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<br />I <br />84-' <br /> <br />003177 <br /> <br />by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market value or tbe Property immediately prior to the date of <br />taking. with the balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower. <br />Ir the Propenyis abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor orfers to make an award ,ot settle II <br />claim ror damllBes. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is mailed, Lender is authorized to COllecll\lld <br />apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair or the Property or to the .umssecured by tbis DCled of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ague in writing, any such application of proceeds topril1Cipalshall not extcrtd or.postPOne ~ due, <br />date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of such installments. "', ' " ,',',," ,'",\: ,',' <br />II!, Borrower Nol Ht!Ieuod. Extension of the time ror payment or modification ofamorti:zation,ofthe sums secured by this peed<ifTfUSI <br />granted by Lender to any su""",sor in interesl or Borrower shall not operate to release. in any lIIanner. t1Jeliabili~ofih"otisinltll:lOri<>i"e"""d: <br />Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against _such successor or: rduse;too~ ':~~Jor, <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason ,of any demlllld made by~be,original,Botr<iWer' <br />and Bortower'ssuccessors in interest. _ _ _ ___ ~'__':, ,___:~',:,_-'___',_--;,<->-:-/ <br />11. F_rance by Lender NoI. Walnr, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any rightor remedy hereunder,or o~,~ff"!'''''-l <br />by applicable law, shall not he a waiver or or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, The procurelnentofinsur-.orl!le~~t,of <br />taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not he a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate ~be maturity of the indebte<lnesHe<:uted by,tbi$ <br />Deed ofTruS!, <br />12, Remedies Cumul.tlve. All remedies provided in thi. Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other rightorrem~"ul1clerthij <br />Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently. independently or su""",.ivdy, ,"'" '" ," ,": ,,' <br />13, SllCf*SOn .nd AssigBll Bound; JoInl _ Sev.....1 UablUIy; Capllons. Tbe covenants and agreements hereincrin!a;ine<ishallb~~,~d.. <br />the rights hereunder shall inure to, [he respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject_ to the pro~~;_,:"f._-~~~~::J~ <br />hereof. All covenants and llBreements of Borrower sl1all bejoinl and severaL Tbe caplions and headings ofthe.paragrapbs oHhis~orTn1st, <br />are for convenience only and art not to be used to interpret or defme the provisions hereof. ':'_ --'- :..'.,;,''-:<,-,-'----/ '::, < - <br />14. . Nulk<. Excepl for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (a) any notice to,BorrowerprDYjde<ii()J'.iit' <br />this Deed or Trusl shall be given by mailing such notice by cenified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Addrcss or atsuch;othera~ ' <br />as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided berein, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail;~d,UfI1r~pt,' <br />requested. to Lender's address .tated hercin or to such olher address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower. as providedhereln"'Al1Y <br />notice provided for in this Deed of Trust sllall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner desi8tialC(fh~_~' <br />15. lJulfnnu Deed of Tl'Ullt; Governina Law; s.v.....bUlIy. This form or deed of !run combines uniform covenants for.nationa!us.'amj <br />non~uniform covenants: with limited variations by jurisdiction lo constitute a unifonn security insU'ument coverinx real:proPertY._~-~.of. ' <br />Trust ,hall be governed by the law of the juri"jiction in which the Property is localed. In Ihe event that any provmon or clause of'this Deed of <br />Trust Of the Note conflicts with applicable la",. s.uch cQnflk'1 shall not affOl..... other provisions of this Deed of Trust.or' the Notc~ wbich:' <br />gJven dfet..1: wlthQut the cont1icung provision, and to thh' end the pro\'isions of the .DeW of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. <br />16. Borrowcr's Copy. BorrOWfl shaH be furnished a conformed cop}' of lhe Note and of this Deed. of Trust at the tiine -of .execution-or <br />after recordation ncrroL <br />I". 'fnaRlfn of tbe Property; Assumption. If aU or any part of the Propert,)' or an interest therein l.s sold or transferraf byo.Borrower, <br />Without L-endu's priQr written com:enl, e);,dudJng (a) the creation of a lien or em:umbrance .subordinate to this Deed of Trust. (b) the creation of <br />a purchase mone)' ~urit)' IJllerc~{ for househOld appliances, Ie) a friUiilirer hy dt~'-j8e, descent Of by opertiion of law lipon the death of:a joint <br />t:ntmt '.)! {d) the gt'2<f!! 01' any j~.'i<'.h~)ld inter~l of three ~'eer\. or l~!:i not containing .3..11 option to pt!rch~; L~der ~Y. at Lender', 9f)t.iOn. <br />de\:.Jare aU the sum~ SC\:ured DY thi~ [)oed of TrlJSl lO- t-~ immediately due and payable. Lender. shall have waived such option to accelerate if~ <br />prior to the sal~ -or tran~fc:r, Lender and the person to whom lhe- Property is to ~ sold or transferred retlf..-b.agreemenl itl.writing.that the ere4it of <br />~'"Uch penon h 5a.lir,,!aclOfy to l..-endcr and thallhe intero{ paYHble on lhe- sum~ ~ured by this [>ecd of TruSIShaU be at such rate as 'Lender sball <br />request. If Lender ha::. waived the optjon 10 ac:ce1erate provided in this parugraph 17. and ,if Borr-ower1s successor in in.terat has..executed a <br />wriuen assumplion agr<<m~nll:l-Cl:ef'letl in wnllng by Lender, Lender shaH jdease Borrower from all obligations under this Deed of Trust and <br />the Note, <br />If under eJi(.'r..::i~ ~Ul:h \1plion w al..-'C('leratt'. Lender .shall mail BOHowel notice- of acceleration in accQrdance with paragraph J4'bereoL <br />S.uch notice ,l)haH pro\o'lde.a ~riod uf nOllt'$S tha.n 30 day:$. from the date the noti~ is nuuled .....ithin which Borrower may pay the sums declared <br />due, If HOHowt'r fails.- to Pa)' South ~ums prior to the t"xpiru(ion of such perkx!, L~nder may, without further notice Of demand on Borrower~ <br />in'.oke an) femed.ics IX"rmined by paragraph 18 hen:x.}f. <br /> <br /> <br />;{ <br /> <br />NON,l!NlfORM COVENANTS. Borrow., and Lender furthereove",," and agro<.. follows: <br />Ii. A<<eIeratlon: .R_.., F;X_t .. provided in paraal1lpb 11 b......f, upon Borrower's breach 01 .ay co~.....nlor .greelIleIIl of <br />80........... m tl>!!! Ueed of T...,t, Indndb!a lbe co......... 'n pay" du. ""y ....... ...,.,red by Ibis Deed Of T......~ LendeJ' prlwt,,'ar:ceIenotlon <br />.balI mall _ 10 Borro....... pro.1ded in pllT'llJIrapb 14 bereof _if}iB&: (I) the b..w; (2) Ih. actioo required 10 cu... .ndI b..w; (3). <br />dale, DOl .... than 311 day' from the d.aI. or nollce is mailed 10 Borrower. by whlcb sndl b....cb mul be cured; .nd (4) thal.fllllul'< to .ore_ <br />_ .... or befu.. tbe d.le 'pecified 10 lbe notice _ ....ull io __.Iloo of lbe "'IDS ..,red by lido Deed of T...... _ ......of !be p......rty, <br />'Tbt _ _ fllrtllu lBf_ Borrow... 01 the rlalu 10 rei_I< .fter acceleratl.... _ the ripl to brllll . COIlll acllon 10 _lbe non. <br />_..... nf . defaullor any 0_ def..... of Be.._er 10 .<celeratlon .nd sale. If the b.....b is nnl cured on or before Ibed.1e specified in Ibe <br />_, l.ender .tt.nder'. optlon may doclan All of lb. SUIBS !leCUred by Ibis Deed of T.....tto be immedi.lely d"" andp.y.bIe wllboul fnrlller <br />__ may lA.okotbepow"'of...... and any olller remedi.. permitted by applkable law, l.ender _ be ...t1Il<<lloeol*,1 aHnuonal1le <br />costs.H npelllC$ i..vrn:d iu pQnWAI the tt~ ptoTidtd in {iUs ~raph 18-. ibCludia&. but Q()t llu'lile4 10, rcaaoubfe aUorncy's fees. <br />If the power of _ bo In,ol<ed. T........ sbaH ...cord . ontlce 01 defaull in eacb <....nty lA ..bIc!I the I'l'operty or lW1 thereof bo l<>cated <br />and .halI _ copios of .ndI nOlI<< In tll. manner p~ by .pplkallle I.w to Borrow... and 10 the 0_ ponoBli J>n:OCri- by applicable <br />la". .\Iter Illelllpae of sndl time "IDa) be required br appIlcable In... Trustee ,ball &in pnblk notice of sale to the persoBli .n4ln lbe BWI_ <br />preoaibed by .ppIIcabIe ia.., 1'<......, ....Illo.t _ on Bo""..... . sbaH selllhe Pro)><fty .1 pnbllc .uclloa 10 the bl&- bidder .t lb. 11_ <br />,___ ph<<' IJtCi ulN.ier tM ICItlIla ~Ied 10 (tie 9-01i<< ot nk fn OAl' Of mOfli parc~b aad In web order lQ TrutH ma)' de'enalBe~ 'fl1lllH may <br />~ die of all Of ...) pa-It"d of the- Property b)" publk a.oDounec:tut"Dt al (be- time ao4 place: of Ill)' p~vwus1)' JCbeduJed uk. (...f'nMr or <br />1_'. ~ -r plU'dl_ tile I"n>perty .1 all) _, <br />LlK1n ~ of ....y_ 01 tile ..- bld, T _tee ,Ilall deltv", '0 tbe p....c,b_ .1.....1..'. deed con..}lnltb. Property sold, The Tftilals In <br />tile '1'_', deed r.llaII be prIaoa r_...wa..:. of the I"'tll of !be ..._.. _ lherein, T........IIlalI.pply lhe proceorb ollbe _In lbe <br />follew.... meIer: (.1 tQ aII..-ll1e....... _ e_..r ~be _, i"dudlll1l. ,.." "otllOllred '0, '1'""'1.... f_ olaol Bltm '....n ", <br />of'" y......~. ~ .u~'~ fMlalltd t1-"b 9.' <<u. ~"k1mte~ l~} if}-.U I1I:tl'l!i $e(UfH h,y lIm llftd of Tn.m; !Iud (c, lilt: t.J.(~~ if <br />U)" ... *_ or perwailoplly'<<B\lll<<Ilber.IO, <br />19-, ~"ll' ~ ttJ~. N(".w~l!n\.aud*& l.-tlll.k~'.. 4-;':;';.ekt iI!~i(jH 1Y( ~h(; ,~tlm... "C('.m.:.d h!. ;hi.~ i)a:,i 0: Trusf. 11.'-:Hwwt'. 'thaU fl.ii''-'' <br />t~ t-,M hii".'"f t,t{'J: r~'~...~ t:qti~! D)' f.,cllikt i,9' f-~hHI.:(" Hlf'~ i~<l oj 'trjhf ~h~\.H!~Wucd.H ~,nv lHI)C pH0;.' lo ;:!'J< t'~,h(t i.) iXUH ...,f llj the <br />t)-i1b ;j;.;ll'~' bcJ>;~\" U~",k {'l-f t,~ ~.((1jl!tn)- ;:,~t.~UWH 1'1:.. U~ ~l-Vo>.tr {If ,%:ii.~ ,,~,,'m:t~ne4 in th-i-f,. .L;te(,J {jf Tnl1~ ~j,) etw~,' '.:! a ~ud.Qwl1' e-nhJf;;,H1t!: <br /> l.hl,"',- <br />1*'~j,~~,f fr\-1-i;1 Loa./- tkHN:j\\i--t. ~~.~"i, LUlol,1e!: ;ilj 5Ai.H.1~ whk:h ~',Y!.iiJ t~ rhen nIX: un\k:r l).r.eJ rrU,~L ih-r N:c.~.c ,HH~ i1-,-Ml;'};, .,<:~;l,lfHJ! hH'i-t,,> <br />