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<br />I <br /> <br />84-_7' 002554 . <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />9. C'()lldt'mnatinn. J he ["'\/lh.CClh (If ;"1\ .J\\ard nr claIm i(l! uarnilgC\ Olr':CI (If (OnSCljlll..'ntIJ1. In l.:PI1I1CCli,1n v.ilh aJl~ <br />....(llldemn:Jlion or nthcr taking of the Properly, ()f P;HI fhereot. l'f fill' cllnveyancc in lieu j)f condemnatie., 2:re herehy as'\igncd <br />;,r;:! ~ha:: ~,c t'di,j ;,--. LClidcr <br />In the' .:vcnt (""If a Wtal takmg of lhe Property. the proceed... ...hall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with Ih.c excess, If any.. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br /> agree In wrilmg: there .:-;ha!l he applied to the !iums secured hy !~IS Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />.!Ii IS equal ([\ Ih~t proport!011 wht('h !he amount (II !he <;u!T1s o;('(ured by !h!", Dj~{"d of Trusr immediately prior to the date of <br />laking hears {o the fair rnar).;cl \alue or the Properly Immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property i~ ahandoncd by B:"'rrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Rorrower falb to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such noriec--Is <br />mailed, Lender is alllhorlzcd to collect and apply the proceeds, al Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to lhe ...urns secured hy this Deed of Trusl. <br />Unles,", I cnder :.Jnd Borrower otherwise agree In \..rritlng, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone !he due dale of the monthly installmenls referred 10 In paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />...uch installments <br />to, BOrTo\\'~r 1'\ot R...leascd. EXlcn"'tlO ,11 lhe tIme 1M raymenl or modIfication of amortization of the :\ums secured <br />h\ lhi~ need of Truq granlc:d hy Lender 10 any \uccC"\ In Interest 01 Borrower shall nOI ope-rate to release. in any manner; <br />the li"hihty or the origInal Borrower and Borrower's \lICCeS"iOf\i In interest. f.cnder s.hall not be required to commence <br />rroceedlngs agalO.'il sllch <;ucccssor or rcfu\c W c\lcnd flnH: 1M payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />...ecured hy thi~ Deed 01 Trust hy rcason of any demand made hy lhe origlOal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />II. forhl'llnmrc by I.ender ~ot a, Any h)rbearance by Lender In exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />,i-iheriNI5C ,dTordcd hy applicahlc taw. :,nal! ri0t ~c ~ 'J.'.:li'\.'cr of Co:" prcdud{: ihe exercise of any such iighr or remedy. <br />rhc procurement of I!l~urance or the paymL'nl of laxes ()r other liens or charges hy l.ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />f/ghl to aCI.:c!crate the m3tunty of the Indenlednc\s \l.~curcd h} !hls Deed of Trust <br />12. Remedi{'~ ('lImulathf.". An !cn1L'dle'i prOVided In thl"- Dt.'cd ()f Trust ;)re Jis!ln...:[ and cumularivc to any other fight <br />or Icmcdy under thIS Deed of Trust or atIorded h\' I.IW l'r equity, .lOO may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />\uccessivelv <br />13. Successors and AssiJ:ns Bound: Joinl and Severa' Uabilif~'; Captions, The covenants and agreements herein <br />..:ontJ.ined shall hind, Jod the [ignis hereunder ...hall Inure t..l. Ihe respect lye,sors ai1d .issigns of Lender a.nd Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hcreol '\/1 Cll...-enanlS and agreemcnt.~ of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />rhe captIons and headmgs of the paragraphs pf !hl'" Deed ,If Tru\( are for convenience only and are not to be used to <br />Interpre[ or define the proVisions hereof <br />14. ~o'ice_ Exccpt for any nO(ICI: reqUIred under applicable j,l" to ht.: gIven In another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for 10 this Deed of Trust shall he gn.en hy m;l/ling SIKh notice hy cenified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Propcrty .Address or at ..uch orhcr ,1ddress dO;; m:1Y des.lgn:Jte hv IlOllce to Lender as provided herein. and <br />I b) anv notice In J ender ~hall he gIven hy ccrtlfied mall. rerum recClpt re4uc~tcd. h"' Lendcr"s address stated herein or to <br /><;uch ()(her address as l.ender mav deSignate hy nOII\.:e r,) Horrower J." pro\H.icd herem Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed of Trust ~h;11l he deemed ll) have been g!\'cn t" Rorrlw,cr ,Ir I coder when given In [he manner designated herein. <br />1.5. Uniform need of Trn"t: Gonrnin2 I U"'; "(,H"r:1hilih. I hl~ fdrnl ,ll deed (11 lnt...t c0mhme<; undorm covenants for <br />national II'iC Jnd non'llOlform c('\('nants wnh IHllllcd \ :Jr1;1!I\)fl\ n\ iUf]<,dICll()1l 1\1 COn'itllllte a Uniform secunty Instrumenl <br />";-(l\,cnng real properly rhls Deed nf Trllst ..h,I:1 he .;!l'l\I.'rncJ h rhl' 1,1" ill the IUiI...dld,:1n In \lohlCh the Properry IS located. <br />In the C'\'cnt that an\" prO\"I\IOn ,If clame lIt IMI... lkcd ('1 I rtht or the ~n!~. l',)nlll..:h \\ 11h appllcahle law. s.uch conflict shall <br />rl\."'1 affect c>ther pH_'1VISlon... l't Ihl\ neeJ llf I :1"'1 "f the '\''1te \',hH.:h L.,lll r'~' ~I\"ell ('lfe;.;1 wlthr"ut the c0nllicflng provision <br />a.nd {(I lhl... end Ihe prOVI'ilons 1)1 lhc need ,,/ 1 fll,>l ,Illd the ~OIC ,Hl' dC<.:!Jrcd hI he \cverahlc <br />16. Borro",.er.s Cop". Borro\\cr shall h..... tllfnl...hco ;1 lon!nrl1ll..o L"r~ ,-I thc :....O!c ;md of Ihis Deed nf Trust at the time <br />,'I C.\Ccutlon or :liter re<.:ord3110n hercot <br />17. Trander uf Ihe Propen~: ..\s.~umption. II :.Ill .q ;'Hl\ pMI \'f !he Prnr\.'rl\ l'r an inu.'rest thcreln IS sold or transferred <br />h\' Borrower wllh0UI Lender'" pnnr wntten u'I1"'t'nL t'\<.:iUJlll[! ! ,I) lllC <.:re:.\I!P!1 (1{ ;1 lien or cncumhrarlcc subordinate to <br />thl.... Deed ot Trusl, (t>.l the .:rCilt/tHl IIi J. rurch:l'~': PIPlll..'\ ~l.'..ur~l' lntt:rc...l f"r hC1u...choid ;.!ppl1ancc.'>. {...: l a transfer by devise. <br />descenI0rhY0peratlonpir,1woponlht'dCfHh,'fai,'jf)ltcnilOlIlr'll L _ I _1 "J ..1'.11 111 <br />. , ~ P' 1 r '- lender n\;t\_ ,II I end::r'., \1f)IJll[l, JC\.'i.HC ,ill the .\urns ...ccured h thl.'> Dee...! of Trust to he <br />mlmedl3tc!\ due and r,l\;lnlc t endl.'r ..h;ll] h,I\(" 'A,lI'd.'J "-lh.-h ('rlll'P I,' ,1...:....dcfJ.!t: d, prior 10 th,.: ,>ale or tran...fer, Lender <br />;lOd the pcr"'1..'ll h' whom the Prt":'perIY I~ hi he ~clJd \11 ~Un..tCfJL--J rC,g..h a~reemelll In writing lhat the credit of s.uch person <br />'" ~a.IJs.facIOl;. !tl I cnJer ;ind rh:n !he lflli:rc~! p.J\ ani<...' ,In the "'U!1\) '1.:.....ufcd !'\ :hli. Deed of Trust shall he at .\uch rate as <br />Lender Sh;l!l re\.}ut:~l II lender hJ" \\";I'..ed tht' ~\P!ll'il !.' 1L"lck:,I!e rfl)\iJcd in !f1l... p;n:lgrarh ] 7. and Ii Rorro\\cr's successor <br />,n IOlerc!)t h"... c,\:'ccutcd;\ ""flllcn .l\~Umf"IIOIl .lgfccillcnl ,1I..u:pleJ j'\ ~\r,llf)!! h\ I t'l1tkl. I coder ,hall release Borrower (rom <br />.111 ohltgatH)n~ under thl", f)cl'd \.'1 I"rUSI ,1/)(.1 the ','Ie <br />If lender c\er":l\e,:,< ,uch tlplh1n I.) .1I..'..t';...rd!l.' I cndef ,h,Jii 'q,til Ih'lrr''A<':/ 1\~lll(C .'f a..:.<.:c!eratt,)n In a,.;(ordance Wilh <br />paragraph 14 here,)1 ....ulh notn.:e ,h.ll! rr,)\!,k _I pt'rH'd II{ Ih'l k..., ih~l!1 11) d,n... tf!"lnI the ,LHe the n(l!lCC IS mailed Within <br />whh.:h Bont'wel m.l~ pJ.\ !he "'llfll:'o, JC\:i..ttt:"O Jill:' I: B<),r~\\\er l,'li... I,' f'.I' ..ll..h \llllh pnl,r Iii Ihe e\plr;l!IOn ()f such period. <br />Lender l1la). ~l1hou( rurther nOIILl." ,\r dCnl'-'llJ ,Ill H.lrr,mer "I,-i..e ...l;l\ :Cf1)I,'Oll.'''' rxrnllltcJ h\ paragraph IS hereof <br />!\ION-U'It'ORM ('nVI-N"':-'I~ BlHh'wer .:Jnd Il~ndcr !\lflhCI ...-,',en,}I)1 df)ll ;l!,:rt'c <i~ ioIJo\l..... <br />18. ..\nell'r..tion; RrmediC!"\. Exu~pl a~ prm-ided in pauJ;:raph t7 hUt'of. upon 8orrow~r's breach of an) l'o' or <br />ac.leen'enl of Borro",u in thi." need of Trull', iududins: thf' (o\t'nanl~ in pa)< "-hen due any sums secured b~' Ihis Deed <br />or 'l'ru,.l. l.endN prior In acceler:.elion ~haH milil nolin~. 10 BorrmH.r Y'J prt" ided in paragraph .14 hereof ~pedllina: (1) Ihe <br />breach; (2) Ih~ action rcquind to Hire sut.:h breu(;h; JJJ a dah'. not h_~... than .'\0 da,-~ from .he daft the notice l'li mailed '0 <br />Borro,""u. b) ~hkh "1H.:h hreat'h mu,",1 be loured; and (~) .hal failure tn nlre Mlt'h hreach on or bdore Ih" date spedfied <br />in the noli4.'t' nHI) n.'sult in 3n-t'Il'ralion of th~ "unh ~~l'l'red h} thi'lo Heed o( lrU~1 and "ale of Ihe Propertl. The notice <br />\haU runher inrorm Borro"er of rhr ri2ht lu rein~Catt' afler'leraliun and the riJ:hl to brine 8 court action to aSHrt <br />the non-e.i!!otence of a default or an\- olher deren..... of Borro""r 10 an.'cleralion and sa'e, If the brea(.'h is not cured <br />on or befort., Ihe datt' ~pet.:ifit'd in the nOlin. 1,t'ndN iH Lrnder.... option illS} declan' all of Ihe sum~ ~ct.:ured b~ this Deed <br />of Trusllo br immedialely dut' and pa}able ",ithoill fUrlht'f rll'mand and ma.\ imuke the PO\Hf of sale and an} olher remedies <br />permiUed b) applkablt' 13"" I.e-ndt'r shall he t'nlillf"d 10 ulllt>l't all H~Y~(lnablc ll)sb and t'pe"'tes incurred in pUf"Suine Ihe <br />remedia prO\-id~d in this paragnlph 18, inl'ludina:.. bUI nut limiled IH, rt'a~lInablt allorn('~ 's fees. <br />If rh~ PO\!lN of ...ale i" iIl\Qkt'd. Tru~lt'e ~hall re;.:nrd a notiu.' of ddaull in ('al..'h ('ounl\- in \o\hich !he Properl\ or ~ome <br />pan Ih~reo{ h, lontled and ~hall mail (.opil'\ of ,tlt"h nOlin.' in Ihe manut'f pre'l ribed b.) applicable 1-"1\0\ fo Borro~er and 10 Ihr <br />olher ~nun,Io pn\uibed b~ applinlhle Ill"" \fler fht" hlp,"= uf "lid, IUllt' "3" 1113.\ hI.' f"l'quirl'd b) appltt-able la", Truslee shall <br />Kive public nOli<<.'1;' of ~ate fo the pt'I'on~ and 10 ihr manner pr......(rlt:H.>d h, applicable hi". fru"lee. ~\ilhout demand on <br />Borto"'t'r~ ,hall !leU the Propert) at publk audi4ln In (ht,'".., hlddt'r at Ih{' lim(' ~nd pial:': .,nd under Ihe lernu~ d~i~naled <br />in Ihe notice or ...aie in one or more piut:d~ nnd in order .I' rnl"'l'l' ma) dell'rmine. fru"ltfl' m...~ po..lpone !.ale or all <br />or alt) pa..-nl of Ihl' Prupertl b} public llIunoum:elltl'nl at Ihe limt' and piaU' uf all} pre\ .ou~b "t'hedulcd ~ale. I ender or <br />Lc.nder'$ deWaR<< may purch....c the l'ropC'rt.~ at an) ,ale. <br />Upon fe'ct'ipl of p.ymcn& of the pric:e bid, Trustee ~hall dt"lhcr 10 the pun'ha~('( l"ruIoIL'e's deed (.o~H)in~ the J'ropcl1) <br />~Id. The rtdl.1i in the Trusl~'s deed !iihall M prima fadt' t'\ ident:t' o-f Ihi' truth of 'he slalrmC'nb made therrin. Tru!i"e~ <br />Ui.U .,pi)' lbe proCffds of the ".le in the 'ollo~iJlJ ord~.r: t.. to all ",lrtonable (:o\h and f'.pense~ of the sale. includinl. but <br />noC limited 10, TruMH'!i fUi of not mon than 1/ l. 0 t 1 r;.. of 'he ~f(h~ ~ale prit'e, rea~onable .Uorne) 's feM and ('ost, of <br />fide evickJt(;f'j (bi to aJl sums. ~ecurt'd b) rhis rned of '('rm~t; and (l') Ihe t"H'e\-\.. if an.). 10 tht penon or pf'rMlns IqaU, entilled <br /> <br />19. 8ouu~tr'li H.iabllo Rdn...tatt.'. ....\\I"";lh\I<tf\dlO~ J tlldt.'l' <lld'klolll,\I't ,'1 nil' "'illh \l'IlHl.'d t-.. !!\!, DI..'(:d ,'I -1 (''''1 <br />aOH~)-v.-...r \n"H h;,t\.\.. Int: r,~hl 10 h;t..,: ,HI) pf'l'\.(,,,'dHl~' h"~.I!;PJil h.- I (.nder 1.> ":l!\'fl\. HB.. r~'t'd ,>I I r:..! .!i"',-~'l1tinllI.'J ;11 <br />,lny tIme pfhH hI Iht.' t',Hfll'f II) n,-,;1f I,j ~ri Ih(: filth d<l) h-(.'Inl\: the ,..dt, .'1 !hl: PrOpCf1'l P,H"'U"l!ll I" (h~. p",~(.r \>1 ....tlc ~,'n"I'I\t'J <br />-n thl!l.I).,~cJ r:i J fu;.! \'1 II! Il.;rll:\ ,,f <It p.,lgm<:fll (nf.>r...ln~ Ihh rkeJ ,,/ r rtn.! ,I ,.\: H.)! I ,J,~t:'r 1',1\, l t'fhkr ,,I: ~lltn~ v. hll. h '" _,> lid <br />he f!'tt:'!"l due ld1l.h:f Ih,\ f)-ced pi ('l'\t th( '.'h. .-:nJ "u:.;...'l\~ f Ul\J{t' \J..1i\"'L."" \\ h.hl 1\,' ,~cd,kr,';;,.!1 ,,,-,(dred <br />in; BO;""'\~'I _"re... ,Ill hit.:,\,ht., ,1/ .Iin ..thi.;r ".<:1\,111/\ '>:(...1.':1\<::.1, i{.lfl""'~' o{':'I,,/{l(,J ,:.-,,, ih.l.d .1 1. <br />I....) Ron; ''''' ,,'I f'.l\' "j': i;.l'.\iyuhh,. 1'h.:,fJt.d f'\ Il.;oih-r t-""<.-I ,,.\ t.:-!I'i,'i'~ \ ',j 1;':;'.'-<'~1~...' <br />Bos,n"',<, '.I'f.l.lIf1~:d' 1'1, fk(.! Itq.,! .Hld ,'\ ,';d.'r'--H'~ 1 C.'U\' Y. "r~.,., ;."-->~',lph <br />it~h'~,i Hh_hl\.ll!1i~ hHt In:l.." I.' '\'.h"'ll,,hk .,'l.H"~'I- (.-c, ,d 'oj, h, 1 ,~~-., ".\<,., <br />l\.:~~I<lrl' ",",: 1h.,1! < '\ ~ "_,\ r)q',! ,,! r r ! , ',~kr ' . ( tl,,,, 1->'10;:.,' <br />