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<br />003177
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<br />applicahle law requires sw::h imt':r~t [(} be paid. Lender shaH not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds: Lender shall
<br />give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which.each
<br />de~it to the Funds was rnade\ The Funds are pledgw <L':I add.itional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If fhe amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to (he due dates of taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rent!!, shall exceed the amount requirtd to pay said taxes. assessments, insurance'- premiums and
<br />ground rents as they fall due. such (':(cess shall be, ar Borrower's option. either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly
<br />instaHments of Funds, If the amounl of tht- Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and
<br />ground rents as they faU due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice
<br />lS mailed by Lender!o Borr()wl!f requesting payment [hereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sum!; se..~u.red by this Deed of Trust. Lt*'-nder :"hall promptly rdund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If
<br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shaU apply, no later than immediately
<br />prior to the sale of the prorerry or Its a\.'Qui~ilion by Lender, any Funds held h~' Lender at the time of application 3.5 a credit against the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of TrU_'H
<br />3. AppUc:don M Payme-nlti. Lnlc:-;:~ applicable law provides olherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs 1
<br />and 2. hereof shall be appl.ied by l,cnder first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest
<br />payable on l,he Narc, then w the princip.al of the Note, and Ihen to interest and prindpal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. CharJn: Ut"D!i. B<)rro'4"~r ,:,hail ray all raxe~, assessments and Other charg!::,. fines and impositions attributable to the Property which
<br />ma~' all.ain a priOrity oycr Ihl'\.l)eed of Tru50l, and leasehold payments or 8round rents, if any. in the manner provided under paragraph 2_hereof
<br />nr, if not paid l!l ~uch manner, b.. B-orrower maKmg t".-3ymern, wh~n due. directly to the payet' thereot Borrower shall promPtly furnish-to
<br />Lender all notices. 01 ..mounts due under !his- paragraflh, and m the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly
<br />furnish to Lender receipL~ eVIdencing ~uch payment;,\;. Borrower :shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority, over this Deed of Trust;
<br />provided, that Borrower shaH nO! be- ft'QU!red to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to _the payment of _the
<br />obhltanun ~ured hY 'l'uch hen in ;;. manner accc;:nable fO Lender, /)-f shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of-such lien
<br />in,legal procecdjn~lo. WhiCh operatt to pr(,:\'e'_nllhe enforc_emem of the litn or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard IlUIUA:-IIee. Borrower \haU keep ~he U!lprovemenls now cx.istjng or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss-by fU'C.
<br />hazards mduded within the term "eXtended ~~o\'erage", and such olher hazards alt Lender may require and in such amo_unts and for such_periodS
<br />a.'i Lender may require: provided. thaI Lender :i.haH not require that ih~ amount of such coverage C'xceed that amount of coverage required. to pay
<br />th(" ~um:s securtd b-y Hil-~ .fkt"d ut TW,',!:L
<br />fhe insul'anc~ Ci:UTH':r pnT-'I\hng the insurance '\-hat! be ..::ho!:lcn by Borrower subj<<t to approval by Lender; provided,. that such approval
<br />~hall not be- unr~l"unahly withheid, AU p[err;l:m~ on Insurance ptliides shan be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereOf or, if ftQt
<br />paid in 1,.!JctJ manner, h~. Burrowt:'t makmg pll)'went. when ,tue, (!lre",,:tiy tD the insuranc-e carri-er.
<br />AH insurance- f)()lI;;",<:,S. JlItl n..'rrewais. :hNrot shall he in form .acl.:-cpl.ll,ble to Le-ode-r and s.hall int:;lude a s-UU1dard mortaJl8e_c1ause m-fayor of
<br />and in to-rm al,;x:eplilbh:: ~o Lender. f ,e-Oder ':oh~U ha"'t !he ngh! t(l hi)ld the pul!ci~ and renewaj.~ theieof~ and Borrower shall prompt1y_(\4-mstJ,.tO
<br />L~lH.h:;r all tene-wai {lntJ-;,:-t':-; and all rt:-t::etp{): 0f paid prcm,IUms. In the c"'enl of 10$$, ilorrowc:r !-h~ giv~-pr()m~.!!Otia: to the-~ene:.a;rrier-~*ld
<br />LC!1d\:l_ Lender r:n4Y make f'f("Jr t')( j{J:i~ it" not maul:' prQmplly 0)' RofT\Jwef_
<br />Unlt$.'i Lender ana Borrower othcfwi:;.e agre1: m writing. imuraO-Ct' pnxeed!t- shall be applied to feJtoration- or repiUr oLthe_'-Pl'opCrty
<br />darn3itt't;L prQVIJ.ed SU-dl ;t"1-A~naOun ~n re-p.QH b e\:-un~m't~.:a1ly fea:\.ibl(': and fh~ s..."'Curity of this Deed of TfUS-t. ia tlul thttdiy,UnpairecL If $uch
<br />ft."ilonmon >Jf !~-'pai[ I.'i nOI c~:l)flOmll,;aay k.8.\\bk Of tl th<: ~ufity of this ()ecd of Trust would be impairedj lM i!'.$_U-.-~'-pr0cec4~',$h&ll--be~
<br />apphed to the SUlll.\ ~t'<:\Uctj hy thH i)crd -of Tru.,..,t. with the- e)l,eo.;, if any. paid 1.0 8orrower. H tbe Property is abandonca-by BoCroWefi;Or-.if
<br />Horrowel' huh to rc~q}()Ud h) L<';fl\.kr 'W;;llh.lIl .m days- fl'm-n the dale tiuli(."'(" i~ mailed by lender to Borrower that _the insurance eaoier offeti_ to
<br />~ttk 3 dWnl for Hm..lflin~e benefit!;, LenJer is llU(ho!lJ.ed to ""OHecl iUld apply the inSUf!lnCe proceeds at Lender's option either to.i'cst.Oration Oi'-
<br />repair of ihc- Propcrr,Y ()J' ti.llhe sun)) .'j,~ur('d by this Oeeil 01 Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borroy,>el i)lherwls:e agree In writing. an)' ,'Such apphcation of pf()(.-'eCd$IO principal.hall not extend Qf postp<1nc_ tl1e,due
<br />Jau_ (}f [he tn-\.)fHh!~ tl1!'l:dHmenH rden<<i h) m paragraph$. i and 1 hcrrot or .::han&e ihe amounl of-such instaUments. -If under ~pacaaraph-J8
<br />hereof the- Prope-HY 15 a(QUlf~i by .L~nd-ef, aU righl, Hde and inter-Con of 3orr(.wer in and to any insurance policies and in atid ~ the-p~
<br />thereof r-t:1\ou.hirlj f fOOl darru..g.... w 1he Propeny prlor to the '5JLlc- or acqul:siuon i-ha1J p&55 to Lender to the- extent of the- sums- secured- by t:hiJ Deed
<br />of Trust immediately prioc [f, such ~ (J( ACquisition.
<br />6, l'.........iIoa aad Malal......... of Propm}; t_llolds; Coadolllilolwlll; J'llI__ Unll Oo-IoIoplMa... Borr~er.haU It'''IHhe-
<br />(~fOpen,- in g()o.)d ft'pa.lr and shall not commit waste or JXrmit impairment 0( deterioration of the- Property and. Shan CO.D.lp!y,wjth the provisiOi:IS
<br />o-f an)' 1U3< Ir thu. [ked Dr Trust u, 011 a lca.sehotd. If thlS Deoi of Truitt is on a unit ~n a. condominium or a planned. unit' dcv~Opmen~l_lkM'tpWCi
<br />shall perform aU (if Borrow~r'$ obiigadons unde:r lhe declara.tion or ,;ovenants creating, or govcrnina; thr; .condominium or -pli:n.JUKI_ uni~
<br />development. the by-la-Wi <lfid regulations of the condommium or pianned unit devclopmcnl1 and constituent ~u. 1f I! co..~~b1iUm-Or
<br />pianned unit d~'doprnetlt rider is ~~a:uted by Rorww~r and r~ordtd together with this Deed. of Trust. the covenantJ and ~nu,of suCh
<br />nder shall be iOi.~orporated [Ow and jihall amend and ~-uppicmcnl the c-.wenam.s and agreements of thi.!. Deed of Trust as if the fidei- were a part
<br />hereof
<br />7, P1"OtetUun of IAftdN-'l' Security. If Bof'rt>'Wer fails to perform Ihe cO\-'alanh and agree-menu contained in this Deed of Trust, or-if any
<br />~:;;tJ>,)n ;.)~ pn;,octtdiug n- c'ounnCCll(:-(d whh.:.,,'1 matcrially affecu L-eOOer'.) interest in th(' Property, indudinaJ but not limited to, eminent domainl
<br />m~-oh.'en;:,:}'. ;,.;od,c c-nfo.cemclit. (I, arrange-rriCnb Or pf,-x;t:tdin~ in"'.olvlni a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Lender's option. upon notice
<br />1-0 -a,Xfo'.lie'r, may !lake ,Hj;;;;h itppc.a.rarr..':t"S-, Jlsb-ur~ ~u(;h sum, and laKe- such ;!(.1-l0n as is neceMal')' ,to protect Lender's interest, includingi but
<br />not limited w. di~buh(:inCm uf fea~-i'!n",bk aif(im(',..'~ f('Jt$ and ffit!)' I.!pt)!! the Property to null: repairs. If Lender-required mortaacc wu.rancc
<br />:i..i. a condition of makifl.g th<:- ioan _\"-a.'_Uted hy this (>eed of Trust, Bouower shall pay the premiums. required to maintain such insurance in effect
<br />unti.l su.::h wnc a~ ~he rt-quif{'inen~ fOI such in,willll.:.( te.rOlinalc,1j in al.;cordance with Borrower':;, a.nd Lender's ""fitteD agreement or applicable
<br />ilil\io", &wro","cf !:o.h.dli pay the <L'Tloum of aU mortgage- Huutanee praniwm in the manner prm.jded under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />"-it:-" amount.:!o ..f!'~b\lHcd hy Lender puuuani. {O thi~ paragraph 7, wlfh ioterc:~t lhnt'On. shall become additional indebtedness of -Borrower
<br />..~tH<<i by fhis- L)e(od of Tni~L Unle1..l &--,nowo- and Lender agree to {\ther terms of pa}llnent, lucn a.mounti :;.halJ be payable upon notice from
<br />Le-nd~f w BtnH:Wirt! re4u.(';)lmg paynknt lh-etwf, lU1J ~haH b(aJ inttrest from the ...Lue of dilihuritemenf .at (be rale payable from time to -timcon
<br />1_'<\!BtaMil'lj{ pnn';::~Pfti \mdcr \rw:- N()l,;( unl($!o pa)'f'M-n~ <.)f ml(:.fest at s:u,h title would be- contrary to apPlkabk law, in which e\o'en15lich amount:.
<br />'i"'loll, ~l:lf <nH:U_~f ~f tt!.€! hl-gh<:-i:t r~l.e f"trl1'l-.~..tbl( undf'f" appli~.ab-lt' law" Nothing cootainrd in thi.s paragraph '1 shall nqUlfe'_ Lender to incur any
<br /><:xpr:u$t ot ;-0\1.(:' arq .teUiJll htttunoo.
<br />'0 l~tkJ.. L~fiAet m_r ulA1,e \,H (a~,k t-(i t)(- rna-J.c' n:'JU(IIl..bk el'ltriti upon and in.s.pe\..lton'!. of the- Property;- pfovid~ (hat Lendtr' jf'iall
<br />_i(f"l'--t" ~Ht(;'tI{~r {li,:l{kt: f)dor t-(]. iiHf ..,~..:k i1ufK'<:ik~1l s.pedfyuig f('"~wnab-ie (ihi>f;' thtft:l\.r rdatw to l.mdu'\i.lnt-('.tGt m 1he Property
<br />~, C~___tif,)8., r~; r,q:~;ctd-* tH ~n)' .war\.!. Of dauJ1 ~m dan~c~( '\11:-(\..1 or ,,".~on,~qU(:mjal. ill (ofH1<<-tioo ~'hh an)' ;:ellucmnaUon \If
<br />(}{h<-r :ti\i..111jt {~-f tht:- f'r'Jpt_!t\-. :.-'r pd_fL ~h('.I't';~11 < f.pl ..;tH1v-cy:nn,;~ in Hett of !":(md.."'1J1n6~i~"f~_, !H~ he!"e;or 'A",..iitfKd _nJ _~hl\ll Or i~Hj t~; L~:tlJu
<br />1>:'1 ;~~ !:'.'',i"t"nl Jl: 1t'>4"'-1 '1......,\'<_, {It H~ PH)fl(n'f. ~h(~ rlN.iC~Q.~ :)h~_H tHi.a'Pf)Ii~l t.G-the ~~mni "K-Urt"iilJy {hi1 1~ or ft'WH, \\-Hh th(' e-..,;:t!>-~. d any.
<br />{>~..!,\:} H1 tx:>t"!'r.i"""_/;"f h ~f}(' f...-.~';:t f....'f 'it ~\;ln,O\j t....jnll' ,_~,-t the }"{(:;ptl!;\, :J,nl~~ n.~l:.!UW:rl ;a..r;d-L('u.:;kt \,_'iiht'T'>\--i)(" att<<,:n ..-ntllJtf-.
<br /> O'~f.fl: :.haH h< appht;~
<br />,!h_~ bv (h;,'l. I.~~~ hl.n,t ",Ut;'h: r;f<)r",--,f"LIl)!~ pf th-t' pr"lo.;-(:'(-t:h if",~ ~~j~",! [t'AI r'ful""-'T~?~~n whkh rlw ~T!,d-tJfri ,,-'I liH. --.\llt;" "t",.'iJ;--c-~i
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