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<br />r <br /> <br />84-- <br />l!~lII1HM ('O\'I'N.\NTS. narrower and I.cnJ<:r l:ovcn:ull ilnd :1~(l"C ;,~ foll{~ws; <br />, I. l'u)'uh"n( ur'P'rln:dpal und IntuC"s!. Borrower !\hall promptly pay \\hen due the principal o,f and interest.on the <br />fndchlt,;tJn~'s" eVIdenced hy the NOle. prcpaymcnl ;111\.1 1:11..: l.:hargcs ;IS provHkd III Ihe Note. Oinu the principal of and Interest <br />(lfl any fUllHl" Advance.. secured b)' this Mortgage. <br />2. Fund.1ii (or Taxes and Insurann'. Subject to ;trphcublc law or 10 :1 \qiUcn waiver hy Lender, Borrower shaH pay <br />wl.cndl.'f Clllthe ua)' monthly imudlmcnls of principal ;lnd illlcrc<;l arc payahle LInder the Nole. until the Note is paid-in full, <br />;1 sum !hcrloin "Funds") c4u;11 ((l ()He-twelfth of the yearly 1;1\C\ and a""l'S\rllCnls whit.:h may attain priority over - this <br />"'!\lrI,\o!.~~l,', :lIld gwund renls on the Properly. if .lOy, pillS onc-lwcl(!h of ye:lrl)' pn:miunl inslallmcntli for h.azard insurance, <br />pillS nllc.l....dllh (1~ y.:;:arly premium iml.dlmcnls lor nwrlp.Olge insurallL't:. Ii ;\Il)'. all a.. rca~(,!Iwhly estimated iniliaiiy ami irom <br />tllnc III tlflh.' h\' txmkr on the basi.. of :ls:-.essmcnIS and hills ;II\(J rCil',\l\\:lhll..' c\lim:lles thereof. <br />Thl' Flint!.. ~h;11I hI.' hcltl in an in:-Illtllil)o Ihe dcpn:>ils (l( i\1.:l..'tl\ll\lS \11 whit:h arc insured pr guaranteed hy a Fcdenl,l or. <br />..LIII,.' .ll-"t'll(~' 11lKhli.lin~ LenJer ill \"mkr i.. ~lIl.:h;w inslillllion). Lender ..h:dl apply the f7ilJ1ds In P;\y said I"xes, assessmenlS, <br />lfl"Uf:llH'e pfl'nllUlll, :lnd ground H.' Il I!!.. l.ellJl:r m;lY Ilt)1 ..:h:lrge lor so hnJdlll!! :lIld applying the funJs. analyzing said account; <br />Ilf vcrifying :IlH..I compiling ~aiJ assc\sments and hills. unkss t .ender pays HMrowC'r interest on the Funds and app.licabre law <br />permll'> I.ender In make such a charge. nor rower ;lnd l.ender m;IY agrce III wriling <it Ihe lime of excc.ution 'of this <br />Mllrlg:lge lh.ll inlerest on Ihe Funds shall he paill 10 Borwwcr. ..nd unlns slH.:h agreement is made or applicable law <br />rt.'4111rc~ \llt.'h inlcrnl h) he paid. Lender sh:11I nol hl." rc-4uired hl P;lY Bt'ffOwcr allY interest or e:lrnin!.'S on the Funds.. Lender <br />shalllPw III Bllrrowcr. without char~e. ;1[1 :lnnual aCCl1unllng of Ihe FllJhls showing credits and dehits to. the Funds'.and the <br />pUrpl\"C l<lr \\hich each Jcbil 10 Ihe Funds was malic. The I:unds :.Ire pledget.! as :ll.h..lilional security for ,the sums .secured <br />hy Ihi.. ~longagc. <br />If lhe umuun! of the Funds held by Lender. lllgcthcr wilh the fUlure nwnlhly in.-.t:lllmcnts of Funds payable 'prior: to <br />lhe t.lUI,.' dales III laxes, aSl>cs~menIS. insllf<tncc premiums and geound fcnlS, sh:lll cXl.:ccd Ihe amount requited ro:p<iy'said'taxes. <br />as~essmcnl', iosllr:mce prcmiums and ground rents :t~ Ihey f:1I1 lIuc, ~lll.:h c.\cess shall he, at Horrower's' option'; 'either <br />pHlmplly n.:p:lid to Uorrower or credilcd In Bnrnlwcr on !llnlllhly installmelllS of Funds., If the amount of .the. 'Funds <br />held hy Lcndcr ~hall nOt be sunicit:nt 10 pay taxes, asse~smenls. in'>llralKe premiums ami ground rents. as they faU.: dl:Jc, <br />Bnrcowt.'r Sh;lll pay 10 Lcnder :1O}' amounl neccss<!ry 10 m:lke lip the ddit:icl\cy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />hy Lendee h' Hnrrower TC4ucsling paYlll{'llt lhcrcol. <br />LJplOn p,lymcnt in filII nf all sums ~ecllred hy thi.. MMlgaJ;!.c, l,clIder sll:l11 promptly refund to Borrower "any' Funds <br />held hy I.l'nder. If undcr p:lragr.iph I K hereol the Pwpcny J" \t1ld or Iht.' ProperlY IS olherwi\c acquired by Lender,' 'Lender <br />...hall apply. 110 Ialcr Ihall Immediatcly rflor 10 the ...ale tlf Ihe Peopelt}' n( ils a(4ui~ltion hy Lender. any Funds' held' by <br />t cntke ;11 lht: time of applil.:ation as a l."fcdit against th~ SlJl1\" ~cc\lfcd hy lhlS 1\1{lflgagc. <br />), ApptintCion uf Pllymt"nts. Unlc..~ applicable law provides pllll'lwi"l' ill payments received by Lender under the <br />~~t(t.:' ;Ind r;If;lgr;lph" I and 2 hcreul \hall he applll.:d hy I,t.lltlcr (ir'l In P.'~llH.:' If amllullts payahle to Lcndc.r by Borrower <br />II11Jt."r 1'~lr3g:r;lrh :? hereof. Ihen 10 Inleresl payable 011 thc NIJ!c, Iht:ll '!1"; l"ll'...:ip:ll or the NOh~, and then to intcren'and. <br />I'rUKlp;l1 \111 .1I\\" FUlure Ad\'ances, <br />-I. ('har!::<",: Litns. Uilrro\\Cr ..h,111 P:lY ;1111.I\n. :'....t".'..nH...llls ;Illd 11IIll'r l".h:lr~t:~, line.. and impositions 1.1Itribntahle to <br />thl' I'rllpeny whil,,"h may :ltlain i\ pnorit)' o\-'~r tl\1'; M{)r1~:l~e, alld leOl,dHlld p;lymclu~ \)r g.round rents. if any, in'ner <br />Pf~l\.Hkd IIndr.:r p.ICagrapn 2 herl'nf pr, li I1lll p:1ll11n \\lI.:h 111;U1I\t.'f. hy Bnf(l\Wer m;\king. payment, when due. directly to the <br />p.I}Ce lht.'rt:lll. lIorrov,:er ~hJII promr11y lllfl\lsh It.l Lcndt:r all llot1i.:I.:'\ of :lllH\lJllls d\lc llnder Ihis paragraph. and in the event <br />li.\fnH\l.'f \h.1I1 mal.;c p:.l.ymcnt dlfC\:tly. IhlrCl\....CI \11;111 I'H\mplly IIIIn1'o1l Itl 1.I.'JHh:r rC("t:ipIS evidencing such payments~ <br />Bl1flll'l,\t.'r ..11:111 pwmrliy Ji'\dl;If~l..' any !lcu ""hlt.h h.\). plll\rlly Ii\'l'f Ihi.. M'\rll'::I~c: pruvidcd. th;ll Borrower shalt'not be <br />fl"jlll/l'd III JI\t.'har~l.': ;U\Y \ut:h Ill:11 "II IUllg :I~ 11llfTllW\,'( \h:lll :lgn.::c ill \\11:1I1~ 10 the payment or the obligalilln secured by <br />"II. h ill'lI 111;1 1l\:lllncr :l\.'t.:\:l't:lbk III I.l'lld~r. lIr \fulI ill !-:lh1d iJllh ClHlll.:"'1 ...lIch 111,.'11 h~'. ur defend enforcemcnl.of stich, <br />Iq~,tl pell(t..nhll~\ ....hll'h \lpCralc !Il pre\'t,,'rll the CnfUI1."t.'mcllt \If Ihc hCIl tlr ll.llfcilufc nf the Propcrty or OIny part thereof. <br />S. II:U;Jtd Im.urann:-. IhHfO\\1,.'1 .,haB keep thc HH\HP\L'Ilu.:nh 111'\\ l.''''l''llll~ \11' hl."rc:lfter Cfl'l.'lcd on the P(~~perly,insurcd <br />.1~.IlIl!ol il,,,,,,, hy fiel', h.l.larth inl"hnh:tl \\ !thm the u.:rm '\:'tl'1~~kd Lll\l'I.lgL' . ;uld !'olld\ l'lher h:17.ards as Lemler may require: <br />,Hid 111 "\1\,:11 .Ill\llllllh. ;illd ~1Ill\ pniI1d'\:J" Lender 1lI.IY h.'t,llIITe: plllVltkd. 1\\:lt I.cntler s.hall nol require lhal the amounl of <br />'tll.:h t.:,l\'1'1:.I~1,.' c\.ct.:'l.'d thai amtllllll of (n\'l'ld~C requitcu It' pay Ihe "'11111.. ...Ct.:llfl.:"U 1:1)' lht~ ~'1ongagc. <br />The 100\leaOCC l..'arncr pfovidlllg. Ih.:- mSlI(;.Inl..'C ...hall he cho~cn by BllftI1\\ ~r subjcct 10 approval by lender: provided. <br />liI;11 ..lIlh :Ipprl\\";\l ~h~ll not he: 1IIln':<lsl\fl;thly wllhheld. All prl'1ll11lnh (.Il in"I,HilIlC~ pnlicics shall he raid in the manner <br />prp\"lkJ untkr p~ragr;jrh 2 hcel"l). t.1f. sf nut paid in such manner. hy th\ making payment. when due, directly to the <br />t[l'oUl,ll\n: I,";JlrlCI <br />,-\ii in~IIi';lI'1\.l,' fl,.I",'i":'" .Hid fCfi\'\'-;lls illerepf "h~ill li..: HI ft'ifi'i\ ;ii.:i..:qH,ltlk h. I i.:mkr ;111>.1 shall induuc ;: .:-.l:\n;.!~fI.! martg3ge <br />,:I;I"'l: III LI~.llr p( ;lnd If\ [,Irlll ;h,'I..'cptahk lIt l.cndcr. I.cnJ...r ,h;1I1 ha\c the lig,hl III holJ the policies and renewa.1s thereof. <br />;If\li U1HftI,"ce ..h.11I promplly (lIffw~h to LCIll,kr :111 renew.11 IWtu,'l':- ;ami all rl't:clpts u( r~iu premiums_ In the event of-Iou. <br />IIll( rl'WI" ..h~dl !:I\"C pr\llllpt 00111,:1.: I" Ihe IIn,ur:lIh.:e t:arOl.'r ;Illd LCl1dl'l. I J,:nJt.'r 111;1)' mal.;,c pmul of loss if not made promptly <br />l1y BI\lIt'wc-r <br />Unlt..\~ I,CHlkr ;mLl UflrrOWl:l fllht:r\\ i..e ~grcc In \\ rltlng. ln~\lrall\."e prtlu.'l'.!' Shilll he- apl\licd 10 reslor:lIion or repair of <br />III\: Ph'PL'flY .l.Ill\a~l.'d, pr()'1I1llcl.l HKh [c"lllrallt..Ill 01 rt.:p;ur IS ct:lll\\lmi....,llIy It.:a~ihlc and lhc ,et:urily of this Mortgage is <br />11111 Ihl.'ICO) imrJIfl,'{,L II \"h r\.'...h,I[;.lfh'll or fe-pall' IS IWI \'t:\lllllmil....dly k;l..lblc M il Ihe se....urity of Ihis Mortgage would <br />h' 11\1 P;ll I cu. Ihe H\~HI:,nl.'c pnxl.'....lh ",hJII he i1pplletl II) IlIc '1\1lH!! ~ct.'lHc:d hy Ihls l\-h\rtgagC', Wllh Ihe excess, if ~\Oy. paid <br />h. Illlllt'''I'1 11 Ihr Prup....ny I~ .lh.l1lJ~ll1\:d h) ll\lfr\I\\CI. Ill' II Bt.Hrll~\cr 1.111\ hI 1l'~Plllltllll L,,'mlcr within 30 days rrool the <br />d.II(' Ih1hl.l' I' IU;lllt.'t.! hy l.ender It\ tkll lh~ 11l'\ur:1l1t:C elr/lt.'r 111ler.. III \rllle a l..:bim fur lIl~urancc nencftts I enucr <br />t.. .\Ultwll/nl III \'llUeet' :lnJ :Ipply Ihe III~U{iH\\."e procccu~ .1( I.ender\ lIplH11I Cllht:r III fe~Wrallon Of repair of the p.r~pcrty <br />Ilf hi Ihl' ~Ut\l'o ...1....:lHl.U h) thiS l\hHlgagc. <br />l.'llk~.. IxnJl..'r .wd UllCCI,mcr llll\crwiw aglce 11\ "fIIIOg. :tny ~ll\'h .lpph~.lll\lll t1f ph1t.t:cds It> pflocip:\l shull oot extend <br />,If r\I\lpt~lI\' lhc Jue l1:l1C 11( the mnnlhly in~tallmcllh fI.:lcr1e~1 It I Ifl !lac.I~Llph... I :Illd .2 hereof or change the: amounl of <br />..u\h llht.lllIllCllb. II \il\Jt,,'r paragr.lph It{ hereof Ihe Pr~\IX:fl) 1'1 .1L'l.j\wul hy I.":l\dt.'r, ;dlllght. title and interest of Uorrower <br />III .1I1t..! hI ;111\ ,n..ur.Ill..-t; p(lh.:ic~ .IOt.! in :lnJ III the pr.).....c\:d'l lhcrcol ll').\dllllg ltlllll d~\ll\;lgC to Ihc Property prior to the s-alc <br />"1 .1':'i1l1"'11111ll ;)h,dl P;I'I;) 10 Lender III Iht: C.\I{,'IH lIt the '1\l1l1~ :'1,:l."UIt.'d h\' Ihl~ t-.hlllg.lgl.: imnlt.:JI3tcly priol' l() ~uch s<lle. or <br />.hl.{lll\ltllln. <br />b, i'u',C"n 1I11lln :lInd :\ binkllalln Ilr I'rllpcrt): I l'awhullh: ('Il11dtllllinilllll"; Planned tJuit Dt\'ch1Iunenfs. Borrower <br />....h.di kt.'l.'p tht.' Ph1p..:-ny in gllllU (..-p.llr :lIIJ ~haH 1101 U'Il11I111 \\,\~ll: Pi pClillll dllp.l1fHu:nl or t1cleriorattoll of the Properly <br />.JllJ ",!l,lil !.lImply ....uh Ihe P'O""f\lOlI'I DI :!flY ka~e II Ih1-o :\h)!tg,lgl: " t'll .1 k,I"'l'hp!tl If 11\1" }..tllf'tgOlgc j.. on ;1 ullit in a <br />dllhh,HlllOHllll tlr ,I rbnncd un II dl.'\"ch\ Bllft(l\\cr ",h.d! I'cel\.lllll .ill \>1 IhICfll'.\l'l.S I,lhhg:l1lons under the declaration <br />pi uWCI\:illh l" [....llmp. IH gll\'Crnlll~ Ih~ ,:'IflJ\ln\I!\U1f1l llr pl.lIHlL'd ItnH tk\'d.lPllit.'I\1. the\ and rcgulation;;, of the <br />~l'lIdl'nllt\H:n1 \lr pl.Jnn~t.I lioil dt:\d.lpmclIl. .Ind L'tHl\lHUCll\ dllLlJlll\':l\I'" If.1 ,.:lltllillf1\illllllll planned Untt tk\'c!opnle.nt <br />rlller I.. t:.\.C",Ul~J h)' Uorrower anJ rc-:orJeu l",l&":lh~'J WIth lhl~ ~li\llt:.~-e:~'. Illl' I.ll\l'l\.IIII!o ,1Ild ugrccmcnl~ llf such rider <br />lloh;dl tx: Hh:U[pOrau:J IIHO :1OJ s.hall anlt.:nd unJ suppklllt.'lll lht: I.:O\CIl~lnb ,In..! .i~!\,'I'I\\t:nl!o t11 llll~ MortgaGe OlS If Ihe riJcr <br />"'~i~ .1 p.\ft hcr~o-f <br />,- I'rolnHon uf I.l"ndu's S~curil)", II ll":lrt,l\\Cf LId.. III I'l"JIl1rm lhe ,:o\'cn;\i\l\ and ,Igrccments n'f\l:unc-u i" this <br />~hHI~:lgt:. or If any adino I,)f ptC\.t.'CJIOI;, IS CilIIHlIl:n':l'd \,11I1.:h 1ll.(It.'li;;lly ;dkLh I'\ H\lerC'ot in the Property. <br />llhlin.hllt:, btJI nOl hmlled to. CtUIHcnt lItHn.lin, In",phcllL) ,:n(h: l.'nh'r...t.'llll.'PI, I" ,.rr,II\~~I'IllCI\I\ Of pl"\h,'ecumgs lI1VOhlllS a <br />holnl.flipl or dl'\~1..ll'llt, lhcn Lendcr :ll I cn~h:,-). \.ljlll(\lI. liP_'ll IH'lh':C' 11"' i11'/l\l\\.-:r. m.l) ,lI,lkc :o.\h.h ;lP!l1.';lf;lJH:C\, di..ltunc \u....h <br />'un\"!. .llHJ IJ....C s\.I(h :1...;llI,Jn a\ lS nc<;.'e~'~l). I,l IH,qt..~,! I,clllit:r\. Illll':":'\1. H;\!laJH1l::. hut lh\t Inl\dl'.d 1,1. \.li\hl1f)(~ml.'n( ('If <br />f~,j"'\.\n~d'lc :lllllfncy\ kl,,'7'l and {,'ntry \IP,lIl the I'fllp-C"ll) tll make tq',lll\ II I ~:ndl'l lCqul!t:d nlnllg,lg:t' ilhlll.I11I.:C J~ J <br />~I.'IHI(J"'I\ \d Hl.l\,ltlg the 10,)0 ~cl.lllcd 11)' ll\IS ~111l1~.ll-:\" Ihlill..\)\l-r ~h,dl P.i) the Jilt.'1Il1\1l11\ ~\~Lit"fl~d hl lllJ.inLl111 ~\.ldl <br />U\~tH.;I".\: HI ..'ifnI IH1111 !.lh.;h ttml' .1\ Ihe rL'~lUHl,'ll\C:\l ~ul,'h In'.i,l1.HHl: 1'..'1111;";\1\'\ in ;1...'~:,:qJi.ll\"''C ""till BOlr\'\\\l.~f'S ;llld <br /> <br />I <br />004515 <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />