<br />84 ---.. · 004876
<br />
<br />r ,~ndl...'f'\ ~\ rll....!i ;lgrc~ment PI' JppJi">;lble law. Horrower !thaI I pay fhe amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />"-ny am",,"ts disbursed by Lender pu,"u.nt 10 Ihis paragraph 7, with intere<<t tbereon, shall become' additior.,AJ
<br />I ndeh!edne" 0' 1l0l'r<,wer secured hy this Mortgage. 1.1 nless Borrower and Lender agree to. olber .temu' of payment. .uch
<br />amollnl< .h,,1I he payabk uJX'n notice from Lender to Borrower req_ling payment thereof. and shaM bear inwest,fmnl'the
<br />date of dish""ement al the rale payable from time to 'ime on ontstandlng principal under the N(lte unless"pllyment'cof
<br />,nterest at such ralc would be contrary to aJljllicabl. law, in which e""ntsuch amount. shaM bear i_atthe 'ffl&lleat"ra\e'
<br />permi..ihle ondcr a['plicahle law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 .hall require Lender 'to meuranyexllelBCFOI"1Uec
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. InsP<><1ioo: l.ender may make or cause to he made reasonable entr;e.;npon andimpectionll oflhePropertYj"pr~
<br />thM Lender ,hall gIve Borrower notice prior to any sneh inspeclion specifying reasonable eall5etherefOl"relatcdto~.
<br />jnter~t in rhe Property.
<br />9, C....demnlrflo.., The procL'eds of any award or claim for damages, direct or comequenti.l, inoonneclion witli'llII'f",
<br />d\ndemnalinn Of other faking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatiO.,~ a'."e--bereby,:aJ$igned
<br />lnil ,hall \>c paid 10 Lender,
<br />In the even! (If . !nl.i laking or ,he Prnperry, Ihe proceeds ,hall he applied to the sums sectlredby Ihis.:MDrtga,e.
<br />\vith the e,ec'.;" If ;HiY. rllHj 10 Borr,:-;wcL in the eVent of a ""rtiat taking- t.~f the Property, Ul1Jeu-Borrower-. and; t;.~
<br />o,herwise "cree in wntJnc, there .h.1I he applied to the <urns <ecured by this Mortgage such 1>fOpol'tlO1l oftlwpl'Ol:'eeds
<br />;\s !~ equal h' lhat pr(1-T'('\rtif~n ,,'hich the am(lunt of the ~ums ~ecl1red by this Mortgage immediately -prior. t(t,-tbe-,:'dat~r::-t;)f.
<br />fakinf! be;H~ 111 the fair ma.rket ~':!ine ('If the Pr()f'ert~' tmme-di.atety prior to the date of taking~ with the balance, of tbe:pmc:.oeds
<br />naid t(-. Borrower.
<br />. if Ihe Pr-Dflcn\' h ;,hand00('d h\" H(lHnwt.~r. or if. after notice hy Lender to Borrower that the cmkfemno'r,--otfen,-fc)~-make
<br /><In ;n~i;Hd ~'r >"t.:ttfe .;j ,_i..l~m f,if d;Hnage.!.. Bnrrnwcr faiis f<l fespond ((-, Lender within 30 aa.)'$ aftcr tbe: date- g.uctr--~:;~
<br />mailed. Lender i" ;Hlttwrllcd !O ,;,'ol!c_ct ~lnd appiv !he proceeds~ at Lender's o-ptiO!1. either to restoration-of-' repai,t--of!-c,tI*:---
<br />Properl\' or r,", lhe ~wn~ )>.c..-:ured hv fhis MOff~ag-e
<br />l...Jnk-!;'~ f enda .tnd Borrower Ofherwt~ a~ree in writif\}L any 'Such .applfc:ition of proceeds to principat,shaU.not-'e_~tend"
<br />or pn.;,.tp{,ne the due date of the TnofHhlv insraHmcnrs referrl!d to in r~uagraph'i 1 and 2 hereof -Or_ change the amo~Dt'- m.
<br />\tK:n inst;:d!ments
<br />16. Borrower Not ReJt.u.e6. Fxten!l.l(lO of !he IOTIe for pavmenf .)T modmC'Mjo-rt of amortization of the sums- secured
<br />hv ttw; \forig.a.f,te ~~ranted hv Lender tl\ Jny "'UCcc~.s,-1r lri intcre..t of Horrower ~h.\.~f 'H){ operate to re]eese. in any.-manner,
<br />lh.e li,lhility (It' lhc (,dgiwi! BO:J'c,wer ;,nd JknfOW;:>(" :\\h:_t.:'_CS'\O(!'; in jnH:T~.!:t ;,C!"i.:-: g,h&U not ~ required-lo corn.rnence
<br />proceedings 3.!Z.Hn~f "-Hch "'W.:-ecS_'i(lr . '; re-fuse 10 -:,,\tf"'i.d !ljTlt~ for pavment A}MrWf!;( modl.t'Y' amortization- of the surnt
<br />\ccurc-d by rhi-.. MortCtu::c hv fea,,>on of ,~(1\,- demand made bv rhe oricinai f:soHower and B-orfOV,r-er~$ SUCCCS50I'S- in _interest~
<br />ft. Forbe-arant.~ l;y Lender Not a Waiver, ,.\.nv fnrhearanl,.:c hv I_endtt in exercising any right or remedy he:re"Jnder~_or
<br />dthcrwist :dl"flrdt-d hv :_ipplit-a'bk !;:;w "<h,'ill !IN h~ ;,1 wa.iver of ;)f preclude fhe ex.ercise, of any -such right or remedy.
<br />!"he procurement nl jn'Su;an\;~.." l'!f !he p:n1TH"f\f or !;t'\_C',,- (\r iilh<:r liens I_'f ('hargM ty:--- Lender ~haU not be a W:.'~vef of Lender's
<br />rjght ro ;,ii,:-.:ekr~.te tb;;- maH,fl!\' ,,[ flw ;!hkhtcdnc..:'1 .....(c.;.:\~r::d !:w thi' Mortj!age
<br />12. Rt"DH"dit"s f'u-mulatk't'. .\!1 l'~m~dlCS prl.1\!lkJ {hi" ~tortg~.i:!C f!fe ..h\11nCl and l.:umutarive to <toy' other right or
<br />remedy undf'f !hi, \'1t"rt;.:.;u~<: \'i ;ilTon1ed hv l;n" njw!\ ,Ind m~\.' h~,: ,:\;;:n;~r"...~d L"HH::urrcnrJy. indeJ.\t~ndently or s:ufX-euiveJy,
<br />13. S9Ct'fi~ and .<\~h:n' BOltlHi: Joint and Stot.er.d Uabillt).~ Captions. -nlC' CPvcnant-s ~nd aetreements her-ein
<br />,:ontaJl1cd '"-kill hHHL md th'l.~ r!?hh h:rn;nuc:.f ",hall !lliln.~ 11)_ :1,(;' rc'\re("ln~ SI,h.:1,;c,>~orlO anu a-s'1ign.... of Lender and B-t>rrowe-r~
<br />",BOled 11' ~h(' N\)'d<'H)f!", nj ;1;JLH-!L!ph 17 herC'nf \it (UY\-,LHH\ And :j~rCeme_nh of BOFhJWer shaH he joint and severaL
<br />rht: ":~pt!tiq,, <~nd \vt:;H.:h~.g-;:. ~,t' n1't.' ~t'-~Ln,::fJph, ,\! ~ht" \long;I!!... :~rr rilf ,..nnv~f!ien('e ilnty ;tnd ;H'e flot to he used to
<br />inlt-'fnf'ef or ddln~ the rn,1'.",,,ion';. ~lef'.~C'l
<br />14. ~(jtict'. F\~'cp~ f;-::- ,In'. '1Pil;:(- ;eq,mcJ '~mkl "lm!!l'"d1lt~ Ln.. ~,1 he gIven In iHh){hcr manner. (a) any notice to
<br />BQn,_w.icT pn~\'1(kd L:>! _'n '111\ \-1on~w-gc ..hidl h~~ ;1\, r'u,iint: '>ll;.h !ie'{l....'t," hy ~.ertjfied mJli JddrCMed to Borrower at
<br />the- Propert'\: _"'\th"ht"" d :ii ',w..:h '-!!h~r .\ddr<:'-,<' ~i'l B,", r,,,\\o -'1;"\' dt'<,.j.~n~H;;;' hv notIce h~ I ender as provided herein. and
<br />!111 An'- n0h,~~' l_eflt.kr "h,di he )!1\'\':n rn ~:t'ndh..d 'e!:1ifn ;Ci..T\r! rT:;f!je..!~d. to Lcn-der't, ;.-lddreS5 "Hued herein or to
<br />~tlch {~thel ~lddtl;'''''' i Cf'1il'f I!U\ de"'u:n,dt'" I", ;';-Ifht.' '" f'k>rn\'-A;:'( ,I" pn''.'1deJ haem '\oy norkt:- provided for in this
<br />Mortg~lgt" shJil ht,.' d;:t'ffH;'d w h,~~ (' h'.:c-n glH:"!'l fO H'\'HO~('r nr I i.'f\dcr \.. hen ~;VCI1: in !he manner designated herein.
<br />IS. ('<<iform. \-lori~~e-: GO\'t'"faJn-.e L,3:""; St'H'rabiUh. P~:... 1.11m;lf n"H~ng3~~ i,:emhine-s uniform coven'ants- for oat.anal
<br />Ulii(' ~jfhj n..m-;Jnlr~rm t.'~\\"(:n"mh ""-lih LrnH';'"i \,!futJ!Ll'n, h\' !ut!".b.UHP It, ,-nf~"WnH:. -J. t,HHfl-'rm S->:CUfl1Y instrument covering
<br />re.ai p:\ipern -rr:l~ \i('ng':t~l' <<:h"JP be ~~iht;IHt:'"J h, th1..' hI,\. ;,f !he )\HI'idte!I1.'o !!i which the Property i<; in-cared. In the
<br />even! (h<il .-In\" ptW....,\hH1 \~r ..-Lw"'t: "f '1nn~aJl{: {ht' "'-.;.,-,,!{' '....'lllk..h ....uh JPP!kj,blt~ j;jW, &I,!ch conflict shaH not affect
<br />~~ther ;~f\'\-l"hin" ,\) :hi; \tor!~;i)!t' df l~!{' ~-.i~,!~ ~:h;;h ;l~l h' ,_:,VCll t-;-kCI \...'nr~i~H[ lhe cl)otlic-ling pro'li.;,;ion:, and to this
<br />end thl~ l\If'-"I~j...'n, "1 'h~' Mortf!;t~[' .t!l\j ihi' .....,*:' .\It: ,k...'I;lrt:'J 1(' hI." "e-\'-c'f:Jhle
<br />16. BonoM'C"f'S COI~)\' iJOHO'-\l.7f "h:d! r~(' !drnl"hcd ,I ,_;"H;Hmed (\"pv ~}t the NmC" ,md (1f thi,') Mong3ge l.~t the time
<br />,~f e....\"-(:ftlnl1 \.'1 ;~{l\:'r re\.'t)fOaftOn hel~\,f
<br />17, Transfer of Ute ProPfl1)'; A-s.sumpt.ion. It ,Ill -...\f <.HI\ ;",,;r Ilf !h~ ProperfY nr ;1fl mteres! therem b \uld or transferred
<br />hv R~)fill\'.--t.'r \\,ltht.i!H i ~ndcr'~ DrlOr v,nHen :\>1h\~nr. i;,.,:ludn,g i,li 11l.: ,-'f(',11ipil of _t lien \H encumorancc ~uborthnate to
<br />H~i'l MeHg;tgt:. 'hi !~C dt~;:1{l(ln' 'lH'll('\' "':"~I,)!,I1\ :nlt:~t"'t !I~r hOllsehflld appiianl..~es, !C' ,J tran~fN hy dcv;"!e.
<br />de~ent ~'r!lv t'\jX~f,l.On-n <It bv. Upi.111 "kaill ~: Filii{ kH;Jl\! ,'r --.it tki ~HUU )[ It"_ 'GIlOQR Iii -ntrnrrt I?f HulJO ,:JIlFJ r;rr hwal.
<br />'In JPttcTrHn~ nF1 ,t1JR tu r u .. 'f I -ender- rn,'Ii,'. at ! ('nd~"I'" ,;pli~~,L dei.'!.'-fc ,dllht' \Ut:n~ '>Ccarect by this \l(lrtgagc to be
<br />'mmedl:1tdy out, 'lm:i pay-abk_ ~ Crider "h,.~ll h",-..c ~~,n\c-d "-,u"n \}pnon ,H.:;;."t'lenite It. rf!(\f 10 the ';<ite ur ltansfer. Lender
<br />JflD the I-~f~\lil tf' whdi'1\ tn~ Prt~p;;,u\ J" 111 0e :-.,-'1.1 (,f 1r~n"it'fr('J H~:'H,h iI!!ree-menr HI wri!n1g thal tnt.' ~fedit of ~u"h refs.on
<br />l~ SJltt...rachny 10 i ':nJ.t;.-;- ,lOa ll"Ul Iht' inh.'ft~.,,[ P,(~ ,;i-de '-In the "'i!'!b <'lo~>':uft'd p\, r!w, ~'lortgage .....haB bt~ ;H such rate (;I" L~nder
<br />>;hali re-\.jUt.~t. if i efhk~,r ha.>:o ',3,'u.vc:d lh~ ,\WiI:.n ~(' ,i;;,,,ch;l;::te p,,\\';ded In rhi?'l pHagri:lph 17. and Jf Borrower":-- s.u~ce~Wf in
<br />;n(Cfc~t 011:'!- t:'\C--i,.:Ht~d a wnnen :.~\.ump4!f'n ,\..g:n.'t'Hlt'nt ,i",'~(~r*:d Hl ".ntm.ll hv l t:nJer. i ('nder "hail rel-ea'\c Borrowt:f from all
<br />,:)hHgahf~n$ whier rh~s M\'\rfgdtt-e and th~ NOH:
<br />if i. ender (~\.en:~+.;~~ ',Ud1 rlplH'n \(' ,h,.'("('lei'.lfC j ,-^p,l-<:r "h.!li rn,tl; H-;>rr.h\C n,ltiv:. p( ,i;..,-dcr;ttlt"n ,n ,h:c\..)fdance with
<br />p,aragraph ;-4 ht~n:_'!;f ')t.I..:h f1t.rl~t.: "fU1! pr~,..Hje " pn<:.d 1'1.1H ~o ,:h\.. f!'P\1i ihe Jatc ~h(' fwth.c.: l' mailed vl'ithin
<br />'t\'hH;h fktupw-c} ma).' .p,," U'le: "i:!n~ Je..::13.r~d <.lil\: Ji Bnnt'i'-i.-n L;d" 1~_\ pC!'> ~lj,..h 'ltnlS j'fln( !ne l""plr~HI(rn l"1' "lh.:h penoti.
<br />LenJe{ ma.y. '''''IHh'IU! tuune! JH.,;t.;;.e ,'-f' ,.h::rnan-;J ,'n H<)rr~~....~r, 'l~nk(' cl1'1'! rcri~'the;i; p~lmIUt:i.l h\ paraglapn l~ hereof
<br />
<br />
<br />N{}N~U~.HHfFl.M CnvrN"~'d,", Rnfl,,'wC"f :.n-J Lef1!(kl iWlher t..i'\{Cn,l!ll dnd ,j~l,,~ ~~ l'-l!ii)W...
<br />18~ At(-enrat.w.-u,,~ Rf'fIkdieh Elx\'pI tl't pro1>ided in p~tavh .7 hu'Vof, upon BOITo"",,cr's breal'h of lito)' l'o\--eDlU\t or
<br />ill'"JlM:nt of &nfi,.e-f in Ims. \1ortlt_f':~ hh.'}udl~ lh-f' ~'f)"~~Ht.nt... In p~!< "ht"u due an~ ..unUI; st"-t'ured by rhhi ;\1ortg_e.
<br />t~ prior 1-0. oiKnJt-,.>>tiou !ibaU '-TutU ftotk~ lu }\(UfU\4'N' 1l>i- VF-tHidw if. panlftJl;Iph ,.1 h-ereor "pt.!'cUliua: \1) the brracb.
<br />'_1l ,.he ad.iott nqw:rod to (:un: sm-h bt'f:at;~h; U) a d~Ut. nut i~ than 30 dill}\- fn-.m the date Ih~ nutke i'!i m.n~d to BOf"roWt'.r~
<br />b)' ",t;k~1i .u.("n bft--kh mu.A: ~ cu-r<<:d; amt t4~ that failun- In- nnt' lO\Kh bnadt H~ tU befure t~ date ~ped6ed in the notk-e
<br />..,.. tlSitlU ft. a.(t'mf"afioR uf.~ <<11m s.fi.-urtd h) fh... ,\'IQr1lt_t;:'~ f{jredo~urt" bt. indktaJ pt\H:eedh,<< and will: of tht ll>ruperty.
<br />lh QOtk. maM f-w1.-M-.c j-ftff}f'm Ikwro1llli"t'f uf tbt' f...h' tn r~iMtat(' ,dIet ;i't:t'mratkUJ itnd fhe rifbt .0 w.se-rt in .h~ (Ot'ft"lofi'ullf
<br />pr04l'~ tM ~~~ uS II ddAWI. Of un)-' i,)dM-f rfdetlM- HI Bortower to iI(:(derMloU .cmd {ondos\ir<', if tM bn!:.ac-n
<br />b, JWll ('...... no Of' bd-QR th!t dac~ spu:ift.ed i:n lM JluCkc, Lt"ndl'"f .d Lcflde-,'.s optio,n maJ dfi~lat1:' aU of fb~ ~Um."t seo.~d b~
<br />.-- \lfif1"i.aIC' :to- tw ~dUttd-" dtlt .nd .-yaw.. ""iitMnd (u.-1m, €km~nd and m-a) !nff~:h~ bJ iud-icutt p....)(..t~illl, L~n.r
<br />-li.UlI... f"RUtitd to ('0.31"0([ in ~uc-b pfmftdh~ i'iU t:"lifltU-4ri!!I> vi !':''''(ltANH'. itu.'huliag. hut n-of hmit't-d it:)_, d~l" Hi" dOt'Urlh.'"utl!if'
<br />t-~".,Mo(-t<. ~"'fkU. a:M ,jttr !t'P4ll1;t\.,
<br />i~. kuu_-~t.\, Jt.Qrtd to R'ti.Mla'~ '\"rj""ALho~J:HHL;;~c j '-m];.,:I.., .i.lf:d 't,I'>; M.-!t\lP~LT
<br />R.HI"5'A;~'f "f',.a;: h.t<roi' :~'\'e a~_h; I,. ,fH pil"",.lS,,cillin, j"o'."M>!' .\-;10,'1
<br />
<br />
<br />'41 r It- H 4
<br />
<br />,~'~(;"'r ;{'__ ;;',J,54:t"Ji
<br />