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<br />I <br /> <br />84,_' <br /> <br />003018 <br /> <br />P'llrOf('.l ('OVI-!'l,,""l:<i HnrrllWcr ,lf1U I cnder '(l\'CIl~lnt ~lHd a~rcc ~'i fpllnw<; <br /> <br />I. Paymrnf of J"rincipal and Inte't"sf. Bnrrowcr ,hall prompll\ pay v.hen dut: Jh~' rlHl('lra1 ,11 <ind Inrert....1 ~lH the <br />Ifld-\.-'hlcdnt..'''''' C\ Ilk'need by the Note. pr....raymcnr and 1.110.... charges as rnl~ lded III Ihe '.1"11..'. ,lod the prinClp.l1 t,f loll intL'rC'i1 <br />Illl <Ill\- FlIIUf\' '\,.h.ln'<.l'''' "l.:tllfCd hy lhl' nt'ell of -r n:,! <br />2. Funck fOT TDJre5 and Insurann. SU,hjci.'t 10 3pplicahle lav.' or 10 a wrillen waIver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />It' I cnder ,In the d.l\ n1nnlhly m..,t;ll1mcnh 01 principal .lOd tlllCClc'..l an,' pi-lyahle under lhc Noh:. until the ~nlc j<; paid In f1l11. <br />..t ')um therein ''F.lfld,,''J cqlLd in {me-f\h'lflh {\f 1 h,,' yt~arfy laV,'., .l"'HJ J"'t(''''''m('flf5 which n12j' j!ta:n pnnr:ty over thl". <br />Deed tlf Tru",,1. Jnli ground r~nl" Pll thl..' Pff\perty, d' 3ny, plm., (1,nC-l\\clfth (If yearly premHlm in~latlmenr'i for hazard insurance. <br />plus oOl>twelfth of yearly premium ms.tallmenf.. lor mortgage m'iurancc. If any. ..III as reasonably estimated imtmlly and from <br />time 11\ lIme hy f cnder on the ba"is o( <ll>scs-s.ment<; and hilh~ and reas.ooable C'ililmales lhereof, <br />rh~ Fund.. ,hat! be held In ,tn lostjtu1i0n the depO'ilts or ~(:cOllnt' of which are insured or guarantc-ed oy a Federal or <br />,late agent'\' {tni..'lm.hng 1 cndcr If l.endN I, "IKh ,m ino;.!lfuflOfl) Lender i;haU apply the Fund.. to pay said ta~e-s. ;)s~ss:ncnH-. <br />lo<;,or,lnl.'\" prl.'mlUnll. ;Ind gn'\und rcnt~ I coder m"~' not charge for so holding ;,md applying the Fund." analyzing saill ac:count <br />,)r \'crdYln~ .tnd c;\mplllog (alll a<;''ic..;sm-enl... and hifl~. pnle..... lender pay'\ Borr()\\cr mtere'it on the Fun-ds.and applic-ahle law <br />permll" I ,-'nder !,~ lll;}l..c '>.lll'h .1 chaf!:::c .Jnd Lender may .1~rec III ',....rlling at Ihe tIme of execution of thi~ <br />DCI~d ,11 Trli<it ~h.J! In!eft:'ot PO !ht' Fllnd" ...r,:dl he raId Itl Borro",'cr, and unk...... "IlKh agreement j.. made ('If applicable. law <br />rt'qwrC'''' '.ll-<..h lnkrr.., 1,,; he p;lld lender ...h,11l np! he rl'qUlfcd hJ ray Bnrr0-"1.'r any Inlerc"';! or earnings on the Fund~. Lender <br />;hall gIve 1,1 f{t.'frr)',\cr \.\nht';HI ~h3rl!e, ,In ;innllal ,_H:c()\lnlmC (,;f the Fnnd.. "hf'l\l,II'l~ Cn~qll" ;tnd dl:l'.hit.. f("I ~f't~ fun-Ill:. an.d. !he <br />pllrpO~e for whJCh each de-bl! 10 r!1{;'Fllnd.. '.\"a"\ ma,;,h: -The-Funds ~lre pledged as"'-additional security for the sums'secured <br />h, rhl"- D,.t:.! ,.f TIIl..l <br />If 11''11.' ;lnwunl ni the Fund, hdd h, ll..'nd('r Idgt:lhcr u'lth lh{' :uWr.... mnnthfv In"wllmem.., of Funds. pa.y:nbfe pJlOr 1(1 <br />jhl.~ dll(' d31>.:'\ 01 t~I"'C'''' ,1~"1. -'''nlL''nt... IIl,\;ur:tlK'C jlrCt1\lllm.. ;~ntl ground r.:nF" \;hall t.~\cced the amount reqUired to pay said t'3X-cS" <br />1....e\,...nl1..:nh IO\U1,1nCI.' rrcm>\Jnl... ,In..! ~r\"urhj rcn" ,,," lhc\ Ldl ,11l1..' -.uch t."CC\~ ..h:Jll he .ll Born"lwer'<; opuon, either <br />promptl\' rcp;lItJ h\ RC\rro\l,.er \If ,-r~dll('d (" H,,;rro\\t'f ,m nl()nlhl~ Inswllment" of Funds: If the amount of the- Funds. <br />~e!d h" f cod\.'f ..,h~11 nfl{ hI..' ..:,lh~lcn! 1,1 r~\ u\;.('-... J-5,'i.c"..m('nl\ :rl\orancc prcmlums .arid ground rents u!\ they faU due. <br />BlHrll",~:, ..,rull r;l~ r" I (,flder ..m .lmnunl ,1L'....CS.\~H\ [(, male lip !he dl,.'fi(!('n(\' v.!lhm jO d;j\.-r;, frClm the dale notice- is mailed <br />by Lender :0 Borrower reque<;tHlg paymenl Ihere.oJ <br />L~pon p;1\menl In lull "j" all ,>urn.. .,CCtltCU t'I\- fhl~ DccLl 01 Tru"L I cnder ..h;lll pwmplly rdund to Borr-rl'o\'cr any Fund~ <br />held rn- l-1.'nd~r It i!nder p:Hagr,lrh 1:>( her~nf 1he Prnpcfn '" "old or thl.: Property l'i t>thcrWlliC- acquired by Lender, Lender <br />.,hali apph fH.i brCf !han ImmcdialC'I~' rUN I., ,he ule l" !he pf{)p-er1Y or ItS ;Kqlll<;.-.hon by Lender. any Funds held by' <br />Lender at In(', lime of appltcallon .1".1 credll agaln~l the- "urn.. ..e-cuf~d hy thIS Deed of Trust. <br />3. .\ppli("adon of Pa)'men.s. l ;nic",~ ,oipp-il;..- ,jhl,: I.,~" provide", \';Ihcrw,~c, all paymenl" received b~' Lender under the <br />'\jore ;lnd r;lr.lgr.:lph'i ! ,IIHf ~ hO('t1f .;;h;lii he appltcd b\ I \'nd...'r !ir'l In paymcll! .1f amounts payable 10 Lender by Borrower <br />under par.l.graph :2 hereof. [hen [i) mh~rcq p;.i\abk on In(' !\:\'te. then \1,1 the pnnclpal of the Note. and then ro and <br />rrtl'Klpal on JOV Future Advances <br />4, Ch.I1!t'~: Liens. Bnrrn\\ct ~h311 /I.J\ ,111 L",e.., .l"w..",mcnh .In..i ,'lher ~n:lr,gc~, finc~ and JITlpo\ltions anribuulble to <br />the P-rClperty whIch m~" :tli;un ;i pTlorltv .wer !hl~ Deed ,11 Trust. ,-md ll'.lsehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />rnanM'f proVlde-d under p3f.llcraph 2 heret'l "L II no-! p,lid I', ..ud~ manner. hv B-Hrr0'.l(Cr making payment. when due. directly <br />fO the pay-ec therc\'\f R('>rrl1\\o~t:f ~hall prol'1plh '"rn;...h h' I ('il,h,.'f ,Ill 1'ilh.'C\ nl .~moHnt\ dill.. LInder Ihls paragraph, and in the <br />..:vem 80rmwer ..hall mai.e rJ."mcn~ d!le Bt'r!t1\'l.>.:r . h,JH r-rnrnpl!\ !:'r!w.h I,' I coder rC-Cclptl cVld1.~nclng sllch payments. <br />Borrower ..hall pr<'01pll) dl\\.'hargc ,tn\ itt',-, ',\r-l',,-h '1.1~ PI!l'1'Jl\ ,,\..:1 Itll' I}l'cd o! I flt\l. pro..qdc..1. {hat Hnrrnwer ..hall n.ot he <br />reqtllrcd 10 dl..(har~'i' .lflY ,-w.'h hel' ',1 j.'n~ " H\)u" .,h;dl .'.iU~\- '11 "t;ll!l~ :,\ lhc r;tymcnl or the obhga!HlO secured by <br />"llch !len In ;t manner .t<..ceptablc 1<' lender .;f ...h~li in ~tl..1d !.ult-: d)f1 1 \-'''1 ';ld~ ~Ien h-V. Of d-cfenJ enforcement of such hen an. <br />iegaJ pr{,~l..'(.'edJn~" \.\-nh.h nperillc I.' prC\'Cfil ,!,.... l'llhHi.C111l"pl I>! :hl~ 'It.'tl ,)r f(,rIClltHC lIt the Property or any pan t,hereof. <br />!i.. H.r.I,d IO!iuranl't'. B':~fff"''''cr ,-h~!i! ~~:er 'f1c !mrfl~'d.'tn('nf'\ no"'-" n,~,l!ll!: l\t herC;Jtler erected en"; lhc- Prnpe-rry Insured <br />;\gam~l lo~-s h firC'. h;l.tatds md\idcd wH-nm rh...' ll.'rnl 'c'lcndcd U.l\-"ef;lg-I.' ,lIld "u..:h other hal, a.. l cnder may requtre <br />.llld In \ucn :lmoun!-s .wd for ',Hl.h pCHod:,> .1" 1 .:ndcr m;ll ;;;.'4UJfC. pfi"qt.k.d IIl;.1 l.ender ,hall nol requlrt: that rhe amount of <br />"lleh (overage C\i.e-tO affiPlmt "r ~~'\'Cf.l~", 't:~t:;I~d 11' p.l\ Iht~ \liilh ""-"-I.tlre-d h'l Ihl!> Deed 01 TrH5t <br />rh~ !nS\lran(t' CMflCI rrp,>H1If\J,t thc lfl"-Uf.JlhC ...hail Iw ...h\h,clI h' lhHrol,\~r subJc-l:1 to appro\<J1 hy Lender. pn)vldeJ. <br />that iUd1 appro,,<,al d'tal! ;'1<)1 !">{. Ume<l\Hn;ihiv "" i:hhdd ,\11 ritO-Hum.. on jO\ur,ln.::C' rOh~ies sh~tll he paid In the manMr <br />p[(yvtded under 2 heft'Lll t1f. It nol pitHJ H1 ,\I...h rn.Hltler, !--<\ Barrnwcr fllilkmg p:nment. when due. dlrc,tly to the <br />Insurance carner, <br />..\U m:ilH,Hh;e pt'lh;:!c" .\.nd ft:i1-e\,,,;:t!, !helcN \h.;J.H h<.' if) k'~ fI\ J"'~<:f' l,t ! t:r...ler "tnd \hall H'Kludc .\ stand-ard mortgage <br />.:iause 10 fav\l.r of ;'InJ 111 t'-lIlll .,;,;(CPf<lfoh> !(\ tender 1 dhh:; ~h~lll h.p~ !he n~h! 10 hold the pOlKIC-S JJ)d rene\'lrals thereoL <br />and BOrnl"er ..hall prompily :ll!lH~h k i ("uw,-'! 1\1 :l'llt:\I\..d ,,,)11;.t"" .JnJ ;.(1 re...t'iPts pi p.:..ud ptem'lUms, tn ihe (,,"efH of )0\'. <br />Borrower s.hali ~IH:- pH~mrt n.)l;;.!: (,I :ht' 'il'lH! ,lfli.C ,. In .Ci .'Ih; lcnder I en,ler m.I, oh\kc proof of los~ d nOl made prompll~ <br />ta,. Borlv.....ei <br />, UnJc$\ Lendcl and fh,H!l.~t,I,'c-t _'H'Il:I"ISC u~J\'C Hl '''filIng. '1,,\Ul.llhC PHh,f;:(l,h ,.h<l:H 0(; ,:ppl~~ to rt:-..1-OrallOn 01 repair ('If <br />the Propeny damage-d, pr(\\!JeJ "L.H.n r<:..!~,;r.:H!OH .-r rcp,w n ~.,-.'n'..1mt"-dil~ li:.J\lbk ,raj the 'oCctlfllY of t!-w. Deed ('If Trust I' <br />not thereby lmpd!fed. It "i,.h:h re-swratton ;.'1 repa;r ;, n~lt e';"lh'lllh..4Jl) It:d~lbk \'1-1 ;l ,he "-<':-'::UlHy' of thl" Deed (If Tnls.! ....ould <br />be Impatred, the tn:\UfJln":-C Ph\.t..-e-C.Js ShdH he appiled !t.' Ih~ "um" ~t.:\-ul~d hy !hh Det:d I,f 1 rust, v.:lIh th~ C'\i-e..", If any, pauJ <br />to 8orro~er If !he Pn.-.,~rt, 1\ .lbanJonc\! by B..lffowcr. .'t d fh-.,n,hHf f..III~ It! ,t:,,-p\...od h'l Lender v.-uhlO JO cia)'<; (rom the <br />dalt' netu:\! l~ m-.:uled h~ I r>f\d~r 1(\ BOff....\.\,q~r Iha! !h~ if~~Uf<!n;.~ <.J!ner ~~!l:.:-~<, u~ o;,:::H!:.: :: d.i.:m fef ,G\l.l;;ln,.-\: t<;r'ienfS, LenOl;i' <br />IS aulhonl.ed hJ colic". .lna iipph the tnsuriioce P(OI.('cl1-.. .it 1 .;:-nuer"s OpllOl1 either h.1 rC\lOrahOn or n:pa!r of the Propen~' <br />Of 10 the sums sec~1ted tl)' thlS Dc-cJ of rru~t <br />Unleu tender and 8orh,lwer ;,ltherwI!l-e ~gfet: in Wfllll1g. JIl'" ..i.I...:h ,!ppilC.HfPIl ~>l prn(ceJs to pnnclpaJ shall not c'lend <br />or postpon.: the due (!.He of the moolhl" Hbl.lllmenh fC:('f(Ctl \~, III p.uJ.g(aph~ l ..Inu 2 h~reo,t or change the amount {11 <br />~uch IOstaH01enJ~ U unJer paragraph )~ herct.11 Ih.e Pwp('f!~ \'\ ,1(.4ulred r.~ i ender, J.ll fight, IItle .1nd lllt~rcst or BQrrower <br />In and to an)" m\uranc~ POhi,:'lC:S- and 11'\ .!nd It.! the pr\..,:ecd" Ihcft.'\';! re'!lultlOg lrom Jam-4ge tQ (he Property poor to the sale <br />or aC"lI,i1stllon s.hail p..!o~ tn Lendtr 10 the t.'.\.lent \,1 Ihe ')um~ ')-t;..:wcd h'y !hl~ Dt."c:d 01 Trust Immed~alel) pfl(}r 10 -.uch ~ale Of <br />a\:quis.~liQn. <br />6. PnHr~adon and M."lenant.:t 01 Properl), LtllMhoids; ('ondominium~; Plann,d Linil Ile-welopmenlli, Borro....el <br />;;haU leep lh-c Prupen) In good rCfMlr .HH.1 .,h~1! n...1l d~mlllil V..hl!.: ..H r(: I 11111 JrHp..IHHH:nl i.H dct\:rK)f.1tu,n L)f Ihe Propert~. <br />and shaU comply with the pf(l.....J~IOm. (,t an~ le.J~c If this ileed .1f -t Hal f'> on a lca:!lochold I! ,hi" Deed of Trm.t ,\ ('5n a umt In ,1 <br />condominIUm or a plann-eo unit de-"'clop-mcnl. Borr,y...c( shall pedorm -ill ot BOfr0WCr ~ ;.}blt8~tJonS under the declaratwn <br />or covenaQt3 creaung or governing Ihe (Ont.k~rnlnlom lor rl<inned wlll developmenl, the t'ty..lalAs and regutHtOn~ 1,"11 the <br />condominIUm or planned unit de\.'du-pmenl, ~nd (\.)jH.I~hJenl dO';';iimenb If a -:i1ndomiOlUm .;Ir planned \HH! Je\elopmen! <br />flder ,.. c.xe.;wed by Borrower and rtcordc-d !l)ge-!her ",Ilh !hj~ need t'! I r\J~!, !he i.lWen.ulh and :tgret:-mel1l) d such rider <br />Sohal! be Incorporated IOtn and shall amend .and ~upplcmenl the ('\'~~n..lnl'!- ~lno ~greeIlH~nts. of !hls Deed or 1 fu...j .h If the: rfder <br />were a part hereol. <br />1. Ptotccrioa o' "C'Mer's Sei:urit). If Bono,,"'; ~'.Jd;;, !~; pt..:rlllrm lhe ...'l,)\t:IlJ.fll\ JnJ agreement.. I.Ilillalnt'd 10 lhl" <br />Deed ot Trust. or It any a.;llon (lr pn:lCeeJmg l'> ..'onHn.eo..cJ ....!u..:h 1Tl.i!Cf14i!\ .1!lCt.:i.. 1 endc:r\ lntcrC1<t ,n lhe Propen, <br />Includini~ but oot lImited to, emiocnl domaHl, ,:()(f~ enhm:,:ement. or arr.U\gements ("lr pr()(ecdmp, In\-'ohnng cl <br />bankrupl or decedent. then lender at ~.:.ender"! option. upun OoIlCC 10 Borrower. maj make su..;:h appe.udlh,:e~, ..:f1:..hUf'l.C ....Ji:h <br />sums and such action as is necessary to prole.;! Lender.5 ~nlerl.~t, lndudmg, ~ut nOI hrrllteu fll. Jls.hur~cntcnt PI <br />rusonable aHorocy's fees and entf)' upon the Propr:rly to make fepalr~ If Lender r-c,,!lHred mongage In~uranct:" ;1" J <br />condition of making the loan secured by this rlecd of Tru!i.l, Borrower ~hall pa} the premlum\ reqwred h' m,Hnl.1Hl ~lJ(h <br />~mUr~'"'C. in effect until !uch hmc 3! the reqUirement lor \u..::h Insuranl,:e !ermUl.ltc,:,> In ,1l.:~.I."rd'II1~t:.. wilh RI1rwwcr\, ,wJ <br />Le.m:ter's wrinC'.n lls-re~mc-nt or applicable taw lkIHowcr \-hnU ra~ !he ~ml!url! P!' :111 rnortgag~ m"-uran,,>,,. rlcr1IHll1.\ ,f, :hc <br />manne, proVld<<l unde, Pll'Jl'laph 2 he,eof. <br />Any amounts d:t1.bursed hy Lender pllf3uant l(l this paragraph 7. 'lA.-llh InlefC~1 !her\:~~n. \ha.H t~'\..~lmt' ,t(il!liIPndJ <br />mdebtt-dncuof Borrower ~ured h,' this Deed {II "I'rtAt l:nksli BGTfower .'&I"H11 t:nder dgfee W \Jthcr krnl''' d p-a~JlIenl ..\l....h <br />JJtUOUl'1b $haU he ~yabJIt upon nNlce fr(\m I.tndel' to Borrower te4tle~lln~ ra~'mt.'nl lhere..~t. atHj \n;111 hl..~~r .ntct-e~l !(~\IJ1 tM(f <br />dltc of disbur-setnC:l'It III fhe- ralt payable from time to lane (In .'<uhl.aIHling "rnll,~p,tl uoda the ~(11C 1'111(-,.. pa) menl ,,'f IOll:rC\l <br />at 'SUCh rate would be ~(;ntral)' to appllcMble lilW, In -whh.;h evenl "Ul.:h anWun!\ dl..H h(,oll :f1!CTe..1 oil the t'Hghc..1 rillt" <br />pc-rm-iwbtc ufujcr ap-p-hcahle law. Nothing C\HU.iHlCd In lOtS raragftl,ph .. ...h,,;; re'--li.llIC t t:niler hl ~n,,:ur .I1n npeo~c t1l lake' <br />an)' .~hoo hereunder <br />I.. ruptcUo.., {,t>:ndcr may m....kt.~ ~)f ,tHl-~ to r--1l' made tca.j.o.n..lh~c ~.t\IlIC" ,.p,.n .H..: dhp\.~t,n,,~ {~! '(W Plt1f!Cr\\ :',,"nit'd <br />!Ilal l....~n-dc-,f :\hAiI give Bur-rowet' !'10H--.:C pnm 10 any- ",Ji.,h Hl~pCl..l~.:>H "P\"...d\fHlo: nr,tj;.,<>n.lhk ~,nf>"l.: ;f't('H;h." 'd.l~~>d i' ! ,'1d~~t ~ <br />fnttteti l~ !he PrOPCf1. <br />