<br />r
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<br />84__
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<br />003018
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<br />9. (ondt'l11naliun. I hI..' r""--<.'nl, "f .HI\ l'-\,Hd ,>r ,Ll101 flit d,un:J!!c", dlr,..'~1 (If \..nnSe'\.}nCnl!:lI If) 1..','IH)t'..:lh)n v.ith an,
<br />I..I\!ldemn:1I10n or pther raiung of the Pn"lpcny. nr p:1rf thereof. ,'r !l.r L'llnveyancc 'n lieu of c(mdemnation, :Ire her('h~ a~'\I!:'med
<br />.lnd shall he paid lO Lender
<br />in th(' event t1f .) lotallakul& of the Prt)perty. lh\: pr(\cccd.. 'lhall ~ ;q~phcd 1t1 the sum.. secured h:- this Deed of Trust.
<br />wuh fhe C'Xl..:CS-<; 11 any. paId fo Rt"'lTrower In the event of ,I parrial takmg tit the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />()Ih-t"rWI~C agrC'e In '\-Tiling;: there ..hall he appht.'d !(\ the sums secured h~ lhi... Deed of Tmsl s.uch profX1rti0n of the proceed~
<br />.IS IS equal 1-0 that proportion whl~h the .tmounl ,11 the ~um~ 'l,t'curcd !"IV /tw;. ne~~d pf Trust immedi:w:ly pnor to tt,e dale of
<br />l.Jkmg iIc",,> ii', ih-c f<lIT markc! \ ,~duc nflhe PrDper!" lmmcdialely pnClr tn the date of laking. with the balance of the pr()Ceed~
<br />p<lid 10 Borrower
<br />If th~ Property I\, ahand~"}ncd hy Borrower. nr If. aflef notice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />aft J.ward or scUlc a l.;I.iUr'll for d~lmages. n()rfPw~r fa1h In re-spond w Lender wlIhin 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lcn-der I" alllh(l/'!/I.,'d III r.:ollect and .lpply the pro<:eeds. <-it l.ender'\: option. e"fther to restoration or repair of the
<br />rrc'r.ert) ,'f in the ,WH\ ".Cr;:.'UTN:I hy thIS Deed l)f Tntsl
<br />'Jnlc..." f cnd('r ,md BorrowN OthClWl\C dp:rt'e In wnt1ng. :H'IV '\uch appllcatioo of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or po<.;.tpt.if'tC lhc due d~h,' 01 the mnnlhlv IrhL.dlment<;, referrl'u TO In paragraphs I ,-md 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />...ueh installments
<br />10. 8orrm"..r '01 R("f'3Sf'd. E'\l~I1'\I(1n d rhe !JOlt' f,lr p~lymcnl \'f moddk:lli('ln of amortization of the ...urns secured
<br />h\ thl'; Oce,j (,f Tru\I ~rant("d h\ 1 coder !.~ .11n '.UCll.'"\\<"r if! !lHcr~\t pI Bnrrowt'r ...h.all not ()rv--r;jt~ !n !'de2S~. !~~ 2:ny m:U'me:-,
<br />!h:: l;;;f";;L:y ,,; ,h(; "lIgHt,1i iinrr"wcr .lOO l:ioffnwcr\ \l!cccssnrl;. In Hltcresl I.ender s.haH not he required to commence
<br />prncetdtnJ.!''i ,Igalns.! i"uch ...ucces"nr ;)f rcfo\e hl C\lcnJ lime lt~r p..lymcnr or ()lherwtsc modify amorulari-On of the sum!;
<br />\e-l"tlfed ~v lh,,, DccJ of Tfll'.l hv Tea~nfl of :HI" demand mad.-: h the ongmal Borrower and Borrower's successors in inrereSf.
<br />II. Furbearance hy I.('ndtr ~'Ol a ,",'ahtl'r-. \;'1\ I,H-bear;-ln("c hy Lender In ncn::ismg any ngh-t or re:medy hereunder-. or
<br />nlherwlse dlTordcd !w app-l,cahtc- law_ ...h~ti1 n.l! he '-_\ waiver 1)( llr preclude the exerCIs<' of any such right or remedy
<br />T ht' ;",rO("Hrc~nent nt ;r.<,tH;;.n;:,c ,""'r ihe pa\rn~nf 1,1 ;;p,c~ ,'f nther hen.... \'f charges b..- I.ender 'Shall nOl be il waiver of Lender's
<br />nght !o ac<.:c!crafe Ihe tnJIUllh pI the Indchl~dne....\ ,......Ilrcu h\ lhlS Dt:ed of Trust
<br />12. ReomNtit'\i Cumolathe ,\0 ~rnh'\b.:-.. Pf<l\ldl'l1 >11 !h:~ Dl..'cd (-,f frll'i.t ;.ife J,,,rlnd and cumulative w any other nghr
<br />M lelnedv under ,hi.... Declt df Tmst Of .llfnrlkd h\ <'1\\- .'T C4Uit\, .lnd rns\ he nen:r~ecl concurr-e:ntJy. mdependently or
<br />"ucc~,vely
<br />I J. ,!\ut-crs.'\On and ,\~,ig.nJlil Bound: Join' and Sf"'enll lJahilit~; ('aptjnn!!. The nlVcnan!s and agreements herejn
<br />,,:~)nlatncd ':>hall hind, <\Oct fhe rq;ht<;. heIetJnJl..~r .,hat! :nure hI the re..pt'c!I\C 'HI...l2e,,~ors and n'lsigns of Lender and Borrower:,
<br />lubfC-et to lhc prOVISIOn<. ,If paragraph -; hereof .\If ......l\-(,.nanls .ItHj ,lgrcemems .Jt Borrower ~haU he toi-nt and several.
<br />fhe ,,;apIHln\ .Jod he:u:ilOg-.., ot the pafa~ra.ph,,< ,,1 :t11\ Deed Ilj lnhl dr~ {or (onV-l'nllznce only and are not to be used to
<br />Interpret e'r dcon!: the prnVI\lo-n!. hereof
<br />14, 'inlier. F...ct.'f't fnr ,in\' nOlI';\: ref.lu,~('tl clndt:l ,lrpJ1i.::lt,k' 1.1.... tl' to-l' gf\'Cn Itl .mother manner. (<1) any notice 10
<br />Borrower pro\ ,ded 1M In lhl'it nerd ..it Teu!>: \haH he i.:l'I.'cn h nlaillng \lh.:h npllCC M\' unnned mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the PH'pt'rl\-' Actdrc\~ n!' .J[ <,U..:" other ;u.h1re..... ,.,,, i:l~Jrr'l\H'r rrw.\ j('...l~n;:lC r.\' l1DlICe to Lender ;.1:<' provided herein. and
<br />!hl ,-tn\ nO[lCe 1(' ! cf!d.e~ ..hall t'-e !;;vcn h\ "ef1.1rie,i Pl.d. rCfUrn 1t~t.t.'!rt Il.4ue~ted, 1.1 Lender'!t addrc~s s[ateo herein or to
<br />..uch other a,jJres~ .t:\ Lender ~~l;ll Je",lgnafC" h\ rhm.cc I" Horr()~C'[ .\'1 pnn HicJ herem Any notice: provided fQ;r in !~is
<br />De-ed of TrU$1 ~h.J1i hoe lieemt'"t.l [(1 have hccn gl\t~n ',~ Bi\rf\'\~cr ,-,r I t:ndl:r wh~'n f:'l~en In !he manner deSIgnated herein,
<br />15. Cniform Oud nf hU<iI: (;u"'f'frunti!: I a~: 't"\('n.bilit~, Th', !nun ,'f dCt'd ,1t lru\! <.:pmbmc'i llnttorm covenants for
<br />f'-iJtHloal \I~C --ind nOflllndorm ,-,WL'n>! ~""dh !,m;ll'.t \JI',~lhnl'l :'\ Id:,.,Jil'!!t'fI 1,1 L'Ofl',fltlllC a uniform !l.ccurity instrument
<br />:'::0\.-conl1 real prPpC'f!\ !hl'J. Deed {-'I rnJ'~1 ~h,!I, he b\ lht' i,Po\- ,II !he PHI'lJldtOn IB "hlCh the: Property '\ located,
<br />In lhc ~YCnl lh..lt ,1t1\ !"t~Vi"1Hn l'!' ,i;'lU\C "t 'hi'\ ,! 1 r\h.l .H thl' ......'ll\..' ',llnl1Id,> "Ilh Jpphcaole ~aw. such conft-tct shall
<br />fllll a.ffect (...ther pflWI'll1n" "t 'h1" Dccd :,. r~U\1 ,'f 'hl' ",,,Ie ......h;l..h "HI 1'<_' ~~:',C'n died wI!hnut ,he I,.:,)nfln::tlng provision,
<br />and In lhl\ en-d the pTO\'I'l"l!1!; ,11 :hc Pn:d .,r 1 'U\l ,;l\d 'rH.- 'nle ..Fe ,h:lLH....J 1,' he '>l.'Verah-!e
<br />16. BOrfl)",r-r', ('up,. Hnnowc-r ,1),!1I ,'....' !,Hn,~h(~d.1 1..,lflll1!H1t'd ';H "I ttw '('Ie' .md ill thIS Deed of Tru~t 31 the fime
<br />,'f C\c<:utlon C'f ;lftC'f rct.:t!fdatJ()n h-crcol
<br />11. TramJ~r- f)f rh~ Pr-oprr1\; '\uumprion. If ,i.ll '" ,lfl\ p.ul ut If-!.: Prnrl;'l!\ "( ,10 InlCrt''it th(,f~ll' I!. "-oJd or transferred
<br />t-o\ B-orro....cr '.\-llh0UI Lcni.l-e:(\ rnf~! wrdh~tl ."II'o(':ll i.:hiudmc 'oJ: !il~ ;..rt';lll,\I~ ,_,: ,l hcn or t'ocumhr-a.n<:c: subordinate to
<br />lhl~ need \..'1 TrtJ.:)l. in_: rhe -.:rc..Hnl!l ,-,I.! ~'ur.:h,IH< "'I'IH.-\ ',>:"'l.I;~t\ Jnll~rl"! 1", hn\l..dlOld ,lpphancc-s. !..:_! ;,1 rransfe-r hy devl-Sc,
<br />J~erH (~f hy Gf:lC"TllhOn ,-,f i;:w upon the d~~lh ,'1 ,I "',n! 'cn"o; ~.~ I, ' _, ''- . ~ . L ~ II
<br />"""q"" . " U , - I cnJef C\\.l' ! I cfhicl.. "i'1..'1I. dC,.L:nc .d1lhc ~\'Wl~ ~enJfC'd h thl~ D~ed of Trust fO be
<br />mH~"hatc!\ Jut: J.oJ p.l,ahlc ! l~nUcr "fL.:!; h.!,-I.: '",.:'.cll ~u"h ','l'h1fl !,> .l'-l..d\:I'.lte d_ pnor to Ih~ ...ale ...., transfer, Lender
<br />and [he ~non 'l~ \%h':'\f11 rhl: PH,~n\ ,~1.' ~(' ,-d,j .'1 "--i'l,!efll.--J fl-,Ie_" ,j~fee'nerH :n ~rtlJng (hat the Cr-C-dll l."1f such pcrs,on
<br />I'll \~h:dil\.'t-Ol" !,' I ~nJc-r ,Ind :hiil lhe ii\!(;f~t r.J\.ji-\t, ,qj th.: ~lim~ "':,u!cd h !hl'l Deed of Truit ..huH ~ at such rate a!t
<br />Lender ~h,ljj rC4u~')t It t t.,'nJ(!f !1.n ""'.Ji"etllh\.' q"'!t,,'l I,'. ",-..:i"'I,i!~ prp~,~kd m If'l' P,Hil~fiirh 17, and If BOl'T-ow~r's ~u('ceS$or
<br />In !nh.:rC:)i ha-:- t'""t,.'-(ufc-d .1 ... fi!h;:n ,!:):')umptll'fl ,-,gICCHl-l,'1l1 ,l~..q)l{.d ", "" q;l),!!: 1"; ! ~'jJef. t end.:; ~hall rc-ica:o.t Borrower from
<br />ait 00llgath_1fl;'!o u-lHjer lht'l Dn:-J ~,r rrU~l MhJ lhe .....,lte
<br />It Lender n.eru\C"'\ \'_H"h ,)pth~n ~l' ,l...;.t'i\'r.11l' 1 C)Jt'f ,h.n; (;\,1.1 Hplf'.....Cl HUtH':C' df a;,;..:dCratlltn If' a~Co(dance \\"nh
<br />paragraph 14 hen..,,:-l "i-u..h n..HlCt: ..h..tll rllmh_h: _. ,'I :l,'! :"" :h,tl\ (" J~t\'> ir!HH the .tHe !he n1.lf!ce 1'\ mailed within
<br />..bKn B-()ff!..~"CI tna\ p.l~ lh{' \UIll, Jc..;:i.:tre.J ...iln: B-,-lflt'\H'f t,j,!' 11' r-l\ ~tkh '[IHh pnor If. lhe C'\ptfatlo-n of such period,
<br />l.endct, OHi). 'oliIJihnut IUflher notice \'1 \!cm.tod ,'0 B\'n"v...;r ,"-:'dd.' ,n1\ rf;fn-ed,;.... pernlllleJ h\ panlgraph I R hereof
<br />'o~,l.""'H-i,,)fit.M l \~\-f-"'i.'\ {... Uorf\.......:r -l'ld I ~.'l,jCi Illflhl,:f ..\'\-('ll..lHI .HHJ _jgr~'~ ,i'\ JH!lOu,-~
<br />18. '\HduaUon; R~m"diif'~ Eut':p' lh PfH\ide-d to p;uaKnph J7 he--rtof. upun Borro..-u'j bre-ach of an) cove_. or
<br />aare-eme-nl of Iorro.....cr tn thbi H<<d of Tru\t. lndudiui: tht (o\t'nanl~ 10 pll~ when due- an)" !lums ifCund by Ibis Deed
<br />uf lrust. lrndt'r prtof to llcc:t"IC'r~"on ~hltU mail nohct' lu 8fiUtl,",cr ...\ pfO\lch-d in Pill.er.ph 14 her~of sped')'illl: (I) the
<br />bnach; (2) Itw a-('Iion required to ~,:Uft lou(h lm:-ll{.h~ 13. a tiah.. n04 I('...\. than 30 d.ys hom Ih~ datt rht' nolict b; mailed 10
<br />Iorro"'-c-r. b) \\ihh:h ..tu:h hr~U{"h must bot l-Uff-d; and (4) thilt laUuri' (0 (tlfe \l1["b bread. on or hero,.. Ihlt dale ~p*cifitd
<br />in fht nolie&: ma) rt;,ull in acn'If'I-ation of lhe \.\101'" '!o~\~U-ft>d b) Ihi~ I)t'~d of rn.~f and sale o( tht Propen). The noliu
<br />~ fUr1her inform 8ort'o~u of the r1j:hl Iu rein~t..(e aft~r ;t{"H'luaJIOIl and fht riehl 10 brin~ a ('ourt action to assert
<br />I~ noo.edMence lif a dt"fauJt or an\ oltlt~r ddtn!l>t' Hf Bono~t't to 3(."(.'dt'ration and !iaJt-. If the breach i~ not curt'd
<br />on Of befotf: the dale' ~pc'dtied In tht' ~Oli(t', I.endu at I.t'ndf'r'~ option nUl) dedaft' aU ul the! \urn... "e<:ured b~ lhis need
<br />of l'ru.s1 to ~ immedialel) dut' and pa}able ",,,hour 'urlh~t dc-maud and ntli) in..oke (he po\\e-r of salr ond an, other u.mediei.
<br />pc:rmiut'd b~ .pplw:ab&r la>tt, Lt'odr-I ~h.1I 1M: t"n.titlt'd tH t'nUrO all reawnable (0\1\ af1d npt'nst:s incurred in punuinc .he
<br />ftmelOh pro,id~d in this palMCfaph 01. indudin2. bu. not Hmut"d 10. n,'aM)nablf' aUornC')'s fu!.
<br />If 1M po~ct of _\ale is in\oSi.r-d. frustCt \haU n'('flrd III n(lllt.:t'" of ddauU in t'ach (OURI, in which the Properl, or s.ome
<br />part I~r~of i~ 1000alcd Mod !>.h.U mail t'opil:'\ of ...ti{ h nolice in Ihto manner pft''lo," ribt!d b, .ppli( ..bllf la~ 1-0 BoutH, er and to the
<br />od'tcr pc-n.oa'\ p.('"kflbco D) iilPphcabi" la~. -\.flt'r the taP'< of ,th:h !imt'" a.. tna~ ~ ft'tfuirrd b) ..pplle.ble &3"'. "ru'\lf'e ~h.U
<br />Ihe publk llulK:... of sak to Ute Jk'NOn\ u-ud in Iht' manner prt~((ibtd h,\ applicabh:- fa". fru~ICt'. "ilhout dcmand on
<br />hrrowcr, ..tu.U!ot:1I tht Pro perf)- at public: aUl'!iun III 'hi: hi.:ht'\{ hiddu at lht' itmc and piau' and uQder the rtrm~ df'!!Iign.atC'd
<br />ill tIM noU('(' of ute in ont.' ot mort' p-ah:d~ nnd in ..uch ordu a.. lm,,<tl'c mil) dc-lumine. -1 ru.\.I('(' Iml, pOlllpolU! ule of .U
<br />or an) p-arc-cl Qf tM Prupct1) b)- publk annOUfi-("t'fn",nl at Iht' timt: and piaU' uf an} prl:\ iousl) .,du"duJed ...:.111:, I.endt:r or
<br />lAnde-r~5 ttnf&acc may pUKh-Mc Iht Pro-put) ill lilin) !>u.lc'.
<br />lJpoo ~eipt of p.ylhtn' of fh~ ptin bid. TruJi.tte shan ddhrl to the pUH'-halt.(-r Tru~tt'"....'\ dud eOI;nt)lna Ihe Proptot1}
<br />~. TlM r<<.-ltah- in the TruR-t'e'!l d<<d ~baJl be prima facit' r...idchu of t~ Irulh or Ihe' ,.t.C4!'menb m.dt therein. Trus1ff:
<br />.... appf) the pro<<~d. of the wale- in the foUO"i-flI order: tal to all ~asonabl~ cosh and e-\:pen.ws of fh~ !.alt. indudi.nc. but
<br />not limikd to.. Tnuilft" fH-i of not fnou than 1/1. of 1 r(, of tht' li:rm4 sail: price. 1't'a.\Onabk MUornt-,,'s it-<< and tostA of
<br />tHlt e-....lKt; (b) 10 aU \-um-$ SC"tund b) Ibb, Ou'd of rr-n~t; .nd tel fhe- ~ut'-". if an). 10 the ~no" Of ~OOtU 1t-I"'Uy ~ntttltd
<br />...........
<br />19. hrU)"-fl"ll a.lh. hi kdn'lohUt_ '(l!....::h..\iln.hn~ I ,:n.le! '. ": (~i,_ ',I;:!,', "<.-~\l:nj l-1\ Ih;_ [)l'L'd p! rru..:
<br />aHH~)'WCt "hail h-~\.t; Ih-c f1S.fH hI h,i~C .1H\' p;",...t"~dIflK" r.\:~U1\ h, f 1,0 ,:n/"f..'t' ~hh Dt"-(.;d ,-I T!"'~..I -L......_'llnqucJ :il
<br />4ny Urn(: prior tc th\: t':.Hht'r l-ll tX>,:tlf ,'f lo.! th( fttth d;n l...dof~ lh.... '..;le !h-(' !-'l".lp\'/!\ l",,,,,u.lnl I" ;hot;' i....'''\<..r ,\1 \.lle "dn!.~,i)cd
<br />~r: thH~ tx.;.! pf Tt\i\1 tIT {H! ('"rHn ,Ii'.'t lilJgm.:nt .;-nl(l(ung lh,... r~:(d !,.t l~,t\!,~ I.U f:h!np,~...r ,'..-I'>' 1 tn~k! \!!m, I,\hl~h ,;~,'u!,j
<br />be Ihfi:n .hle hltl..itU l~l!'.. lll,;'f..'d "j "t r"...! the '..lh.~ ,llhl nl'h,-' "f;l."r'r;~ f-Ul,.f( -\J".jnu', I ,011\ J--.dd n.' ,i,..!"J".p _'\.,,;If'l'U
<br />it'lj 80fH'\itt'l ~lIrt:.. ,lil h",hh.;, "j ..~I) ,.1l1CI ,1'.;:11,.11',1\ 'r ;,iii\:,'ln.;',(, H,"["\\cl ...'nl;;'fh:,i 'h". l'k,,'d : l'll~1
<br />{~l BuH;,-,'.qC( f'-d~..,1n l~""\..\'(\,it-ll.,' 'tl,'HI~~d 1", i l"'u.ll.:f ,{Ild Trq'd\~<: "!II,nl..'nJot ;h(' _j~',! <f,.~ln:llh_.ni,
<br />aQn'.)~tr ,..ql',~;~~ti.! 1ft nt\".! '" ,"nll'lltflg ! o.:n-d('f'~ I, ill' l~tt',Jlt'" 1\ ck,J p",\~I_\rh
<br />h(:-r<l;_,.:>f ll",h"<lH~l; I,,'f ;'I'H..tt;d 1;, "':,J"~'fI",hk l[\"rn-i,\ . 1.-, "hI ,,!' fh-'f;, ""~ lk\', ,h!"'"
<br />leq',Hh: l;' J!"'~'1I:: rh-Ji (hI.: 'I !h" n',;,,~l ,,~ I ':nt !. 'HJC' P"'i"-"\ ",t IL'f' h!i!<",:
<br />