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<br />84 -002911
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<br />the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trusl and the obligations secured hereby shan remain in full force and effect as it no acc.eleration _ had .occurred~
<br />20. A-",-1I1 01 Reloh; A.......- ..'Receiver; ........ III ........... As addilional securily hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby assigns 10 Lender the ren" of the Property, I;'rovided thaI Borrower shall, prior to accclerationunder .pa......aph:l8
<br />hereof or abandonment of the Propeny, have the ngilt to collect and retain. such rents as titey becomedueand'p~yable,
<br />Upon acceleration under palll8raph 18 hereof or abandonmenl of thel'ropeny. Lerul4lr, inpenon,lIyagelll;'llr'llY
<br />judicially appoioted receiver, shall be entitled tuenter upon, take possession of and mana~the'ProJ!4!rlY:.ll'Hllc~ll<i<1t!~,
<br />"mts of the Propeny including those pasl due. AU rents cOllected by Lenderor. the're~i~er:shallbe".l;'pIi
<br />of the costs nr manallemeot.ol the Property and collection of rents. includinll,bul n""limJlejHn,;~ '
<br />nn receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the SUIDI secu",d. by Ihi.DIed 01 Tinst,
<br />receiver shall be liable to accounloolyfor those rents actually received, . .'
<br />n. .......re A.......... Uponrequesl of Borrower, Lender. al Lender's o~iol1, .pri<>rw;ful/. r"':<ltllr..~
<br />by Trustee In Borrower. may make Future Advances tn Borrnwer, Such Future;Adva_wjth; int~I;:
<br />secured by this Deed of Truslwhen evidellCCd by promissory nO\esstatinllthll\said..~;are.secn~.
<br />Ihe principal amount nf the indebtedness secured by this Deed nf Trusl. nO\cinclud" .
<br />tn protect the security nf this Deed of Trust, exceed the nril!inalamQuotnttlle,N
<br />U. R_weyuce. Upon paymenl nf all sums secured by thisDeedofTiull1,endtlr
<br />~he Propeny and shall surrender this Deed nf Trust and al/ n(lles evidencingindCb\C!l!i
<br />tn Trustee, Truslee shall reconvey the Prnperty wilhnut 1"arran/y and without cllarIPotC!.
<br />entitled Iheretn, Such penon nr persons shall pay all costs of recnrda.'. linn. if. any... .....,..... . ...............'.. '.
<br />%3. Soollolltute T_ Lender, al Lender's nption, may from lime In time remove,1"rustee';
<br />trus~ee to aoy Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recordedinlhecounry.' i~.Which.".,'..lhil..
<br />Without conveyance nf Ihe Propeny, the successor trustee shallsucceedtn all.tlte,IlIItl;.J!(l'llter.
<br />,he Truslee herein and by applicable Jaw, .' ...... .......
<br />U. R...- for Notlceo. Borrower reques.. ,hal cnpies nr lite nnlice of default. """nOlice,nH.Ie;be.~~
<br />address which is lite Prnperly Address. ..,}),C'
<br />
<br />INWtTNESSWHEREOF'Borrowerhasexecu~", .,-~- . '.""'. .~3::'1
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />,..~ ".':.G~~'~",..,...,.'...>..
<br />., ,,' ,/~.,~,.,....;i.~;{,~ti
<br />
<br />Barbara L. Green ~~.
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA., . "".IfA1.],....,.,."",.. ,Conntyss:
<br />On this ..?$W-. day of. ,.~..... 19"8~, before me, Ihe unde.rsi~ed;aN6tll"rfN1l1lf
<br />duly commissioned and qualified fnr said counly, personally came.
<br />.laDIes,R., G.r.e.en .and. /l.u:bara, L., liuen,. nuaband .and.. lI'.1.fe..,."., ".", ...to\lI'ttHt~;
<br />identical perron(s) whose Dame(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument an<.l aCKQOw1ed&\ld'J~,'
<br />thereof tn be, theJ..r. , . . . , . . , . voluntary ael and deed, . ..
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at, ... ~ ,+":j.~,,, ,~~~ ' , , , , . , , , .
<br />date afnresaid,
<br />
<br />
<br />~ .--.-,
<br />My Commission expires: . (';~~~4?: . ..>d, ~~~ , . , ,. .. .' .,....
<br />
<br />__ NOla'Y Public
<br />j- -- . .."........
<br />~ ",:!::'!! S:. 8At.EQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />.." Oct II. 19t5
<br />To TRUSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersign.ed is tbe hnlder of the note or notes secured by tbis Deed of Trust, Said nole or noles, togcll1Cr
<br />wilb all 0111<< illdebledne.s ,ceured by this 0,,<<1 of Trust, have been paid in fuU, You are hereby dil'~ledtoCancCI
<br />said note nr nOles and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby. and to reconvey, wilbonlwatfanty, aU~lb!l
<br />eslate now beld by you under this Deed of Trust tn the person or persons legally enlitled thereto.
<br />
<br />Dale:"",.""" ,
<br />
<br />(Sp.jtU! klow Tho'!' Lotte Reserved for lender 6nd Recorde-fl
<br />
<br />L
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<br />We are an equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Emplo~hhP.
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