<br />84~ Q~A876
<br />
<br />UNIfORM COVFN<Nh aMrow.r and l.ender covrnanl an<l agree .. follows:
<br />I, Paym..nl of Principal ud InlHesl. Borrower .hall promptly pay when due the principal of. and inlerest. onlh'~
<br />indebtedn.s. evu!cnced hy the Note, prepayment and laIC charge. as provided .n the Note, and !be principalofandintemt
<br />on any FUlUre Advance, .""ured hy thi, Mortgage.
<br />Z. Fun. for Ta.... and I_ranc:e. Subject to applicable law Or 10 . written waiver byLe~,J)"~
<br />to l.ender on .he day monthly in'tallment. of principal and .nteresct are payable tmder the NOul. untit~: N(lfe3
<br />. sum (herein "Funds") equal to one.twelflh of the yearly taxe. and as_IS which tr'*Y.attllJn. pti~: C". .. ......
<br />Mortgage, .nd ground rents on the Property, If any, p1mone-twelfth of yearly premium~ f(JJ"huardi~
<br />plus a_twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimatedinitbll'ylUicl':~'"
<br />time to lime by Lender on the ba.i. of a.'<USSmems and hills and reasonable estimate:! thereof. ." :..<:C':!:::
<br />The Funds shall "" held in an illStllUtion the deposils Of accoumsof wlticbare imllR!d or ~:Iiy a~f~i':
<br />.tate agency (including Lender if Lender" ,ueh.n in.tilullon). Lender shan app!ytheFl1nck-topaysaidlUes,~.,
<br />insurance premiums and ground renlS. Lender may ""t charge for so holding and appll'iIlBtlteFunds.analyziDB~
<br />or verlfymg and comp.llng .aid assessments and bills, unless lender paj/$ Borrnwer intet'CltOtt!be Funckaml'
<br />permits Lender,!n __make such a charge. _ Borrow~r and Lender may agree in writing at the- time,-_of e _ _,,_c. n_'_ _ -',c' _,_:
<br />Mortgage that Hlteresl on the FUllds shall he paId to Borrower, and unleils such agtellmellt is made O'Fapjlll,ea*';~-"
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender ,hall n'" he required to pay Ilorrower any interest OJ' earnlngsotltllef'lUIds.:l'~adllr
<br />,hall gIve to Borrower, W.tMuI charge, an .nnual "ceol/nring of the Funds 'howing credits and debits 10 the FUndSaooitlla
<br />purpose for whICh each dehit W the Funds wa. made. The Funds arc pledged as addili<:lnal security for the'sumsseeuted
<br />by th.. Motlgage.
<br />If the amoullt (,( Ihe Funds held by Lender, togelher with the fUlUre monthly installments of Funds payable prf(JJ'.to'
<br />Ihe due d,ue, of 13'e<, a....",.,mem', !IIsurance premiums and ground r"nts, shall exceedlhe aMount required 10 pay aailU~
<br />jl~~t'"nt5t~ ;nsuran~e pRm:.um5 ilnd grnund renfs as lhey fail due. ~uch excess ~haU be, at Borrower's ,optl~..-:~
<br />promptly rep'"d to Borrower or credued to Borrower on monthly Installments of Funds, If the aawunt of the.f'iiiIds':
<br />held by u:nder sha.ll not be sufficient to pay taxes, as_sments, in,urance premiums and ground' rentlJu,they flill'dllet"
<br />Borrower sh.l1 pay 10 Lender any amoun! na:e,..t} to mate up the ,kficlCnev withlo 30 days from the.tlate notlccJt'Il1JIiIe(J"
<br />by Lender to Borrower reqUe5.l*ng payment thereof
<br />Upon payment ;n full of all sums "",ured hy .h" Mortg,'ge, i .cnder ,hall promptly refund to Borrower anl'Fundl
<br />h~ld oy Lender. If under paragraph 10 hereal' the Property i~ "-old Of the- Property is o-therv}ise. acquired by lendert.under
<br />shall appiy, no lat~r than Hnmcdt.afej~ pnor to ~he -,ale ~'if ihe Property Of lh ~'\., .~"jtjon by Lender. any Funds heid'-by
<br />Lender at {he r_mc -\..)1 i.ipphcation as 4. i.:redit ,igamsl the. sunh ,I}(:curcd. by ~""-"': ~~1:.).n';.t.:ge.
<br />3. Appticatloft of Payment!, Unie" "pph~ahre laW pn'",;,;, O'''NW,. all payments received by Lendar under the
<br />Note .md par<igraphs J and 1 here-Of \0311 tee apph.ed by Lender nl"$f in l'a;'metU of amounts payable -to L.ender by Bo~r
<br />lmdei paragraph :2 hereof. then to mtcrcsf pa)'able on the Nore. rhen to rhe prIncipal of the Note, and then to mteresl and
<br />p:nnc!pat on iln~t FUWft' Advances.
<br />4. Chaf'(e!; '"",em.. Rflffo......ef -,hail pas .lit Uxt:"- ;\SC~'irnt'nt!l. ,;nO: (ithe: charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />{he- P'ro--peftl' which may ,lit.'un .l pnonty "wer ftH~ Mortgatte, 4nd k~-<)eh()id r,-wments or grouod rent1i. if a.nY1 in th.:e manner
<br />pro-vlded under paragraph:':' hereOf ':i-f, ;f not r~ild JH '-.u~h rnamh;-r. by aor-rower making payment. when due-.- directly to the
<br />p-aye-e rhereof, 90[f{)r;,ver -',.!:E:l.H prnmp-llv !\Jfl1J,,11 l~') ! enJcr ;111 mlilC-~5 of :Jmounts due under thlS paragraph. and- in the event
<br />Borro\4'er ;."hall make pJ.)mcm dnc'dh H-oHo\-\.\;r ',hdB pri.\mprl~, rurmsh 10 Lender receipts eVidencing such payment!.
<br />Horrower 'ha.d promp~ly d-1.'};;.;h.aqte ~ny iJC'n ~"h;:l,.:h h.l~ pnOfllV tH,t~r Ihr~ !'.1Hrtgage: prOVIded. that Borrower shaH not be
<br />reqmred to df\charg:e ..1ilY 5ou;;.:h li~n long .i.'> Bnrw~.,:r "h;JII .:lg.,-t'~ If' \'\'[Hmg !o the: r.a~'!!ll::n! ;.~! the obhg:atio-n_ 5ecut:d by
<br />suet hen In ~i m;ifii'i~f ;!i(.';";i;pt.1uk L<.:nuer, (,if '.h:Jll tll goo_xi r .u(h ~ ,Jnt!;'~,l 'llH..::h lIen hy, or defend cnh)rcement of such lien in*
<br />~egai prot:et"u1!lg~ wht\.~h nr~r~lt~ !'.' pn:vt:-i1l the ,,'nhl,I.,:.:mcn; Dl ;h..: h:1i ~,r i0rle,i!;fc t~t the Property or l.111Y part thereof.
<br />5. nazard lr.sunlD-'(~. HOTr':Y;i;er shaii ~ecp !h~ rrnrfn-.,--t':m~nh ih)\\ \~'I1-tln~ or hereafter CfC-Cled \>fi the Property insured
<br />.1gamS! h.T!\.-,; hy nre. hal.ard"J Hh:hhh:d \\ uh,i1 {he ,ern; ::\tefu.ieLl ,-~ol,-t.'r-itg~ :.nd stH..-h mner hazards a~ Lend-er may require
<br />and to 1i._uch ;{fIWUnU and h~!- -"<.h..[; p*.:fH.HjS. ,\.'>, 1 endcr ,'U} ) C'-\.l Ul fl.: , plPVH..h:d. that Lender :.haH not reqUlre that the amount of
<br />such -('over-.i.ge t-M.:c<:d that affi\;;lIJ',t "-'[ .~-i:t\'e1 j,~t; fl~4Ui(c--d h, the ;"mH:,> ,>ccure-d hy thfS- Mortgage.
<br />!be m.suralh.~~ t:&rner pHwid.in~ ff\t;' in~UfMh.x ..i-Fi!i he .. b-y BOHt\-A-er \Ubjtd !O appro\'.ti by Lender; provided~
<br />that such approval ."halt not he ::mea\onaiJfy \.lo,Hhhdd .-\H p!"(~mlimh tlr\ H1~utancc JX'thcu,~-s shaH he paid in the manner
<br />provnled under paragraph 2 tlcn'\..'lt UL d H<}i p,m.i Hi "tl~h maHnt.'.t, h" tl-Qffo....er ma..mg payment. when due, directly to the
<br />I t'l<surancc. (arner.
<br />AU in~uran-..;-C' poJH::e., .And rCIh."I>,.t!:> ttlercoi ....h;{J; j~ Hi h_Ho-m ,1;,.;-,,:cpCi:lbh: IU t tndcr ,-wa ~haH !n~:hHje <! ..,tandurd mQrtgage
<br />dau~ Hi f5Yi.'i-f ~"'f and 11) lP[fU ,i",(.:c-pL.ir~\t: ~':' Lcndc1 L\,j01,.!.('( "'fUll t-u,-t' ~h-t" right 10 hold the pohf,.'JCs ~1.nd (enewals thereof.
<br />and Bofft.1:Wer \fH!l prmnpH\; liHni~h L~ Lxndcr .ttl ft,'u\',;...,d r:~l!f'.:C",- ~nd .ill rl~t,;eJpt'5 or paid premHHn\. In the event of los5.
<br />&"1How-er ~.hIdl t},t\'e rrump~ !H,Hl":l: li:l (he ,n-~w ~l!h-t: ':.HllCt ~nd Lcw..ici 1 cndcr ma~ make. prout oi loss if not made promptly
<br />h't' Borro-~eI.
<br />. Unless Lende: dno. BondV;,{:': ,)!httrv.......;: agn_'X" .-. ;....fi~ln~. ;:,\ULHl(C prtw.:ecl.h ~haH be i:tpphed 10 restoration or repair of
<br />the Propert) I.iamageu, pnwH,k-.d ',u(h (C);!\.'falH'O \If :-;:p~1:jf I"> 1;:":i..1nOfllh.:al1y H:ca!'ubk and thc ...ecurity of thl~ Mortgage If)
<br />]'K)t ther~by lmp-alfN H ~IKh ;'-e")-{m.dlf~tJ ,,)f r\:{.l<.tlf d mH ~~';';011l_.ntH.:;}Hy kaSl0ie llf 11 the :,CCUflty of thiS Mongage would
<br />be i-m.pa..I-f~d~ the m~tlfance pnx~e.j;.-. \haU De appla~:d hl [he '1U.rH.o; '~u;urcd h~ thiS 1\-1ortgage. w'Hh rhe e,\ccss, jf any, raid
<br />to Bo-nowc:f it the Pf()pclT'f ~~ ~b~HI(h:Hl_ed hy Born'wcL ;:'.f d BOf'tl'>wer ulis ;(1 n:'J.pond to Lender withm ]G days from the
<br />date noUc-e l:t m~l'1eJ. by Letu.ier tel Borrower thar the ms.\-H,Wt;-c (,;.uner I.'Hers :;:. !ceiil~ .-~ dalm h)f Insura.nce heneiits, Lender
<br />IS. JlUlhtlf.ized to coUect" and appiy rhe iH\tltiin..:'\: ptt}C.(:e1h .it !.t'nJ(:(~ npth.lH t;lthcr (0 fQh)fi1UOn or repair of tbe Propeny
<br />uf IO t..~e sums: ~c~ured by rhl"S Mongage
<br />Unj~"\ l.ender and Borru'4'cr \.,rh(';f\\:j~ eJgree 10 ....nung. dn~ ::>U.....li .1pplK..mon ..'It' pto\:t:cd.s w pnnclpal shaH not e~uend
<br />or postpone the due uate lif the mvn(hl~ H1~!4Ument\ H..'ferred h:! lO paragraphs ._ind:; ht~f~t)i Dr l.:haogc~ (he amount of
<br />!ouch .iIUtaUmeuu, if uu-Uer p.1lnlg.!apn is heu;Q! Ihe Property 1:. at:quucJ by Len-Jel, oill nghI, wit: ..no mh::rest of Borrower
<br />Hl and 10 any HUUfauc:e pOlICIes' and !!i and w the pn:x:eed:. rhen..""1)1 f("_~!.lll,ng Irurn d:tntage W the Property pnor to the sale
<br />Of ~,"-,ltH.m shaH ptlS..."> to Le-nde!' t(\ ihe l:..~t~iH (11 the ~um", "rt:(ure(l l;'Y {h:~ \h'rlg~ge imnH.xhately prlt)f f.) ~iJch "laie t)f
<br />""'IUl$tL<<m.
<br />... ............aI!on ..... M~~ "t ""'pert}: L"".ebtll<ls; Contlomi.......... !'tanDed Unit nneloptm'lItli. Horrower
<br />"hall keep the Propeny ill g\X-\f1 fepaU -iHHl shaH not ,,:{.mtni~ \.\>W)Le Of perm:t lmpaifmcllt or deterioration of the Property
<br />i.OO shaii -\:'ompty with tbe prOVii.h,nu. of any !e~ d Ihi~ Mongagti l') ~'n ij k,;i!-chfdd. H {hi\ ,\lortgage i~ 00 d I!HH In a
<br />eoodot'nuuum (}t ,,1 plAnned una de\'dopmeo!, 8-0TWW'I:! ..h';iH perh'tfOl dll nt llorrowc(s l,)bhgauon:i under the d(,}Claratlon
<br />'.11 ,;,:O-\ieftwlf, cr~~tU}_1 or g.Q\'ermng lfW ..-,,'>fHJuH'i!!i'lUm (~r pll1not:'d iitHt devck'i-prnenl, tht by"law\ .H'~ regulaoon.~ of rhe:
<br />t-oudo-nuf1nun (Jf plmne-d unit ~k\'ck)pment, dwl '.".Hi--~HthctH <..:;;xumc:nh, if 'I \",_\hd-OnHDium or planne-d umt ~k'idopment
<br />ndet' !j ~""-utw b)' 8ur1\\'WCl <lUl-d fe~or\k.d ll:'j;.-e-ihc( With Ow, MUft~age. lhc \.~\I;c-n,'ilH~ ~nd J.g.I"\2ftmem). t't 5i.u.;h fidel'
<br />!f.bai~ be ~pof.t-ed UNQ and WtaU -aJnf:'UU anti :'fUpptt:Ine.rU ~ht ~(n.-cn~b and i.lgH':emcnh of i.hl)) Mongattc a~ it the ..der
<br />w11r" .. part h.u...n.
<br />,~ ~~ 01 I~~ ~,urif1. If Bornlwer L'ilh ~1) pr-Itorm [fw. n:W!tUd.nh ;;ind <lgref'nlcnll ,_:untamed m thj..
<br />M.Qf~~ ;)f H An)' ~1t.-1-H:}O ~'~ P-f(.)C.ee:.utUJ I_\. ;;\.'tnfn€ilc<etj '....-hKh m;).ttnaOy atf.e,.;fo:;; t endt:r'J> \!It-e-r~t In the Prt'"lpeflV.
<br />*_ludi..... but 1101 htnimd t-o~ ~_~-nt dmna:tll, ~~'>f(:rH.,:)i, c(:.Je -..."-flfOh:ernenL of .Hf'!!ttlCerne-nls nr pr-oc.eeding. mv't.'livtng i'i
<br />~nJ9t \-!t {im.~t-A1. .lh>4Hl tf;~t Oli l (;lll.k(~ {)-p-tK'i1, lip;-:m l'IH"..e l~' Horrl:~.wt"ii. 't,~~ n~,;}lt; ~.tH:'h ;'H)pealttfK-eJl,. ;Jr~hurll(, ~Ij'i,:h
<br />i-wn\ "4QU ~"_:t: ~1J(h ~.!Wn ~\ a nc'l,:e.,"^,a.f)- i,t, p'h~C-...1 L~nd'\l '" ,m~'.ft"iH, t>ut ;,,)( J-,rrlH~l 10, \_h!ihur~c-men{ I.\f
<br />~~.!!;V~~ d4tGr~f~' t~'i ~tl4 ~ntt}' lhi:: P"r-o-pen)" f,} nL-.fi.(' i-';:f'~'i.i"" r-;'",,!,Hrcd ;-H~"Hti~ttt" !11~,ur~n\~" ,.~ ,I-
<br />,,_vt~rt-IDti tJf nmk:Ull1( Lhc- i{:"iW ~"'i:-ur~d th~~ ;\-'h~f{i:_U\;.. Bon .''^'i7f ~h;JH p.u lhe- pt('fnH.Hn-. ~~~p.HrCtJ ~~., m~n!iW~ <;';-K-h
<br />1ll-"\:\iHi9r!."'* ;in cif~t ~nh-} 'lU{;'n- Hn~ ..1 ~~-.c f-e'4.vi:t"lt-'fU4f--l-;~ f(}f iHK.t ;fl~ui$f~'t' !<:'1f!;p,.~" '), 1ft ~,,~.;'::~,)fdance wlth It.'~H'!;Y~''''et'\ ;mu
<br />
<br />
<br />