<br />84 - OO~085
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<br />UNfrOR!\1 COVE!\io\NT~. Borrower ~lnd l.ender covenant and agree iJ~ follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. l3orrower shall promptly pay when due the princip:tl of and interest 011 the
<br />indebtcdne~s evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charge.. as rrovided ~n the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by tht~ Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds for 'ra:x~ Dod Jn~n"lln("P. S~ll)je':t tl) applicable law or to a. written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on lhe dHY monthly installments of prini.~ipal and interest are payahl~ under the Note. untit the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") t.~qual 10 one-twelfth ('If the yearly taxes and assess.ments which m.ay attain priority over this
<br />!\-1ortgage. and ground rents on the Properly, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard ;.~surance.
<br />pius one~tweHth of yearly premlu~ tllstatlments tor mortgage insurance, If any, aU as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />ume to time by Lender on the hasls of ass.essment~ and hills and ieasonable e'itimates thereof.
<br />The Fun.d~ shall he hdd in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency I including Lender if Lender IS .such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />Insurance premiums. and g.round rents, Lender may not charge tor ~o holding ~ln-d applying the Funds. analyzing said account.
<br />or venfying and compiling said assessments and bills. unle.o;s Lender pays BorroW'er interest on the Funds and -applicable Jaw
<br />permits Lender to make such a ~hargc Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that intere~'t 0" the Funds ,hall he pa.d to BOfmwe" 'lI1d unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to he oaid. Lender s.hall not he reouired tn n;.tV Rnrr0~vpr ~ nv intprest or p~rninas 'On the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, withOUt charge. an annual'acco~~.tj~g ~~f'--ti~~ F~J~~d~ ;ho~{ng.~~~jis-~~d-d~'bits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose lor wh,-ch e~lch deb!! h) the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as- additional security for the sums secured
<br />hy this \1ortg3ge
<br />If the amJUllt "I the Funds held by Lender. together Wllh the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the duc dates of taxes, as:-.r:.SSn1cnI:'>. insurance premiums and ground rents, shaH ex.ceed the amount required to pay-said taxes,
<br />asses.'iments, insur.:mce premiums and ground rent's as they 1 ail due, such ~xcess shall be, at Borrower's option~ either
<br />promptly repaid to Bnrrnwer or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender ,hall not be sufficient to pay t"xes, assessments. i;,surance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay h..1 Lender any amount necessary to make up the Jeficiencv within 30 days from the-date notice is maited
<br />hy Lender fo BorrDwer requesung payment thereof
<br />Upon pavmcnI in full (,f all sums ,ccu.cd hy th.s Mongage. I.cnder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lender. If under paragraph I ~ hcr~ot the Pn.1pcrty !5 '\old or fhe Property is otherwi"e acquired by Lender~ Lender
<br />:ihall apply, Ill' later than lmmedi:uch p-rhJC r\..) !he :-.alc nf [he Prop~r1Y or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the fnne 01 apphcation ;15 a ,.:reJir agalO!H the sums secured hy this Mortgage.
<br />3. Application of Payments. L:nle..." <lpphcabk law provHles lp:"'erwisc. 311 payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nt)(C ~H1d t1;:l:rdEr.1ir'hs ! md :? h'..'"!"e..jt ~,Ju!! he app!if:!j by L!..'ndu frst '" :tymcn-r: of amounts. payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph .2 hereot, then t,) mt~fnr p~yable on the Nt\H: .~n !,-'l t~le princip..: of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />pnnclpal on any Future Advances-
<br />4. Charges: Liens. B...'rrov..t'! "h~~jl pay ,Ill Ll_\t:". .l;;se~~mt.:nh ,md othl,.~r ~'harges. fincs and impositions. attributable to
<br />the Property which may ;IHam a rnprtty \'v~'r !tll~ \10rtgagc, and lca:tch,-lld pa!'ntenlS t'r ground rents.., if any) ir the manner
<br />provu.ieu under paragraph:' hereQf 1,)L ,1' nO! p:.ud Jt\ '\w....h OMnncf'. t..y Borrower making payment. when due. directly to the
<br />payee rhcrcof Bonower \h.lll rrl'mptl~ !.lfnn,h to Lemler aU nutlces of amounts due under this paragraph. n.nd in the event
<br />Borro..\-'er ~hal! make ravmem ..hr~~!l\. HUnp\;h~/' ,h..iil prnmplly tUllllsh [0 Lt:ndcr receipls evidencing such payments.
<br />Horrower ...hall promptly 0i~dlJ.Jge :iny hen \\ hl..:h has pnonty ,'\l~r this Mortgage: provided. that Borrower shall not be
<br />re4Ulfcd Ii.) dn,l.:harge .HI)" :.-uch he-n ,n kmg ,t~ Ul}rrl)\\:CI' shall agree. in \\fillng [(OJ lhe paymem of the obligation secured by
<br />,:-uch lien lfi a manner ac.:t:p[abh: !,~ Lender- ...if ..hJH In good L.uth t.oole,,' ...w:h Hen by. "-'If dele.nd ~nfo!"l:~ment Df !!.!!.:n ii~n,jn.
<br />legal pn.).:":.t:ea.mg~ Whli.'h ;,'pi;:r:H~ l,_~ pn:-..'r:ni th~ ;;.nt,=)ri:~mi';nt 01 the iit.:!1 Of torfe.~~tUt: of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. HaLard Insurance. Borro\..er shaH keep the !mpn1\t:-mt'nt.. 110\\ c\l~lmg or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />Cigamst :i."f5.S p.y fire. hazards Inl..'luJcd \\Hhlll Ihe term '.,,'\tendC'd >':,)\eragc'., ;;lnct such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />and In sll..::h dmOW1U anJ Itn ,>u...h penn-tls. a~ Lender lH.l) n.::4iHrc; pr(l\'ldcd, that Lender ~hali not require that the- amount of
<br />\uch coverage c:\.c~ed !hili anwunl <it ,,-.,--)\.t."ra~t; reqUIred h" pay !he ...um~ ..c."ClIred hy thiS ^'tor:gage.
<br />The m:mrani.'~ ....J.rner rr,-y"olding ihe ,-,i~\.ji"~fi~-e- "h,iH he ,..}hhcH by Bvifu"\"cf jllbjtd io..i appfv"'d.1 by Lcm.it;:;-, pruv.tdiid.
<br />Ihat ':i-u..:_h approvai "haB Hot be :.mrea.';\.):1-dt1!Y wUhheld. :\11 prc!lllllms on ltlsllf"unce policies shall be paid in lhe manner
<br />pn1\!ld-ed under p~HJgraph 2 hen:llf ur r'H.ll p;.nd lfl ":'>u~h manner, 11) Horro\!o,er mak.mg payment. when due. directly to the
<br />tnsuraoce ("arner.
<br />AU ins,uran....... r,l-jlcl'-'~ ,~nd [C'n~\\'ab tht'fC-f}! .\had h~ ill f('l.fm .1":"':;:PI,tbk fI.\ l endt.~f and shailll1c1ude a standard mortgage
<br />dause Ii' iSVt}[ \~l Jnti in t,)IIH .i1.(cptahle hl i ~nJcr ! t:nJ....r "hall lu\c fhe I1ghr It) hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />3nd Born.)>.\er ,,1';.1;( pr...mp!i~ rurmsh {...~ l cndCl ail r~nt:\.\ ,11 lh.\IlCt:'> and ,ill nXC'lph lJI paid premiums, In the even I of loss.
<br />Bcrh-,wer "h.all give pf\.lmpt lh)ll~...' t\) Inr.: Hl~UI,tlh.t' .....trCl~r .tnd Lender. Lender rnay make proot of loss if not made promptly
<br />by lk"rfl\Wa
<br />Unl~s~ lend~f .!nJ Bl..'l! 1\.\\1. r.'f llthcf\\l">-\.' aglt:I.' rn \\tltlIlg. 11bUl.uh;~ pnKl'cJ... shall ~ applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Prl,peny llam<.tg;:d. PW\ldl'd ~u~h r~-,l...)latjfln l'f rl'palt 1:-, l~l.:\..\tiOml\:aily leaslble and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />fH.)t lhereb} impaneJ It '>Udl ~t"dl)riHli)n t)f rcp,.Hf l5- not e;;':\.)'h)OW:.-1l!y f~aslhle ...If If the security of thi~ Mortgl1ge would
<br />he Impam:\t !he .n~uranLe prl..~C'~Js ,hdU he .ipplinl tv lhl: 'iUnh ~c~urtJ by thts Mortgage. with the excess, if any, paid
<br />to BOfh)....CI It the Prt..\pc!t\ ;~ .ihitlhjOIlt:"J t>\- H,-HfU"'t:t. ,\r d Borr..JWCI L.uls!o r~pond to lender within 30 days from the
<br />date- n".tKt', ,~ fHJ.deJ b" l.ender h~ E.h)nuwtr :n,l{ the 111!,.Uf,tn\,;e ...:;,Hner nfh~l'). h) ...~ttle a daim for msurance benefits. Lender
<br />l~ .iuthonzcd t() ~0Het.:l' and ap-piy {he i,'...ilkn~t' ph-;.c<<-d~ .il 1.enJ~(:!. l)-ptlOn \:.'H..her to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />l'r to the sum~ ~c...\Jted r-} thIS Mortgag(
<br />!Jr-J.:s:-o LcnJt::r and 8vrr~~~c: ",'iher\lo I';'; .1gIt.'-t'" 1Il )"-1 lung, .In) ~u\. h 'ipP:H':~~i,-)n 'Jf plu":ct:U~ to prlO\:lpal shall not extend
<br />l.)f po;stpon(" the uu~ dal~ loll the mlHilhi~ lo:-.iaUmefH:-.. rdcrr~d Il) w paragraphs j J.nd 2 hereot" or t.:hange the amount of
<br />;.uch In~ta1imetHs, it unJer paragr..t.ph !S hCl'eOI !nl' PnJ{)Crl) 1\ .h':'4ilJfeO r-\ Len-.icf, "II fight, title and inrerest of Borro-wer
<br />m olod i(l an, ;nsuran~t: poh~le). and in and tu :he Pl-lh':l.-eJs [hcreut fe-~ultlng [[p.n Jama~e to the Property prior to the sale
<br />..Jf a-c'iUl:l;lt!\.'fl shall piiss iv LenJel ,(I the c\.tC.lil ,;1 th~ :-.UfH:::. ~~(ur~d b~ Ihn. \.-'1nrtgage lnwlt:diau~ly pnor to such s.ale or
<br />~l.c-qul:\ltlOn,
<br />6, PhlIeo........ IUId MaiJllelUUKe ur I'ropen); Le_hold" CondomilliuRn; Planued lillit o"veloplmnts. Borrower
<br />~hilH I;C-ep the P'roperlj;" in gtX1d rep.tif ~HH.i :lohaH net ;.;o-mmit \.-\"a,...h: ...if permit tfTlp.:urmenl or deterioralion of the Prope-ny
<br />aud shiltU ,"ompl,. wuh the pro\oi':tl\i{b \..)1 an) lea~ tf ttu"--" Mortgdgc 1'" ,\{1 d k.tschold H tOb. ~-1ortgag~ is on a unll in ..l
<br />(\mdomln.l\.Hn d d pianned tlU;{ \.l~'-'t:-i,)pm~r!!. Born)~c! ,hail peC!..:~{m .ill t..l! Ji..o."')rft\\.H~r'S 1,)Ohg..-UIOI1S under the ded.aratton
<br />-\.~r ..OVeuliuts i..'f':-4\iOg \.'1" glH.-erfllng Ih< ;"1.,nd":loltHntliil\ ~lf pi.mnl:J uflll d~\-eh.)plni:'nt tho!;: by.ia.w~ and regulations of the
<br />,--onJ-t...~UfllUin ~;-1 rlanOOll umt ..h:lodnpmt'lH. ,iUd. ...l__}n~WU-C-Ol ,k.\:l-W\CHh It.\..... ,.~Hdl~m!nillm \}f planned Unit del,i~k'pmenl
<br />nOcI '\ eA~tltW b) liorro",'c( ~\IHJ H~...-\.)r\J(J h)'("lhel '..otlh thl\- ~'k.rtg.;lgc, ,he 1.,,)\CII.UIl~ ,mu aareemenu. ot such rider
<br />~h&U be tn~{JfJ~,)ratC"ti ,mlu .aml ""ltaJ1 .uucm1l1nu ",uppkm(,l\t lhe i.:{lq,~i\.U1h .JIlJ u..t'h.'~m~llts uf fhi~ t\t0r18a-Mie ;l~ If the rider
<br />~'t:le_ it p.art herroL
<br />'. Prott'6:'ion of lNnder'~ S<<:urity. J: tH1lfl..1v.cr Luh ll' pt:r(~tnl~ the ~'i..",',r~n.u}h and agreements ..nntained in thi~
<br />Morl'....e, nr d' any .1t':!tvfi ,If pHKccdmg '\ ",'mmt'o':'Ot'd V.hh.:h m.\h.'f~allv }fict..'IS !.ender'~ lnteresl In lhe PU1pcr1Y,
<br />i!M.:.iuJUlg-. hl.t ll\lt Jmllttd ,...... I?mHwnt dnmalfl lfl"ol\t~n(~. ,'~,,-Ie nll,i!\.t~mcnt, \-"'f :'Hnwgcmeots it{ f't"(",,,'eeumgj Jlwolvlng a
<br />h&n-.k.~\;.iiH -,~: ~if;I.'!..'JC'i;t. iht~li 1 (,11J4~. --1.1 i l;!)l.kr -~ , ptl\'iL ~'pt-.n n\l:l~-\' l" fkn~''A(~l ;:)in :Hd;";C ~udl ,iPrc<ti<lll\-.(:'\. d.'Shul!\\" '.J.lH:h
<br />'i"HlH. ..uJ \.ii.ke ~ll\..'h ,'l-di;i.lfi -l.':o \' fH::,,_;.';;.\<il:-' I.,' i'l.Al.'d I (.'_mkf'~ jil!~fI:~'>t. Hh.:lU--'t.hng, hut ;~-;~i !llillH."J tu. ,.It;)bUllH."mCHl III
<br />re.il.';.~,-'...\i'~~ ;~t;,-,n}~\-" !;.;;..::,;, "nJ .'n"j ,Jr',...,;, :1<,,', P,opn:) :" "uk..- ;'(fo.":;-' l~ 1 '~lhj<;,- "'\j,;;t;.:d !)1~Hl~d.}p.: lii\Ul<Hli:C ~'l o.
<br />...n.;l;,~~'.'n h,.t"'lH~ fht ;n,an '.-!;;.lHC'd h~ n,,~. \L',,!j{...l,!:'- H,'1 ~-'-~,}:i P~~\ th{' ;1H'lHnil!l'-- ":~{dt~:~j !',' IH,\lafdlH "uo.:h
<br />'t)'h}.f~n-...j(' "llt'~"i l1~dd ,<q,-~, : ntH: ,H ,~w :~-qtHI"\';"n)! f,,! .'1, ;-. ll...t:j.U1~:1;' ;~>ftV~_ol.h1-h~\ H1 _j~(.>tdan...c ","lth nnn,\\\-'~'r\ ,Uh.l
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