<br />.4f
<br />84....... 003505
<br />
<br />If Lender [equir....d rnnflg:lgC' insur:JI1L"I.: ;1:< ;t conditIOn of m;lking the 10al1 secured by_lhis Security Instrument.
<br />BOfr()wt'r ...hall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance iri.- effect until such time-as the requirement- for the
<br />jn~urallct" lerminatc,", in-accordance with Dorrower'~ and I.cndc'r\ written agreement or applicable'law,
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections Oflht;"Propetty.,-LCmder
<br />shilll gi\ c Borrower notice at.thc time of or print' to an inspection ~recifying reasonable cause_for the-inspec~ion,
<br />9. Condemnation. Th~ proc~eds of any award or claim for damages, dlft':ct or ,cons-eq~entiaI,--in' ~nnt~~!i()n;wit~
<br />any condemulirjon or olher taking of Jny part ur the Prop~rty. or 10r, conveyance in_' lie-u of condemnation," are:- he~by
<br />assig.nr~d and shall be paId to Lender.
<br />In the event of i:l towl taking of the Property, the prol..."ctds shall' be appJicd to the_sums secured by--this Sec_urlty:
<br />llhlfUmefl[, whether or notlhen due, wlfh any CXCl.':SS paid 10 Borrower. In' fhe event bfa partialt3'king-ofthe'Ph:?~rty~
<br />unless Borrower and Lender orherwisc: 3gre~ In writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument'shall be -n~duc~d,_by
<br />lhe arrlilunt of the proceeds multJplied by {he following fra~IH)jl; (a) the tlHal amount of (he sums- secured: imrnediu'(eIy
<br />before the ta,ing. dlnded by (b) the faIr market ,,,I\le of the Property immediately before the taking:AnybalanceshllHl>e
<br />raId to Bn-rrnwer
<br />If lhe Prorerty IS ah:,lndoncd by Bnrrowc.::r, or if. ant.:r llotit:c by Lt,;'fH.kr to Borrower that the-condemnor offers to
<br />make an award or st':ttle a claim for damages, Burrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date-the,notic-e is
<br />gi\'cn. Ll~nder i\ authOrized to collect and apply t hc pl ,'H....ecds, HI ilS optilHl, either to rt."sh)ralion or repair of the p'roperty'o'r
<br />to the sums secured by this. Security Instrument, whel her or not Ihen duc,
<br />l' ;~less Lender and Borrower otherwise agn:c in writing, any application of proceeds to principal.shaH not-exten&or
<br />postpOflC' the due date of the' monthly payment~~ referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such-payments:
<br />lU. Borrower ~ot Released; Forbearance By Lender ~ot a \Vaiyer. Extension of the time for-:paymencor
<br />modification of amortization of the sum,; "~cured by this SecurilY Instrument granted by- Lender to any __successor-i1i:
<br />Intere-\l of Borrrm:t.:f shall not operate to rdeast' the liabJlity of the original Borrower or Borrower-'s successors--i:n interest.
<br />Lendt:f "hall not b~ required to conHn~Ill:~ procl."tJings agaillsl any suc\.^(;s~or in interest or- refuse to exiend timc:f()r
<br />payment I;r '_I[heni,lse modify al11orliz/:1tioll t)f lht: sums ~,t"...:ured r'-' this Securir}' Instrument by reason 'of any demand made:
<br />ny :he origliJal Borrower or Borro......'er\ ~UCl..:".s<..()rs lTl lntcrc:..l t\. _ forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or re!TIedy
<br />...hall nOI bt a \\;alver of or preclude the eJ.crci..,e of:wy right c. 'mcdy
<br />11. Successor~ and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severall.iabHity; Co~signers, Thc covenants and 'agreements of
<br />I his SCl.'Ufll y Instrument ..hall hind J.nd ixn-etl[ the \Uccc<;sors and as~igll<; of LcnDer-and Borrower, \ubject to the provl&ions
<br />of p~iragraph 17. Borro'.;.:a\ covenanL .,ilt.:! J.grccmenb ::.hall be j()inl and several. AllY Borrower who co.signs this Security
<br />Instrllmt~rH bm does fWl c~ecute the "\;0[<.:: \:.1) IS ;:(l~~igi1ing lhi:; Sl'CUril'y Instrurnent only to mortgage, gram and convey
<br />that Borrower's illtt'fC;:.t in the Pwpcny under the terms uf this Securl!)' Instrument: (b) is not personaHy obligated to-pay
<br />fhe .,urn:, 'Jecured by 111ls Security In:-,nurnel:t; ;.tIlO {c) agrees thaI L:ndcr and any otha Borrower may agree to extend,
<br />modify. f(lrbear or make .~J!Y accommodatIOn.... v>\{h re,gard in the It'rm~ of this St.'curiIY InSlfumenl or the Note without
<br />lhal Bonowa\ (OIl3t;HL
<br />12. Loan Char~es" If the juan \CdlfcJ b:1 II1!:- Seulri[)' Ill~lrUmel!l i~ ')UbjC\.-II() a bw which sets maximum loan
<br />.;;h~rges, and tha~ law is fmull! imerprcIed S(l that the intt:resl (lr other loan ...:hargc~ (ollt~l..~lCd or to be, collected in
<br />i.;OllntC1l0n with the loan t:xceeJ the pclltlluL'd IIlIlih. thell: (a) any "uch luan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />ncv.:s\ary to ft:duce {ht: i.:hargt: to the- permitted lim!t; and (b) any ~ums already collcctt:d from Borrower which exceeded
<br />pCrl1lilll~U lifll1\~ will he refunded to BOIl'P\H'! Lt!ldel may l'hoose Il,) make this n:funo by reJu\.'ing the principal'owtd
<br />undtr lhe SOle or by making J. dIrect payult.:llt In Burrt1wcr I1'a fefund fi:dUCt'~ principal. Ihe r~duction will be treated as 11
<br />partwl prr:pa_ymt.'llt withoul allY pr~ra) mcnt charge unuer f!Il' Note.
<br />13, Ll'~js.lation Affecting Ll..'uder',-; Rights. If Cll;i,:Jlllt:ll[ llr l',\pir:Hion ~~r app!ic~bk hW5 has the etTect of
<br />fcmknllg any rlU\ !"llH1 of lh~ Note or thl'i St:l.:unty In:-.trurnenJ 11l1cnfofCeabk aCI.:ording [u its terms, Lender, at its opti('m,
<br />nw) rc:qulft: lOlmt'Jmlc payrw.:nt HI full L)f ;dl ~lJniS SCCU1\'J bJ (hl~ S!.:curity Instrument and may invoke any I'enu:dies
<br />pt:nlllltt'.:j !r>-- pamgr.lph 14. IfLcuder ~Xl'rCl>:'e_" ihis opliuo, Lellor:r ~h:tii UKt' ihc st~ps spc<.:ified in the second paragra-ph of
<br />p;jr;igr~lpL ~'.
<br />14, 'oticcs. AilY nOlh:e It) Bornl'.'.(r provi,kd fttr Hi lhi~ S'.:-.:unry !n~:!rumCJH ~hail be given by delivt:ring it Or by
<br />muillllg It 0) IiI'S! d3:)~ mail unk-::.:-, appiicabk lav,.' H,;qUHt;S, HSe or another methud. The Jllltil'C "hall be directed 1O Ihl::
<br />Ph}pt'n: Addn:.'\~ Of any 01ha ;H.idrt'~,s Borrower de\ign<tlcs b:--' noticl' [t} Lt:lloc:r All)' nutict: to Lender shall be given by
<br />11r,,1 cIa"" mail il) Lender'", addre.s:'l 'Haled herein or ;H1Y l)thcr add.n::3:" Lendt:r d'~"lgn:.Ht'S by no{i~e to Borrt)w~r. Any notk~;::
<br />J" I_I> ,..:"..: ,\" ,;, ~ ;',-.:.. S;.:... .......; ~~. l;,_,: ,-~::~-:';.~ :;~::~:: b~ ~:..:;..:r:.....~ ~" ;;........; :..::....:;; ;i'. :r: ~::~ HerTU'S :,:;" :.; L,::l~!;,;r ',','~l'::-1
<br /> f,;'_-"~~I E,,, rf(\V~.j'.:''':!
<br />
<br />
<br />111 rhl:. paragraph
<br />15, Governing Lawj SCH;rabililj. nil:> Sccunt} !n~irulll,:nl :--hail be g\l\C-rlh;U by jt:Jeral l:lv.' anti the la''\ {..II the
<br />JUf1~Ul(ll\Hl in ..... hl(h the Propui~ is IUutkd_ III Ih..: t'\'t'Ht that :..ll) !lnwlsidH ur dau~~ nf t!ll~ Se~unty Instrument or Ihe
<br />SOle (unlllcb \-\-'lth appiicabk law, ':>uch cOfltlJI..'l "haJJ Hof ;~lrecl other prOyiSlOJlS of this Set:unty Instrument or the Note
<br />\\ Inch can bl.: gi\'CJl <;:.tfcct '.\ltlJout rhe ';:Ulinj,,:ung pn!\ i:'ii~)iL T(~ thi.... l'nd Iht.: pro....i:-hlliS pf thi~ St.:.:llrifY In:-.trument anJ the
<br />~Ok afl.7 Jt'd:nea to hI:: sl'\e-rabk.
<br />16. Borro'Wt.'r's Copy. Horn'\'\l'r ",b;d! lot.' t!l\tll i\!;L (llllf,.lrlllcd ..'Or) ni IhL' !,jotl.' ,tlJJ (lflhi'i SCt.~llri[y In"'lnHl\~nl
<br />17. Transfer of the Prupcrt} or Ii Beneficial !nten:st in Borrott-cr. If all \1f ,lilY i~;lrl ()f the Property (I[ ,HI)
<br />intt.:fc~t in ii l~ ',uld or trall',flTft:ti (nr if:\ hcn,:Ji'.:l;llllHt:n..:;,.[ in !h)fl{\Wn i:j :..plJ or ir;J.n~rern:d ;wd Burrower IS nut a llatural
<br />pCf\on) without Le:1lder'':i pnl)f Wfilkn Ulll"'~'liL Lcmkr HElY, ~lt 11'. ,lpli,)I:, rt"'iuin: illHI1I'~h;lk paymt.'nt in full of an 'iUl11i
<br />,:-..:curcl..l by lhi.~ St:I.'UfllY In~trum..:nL Hcm;.:'\!.'!'. this opnon "hall tllJl hl: (,.,\1:1'..';"'><.:0 b) Lt.:'nder lC t,'xen:ISC is prohibllL'd t,y
<br />f{:d~ralla\\' a~ (If the d~!lc ;:)1' Ihi\ Stcurn ,- In..l f umt.:<ll
<br />if Lender ex.l"rci~c~ this option, I~t,'llJt.:r ~h._ill ~!\ e BOll I..)\\' cr ,1-)[I\..:\.' tlf ih..\:ck_LHl(J1j T1H: lI...JtIL'~: :.-hal! rr...n-ide J p('(il..ltl
<br />(,{not h:~-~ than 30 da)\ from th,; I.tHe the noti(t' l~ deJi\t:H..:J ,l[ liJ~ukd wdtuil w!llch BO!fl''.'''':( (lH;~l pa~' ;111 "ulils.~ecur('d b\-
<br />Ihi~ 5e~ufl!:. Im,trumc-nc If Bor,-,y,....1.'r fad\ tp P:l) the.,:,,' '>llm....l'n,\1 .n Ihe t.".\pir:l1Jlill II( (hi~ rnii,1d, l.t';ldef rna) in\-oke In:_
<br />f<:.:nH:dic\ pt."J'!ni:h':'J. b} !hi~,Sccun(J 111\{rUrHCil1 wit bOUI I un h~:r ilU~ke ,)I' \k~ill~HJJ un Ihlf 1 l).....'\J
<br />18. Borrowt'r's RiRht to Reinstate. 11' BorrClWt'r rn<:~L" ,,'U'!a!n \:ondIIIOi',';, H"rru.....;...: ',h,d! k-l\l: tht: right 1<:,1 h.I\I."
<br />(:nf\)r""I~nkn\ i-'l' (in..... SeCI.UilY In:.,(rumellt di"c:,inilI1U(t! it! any lUll:: l\fWl 10._1 dH; <:;!rher ,JL (,.d ~ da)s \\'f ~lh:h ulher J~_
<br />apph~;"d+..' !:.tv. 014) I'm r~ln....l~il"nh:!';\) hd',;r.... \;~k "J llll.." j-'U\p::1 j'\1;~:_;<~~ll !,i Jil: Pll\\t:l I,!':-;tll." In lhi:-.
<br />SI..'(:I.)(lf~ In\trun1t"rli, (){ ;If ,j judgment t"llr..n..:ing 111l., Secuf1! ~ Th,I'>t' (<.\nJil i~l!h ;lfl,:' lh;J: H..,r:'i.!"\ er
<br />{a) rU2<'> Lt:l1.d~,:r ~dl '\lml:~ lht'll \H~!lU hi.:. dw' H!t~!C\ tht<, Sn:ufHy In0i1dlllt,;;l ;:IH.1 lht.' 'tIll.' h.tiJ 11\.) a....'I.;,'1er,H!;.)J~
<br />d'..:(auit {..:) pay'> .Ii! ("\r<q",:.. !lh..'uu.-:J 1,1 Cllfv!,:lng Iii:....
<br />Sl~"-Hi11...'y< !cc',: ,1l~J t.iL,..:'< ",ll.;ii 't.:l:\..i!l ~;", LtThk; lH~n
<br />lhi: liell t,f dn.. '~i"..'unl'; 1ll',l11in;cri: I ...:n.do',. fl1'.ln.. HI (in' F,,',\'.,:rr.', :\f~J 1.J-\1n,\w:.:r.',
<br />!tv: ';t,Hlb "~~'\lrtd hy lhh '~'."'~'\t:-HY fnc;u i.:ltj~':;[ '.h ,-.J 1 L"lli;l!,j~' !.llh"-j;:Jllg;:',,, r('n~st~"i.:;n\."l1i 0\
<br />In\!luil\~'f;i,-!lHld;; >Z''',-';<; ;!Ja:l''.-,;lii1i!\,:h,lic,'......~, ". ~~ t',~'~;n','n!Ll.;
<br />"~\,,tjfP.::d lii,'-A C..I;'f, llw. flght h,l1i;'H;'>~;ll,_', :.h..dl Jjn~ drp):. F' ;','- ,->I "H ,,' ~ '~"
<br />
<br />