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<br />( <br />I <br />~ <br />~. <br />[ <br />~ <br />! <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />84- 004195 <br /> <br />IfLender reqUITed moFtgageinsuran;::e as aCQndition of making the ioan secured bythisSecurltylnstrulil~nt, <br />Borrower shall pal' the premiums requited to maintain the insurance in effect until such tiTeast!lerequirementforthe <br />insurance terminates in accordldlee with Borrower's and Lender's writlen ,agr""Tent or applicable law, <br />8. Inspection, . Lender or its agent may make reasonable entdesupon~nd ins~tions()f tilePl'()perty, LMdet <br />shall give Berrower notice at the time of or priorto an inspection specifying rCjlSOnab.le camefor t~~in~JX'Ctiolf'< <br />9, Cotldernllation, The proceed, of any award or claim for da1na$es. dlteeto, ~etitiiil;in,:co,~..ctionwitli. <br />an~ COtidemnation or "t?er .taki~g of any parr of the Property. or for conveyance in lien of colidemnati(>n;'are~~bY.' <br />~lgiied_and-st~lH:)Cpaluti.:n.~oot'f, __ _' _ ,__ .:_:::-_':<-_--:":_' ~'_ ,:_~'_\<<~__-:----:-:,:::: <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the: pr6c:eeds shall be applied to the sumHecuredllyit~;~ry: <br />Instrument. whether or not then dUe, "~th any ex=s paid to Borrower, IntbeevCDt ()fapartililtalting'offlie:~(' <br />unles Borrower and Lender otherwtseagrec in writing, the sums secuted by tlris Securitylnstrurnenl$hal\;beTlldu~ed'!)Y'" <br />tbe amount of the proceeds multiplied b)' the follo\'"ing fraction; (a) thetotaJ amountofthesurri5securedimmedilitely <br />before the taklllg. diVIded by (b) the fair market value oftbe Property immediately before the. taking, Any'balanccs!i!lllbe <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If tbe Properly is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender 10 Borrower that thecond=notOffe\"l;:to <br />mak. an award or s'llle a claim for damagts. Borroweriails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftenhe~ th~ notice ,is . <br />given, Lendtr is authonzed to collect and appiytbe procteds,arits oprion, eitheno restoraliononepairof.t!iePtopertYor;' <br />to tb. sumS secured b\' th.s Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due, .' <br />U nles Lender and Borrower otherwl~ agree in writing, any application of proceeds to priIiCipaisballtlot'elCtt>tlll.'Q* <br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred 10 in paragraphs l.nd2 or change the amount ofsucli.p!lyments; <br />10, Borrower ""or Released: Forbeanmee By Lender Not a Walver, Extension oftheti1llCforpaYlll<:ntor <br />modification of amoTUzarion of the sums secured by this Security Insuumenr granted by. Lender Iq any SucctSll<:lt:i,n; <br />interest of Borrower shall not opel1lle to release the liability of the origina' ' or Borrower'SsUCCCllSOrs.;nintereSt- <br />Lender shall not he requu'ed to con:unence proceedtnss a!!"inst any'" ..J$SOr in interest or refllSeloexreildtimeSor <br />payment or othC1W1St: modIfy amortlzauon of th!: sums securM __ ~his. Security instrument by reason OI-iql:,.-denumdc made;: <br />by tb. onginal Borrower "" Borrower's SUCCdSQTS in int.....t.. "'ny forbearance by Lender in exercisinganyrightorro:medy: <br />,hall not be a w&rver of or preclude lh. exercise of any right or remedy, <br />11. Successon and ,!ll5 Bound: Joint and Sf:yeral liability; Co-signers. Thecovenanrs and agrC!'ltlClllS of <br />this SecunlY Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and llSSigns of Lender and Borrower. subjecnothe provisions <br />of paragraph Ii. /JQrrower's c(m,nant. and agreement. shall he joint and several, An.y Borrower who CQ'signs this Secority <br />Instrument but docs nO! e.''''''Ut. tho Note: (a) IS co-siglllnll th.s Samnty Instrument only to mortt~i!e. grantandwllvey <br />that Borrower's interest In the ProI'Crty under the terms of thIS Secunly Instrument (b) is not personally ol>ligmetttll pay <br />the sums secuted by Ibis Secunty Instrument; and (c i a~rees tbat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, <br />mOdify, forbear or make any llCCommodallons ",,,h r<llard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nole without <br />that Borrower's consent.. <br />12. Lou CJIaraes. If the loan se.:ured by IhlS Seeunt)' Inslrument is subject to a law whichsctsmaximum loan <br />dl..rgQ, and thaI law " linaily mterpreled so tbat the Intetest or other loan cbarges collected or to be collec\Cdin <br />"onnech011 ""lIh tbe loan exccul !be permmed lImll.. tbert, ta) any sucb Joan charge shall be reduced by .lheamounl <br />necessary 10 reduce the charge to Ihe permllled Im"l; and (b) any' sum. already collectcd from Borrower which exceeded <br />pennined hmll. will he refunded to BonO_I- l<:nder mAy dl<>OSe to make this refW'ld by reducing the principal owed <br />under the NOte Qf by making a direct payment to Borrower_ If a refund redu",", pnncipaL tbe reduction will be treated as it <br />panial prepayment witb<",t any' prepayme-ot cbarge under Ihe NOIe, <br />13, Leilis-Iilti<>>l .-Yfecililg Lendu's Rights. If enactment or expirallt'n of applicable laws fu\s. tbe eJrect of <br />rende-nUl any pro\.l$oion ()fthe NOle or th~s. Secunry instrument unenforceD-b-Ie- .aC{;Ordlng to il~ terms, Lender. at.ts option,.. <br />may requlr~ munc:diale P"Y'lll<:ll1 In full of all 'urn. _ured bY' tbLs Se<.'Urily Instrument and may invoke any remedies <br />permitted bY' paragraph ]~.. it' Lendtr e"erm"" th" option, Lender .ball take the step; specified in Ibe second paragraph of <br />paragraph 17. <br />14. Notic;o$. AnY' nollCe to Bonower pllW1ded for in tht. SecUTllY' Instrument sball he given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by Iinl class mail unless applicable law require;; use of another melhod.. The notice .hall. be directed to the <br />Property Add...... or any' olher addr... Borrower designates by notice to Lender.. Any notice to Lender .hall be given ,by <br />lint class mail to Lender's address S1alcd berein or an) oth" addr... Lender designates by notice 10 Borrower, Any notice <br />provided for in tltis Sccurity Instrument shall be deemed to hav. been given to Borrowcr or Lender when given as provided <br />In thIs paragl'1'ph <br />IS, GoVtlI'IliDg Law; Se\'erahJlity, ThIS Secunty Instrument .ball be governed by federal law and the law of the <br />jurisdiction in which the Propcny is located. In the .vent that any provision or claus.< of this Security Instrument or the <br />Nore conllicts witb applicable law.. such confiicl sball not affect other prO\'lsions of this SecurilY Instrumenl or the Note <br />which can be given elfect witbout tb. conflic::llng pTOvis.on_ To Ihis end the provisions of Ibis Security In.trument and tbe <br />NOIe are declared to be severable, <br />16. Borrow....'s Cop)', Borrower shall be gIven one ""nformed copy of the No!e and oftb.s Securuy Inslrumcnt, <br />11. Traufer or the Property or a Benefictallnlerest in Borrower, If all or any pan of tbe Propeny or any <br />interest in il is sold or transferred (or if a benelicial IIlterest so Borrower IS sold or transferred and Borrowcr IS not a natural <br />person) withouI Lender's prior written consent, Lender may', at 1lS opriol1, reqUire immediate payment in full of all Snms <br />secured by this Security Instrument. However, thIS option ,hall not be e,\ercised by Lender If e..rCtile IS prohibited bY' <br />fcderallaw as or the dat. of this Sccurity Instrument.. <br />If Lender exercises litis option, Lender shall give Berrower notice of accel..ation.. Tb. nOtiCe shall provid. a period <br />of not Iesi than 30 days from the aale the notice is ddivered or mailed within wbich Borrower must pay all.ums secured by <br />tltisSccurity Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sum. pllor !o tbe expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any <br />remedies permitted by tbis Securil\' Instrument witboul furth.. notic. or demand on Borrower. <br />18. Borro..~s RiPtlt1. R~e. If Borrower meetS certain conditions, Borrower shall bave tbe right to bave <br />enforcernentofthLs Sccurit)' Instrument discontlnucd at any llrne prior to tbe earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as <br />app!lcllble law may' sp.dfy for reinstatement) hefore sale of the Properly pursuant to allY p"",er of SIlle contained in tb,s <br />Secunty Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing tbis Security Instrument. Tbose l'tInd.lhms are tbat Borrower: <br />(lI}pa~ U,flrler all SUM which then would be duennder thi, Seeurily Instrument and the Note had n(l .txderation <br />oc;c;urred; (h) ellret. any default of any (lthcr Cll\"enants or agreemellls; (c) p"ys all ..pen;;,;,; tllcurrro in el1forctng Uu. <br />Securilylmtrwnent, indudinll, bur not limited to, rcasonable allomey" fees; ;ind (d) l"k<5 ,wh aClinn as Lender may <br />' require to 3$\IIre that the l<<:nof tbis Security Instrument, Lender', flgb" '" !he PHlf'<'ny mId fl(,tn'w".\ <br />ohhciihon t,o ~ t~ sum"" $tCurtd O}' thl!!t Security !mit-rument ,,:;haU COnUtlut: um::hansed Up~)n. H'iHs.HtlemCHI b) <br />Borr-nwct, 1Ws See,unty lnstl'umcnt .and,the ObliglUioo5i s~urrd he.rlChy :shall n::mam fully !:'.trt"l;lIVe"~ d' nn ~h.\.."....~kna.tinn had <br />nct'-utred H6w-C'.\'tr. thH. rliht. l(J rlt.inMal~ ~haH flor apply iti the ,,'-3.\(; Dr ~t{Tdcr;Hl~).H \l.lHkr p~f~gfi.lphs ~.; tH' 1'"7 <br /> <br />