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<br />84- 004515
<br />Borrower sh:11I r"y'The amollnt of all mortgnge insurance premiums in the
<br />
<br />Lender's .....ritlen "I:recmenl or applicable law.
<br />.. m:lI11h:r provid\'d. under pnrngr:lph 2 hereof.
<br />An)' :IIIH1\1I11S Jjshurscd by I.ender pursuant to this paragraph 7. wIth inh::rcsl thereoll. shall become additional
<br />ifllkbll'oncs,\ (If Horrower 5ccurcLl by this Mongagc. Unless narrower :llld I.....ndcr ;l~rcc 10 other terms of payment, such
<br />:1I11~\llll[S sh:1I1 he ra)'~bh: upon fltllii,,'c from Lcndl.:f to Ih1rrowcr r('qtlc'lin~ PilYIlh'ilt thereof. and slwll hear interest from the
<br />d:ilC of c.li~nllrscmcnt at the rate payahle from lime I{'l lime on OIlIS':lIldill~ principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />intcrc~l al Sllch rale would be contrary 10 "pplicOlb!C' bw. in which evelll "'Kh :llnOllllls sball hCilr interest ilt Ihe highest rate
<br />I'l..'rrlli~!iihk uuuer ;IPpiil'ahlc: bw, NOlhillg: CCHH;,inc-d in this par;ig,r;lph -, skill ll'qllire ! .coder 10 ir:cur any expense or take
<br />any ;lCiioll hercunder.
<br />8. Inspt'clion. l.ender may milkc or cause 10 be m:Hk rc~son;lhlC' L'1111'in opon ;Inti inspection" of the Properly, provided
<br />Ih:11 I.cndn ~hall give Borrov:cr nl/lice prior 10 :my such illspcclinn SPl'l'ifyiTl!-: rC:lSllllilblc C:H\SC therefor rclatcc.l to lender's
<br />illt~rC51 in !he PfClpCrlY.
<br />9, Condemnation. The prol.:ccds of nny ;lw;\rd or cbim for lbm:I!!I..''', tlirCt'l nr l'onscqtlcnti~I. in connection with any
<br />l'ondcmnalion of olher tOlking of Ihe ProperlY, or p:arl thereof. or f(lr cnnVt;~'an('c in licu of condcmn;1tion, arc hcrchy assigned
<br />;Intl !ohall he paid 10 Lender.
<br />In Ihe e\'elll of a 10lal l;lking nf Ihe ProPCrlY, the pr0cceds shall hlC applied 10 the SlIl1lS secured by thii; Mortgage.
<br />\,\. il!1 the excess. if any. p;\id to Borrower, In the ('venl o( a p:ulial l;Lkill~~ nf the Prorcrly. unless Rorrower and Lender
<br />lIihCf\~ i\c agree in \""riling. thcre shall he "rrlied 1('1 lhe SUlllS secured hv Ihi.. Mortgagc slIch proportion o( the- proceeds
<br />;1\ i.. cqual tn Ih.lt proportion which the amount of the sums seellrcu hr Ihis Mprtg:lgc immedi:ilely prior 10 the date of
<br />I:lking bears to the fair ffi:lrket valllc of the Propeny immedialely prior 10 thlC lblC nf taking, with the halance of the proceeds
<br />pJid to Dorrower.
<br />Jr Ihe Properly is :lb:tndoncd by Borrower. or if. afler nOlice hy Lender In Rormwcr th:tl the condemnor offers- to make
<br />:Ill award or settle :J. claim for d:unagcs, Bnrrowcr fails 10 respond 10 I.ender within :\0 d:JYs aftc'r the date such notice:is
<br />m:lilco. Lender is authorized 10 collccl and apply Ihe procecds. at l.ender's oplion, either 10 restoration- or repair of "the
<br />Prl1JX'ny or 1(\ Ihe :mms secured hy Ihis Morl!=.:lge,
<br />links", l.em.ler :\nd Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such appli-::1lioll o( proceeds to principil} !ih:lll not extend
<br />\Ir P,\'.lp\lllC the oue dale flf th.... mC\I1thly insl:llln1l.'nts rderred 10 in p;Hagr;lph'\ I :lOd 2 hCfCtlf or chang.c the -~mount of
<br />'lh II H\st;\llmcnts.
<br />10. llurruwn :'\:01 Rclt':lwd. Extension of the linu: for paymenl Ilr I1lndifkalitln or ;ullorliz,llion of Ihe sums secured
<br />by Ihi, M~"Irl~;I~c {:.r:'H\tcd by I cntlcr tel any SlllTC"Stlr in inlcrc"t ~\r Hl\ff(I\\'l'r ,hall nol operate 10 n.~IC~5C. in i\ny mann~r.
<br />tll\: L;lhllilY of ,ht..' (\rigin:d DOrrf'l\\'Cr ~Ild B('Irrowc-r\; SIl{:ces~t1r" in inten:\I. Lender sh;,dl not he required to commencc-
<br />pl(l\."('nlinp a~:\in...t Stich Sllecns{\( ~r rduse In c'\lcnd time (nr P;IYIlH'll! "I" nlhcrwisc modify i11ll0rti1.alion of the sums
<br />\e,:wed h:' lhi.. r.lt'lrtg;\ge by re:ls~-'n 01 any dClll:lnd maue oy lhc \IIi. ~~~;d ,Hwwcr and ihlfr(lWU'S successors in inteicst.
<br />I L FurlH:urnn('(' by Lender i\'ol :1 \Y1l.h:c-r. :\n)' 1,.rbC'.1i;IIi(I..' I i:n. . Hi ;,;xcn..j~;ng ;IllY rit:hl or remedy -hcrcl1ndcr~ Qf
<br />,'1th"'I\\i~.... :dTt'lrdcd hy apphcahle bw. s.hall nor be :t w:J:vcr n~ ,)r J'll'l..'dlld.... lhc exercise of any such right -or remedy.
<br />Th,,' prO-:llremen[ (\( insllrance or (he paymeni of t:nl.:S or l'lther lit.'ns ~\I" l'kICJ;I.'" hy Lender sh::\l\ nOI he .\ waiver of lender's
<br />ri~hl 1.'1 :\t..cclt:'f;l1"~ Ihe m:lturil)' uf Ihe indchlcd1H:'s ,\..'cllred hy Ihi, !\1l\r1~;1!!t..-,
<br />12. Rt"m,,'dies Cumublivl'. All remeJies PW\'ilkd in Ihi" l\tl'lrtg;!~l' ;He distinct ami c\llll\llath'c to :lny other right or
<br />It..'tllcdy under Ihis M('Irt~a&c or ;l(lMued hy bw 0f rquily. :Jnd may hI..' l'Xl.c....t'nl L'nHClllrcllIly. indcpendcnlly or successively.
<br />13, Succc!osor:s and Assi,::n... Dound; Joinl and 5('\ rr:ll Li;,hilil).; ('aplioll'\. ThlC COvenants. :Iild agreements herein
<br />lllll1;t1i\cd \h;lll hind, ;Ind the ri(:.nls hereunder sh:.1I inllfC: 10. thc: n'..;pt:(livl' Sltl..:l'l'.....;prs ami :l\"igl\~ of l.ender and Borrower.
<br />\llhjl."(1 h'l Ihe lHll\'i\ions. ol par;lJ;.r:\ph 17 hCIC(lL All :,"lWt:llanl.s. Jlld :J!-:ll'l.:IlH:llts of BlIrl\lw~r sllil:1I be joint IIno severa!.
<br />The l.."~pti(>IH :11H.1 hC:lllings ,)( the parag.raph\ of ihis Mnrt~;I~l' :m.. f~lr l'OIl\'C'llicncc only and arc not to l1e lIsed to
<br />lnlaprC:1 l"lr define the provision\ hereof.
<br />14. !"olic~. E;\ccpt (or :lny nOlice required under applkahk bw 11'1 he given in anllthcr manner, (a) :IllY notice,to
<br />Ih'rhl\\'cf Pr0\'llll-d for in Ihis Mortgage shalf he g,iven b)' lll;\;lin~ ,t1ch nnlil'C hy CL'ftificd mail addressed to Borrower-at
<br />Ih\,.' f'rl..)p\.'[1\" l\ddrn.s 0r at such tHher addrc~s as Bilrr\l\\'er Illay lk"lp.n:ltl' hy nOlicc tn l.eHlkr as provided, herein, and,
<br />lhl :Iny notlCc !O Lender sh:aJl he gi....en by cCrliJicJ tn:.ii. relurn rt.'ceipl ll"qlicsled. tn I.enders address stated herein or-to
<br />'tlch olhl..'r :lddrc:-s. :\S Lender m:\)' de"iignatc hy nOli...-c (('I Bnrr....wcr a\ I"/'\l\:idcd herein. Any llolke provided for in this
<br />:-'L'I1e:;'!~C !lh;lll he deemed to ha\'e been ~iven ll) H{'Ifr(lwc:r or I enda \\ hCIl !!i\'Cll in Ihe manner designated herein.
<br />15. l'nifurm MOr1CagC'; Cunrninl:. Law; SC'\"\"'r:\hiiil,\". Thi..; (nrm ,If mnllgi\gc :"'0111bil1(.~'-\",lform covenanl!'; for national
<br />1I..t..' ;Hld nrot)'lmiform covenants \\ ith limih:d v;\ri;tllons hy jurisdil."lil'lll t\'1_ ,;(\ns~ini~~:_i\;}",t.li ,,- s~t1riIY lnSlrUmCnl covering
<br />rell PWPOIY llti'\. ~I(\flt;lgc sh:dl be governed by the l;tw of Ih~___i~.,n)\li:cti:~~.li~lIJ\;\\{hkl _pcny ~s loca~~d. In-}he
<br />I.:\'('o! Ih;H ;\I~r PHWISll:" or c,",use ".f this M0rtgage ,1'Ir the N(lI~-"-l.~,~i!lqg.:I~~\)-'~.~~lr~i:~,~1 ,', '_. . h conflt~~ shall not alJe~t
<br />,111\el pr')n"I."}~\\ l)f lIus. !\hlrlf.;'~e ('Ir the Noll.: wludl (;(1\ bq~f~'~l' ~1I1-'>>l ;.~.frUUl'~ cPI\f1l(:ltng. provISion. am} to" thiS
<br />ClOd th:: rr~n-r\10ns ('I! th~ Ml"rtgZl.~C' :HH! the NI'Ile ;lfC '.kd;ncd ~~'tt'r:lhlc.
<br />16. Burwwe-f's COP)'. Borrowa \h,,1I be furni:-he-d a C\)llfnlllll'l1 1.."\\Py Ilf lhl: Noh: and {)f this 1\'lortgal;c at the time
<br />.If nn.:ullon or aller rccoroJlinn hereof.
<br />11, Transfer or Ihe Property: ASsulHplion, If all nr ,my p~Hl of !Ill' PIt'PC:fly or :If\ interesl therein is. sold or transferred
<br />hy IhHIt)\~er \\Ilh(l\ll LenJcJ'S prlt'r wriw:1\ Cl\n"'Cnl, o(':\\'hulil\~ (;1\ 11ll" l'J'l':ltroll ,)f a lien or cn~tIlHhrnncc suhordinate to
<br />:111, ~h1r1~;JSC. {II} the- cn:aliclO ,'If :J pun.:has.e H\PHC)' ~l:(uriIY IIlICll's.1 f,lr 1lllil'\chllld :\ppli;ull;es. (c) :\ trnns(cl' by devise.
<br />lh.'\\'l'lll 0r hy ~\I'l'ratlon of law Up01l the dealh l)f:l j,'1inl lL'n;IiH ~'1r~, '11\t ,f WI IJloullIl' II iul.l.ri<l't fle II I'll] ~'Jllftl ar 10&&
<br />, . 'n! iR \l~ 1I.1 f'i 1\' fillr b. b'" Lender \Hay. :.1 Lrl\dcr'" l'lplinn. dl:dale ;\11 Il~c ~\lfH\ secmed hy this Mortgage to:be
<br />lCilmcJi:udy dill' ~nd payable, 1.1:'1H.icr Sh;lll h:J.\'c \\ :ll\'~d "\I\:h \'11'111..111 11\ ;\\.-l.......krate if. prior in the sale or trander. Lender
<br />.Ioll the per~..m to whom the Prnpl."f1j' is. tn be s'l'lld {lr \r:m"fcrrl.'d read) ;1r.[~~l:ml:1\1 III writing lh~1 Ihe credit of 5\lch person
<br />I' S,III\hcWI ~ III LcnJ.:r ~md Ih;11 lhe inleresl payahh: ('In Ihl' s'UIll' \L'I."ull:ll by thi.. l\lorlg;q.:c "h:lil he at Stich rate 3.S Lender
<br />'!~,lll r('''illcst. If I cutler has wai\'cJ the 0plion I,) .1(,CI:kr~llc pl'l'l\'l~kd III (hi..; paragraph 17, :md if Borrower's s.uccessor in
<br />I IH.... r(':.,1 h...\ l.',c(ulcJ a wriUen ;lS"llnllllion :lgrcemcnl ;'lcccpted in \\Iitlll~ hy I ender. LI..~lldcf ..hallldcas.c Borrower from all
<br />,'1lolig:lllc.m~ ,ll\Jer Ihis MOrtg3GC J.nd the NOle,
<br />If I.ender c\c!ci.ses such op!inn w acccierate, Lendcr 5.h:1I1 m;lil Ih\f1~)wl:r lIotil,:c \,If ;H:i..:clcratic\O in .nccordance with
<br />r~H;lg.(~'ph H hereoL Such nOllte. shall provide ;\ peri\1l1 (If nN less th;lll :Hl d:.ys fn'll\l the d::llC the nOlicc i.. mailed within
<br />',\ juch B0rf.'l\\Cf may p~y lhe \'111))'; drcl;'\rcd due If nl\rr~)\\cr f;lil5- l{'l p.lY ,,!!\..-h ~!!m~ l"ri'.)r !o Ihe cxpiralion of such period,
<br />I ("I\lkr may. \\"lthl..)1.11 further nOlice or dem:md on Bl\rr\)\\C;, lIl\"\'Ikc ;lHY II..'ml'dil'S pCllnillcd hy parngraph IS hereof.
<br />
<br />
<br />r-.:OS.llf';tI ()kM CO\'ENANE Borwwcr and I.l..'ndn f\lllhcr CtW\'Il.lllt .li\d 'l!:Il:~e il\ follow".
<br />lK. An'dr-r:Jtluu: Ue-mcoit's. E:lct:pt :u. provilll..'d in p:lf:l),:raph 17 hl'I~\IL UpHI\ HUrnl\\('("'S hr(':u:h of any r:ovt:nant or
<br />~'h"'I.Jtll'nt of Hurrol..("r in Ihh \lllrlg,:'~(", indudinc thl' nl\l'll:\lll.. In p:l.\' \\la'u dill' :lIlY "'\lm.. sl'nlH'cl by Ihis !\lortgag,e.
<br />Il'ndt:r priof to accelrration ~h:tll mail Iloiicc 10 Burrowt:r :1.. priJ\ idt'd in Ilar:ll.:.raph I ~ hl'n.of 5pedr.rill~: (l) Ihe breachi
<br />1_,ItH' adiull frquill."d 10 ('url: ~\Il:h brc3ch; OJ J; d:tlt.'. not k".... 1h:1II J() 11:\\, frum thl..' tl:ih.' 111l' Hulin is lH;'lilcl! 10 Borrower,
<br />h,\ \\ hidl \udl bU'31.'h musl bt' rUH'tI: aud (~) Ih<lt Llilu!t: to (llfC \lId\ hr.l':ti II on nr hdtlr\.' Ihe d:ltC !IoI1Hihcd in the notice
<br />1tI~~ fl'\ult in al'l..-ch'r:lIiun of lhe- ~Illn' sl'cun:d h)' Ihi... ,\llltIC:ICl'. flll"\'du'lIH' h) jlllllll;IIIHHI'tI'tlil\~ :utd sal~ of Ihe l)ropcrty.
<br />'In' nulin ~hatl flll1hn inrurl\l llornl\H'r or the ri:,:hl lu r!.'in,I.'lt' :lfln :1\ u'lnalillll ;Hill \h\: ril:hl It! :,,'nl ill Ihe fort:dosurc
<br />IH\I\l'l'lliul: Un' IIUll'I.."b(l'1I0: \II \I \Iduull 01 1111) 11111\'( lIdl'U",l' ul UU(Ill\ll"l III ;I\'l'\'ll'Iatlllll ;\1111 rlll'L'du"un', If the l;rcuch
<br />j, n~lt \.'Illl.dun IIr hcfHfC Iht tblt' !o.pcdlicd in thl' Iltlllt'l'. ll'ntln :\1 l_nl(ln'" opliull \It:l." Ikd~\lC :\11 uf IIH~ sums .'t('cureu b)'
<br />Ihi.. 'hHt~;JL:.'" lit hl' 11ll1l1rdi;\td~ Ihll' IllHI pnynhll' "'lhulI! r\lrth~'f lIt.lll;llld ,Ill;! Ill;!) furnlm,\" 11.\ jlHli(ial prun:l"t1in/.:, Lt'ndcr
<br />,11.111 hl' ~"lthh'tIIH nlltl'l'l il\ ,,1\ II (1rtl..n:t\in~ :llIl"Il(''''\'' u[ fmn.lll,olr, HI( IIltlin!.:, tlllt lint lilllih'tl In, to,'" uf dUl.\HHcnl:HY
<br />nil.h'n\'l', :lh:"It;\\,,'h ;"H' lilll' f\'l"llh,
<br />19, norlU\)('f"\ Hil:ht 111 Ih-in,IIlll.', N~'l\~llh..l 'lldlllf. I ,.I1l.kl', 1\ l(,':,\l,,\1\ "f ll'l ,Hll\\ 'C(llll,d l'y 1111' Morti;J);C,
<br />Ih.HIt)\\\'1 ,kill h:!\';;, thl..' ri1:h1 !" h.l\l: allY j1f,'1(\'l'l.llni:-' h\"~~Hn h\ I ~'Il\k, 1,1 L-ni"I~l' [hI', J',!'lllt:.lb:-': dl\\\\llllllllcd "I ;Ul)' lim~
<br />