<br />84 - 003505
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<br />U.~IFOJ{M COVE~^:".rI'S Borrower and Lender covenant and agree:Js follow..:
<br />L Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Char~es. Borrm~"er shall promptly p.t) when due
<br />the princip;lJ of and inten..-st on the debt eVidenced by the Note and ,H1Y prepayment and late charges due Undl:f the SO(t=.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Suhj(:ct to applicable la-w or 10 <1 written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender \)11 the day monthly payments art: due under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuJl. a sum ("Funds") equhJ to
<br />one~twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and assc.ssment<i which may allain- pr;ority over this Security -Instrument: (b) yearl};
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly haz~lrd insurance ,premiums: and, (d)- y~arly'
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, jf any. These items are called "escrow items.," Lender may estimate ihe'-Funds:_due'()i'r'the,
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future cscrm.v items..
<br />The Funds shall he held in an institution thedcposits or nccOllnl!- ofwhlch are insured,or guaranteed'by.a feqera_i-'or
<br />:;late agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall applylbe Funds to pay theesc(owitei1J.s,.
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, a:naIY1.ing the-account (~r--verifying the-escro\\;'-in=tl1~~yn,l_ess-,';~.
<br />Lender pays Borrower I~tercst on lhe Funds and aprlicable law permits Le~dcr to make such a ~harge~-:Borrowe,r:,and'
<br />Lender may 3gree in \'.-Tlting that inferest shall be paid (lIl UH; hltJd'1o.- Unless an agreement i!-t ma~e or -~~R)jc~b}e,'14:w .
<br />requires in!ere~t 10 be paid, Lender shall nnl he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings 011 the; Funds;.Lende,r:
<br />shalJ give to BOf'fClWer, without i.:h::lf~C, all annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits-to the-:Flln:~s:an~'l~:e
<br />purpose for which each debit tel the Fund~ was made_ The Fund" are pledged as additional security fonhe sums;'s~cure,rby' ~
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, togcthr..:r"\vith the future monthly fJayrncnrs of Funds ,payable'. prior to
<br />the due dates of the escrow items. shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due;.Jhe,excess'shrtll:be,-_
<br />at Borrower's option, either promptly repau_l to Borrower or credited to Borrower on-monthly payments bf'Fimcis.,If.the
<br />amount of t he Funds held by L..cnder i!> not <"llfflcu'nt to pay t he escrow items when uue, -Bclrrower shall-pay to 'Lender";th~'
<br />amount necessary to make lip the dct1cicncy in one or mon~ payments as reqUired by Lender.
<br />Upon payment in full of all slims secured by this Security In~lrumenC Ltndcr sh;..lil promptly refund: to Bornl."'-'et.
<br />any Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 I he I'roperty i, sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shallapply,no late~r
<br />thnn immediatdy prior to the sak of the Property or ils acquisition hy lender. any Funds held by lender al'-'lhe.-ti_ffiC 0['<
<br />apphcution as a credit against the sums secured hy this Security Instrumcnl.
<br />3. Application of Payments, Unless applicable hm/ pnw;d/"~s otherwise, all paynl{~nts teceived.-by,:Lende'r,under
<br />paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first. to late charges due under the N"ote: second. to prepayment charges d_ue- ~nder.' the'
<br />Note; third, to amounts payable under paragraph 2: fourth, to interest due: and last., to principal due.
<br />4. Ch8q~-es; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, ;JS:,,(' '~flts, charges. tlnes and Impositions attributable (0 the
<br />Property which may attain ,pn~"rilY o\'er this Set:uri.ty. In:." .ment, and leasehold pa:yments or ground rents. 'if'an.y.
<br />Born;,wcr shall pay these obhgat;ons in the mallner prolw'Jdcd III paragraph 2, or If nO[ paid in that manner. -Borrower sha~l
<br />pay them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shail promptly furnish 10 Lender all notke~ .')famounts
<br />to be paid under this paragraph. If Dr. "nwcr makes these payrncnl~ directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to lender
<br />receipts evidencing the payments,
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge- any lien which has pnority over this Security Instrument-unless _Bbrrower:-(a)
<br />agrees in wrlting-to the p;:tymcnt oflhe obligation st.'cured hy the hen ill a manner at:ccpwbk TO Lender: (b) contests in g{".)()d
<br />faith the lien by, or defends against enforceme1lt of the h~n in. legal proceedings whi'ch in the Lender's opinion operale;w
<br />prevent the enforcement (If the lien or forfcilUrc of '-Iny pan of the Property: or (c) secures from [he holder of-the lien an
<br />agreement sati:ifaclOry to Lcnder subordinafing the lien to this Set:-urity Instrument, If Lender determines that .auy purt- of
<br />the Property is subject 10 a lien which may attain priority ovcr thi~ Security Jnstrument. Lender may -give Borrower-a
<br />notice idclllifying the-lien. Ibrrowcr <.hall ...alisfy tilL" liell nr take not nr more nf the action, ser forth above within IOda~'s
<br />of the giving of nUlice,
<br />5, Ha2.urd Insurance. Bnrnw.'er ...hall kt'Cj'l the nnpri.l\cmenb now CXi~liTlg or hcrcaft{':f erected on the Propl::'rt-y
<br />insun~d agamst }I)s::, by fire. hazards included wilhm the !t'ffH "exl-t'nd~J ((\vcragc:'" ;md any other hazards for which Lender
<br />rcquirc~ iIlsuranct', Tlll'; tl1,\uraUte shall he FlLllI11<llllt'd Irt rtw ,LllWllnls and for lhe periods that Lender requlfe"~ The
<br />insurance carrier providing the in:-.uranct' ~hall h\, (:h()~Cfl !')' f)(1frPWef <'.ubjcct !e' Ltf1ck;r's approval \-vhich shall not be
<br />unrea~onab!y withheld
<br />All illsuranCt' policies ;lnd iellcwa!s shall ht.' ~ll'(i.'ptahl..: In l.t'l1(kr ~llld shall induJe d ':.landard murtgage clause,
<br />Lender srw.1l ha"t' d1!: right 1(\ hold the Pi!\it:i.:-\ ~md renewals. If Lcndt'f n~4uircs, Btirrowcr ~haJl promptly gi\.e to Lender
<br />ail receipts ot pmJ premiurll.~ .:lfHJ rene\A-'l-d !1tl!llCS_ In \h~ c\'-:nt pf lo<.,s., Borrower :':.haU ~i\'c prompt notlce to the il1:'\urancc
<br />carrier and Lt;nder. l..endel may make prnof ofhl\S if r':1',t mad(' promplly by B(Jrrov.er
<br />Unless Lcnue1 and Borrower olhawI~,t: agn:.: 111 writing, irhUf:ln..:c proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br />of the J>rcpcny damaged, If the re-__Wralll1n iH repi'tlf i, eC(HwllllL"Jlly fcasibk and Lender's seL:urity is not lessened. If the
<br />restoration or I'-."pair i~ 1H)t (:(OI"h)IHlcally feasible l)f LcndeI'~ s:>.-urity would lx:: lessened, the insurance proceeds, shall be
<br />apfI!icd h'! ,h{~ ....Un1'\ :-.t(orcd hy lhi" Sc,,~llril\' In"(fUrlH~!n. \\ hl'lhl"r df !;d( thell due, \',-ith any C,'iL\..'$'i p<iiJ to Borrower. If
<br />Borro\\er abanthn'l till" Pf'Opert~'. (Ir doc.. iwt a!lS\J",I.:r within .1.0 d;~y....1 nn!!cc fr\H!\ Lender rhat the insurance carnt'f ha~,
<br />otTered iu ",cttk ,1 drum, thCll I coder may L'llih\:t th~' Ill:-.ULjlKL' I'fdl'Cnh, J t..'ndcr nl,I\ lhe tht pn)(~('Js 10 r~pair or rc-:-.tofc
<br />the- Pwperly or k) pelY -'Uin, secured by thiS St'dJf1!Y Instrurnt,.~nl, \\-heth{'r or not then due_ I'he- JO-da) period will he-gin
<br />whcI11hc noti,>':-IS gl\t,.'j)
<br />Cnkss I _ender and HOrnh\'Cr olherwi'\c ;lgrcc In "ntH!);, ;n\:;. ;irrlicHH1n (11' pi', )(ceJ.... t,1 prin":lpal shalllll)[ C'XiL'nd or
<br />postp(HlC thc-ouedate ,'lthe mUllthly paYIl!l~nh rcfl:nL"J t\} 111 pJ.f:igraph\ 1 and 2 (',r \.:hangt: tht: amount of the paynit'l1h If
<br />under parag.raph !9lhe Pn,lpcrty lS acqllircd h) J.....[1dcl'. Borrn\\:l'r\ right to an) m-..urJo..:e polici~~ and rr(lCced~ [esul1111f.
<br />frlilTI damage to ill>.: Properly pnIJJ" to the :.lC(iUbHltHl ~hall ras:--. In Lcmler 10 the ex,lenlof the ;-.um.., sC\.:ureJ b~ till'> Secunly
<br />In:-.trurnt:llt irnml;Jiately pH,i!'!t~ the acquisition
<br />6. Preservation and iVtaintenancc of i'ropt'rty; 1.t'llsl'holds. HO! ftl\\-'i.:! ~,kdl fhJt destroy, darnag/"~ l)r sub:-.t;!llIlaii~
<br />I..'han~(: (;H.~ PniP(..n)-', aHcm lht': Pr(lpal) lu dl.'[Clh>r~ilt: or UHlIn~n waste. If thiS SCl'iJrlt;.- In..lruiIlC!lt i.... (1n d lca"t:hnld,
<br />Burrnv.-'u shalll.:omply with the pr,}\'lSHln:-;. ,-If 1 he ka:--e, and if BOI',rn.\ er ,h.-qUIre... ft~t !It It. [,) Iht.' PrtTCfty. I he It':J,scoclid J!1J
<br />fee title .';;hall not mergt~ unk.',~. r t:nder .lglt'~., ((1 tht: mcrgt'f in w, itHlf.'
<br />7, Protec:tiun of Lendcr.s Rj~hts tl1 the Pn1IH.'rty; \lon;.:agt~ lnsur~nc('. if HOff,)\\,.:-r Lllb kJ p,..:rfnrnl
<br />c/'Yd.'n~ml:, and ....O!lLJ,!llt'J ill ::w, I ll:-;lrVBJI.'nl, ,1, thtrc 1'-,;-1 iq~:ll ;"ih:l'cdlng th~H m:lY '''It.HifIC~l.rltl~ ,trIce:
<br />LerKh:r\ nght::. !h~ Property (-;uo:h ;.l~ ..i HI h:.nf..rUpl...~~ p;'uhatl.... (J1- ...\"->nd('nHi.illi~n ,;[ [('\ ;:n(Uf...'t' Ll\\--' l\r
<br />l\.:'t-juhHlOns), then LtoJr.;; fflay (~O and pay lor \\ halt''.-f'[ 1\ O(,.--,:'>>.'-J(! (p p;lt,'<.:t fllt' 'db.!t' c;.f rh- f'r,,1per!\ ;\ilJ i. t'T:dt'r., fqJ-i"
<br />in the PfPpt:flY. L~:ndl..'(:~ <k!~l)n'" may !th:ludt: T':i~Jn~ ;l;l)' .',llt;," sz:,.'IJ1<:d 0\ :l V.hh'h ];,:1'. ,)\('i tlll~
<br />Ifj~trUITi.;nl. ilppcaflng in ~d1.HL f'i.\Ylng J':~L...(l1J;lf,1;: ~l!l,qn(y,' f''-'J'', ~1Ik; ,:nfef';n~ ,'~l .he l'['l\t,t,:rly ("
<br />L:::m.kr may tJ.k,,: ;H.:l:nt) lindeI' dH\ P_If<i8J.,lph ':' L!,':ndcr I.k.t:~.. riP[ :1;J..( t,c dt.l....l)
<br />Any af'<w-uni~)di>"b~jf\l;J hy Lender \indCl ~jd:'l 7 "!la~! bt.',.'-lllllt' ,ld-.l tl';,I~,d >l,,'bi,! Bprr\,\~. r ''':~ ;..<f".-J b,
<br />Se.::urhy 1,):;lruml.m Unk~...", hOfHnVt'r anD Lcndt'j ;'1 p<, ;:,,,:ni :,fl-t..-,...'
<br />the dJk of dl"lh\.l1"cmCnl;H the r...;\'lC ;,11<..' r;:_,:~t'<
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