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<br />84 - 004195
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br />2, Funds for Taxes and Insurance, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") equal to
<br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly ta.es and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums. if any, These items are called "escrow items." Lender may eslimate the Funds due on the
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of fut ure escrow items,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agenc.y (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay Ihe escrow items,
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items,unlesS
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree 1n wrifing that interest shaH be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or appIicabie" iaw
<br />requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be reqUIred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give ro Borrower, W]thOUl charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debl! to t he Funds was made.. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by
<br />this Secunty Instrument.
<br />If the amOUnt of the Funds held by Lender, together ..'Ith the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of the escrow Items, shall exceed the amount required 10 pay the escrow items when due, the excess shall be,
<br />at Borrower', optIOn, ell her promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds; If the
<br />amount of the Funds held by Lender IS nOI sufficient to pay the escrow Ilems when due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency m one or more payments as required by Lender-.
<br />Upon payment on full of all sums secured by thIS Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br />any Funds held by Lender, If under paragraph 19 Ihe Propeny t, sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply,nolater
<br />Ihan immeduueJy pnor W Ihe ,ale of tbe Property or liS acqUlsltlon by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of ..
<br />application as a credit agamst the s-urns secured by thi.li Secunty Inslrument.
<br />3, Application of P.yments. Unless applicable law proVides othe~vlse. all payments received by Lender under
<br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied, firsl, 10 late charges du. under the Not, ,::cond, 10 prq>ayment charges due under the
<br />!\.lote: third. to amounts payable under pa.ragraph:2. fourth. iO inh. .t due: and last, to principal due.
<br />4, Charges; Uens- Borrower shall pay aU taxes. as;;c'-Stl1ents. charges. fines and impositions anributableto the
<br />Property whICh may atlalO pnomy over this Secunty Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground. rents,if811Y;
<br />Borrower shaH pay Ih""" ohhfat'ons 10 the manner proVided In paragraph 2, or If not paid in that. manner,BorrowershaJj
<br />pay them on time duttth to lhe pers<m owed payment Borrower shall promptly furnIsh to Lender all notices of amounts
<br />to be paid under lim paragraph If Borrower makes lhese payments dlfectly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender
<br />recopt~ ("vtdtllClng the paymenu
<br />Borrower ~h.aH pnlmpdy dl'schaq:c an)' hen which ha) pnonty Over thIS SeCu.ntr Instrument unless. Borrower; (a)
<br />"llr"'" to "T1tln~ 10 ,he paymen, 01 Ih~ obhgauon ><:cured hy the hen In a manner acceptable to Lender: (b) conlestsin'good
<br />(allh the hen hy, or defends .galnM enfoT<'cment of the hen In, legal proceedIngs which in the Lender's opinion operateta
<br />pr\':v-ent lhe enforcement ('If the hOOt or forfctture of any pan of tht: .Property~ or (c) secures from tbe bolder of the lien_an
<br />agreermm salisfacton' tt> Lender ...uoor-t:.hnaun# the !.Ien to lhl~ Secunt)< Instrument.. If Lender -determines tha-nmy.Partoof
<br />the Ptnpert)~ tS 5Ub.tc'C! tu a ha~ WhlC-h may aHam poorn)' o-ver thts Seeunty Instrun;etlt. Lender .may give Bor-roww-, a
<br />notice: idenufymg the hen f.klrtQ"'C'l' ,tutu ~H~f)" the hen llT take one or more of the actions set forth above within, 10 days
<br />~)fth<: l!lVlng of notlee.
<br />5. HlWll'd I.....f'alltt. Bom,wer 'MlIl.eep the 'mprovcment~ now eXIsting or hereafter erected on Ihe Property
<br />Insured ag3U:l~t K'/S.-" b)' tire. hau.rd':!l- mduded \f.'u_hm the- term "extended c(lverasc" and any other ha:z.a.nU-for which .Lender-
<br />requlr~ ms.uraJK< Thb m~uJ".ltn('( "hail be mllmtained in the amounts and for the per.iods that Lender requires. The
<br />jns-urauce- carn'Cf PW',,'.Jmg the m.,.ufam:(' ..bail be .;h~n by Borrower ~ub-J<<t to Lender's.. approval which shall .not be
<br />utlr~a.".(mabj>. \\.lthhdd
<br />AU i.Q'\.UTiUk"c J'Oik-"-l~ md rene-\A,aJ-~ s.hal! be ii~"cptabk to Lender and shaH .neJudt. a $landard fl'K)rt$a3e e~us-e..
<br />Lender shalllut\e ,lIe ughl 10 1l\>l<I tbe l"'>llCle:. .nd rell"",'a!>, if Lendel t",/UlIes. Borrower sb.alLpt'Omptiy give to L<mQ.er
<br />all recc-tpts of fWd prenUUUh and f't:t'l:e'" a1 n\.lnl,..~. 1 n t he ~vm( or It.)ss~ Borrower shall gt..'c prompt -Oo:uce .to the ~$Ura.n.ce
<br />ca'n<:r .nd Lender. Ixoo<r "'''' ll"';'e ph'''( of k"" If nOl ""uje promptly by Borrower.
<br />!Jill""" l.endel and Borlo"el ,,,het'''''''' "II''''' '" """tillS, insuranc!: proceeds shall be appli<:d to restoTatlon or ""pair
<br />of the Propeny damaged, If the resl.or,,1l0l\ or repa.. b ""'>IlOttltcally fe""iMe "nd Lender'. _urity IS not lessened, If the
<br />resl"nu,vo or lep&lr " no. e':""lontl,ally 1......lble or Lender', ",cunly would be lessened, the insurance proceeds .hallbe
<br />applte<l t<l tbe SUlU' ,"""urOll by ,hI> Secunty InstTUment, "nether I>r nOl Ihen due, with any excells. paid to Borrower,.If
<br />Borrower i1b.andOfl..' the Prup<'_lt)'. -or O{)O. not anll".er wllhm 30 day~ 11 n-otl(:::~ from Lt:nder thai the insuran,--'e carrier-has
<br />otTered '0 ",Hie a .:lain], tben Lende, may ,ollectlbe m,ural\ce pwceeds. Lender may U5<' the proceeds to repair or restore
<br />,be Property c" to l"'Y sum, ,"",'urOll by ,hIS Secumy In'trument, whether or not Ihen due, The 30-<la)' period will begin
<br />when the I\oiic(' !S-gl\C:U
<br />Un~ Lender and !k)HOWd Olher-t.....JS< agree- m wntmg, an} 3.pphci1tJo-n Pi' pn:~...eeds to pnndpaJ shall not el(t-end or
<br />pQstpotlc the due date of the llK"'thly pa,lments referred to In par..graph. I and 2 or change the amounl orlhe payments. If
<br />llllder paragr.ph l'l:be Pwpcrt) """qUtred by Lende.. .Bo,r\lwer'. nght tll all,l' !O'ura""e pohcies and proceeds resultmg
<br />from danage to the: l"fopcrt} pnor to the acqmsition &lIaH pass to Lender tf" the extent ()f the SU,ffiS secured by this Security
<br />In.s-trument irnmcduudy prior 1<> the a~:qulSiuou
<br />6, Pre.en.ti.... ud Mainu",.""" of Property; I.easeboltb. Bono\\er ,hall not de:.tn,y, damage or substantially
<br />chllngc the Propen:>. ,tHo';,\; the Propcrt.) t,-1 d~teriurale ()r ("()-fl!.mit Wa$le. If t.hls SecUfH) InstrumelH IS on J. kasehold.
<br />8orro\\ier \ha11 t.:()01pl} .....Ith the prt1\.isKms of the k:as.e. and If BorrO\\c:f a(:"quire~ fee title tu the Prop<:rty. thlt kasehold and
<br />fo:: ut.e slut.U not m("f~ unlos. Leruk.r ag.tC'e$lu the merger m wfltmg
<br />7. Protection of lender's Rights in the Property; \{ortpge Insurance, If !:iotTo..-.r ralh to rerform the
<br />C(werumts andaltJ'1:~m~nt.~ cuntatrn:d m thiS- ~unty lu\trumcnt.M thert' is a le~al prt'>:ct-dmgl:hat ma} 'oagmt1\.':'anlly affect
<br />Lender'" nght~ U) the PtiJpeny ~~'uch a~ a p-rtxfC'dmg Hl b-ankrUpIC}. ph)b:.ile, f,)f :,..\.HldeUllIaholt or to enf'o~(' law:!>. or
<br />rt.ulalh.~). then. L('n\kr 3Ul) do and pay for v. hOit('-\t:f Pk ne('C~-S.Jiry 10 pf(.l~C,,~l the ..alue of the PnJll('rt) and Lender'.$. right~
<br />m ~l:K Propeny L.wde:r'~ aclli)fb rnay mdudC' palm@. ;any l:>um:-, ....e.\-:'un.-.d b~ ,j, !It'I} Whi;.;:h h~:-. pnOfH} ('\t;'J' ttus Security
<br />hlltrUt'll(ftl. aJ.'p(:.~.rit)6 tU ci.'OUn, p4ym~ ft&onabk attl~rncy~' ft('j. and cnl(:nn~ ~m {ne Pr\J.p<:rt~ 1.1 make repalf\. Alths.mgh
<br />l.ende:- m&)' la.-kt: ll~hOf} unde-r thiS (larasra.ph:, Lender docs nO! halc lod,) ~l
<br />,"\Xl) .a-"J'o-uuh dl}~burS\.--d -h~ Lender und-e1 tni\ paragraph'" ..hail he'~)-nu;" ,adJH~'Jn~tj debt of fk~n,m er s-t';,:un:d by thl~
<br />~utHy hU.tf\iOlCftt. Cnlelo.-s, Bt)I'fH"-Cf -ilud Lende.r agn:t' to nIhe! rr-nrt~ il-f pa~rrlt'1H_ tht':..,,( ,JH1:\Jtlflb ~b.ali hear lnt~re-!--t In)!n
<br />lhe dalt (I. d~~f:wm~nt .It the 't,1<it faIt' MId "haJl he. p~\~;;~blc, "ith mlen:';'I, 'iP,-,fl tN'!i:,.'(' rrl,~rn LtrH.h.~t hI B-ont1\l,er
<br />ttquC'I'tmtt fIiIlIy(U('nt
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