<br />84--
<br />C~lr {)1-1:,'\,1 ('( 1\-'1 o....;\~ I" !l1l1"!(iWn -lf~d I {'/hILI tiIYC!J,llIt :11)(1 lj.:nT a... fnllll\'....
<br />1. Paymtut or Principal and Intcrp<;1; Pn.'p';J,VTlwnt and I .att' ('harges. Ht)ITtl\\n ...hall rrnmptl~ p.l~ \\ Ill'!! dllt;
<br />the pnnnpai of and intl.;re~l '-'11 tht' (khl C\Hklk<'d hy till' Nok tlnd al1~ 11H.'I"'aymcnl.tl\{! bit: l'harg;:4, du~ llIi\.kr tht..' '.;i\!L'
<br />2. Fund~ for Tax('s~tnd Insuran('l'. ....uhJl'I..:t 1,-1 ;lppllcabk'la\\. I'f fn a wflHen ,.. ;liver hy Lender. Bnn'o'l,..:r ...tull ra~
<br />to l.ender on the day monthly payment... ,HI' dll<.' uiHkr {he NOH:. until the Sntc i" paid III full. a sum C'Fund";"} t:~ual t(l
<br />OIH.'-1wdfrh of- (a) yearly 1;l\t''' and- il"-,...,c'...fIll'nl.... whi1..,h lIl;,y ;lilaHl pnoriry (l\l'r thi.... Sl'cHriiy-,lll:-.tn1tH-l.'llL \bl )~,\ri~
<br />ka"ehofd payrnerH\ ()r ground n:!Ih on lilt' PrOp'Tty. if ;~ny, {r) yc:trly haJ:tnl in'-\.IfanCC rr~mium:-.: and hi)' year-I)
<br />mortgage in..uram:c prcmillm'\, If any. These i!cm<,. ;'If(' c;!Hed "e'er,'\\' item.. ., Lender may estimaic the Fund.... dUt~ Oft" the
<br />hasis of current dat.a and n.'a\onahk cstlmah..',^ (If rUI UfC t.'i.:Cft)\.'.-' Items
<br />The Fund~ shall he held in an insHtutiotl the dep{l<:.its or accuUllh of which arc lnsllred or-guaranteed by a fed~rai or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender i... such an irl'.;titutilm)_ Lender ~hall apply the Funds to pay the: cscrp\\: -It<:'rii\,
<br />Lender may !lOI charge ftlr holding and applYlng fht' Funds, analy,ing-lhe account Pf verifying the esc)'-Ow_ite-ri1s~-u"-le~s
<br />Lender pay~ Borrower intcre~t on Ihe Fund... ~\lHl appli;:ahle law permits Lender 10 make such a-charge. Bonn\\:er,~-f~
<br />Lender may agree in writiof! lhat interest :-.haH he paid {iH tlte Funds, link'S'" an agrCrTlH.'nt' i~ made (')r'aprh~'ahIc-.I,:i\~-
<br />requac,,> inh're,t ill tw paid, l.t'nd~r ,halllHlt he reqUIred In pay Borrower any interes.t or earnings on,the-Funds."_Lcnd-cr-
<br />shall gl\.t to Borrower, withoUl dw.rgt', an annual a\.Ti.HlHting \1f the Fl1fHb. showill!! l.:redit!\ and dehit~ to fhe-Tiill\b and -the
<br />purpose- for which each dehit In the hlll(h \\';-1\ made The Fund... arc plrdged as addifional<;ccurity ft1r the su-rn-'\ \C'(urcd-ti)'''
<br />thi:'>, Sl'curilY In'\trumenl
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lelltil'f. tngetht':r-wlth the future monthly payments of Funds."pa)'abl,C:J\flbr- to
<br />the ~Juc date..; of !he escrow ilems. shalll'.'K('(:d !ht' amnunt required f\) pay the escrow items whcndue.-the-e-xces..'\''-'~halkhe::~,
<br />at Rnrr<wlcr'\ nptl\)1l, either prnmplly fl'p..lld to Borrow(.'r ('r lTedded to n(lrrOWt~r nn monthly-payments 'of FtitH.Is< rfrhe
<br />amount of tilt' Fund.., hdd by Lender I~ Ilot ,",UH1L"ll'nt to pay rhe escrow item" when due. Borrnw~r shall pay,tn ,l_;cnde:i.;;i-riy
<br />amount IH"'l'Cv-.ary to make \lp the dt.'f1ciency Ifl one OT mono.' paymenh as required hy Lender.
<br />Upon paymentlll full of all ,urns 'ec'ured by thi, Security Instrullwnt, Lender shall promptly refund {<,Borrower
<br />any Funds held hy Lender If under paragraph i q the Properly" sold ,If acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, nnlatcr
<br />than immediately prior In Ihe ....iJle nfthe Prop(..rt~ ur its aequI,ifioll flY Lender. any Funds held hy L{>nder at'th,,\ .tim.e-,{)f
<br />appliGi.tHlll .t\ a cr~dll :lgain...t the \um:-. ,>;("cured by- Illl' Secunty Instrument
<br />3. Application of Payments. lInk"... ;tppli\~ank la\\. provides (}[hcrwisl'. all payments received-,by--Lendcr under
<br />paragLlphs ! and 2 ~hall be applied: first, to late ,-'harges due under ~h( , '- it.": \ccond. to prepayment charges due under- the
<br />~i)IC: third. tn amounts p;lyahlc under pClragrapli ,~; fHlrth. to i'lit - "~\(.; and 1<,,,-[, h1 --,: mcipai due.
<br />4, (,har~('s: Lil~ns, lh'rn)wcr ~h;I!I p:n ,!j: nt'''), ;}~:~C~, 1':-;, charges, llnes and irnposilions ~ittribulahh.' to 111c
<br />Pf~lpC-n): wh:t.:h n;:1)- .,,\(,-'in f';-i~;ri1!. ..:'d.', thl\ :--:c,-:ErH:- Ino.:trur:l~'!H :!!!d !ca...ehpld r~ymt'nrs t'r ground rent:'. If :iny.
<br />Horn)\\'..'f ,hai! ray the',.' nh!lgat1<'I\\ in !hl" In;llillt'l ill'l\\ided iI1 p;ir:l~raph 2, llr if mli p:ud 111 that mannef, BO-rrower \hatl
<br />ray thcm nn tlllle dlrectiy I,j th(.' PC:."OIl t\w,:d p:l~'Ill(.'lll. Bnrrn\vcr ~tnl1 prpmptly rllrm~h tn Lender ail OHlin:.. (If anu'lunt';.
<br />to hi..' raid IPld,'f fht... p;tr:\~;aph If BnIT1)\\.\;! In.I....(''' thl"t' pavl1Il'llt... dlr{'ctl~', li1.lfrnWl..'t' ...hall promptly furnislt'tn Lender
<br />rCCt.'I!'I... e\ Itk'nclllf.!. thl' pa~ I!ll"lll...
<br />Hnrro.....u \hall prpn;ptly dl\i.:har~:.. ,!Il~ hell \\ hh.:h has prt\\flty ..)\"cr thi~ S(.'Cunt~' Instrument unless. BOffowcr:-(a}
<br />a~ft"t'... III '.\ i jllll~ tn {hl' I';t~ !Ill"nl ,~f tIll' (Ibj;l~,lll.lll ,c,'urni hy i he lIeJi 11\ :1 ill.Hll\t'f ;l\.,-..:eplahk h' I cuder: (h) conh."'st.. 1n ~c.{'",J
<br />hlllllht' llt'!1 h~, \lr defl'lId... ;1~<111"1 t'llh)f,"Ul,'1'1 .It' lh,' liClllIl. k~all'l(I\..Tl'dill~'" whll.:h III lht' L"'l1Jcr''iopimtlll {Ipt.'nllc h\
<br />pll'Vi.'flt lht, ellfnn..TIlIl'rll ,1f Ibt: ltnl (\f fl.lIlt'IP.:;""(' 1'1- all~ P;lrt l"r tilt' i'fl.)perly: or (I.') seL'llrc~ from the holder t)f thl' Iietl all
<br />agreemellt "atl...CH...ttlTY to Ll'nJ<..'i' "'llh{ln.llllatlll~~ tht" !It.'1! i,) thiS Sl'~\lri\Y Im,tfumenL If l.ender dctcnulnes that any pun (\f
<br />the Prnpcr!)- I' ,uhJt'..t !n:1 Iit'll \\tllch T1l:I\- ;l!LIl!l pnP1I1Y 'lYt'f lhi\ Sn'llnly IIhIrllnlt'tH, I,t"mkr may give Bl)f((1\\tr a
<br />UPlift' 1i.h.'1itl1':_ il\!= the hen B,)tfO\\ IT ,h:t!l "';1:,,1\ Ihl" hCIl \)f lat..t' lHH" l"if llH\f(.' {If the :ldltHl'" ~l"t forth aho\"(~ Within 10 da~'
<br />l)flhc !'y. ill~ nt'lll)lh.T
<br />5. Ihl1.urd In\urann'. B,Ji1ti\\l"l ....lull l--\.'\:p ltlt. ;mpn,..'t'IlH'nl:-' Ih\\\- l.'_\I~un~ ,'l hncaftcr erctted nn the Pf(lpc-rlY
<br />lIi!\ured ~~galB'l i,,~.... hy hrt.'. ha!aIJ~ w,-iudt'd ~\ llhm tht' k'rm '\''\kndni \..'\}\-l'rag,-'-- and :wy other h~~/.a.rd~ !\.)f \\ hich t ~!!!'_kr
<br />I~qUJre' In,urant..'c Th!, In....ll[;I!lCC "hall DC lH,ltlllalllt'd Ii! the ;unnunfS ~md [PI' the pt'ril,1th that Lender ft."qHlft."_ The
<br />Hl\U1ant..'e f..::trril'r rn)\-idlll~ th.... Hbl1r~1ih.'l. ,hail b,' dliY',t"H hy Bil!'Ttw.t.::r 'UDjCI..'t h' I clHkr's approval whl\.'h ...hall T1\..'t be
<br />unrca...(!nah;~ \\ II IIhcl.!
<br />AlllllSllralh:\.' p",lh'Il" ,ll1d r,.'I1l'\\aJ, ...h,dl1't' ,h...xpuhk hi Il'lhkr ;md ,hall mL'ludc a ,tandanj nh"'l~a~e d.nl~l',
<br />LenJ~r ~han h:!.\t.' :111..' rl!!ht tn twit! the p(,Ih.:I,-.., and t"l'll\..'\\'ab., If I t'lllkr rt'qtlln.',. B\"Ifrnwcr shall pflHnptl;;. gi\t: tn L~Hder
<br />;ll: n.'Ct."iph ,d~ p,lId PI'!,:fH!Urlh ,mu fl.llt.\\alll<lth.'"..... l!l the t'H'nt ,lf l~)-......., B{'rr()\\t:l ...hall gi\'c rromptIHlti\.'e to th~~ in....urarli,..e
<br />carrier ;tIld 1 t'm.il.'I ! enJt" lll.l} T!l<.l,l-...e pnJi)f ld I",... If Ill'! lllade I'r~llllpth hI,' Bnrrtn\{'r
<br />l ;nk:-.... 1 ~.nd('r ,Hal H~'ri,"wl'r t1thti \\ h~- .i~:rh_' In \\ nling. lil~uran\.T pn1",'t'l'th ,hall tx' appli~d Il' re-sh.'CtlH"I!l \)[ n:plur
<br />l)f the Prl1pl..'l ty dam,l~t.~J, if till' rt',hH allt1!l l'! rq.,ur I... t'l,.'pl1nmh::dly fea~ihlc ~lJld l.cnlkr'", ...ecurity i:\ not k"""t:fll't.1. If the
<br />fe...toratl\"ill P1" l'q)..tlf" Ihll t~..:(1!h\lHlI.:~lIy fC,\"lhk \11 Il,lIlkr.... 't.'l.."llnt~ \\-1)\11..1 he iC\:o.enl"J. the insuralh.'l' pr\\Ct."eth "lhall t"!c
<br />applit.'d 1~~ lh~' ....U!!h "t:,-.un'\! h~ tin... ~t',.:un'\ Iq...truIHCIlI, \\ht,tha t"lt nnl Ihl'fl due.', w!Ih any cx~es.s paid to B"rnl\\.l'L If
<br />Bnrn)\\cI ,tPandt'n.... the Pr~"ipt:tt~, ..~I one' ntH ,tll....\..cr \\llhl!1 Jq d>.l\" a noth.:l' from 1 emkr that the tn~urath..'e \:arrwr ha:-.
<br />l,tlcft.'d fl' 't.'llk a ...'lall11 , 1I1t'1l 1 t':Hkr 1ll,1) ,:t,!ityt i hl' In...t\f ~tll,-'t' pI';, I\.'i.'cd,. I ,t'llder may the (he pnx:~eJs t(l rer~Hr \Ir n......ll)rl.
<br />ih\." Pinp..:n:, ,~r h, i'.j~ '\Iiin ">.i.."i.u,:"...l h~ ;;-n'-o ~~\-.idi\\ ~lh!i,Hlh"!IL "hdh<..'1 iH ii\-.l ihoi \-hit.: The ,10-daj p,'rh~d \';::!! M:t..'~:n
<br />when 1 ill.' llPth-l!'.. g\\t.'n
<br />l :nll'-........ I.clllkr ,!lId H\'i I, '\\;,'\ \.11111.'1\"1'>,. ,\!:rt'c 11\ \\ llllll~. am Jl'l"hLtllt'llllf pll~'l'l'tb ti.' pnnnpal shalllh'! l"knd ,If
<br />!"ht I~ li,t' lIlt..' lit!\.-' lbll" 'I Ilh' 11\1 \D! hl~ I"\~ IIb'll! '-. 1 ,.kl rnlll \ !11 1'.Il.I!' I "ph, 1 ,Iud ~~ \ \1 .. h,lI1gc ! ht.: "nll"iUllt \If I lil' l',ty 1IlI,:IlI'
<br /> I r
<br />BIll,kr p.lr;.I~I.lph 1'" the PH'I'l'll\ I' ,1lq\:lfrd h\ I ('lHkr. Bdrr..\\t.'r', n~ht t;, an) in'ill,llk"l.' P\)lh:lt.... and pr,.".:l'i.'lh (1:....\lltHl~
<br />fr,lBl \.blH<.t~.... It' 111\: Ph1j'-.:rly plldr tn till' ;h_.qtJl'dlt'll "haii P;I"" 1\' i l'!!\kr 1l1Ih:: (\\\...'1\1 IIi" ilw 'lIlll'" "t:\.i.il\.-d h~ ihi... S.<..L,ifll;'
<br />In--.1rUllltnl HlHHclil~Hl'!Y prhH !t) Ihe~h:qll!\llh)Jl
<br />6. Pr{,:St'r~~tion and :\taintenancl' of PrHpl'rt~ ~ I-t.'asehn!ds, HI ltTlI\\Cr ,1u;! !l,)t i.it'S! rnj, damage \~r 'U~-"I~tntiail~
<br />\':h;.lIl~l' Ih...' Pr\)pt.'r!\. :llhm, tht' Prppl'ft~ 1,1 ,-klen,\t~ttl' \lr l';.\l!HlHI \\,t'lt' If itU'" St...."drJ(~ IIl"rrumcnt l' tlll .1 ka'l.'lh,ld,
<br />Bprruwd ...hall t..I~p.\p!y \.-..lth ~lJt' pr\)\l'.d,~n.... n! the k,l.'~:. .Ilhl !I B,H'I ('\\ n ;t..:yUlfl'''' !l~1. III It' hI the Prl'pt'rty, Ihl' k;I'eh\lld ,Ind
<br />fi.:c tllk ....htd! Ht.1t i1tl'f (l. HUh'" t CJ;d~t ,;~.cn L Illil' 11\1.'1 ~\.'r Ii! \\ fHlllg
<br />1 Prnh:rtiofi ~=f I _t.'ndt'r'., H.ight.-.. in thl' l'rHpt.rt~; \ tortgagl' In,ur:.ll\\'t'. !!' Ih'f"l '\ \\\ Cf f.lll, :') pnl, 'I III I he
<br />l.:n\I.:oanh ;\l\J ,t~rn:m..li! ~;. ,'lli,tlllnlltl li\1... 'I.', UII!, I il'l ~ ,HIl,':", ,II :\!,." I'" ,I k~' tlp;, '\ \.'I.-d:ll~~ ill.1i 111,1~ 'l~I\lI,.."I!JI;\ .lfkd
<br />1 t'1l(kr., r1t~hh:n the rr~q"'Il~ ('iilh 01', ,I :'li\,,'('~hn~: \:i r';lld..,rnph \ \~I;'h,lk, hli ....\lhkmn;llh'll 1'1' II' cnl~II~.t' :.1\\" ,11'
<br />rq:.ul.H h IIh l. Ibl.:'H I ,"ndet tn.1 \- di l ~H1d f.;t\ 1,\1 \\ 11.1;(', ...'1 I', l\,'I.:l"... I' \ I. \ i'! "- 1\\.'...1 l hI' \ .dlll' III I h~' PI 1. 'pCT I! __Ilhl I t"lhkr -,
<br /> l'l~'ln,
<br />\H lht. Pr"l't'f1\ I nH\t:;', _Il ,l"!h I,Ll, l!1\'lu.L ,,"..\llcd h, ,I !tell '''I1I;.-!1 h,\, [111\.\111\ \,\,'1 lltl.. "(,dlll\
<br />lH'lTunH."!I1. ,tpp\.'.n lfl~ ;q \'\ ~,n!, r.t~ :llt~ ; ( '1.1 ('nIl'! nIt. ,'l~ : ht" "I i 'I'ell \ ", l!1,I~C t:. l',ll~' \ I! Ii; 'H,dl
<br />! t:l:dn IH.!\ !.!~~. ~h'!1\'!l ,l!!d\., lit,,", p.H,l~l.:r!' ,I."", n.li ::.\'.-.. !,' d.' ~,\\
<br />'\0\ .Ul)l 'w~ h ,It...but ,.'~ll'l~ J ~'ndt'r \,lh~,' i ',; [ ,h.',' ,lr'i\ .. ;uil be,:, '111..' .hU,I:, qui ~kt"l ,,1 HIl<"I Ih.. (~ .....''-;,: ~ ,1 ~~, : h:...
<br />S-:"~"':\Jf q '\ I !hll lilt;!.'111 t. nk...... !f.PI 1 ~)\\ l'f "1<11.1 I '-j,,!, : t., \ \( L,'! h.'1'!1j... \'~ ,'.I \ tn;.'l:~ ~ ~l"'~ ..l'lh '..,11 '\ ,h,tll h\'.li \!1 \.' ft',:
<br /> ! I. 'Ill
<br />ih~' ,1.1h ,of dl,h.ih~'l \:11 ,i~ Ih, ,",pli 1.1!, ! di t,~. ;,.:\.,;,11'" ,-U!)J .., '~ ! l'n;k~ !-i, ','\\.1
<br />
<br />005433
<br />
<br />
<br />q..-'q~ll..,..t,n~ f"~\ t:I\"PI
<br />