <br />H~.\n"__,;r, t\;,--. "\'\'lHH) tn,,-itHH.t'ld ,;nJ ,,~lll~:.t!t,,-;., 1 ,l'-~ <br />~'!oo'dIPl..'W H~,,~ >-:''''1' thi.... fj~;lH fd; '<'W....i,th. < kIll fJ,'\ <br /> <br />'-~q,~~ <br /> <br /> <br />