<br />84 --- 005086
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<br />l.cndt.'J';., \-\THi..._1l agreement Of appJi\',l.hle law, HOirower shall pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in [he
<br />manner provIded under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />"ny am""n!s disbursed by Lender purslIanl to tbis paragraph 7, wilh interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indeotcdncs,,> of Borrower secured by ~his Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to' other tenns of payment. such
<br />amounts. shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of d!"":burscment at the rate payable from rim~ to time on outstanding principal under the Note un:ess payment of
<br />interest at s.uch rate would be contrary to applicable Jaw, in which event s.uch amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissihle under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shaH require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8.. Inspet'tion. Lender mav make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lcnder shall give Borrower notice prior to any slIch inspection specifying reasonable calise therefor related to Lender's
<br />interc'\t in the ProperfY. .
<br />9. Condemnation. The pr()cl~ed~ of anv ::m.ard ('if claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />...'ondemnation or 0th(,'or takin~ ()f rhe Property, (\f paJ1 thereof, or for .:-onveyancc in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned
<br />and shall he paId '0 Lender. -
<br />In fhe l':\'rnr of a t()fal taking: of the Property. the proceeds <;hall he <lpptied to the $llms secured by thi~ Mortgage.
<br />i.'.i~h loe c,,-'c if :inv_ r:lid i,", R;:,r;\'.\;:c,_ h; (he ;::'~'eflt of ;~ partial t~bng l~f the Property, unless Borrower and l~-ender
<br />\llherwi,c C!f:.':rct." in \\"ntin~!, rherc :.;.haU he <lppfied to the snm~ secured hy thi, Mortgage such proportion of the-proceeds
<br />;15 is C'qu;d in tku [1-f()portiof"! which thi..~ amount tof the ",urns <>eclIreo lw this ~1(lrtgage immediately prior to the date- of
<br />IJkinr, ht::lfS tl' the fall'" mal kef value of the PrOrert\' irnmcdiately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />r;-lid w 8orn~wer
<br />ff thL' Pwperl\' i:--; ,!handnncd by Bnrrov.'cr. ()f if. :lfter notice tw Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers- to make
<br />.Ill award or ~Ntlc ;1 ~'-laim for damage~, Borrower fails to re-'Spond fO Lender within 30 days after tbe dare such notice is
<br />ITIJded. Lcndt~r i\ ",nnl1nnd t('l collect and "ppiv Ihe proceeds. at Lender'o; option, either to r~toration or repair ('If the
<br />Propen'\ or tt~ (he "um" ~ecured t1v ihis Mongal!e.
<br />Lnft't;, l_t':lder dnd Bornm'er nrhcr'.\'I,e agT~(~ in writing, any <.;uch application of proceeds to principal shalf not extend
<br />11r pO-qpntH.... :h~ (ke d,ite t't the monthly installments referred !o in paragraphs 1 and 1 hereof or d.ange the amount of
<br />,>uch tnsraHmeng
<br />10. 8orro~'er 'ot Released. Extension I,f the flmc for n3.\'me-nt or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy !hl~ \h'1rtg.a~e gr~nted h~-' Lender itl any successor in inte~est of Borrower ~hall not operate to release~ in any manner,
<br />the !i~lhJlit\' pf the lirigin~tl Borrower and BDrrower\ successors In in!CreSI Lender shaH not be reouired- to commence
<br />pr~'"Icceding:<;. J!!ainst ~H~h <;t1cces,.;or or ft'fuse t(l extend rime for p~vment or otherwise modify amcrt'iziition of the sums
<br />\.eciired h~' this \'-furtg:ai::'e h\' rca:<;on l)r ,HI\' demand made hv !ht~ ,l.. !t'll Borrower and Bcrrower's SlICCessOrs in interest~
<br />11. Fnl'bearan('~ by I,coder 1"ot ~~ W~h.t>-r, An\' fnrheat'<I\ h~ .~t,..llder in excn rng any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />tHhcfV.'ist.~ ;llh)nkd h\-' appii..:at11e Lnl..-. 'Ih;l:l ,F'" h(' a W~ll'''er fIr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />"ITlc p-rncuf;,"mcnf ;'"If imillrancc i\r the pa\'ml'llt ('I 1:l\CS ('f tHh~~r hens ~1f charges fw Lender ,hall not he a waiver of l.enderts
<br />right Ii' :l\.:,:dt'r:ltc lne nUll;ritv A ltw 'lHkbtedne"", ",c('lm:d nv thi.; M,)rtl!'age.
<br />12. Rt'mt"diN' Cumuiativf", "\11 rt"medies pf()\-IJed tn thi..: Mnrtga.u~' ;re di'i[inct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />rctnt'dy under !hh Mpng:q.::e ,-If ;lHnrd('d h- !av. .'f" t'qUll\" .:nd mJY f1t' l"Cfl...i<;'l:d ....(iflCUrrcntly, independently Uf successively,
<br />13. Sucn~..."t.on and .-\s."i2ns Bound: JOlnf and StH"nll l.iahiUf)'~ Cnptions. The C(\Vcnants and agieements herein
<br />>:ontalOcd ;.;h:.lil hir.d, ,md the t ighb he-n,:ullder shall lnUI'C IIi, the n:~re\.'[!\'(" Sllc~eS"iors and as<;lgns 01 Lender and Borrower.
<br />...ubiect k lh._: p:(n,-j",iOtl:-. I)! !"'I~!rJ~Llph ! 7 herl.'l'1! _.\11 ;;n\'~~n;tnh and a?rccmenh I)f Borrnwer shall be joint and several.
<br />!he ,,=':_~[)j:nn... and ht~ih!:f'!~\ nf !h,-, l\;ir;l}',aoh, I\{ Ihio;. \h-;rte:~t<ft: an: for ,,:t')nvenience .:.mlv and are not to be used to
<br />inferprdt or define n~~'-pw::...i'-tn' f-:-=r~;:_;i. --' r . . . z:. - -
<br />14. ~otkr. Except f('1f ~n\' lh.)il",'e rel.pllr,'d und('f :lppiic_d:'k 1:1.... t\) bc givcn in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borr,n.\'cr f1ftv..'lded ((}i' ;/, :his \1orlca~t' ,hall he- ~[\~n b\' m;ulinJ.! '\l1ch n,)tli':::C fI\' ;:crtified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Prt'pt:~~' Addre,s ,)r JI 'iuch "111l\.~~ ;-nidre,_, .i~- B,\rrn'-\er !Oii~:-,-jes.!gnat:: hy ,;otice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />thl any :,t.'!Il':C in Lender ,h,tJl h' ~l":t"n to\' ..;ef!ltlcd m~Hi. ;-cwrn H:>":t.'il'l rt.."t..Joes1cd. fO l.ender'~ address staled herein or to
<br />~-~~ch (~~h::r .~:.!d~e\\ :::'. I.('~~!:::~ :~:;\'. d~".i~,L~!~ !'1\ ~',"!!>.:'.? 1'.' B(i! r..-'\"-a ;}\ pr.w,ded tlt."fein "-nv notice orovided for in this
<br />'\fong:tge ,h.dll:w ...h:~'m("d to h;i\!..' h~c!i'~;\-l'!1 10 B,'"Iffowcr t'f I i.:nder \\-'hen glv~n in the man~er desisn'ated herrin,
<br />IS. llniform \loneage; GOH~min~ law: St="t'rabilif~'. Thl"~ f,'rm pI mortgage ;,.'ombincs uniform covenants for national
<br />use and !1\..'"'lo-ullift'nn l,,'I'\'t,:naIH.., ,\irh limilc..! \Jl"ht\l,ln\ rn- !l!flStiJ.':"I!On h' l:i'nslltute a unif.:'l-rm security instrument covering
<br />real prorert~ rh!.... \h)n~agt~ ..h;~n be g(I\C!"1wJ hy the Lli.\- ~d the iurlsdicti{1n in which the Property is located, In the
<br />event Ih.Jt J!\~ rn.l\'isl~"n ,\r ...LJu:--c ~\f tnl" .\1{)ng~tg~ ,\f the ~,\!f' (,)nlli('h \,"Ilh ..\pplkar.le law, such conflict shall not affect
<br />.-~ther rn1\I\i011' l't" ,hi' \-1nr!ga~:.: ..n Ifl\." "OI\..' ...hh.-'h (;ll) h~: ~:tvell dfl..'l.'{ Wilh{'"Iut the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />end the pro\lsi"'ll>'; ,)( rhe Mort~age ,mJ the ',lIe .lIt.' ~k\..'l.ut.~d !,\ he ,>cverable.
<br />16. Borro""~f's Cop~. Borh~wcr ...h;dl b~ fmnl'>hcd ~l ':l;JlI~lrmcd ~'nr\' ,\f ihe Notc and of this. ?\1ortgage at the time
<br />11f ~\e('utjon ,)1 .1 fIer rt'~t.)rdath)n hcTt:l\(.
<br />17. l'rallwer of the PrOPf'rt~; A~'1jumption, It an ~~r i;111) pdn I)f the Propl:r1y flf an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />hy BOff1.l\H:I \I{lth;,\tit Lc-nuer\ ['tflor '-Hllten 'I.'l'n.,cnt. t.'\.:ludinc LIJ lh(, crcalil,)n ...)1' a lien or encumbrsn4,;c subordinate to
<br />Ihis Mortg'--1ge, ih) iht, .:n.~atl'-)l"i' I'f :, rlm.:ha~t: m..'1!1C')- "t.~t.:uril\'- mh.'r~st fl)r hous.ehold appliances, (c) it transfer by devise.
<br />dt~~t;'nt ~'r hy l..pt.'f.H!Uf\ ,'f j;w. upon the ...kath i~f .I JlHnf ICnanll'1T ~. I~U MHUH rf all. hnlftlrld (nlnnl Rf tarn ,:a.Nt.r I.lil
<br />,<:/1). '}~t -R'Ptl ~ ,,'u U ,UlllJ_1i It:ndcr nlitj. at Ltlldet'" ,lplilJn, dedare all the sum~ wcured by this Mortgage to be
<br />ImmeJiardy dll'C ,Inti paYJ.bk I endn ,hall h~nc 'Lined su~h '1poon 1i-'1 ~K(eler~te if. prior to the "ale or transfer. Lender
<br />and th~ r'u",..,p ;\..1 ....h"m :he Pr'(tpCfl\ I'" td ;'t..'" ~nkl tH' (fdi1"'kfleJ rea..:h ~\greement in ....'.riting that the credit of such person
<br />l"~ s-~\Hsfau:..~r~ :~, t ;::r,Jt~r ,md th.r! !hc ink!''>! pa\ctt-..k l~n !h,,-. ~~im'" 'oi..'CllfCd b~ ihis M;,)ngage ",halt he at such rate a5 Lender
<br />shan rcque'\L H I (~;l\.h.''f has wai...~J the \.'pth'n ie! j(i,.'cleralt." rrn\'llkd in [hi", paragr~lph 17, -and jf Borrower\ s.uccessor in
<br />lOfe-rest ha~ t""t.~..:-utl"J a \\nHe(\ .1S..,Ufl1iHH.m ...tgrtxmc-nt J,\,:\.'cpt,:d i;~ \\fitlng b) Lt'ndcL LcnJer shall release Borrower from all
<br />,)bhgat;i.IHS ~mJ-\."r rh~s ~1..'rtgu~~ and lOe Sotc
<br />H Lcmler l~'\er:.:!~.., \ul,h <:lpuon !{l a;;.:..-:cler.1[~, ! l:o...lr.:! ..,h,dl fl1.U! B..tln1....cr nl.){ll'C (.t .lI:\.:dcratmn !l1 <\~c('!rdance with
<br />par.\~raph :..i hl.'n..~~f ':';uch ,'h)[II;f,.' .;nail pr{}\-'j\.je ,i rCfH)J L\( :1,-H !I,:",.... rh,~n ,1() d,IY5- if.11i1 the date the IWIil.:c I:' malted within
<br />WhKh B-t~rl\'\"'-n may r3.Y :h" -"Wll$ uCt:L;rl'd d!.IC If ROHll'.'ol'f Lit!... !(' ~":Y ,,::...'h "'nll1~ prill! tn :he t:'\pinltii.,tl "f ~l!l.:h period,
<br />LenJer m.l~. .\itlW-tH fllrth",'r npll~'l" llf ,krnalld ~->\'! HOrft1WCL :nv\~k~ ,11\\ rl."nl('dIC~ pt:-nn:tted tl\' paragTapn IS hen:i,)f.
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<br />L
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<br />No"',\ !:--'lfOR\.-t CO\f~,\Sl~_ Botr;,1wcr ,~nJ Lendt-'I lunher t:'.''.I..'I1"n~ ,lnJ "lgll.C.1'-" jl~lk).ws
<br />18. ;\n'e)ention; Reniedk-:!t. El.t:ept as providt"d in pur~raph 17 h~rt'ut". upon Borro\\'l"r's br~.ch of SU) co\'enanl or
<br />aafti:'lUC'tlt iJf BoHu~er in thi.!. \1ortkQe. indudina: rhe nnt~ll.anb !o pa) "hen tiut.' an~ '..ums s...,-'urcd b)' thl'\ ~tort&qC"..
<br />lAnder prior to ac,~eh-ration 'ihallmaiJ notkt' to Borro,",e-r "' IHu\ideu in parttJ,tr~ph 14 ht"rwf spedf)'i~; (H I~ breach:
<br />tZ, UJ:ie action rtqtJir~d to nut" ~lh.:h breach; L'\) ~ d........ not le~' lhau Jt) dR\~ frum rhr dal\' (he notkt' i, lua.ilfd to Borrower.
<br />h) whkh ~ut:b bnlK'h nUbt be ('uft"d; lIind (.1-) that' hlihut" (0 \"lllr.' \u,'h bteiH:'h on or bt-foft' (he date spt"dfied in th~ ootke
<br />ma.) l"Oull in at'ct"wr1tlioo of the '!>unl\ lj,t''\ ured h:t ihi.... \1ortgaa:~. fOll''l-in~Ufe b~' Jndic.'ial pf\H,,~t~t:dinl and 1I-0IIIe of fhlt proawrty.
<br />Uw nuUu. ~haU lurth('J' In(olm Bonu~n uf th~ rta,hl In rdu!!ot:ue ~ftr:r at:t:druni-on J.lud tit", right 10 a."i~rt in thto foredo!iUJ"f!
<br />pr"p<-e<<JiDlt Ihe nun~,,'d~teIH:e uf ill dt-htull (J.f IUt, Htht:r ddt'tt\t" ()f BonfH"'t'f 10 an,:d(,fuliun and ft)ft,,,:!o--surt'.' If .he brea.:h
<br />is- Jtut "OM !In tif hc!run.' tht> datt' ~pedtted h1 Iht nutke, I,-e-ndc-r at Lt.'mln.... ,.ptiml ma~ dt'i.'ia1't' aU Hf tht.' sum~ ~un--d b)-
<br />ink ~-1urt&..t'- tu b..: immi'di;atd) du-t' and pii' lible wjf~.)-U! huthN i1"ui.j.wd .-.mi nUH fHft>-do..;t. h~ iudid-aJ pNK:ct'dinc. I.end~r
<br />..Judl-M ndit~\':~l to ._uU..~_i in ".\th'-f1 p'm__t"-'f:'dln~ ,ill ('''-pi.tl~'' t)f (nfi.'dH"'UH~, indudinu. bU1 ntH hmUtt! tn, ~o.,h of dot'umcntar;t
<br />
<br />t'\<<k~r, ~~tPih l<, ~IH.~~'-f!t: r.t'pt~t~, ". ""l.. i,,~ _j:." "'O~, ; ,.,.,.,.1.>" ...,.', ',". ...l h\ ;~.;.'., \1ul t.....il.,c
<br />f"'. --.lifl1n,.r.. :n.il:;ih .n ....t'-in\...t". -, _, ~, '"'
<br />f.,....H1""..~.; h.\...~ ,.. ';~hl ,'I <cl.f'-",dnli-;;:' .j,n I'll'!,
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<br />:.; 1 ;-.~ A :.i H 4
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