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<br />I <br /> <br />84 _"1 002554 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />I}NJr()R~1 COVI ~\NT'" Bt"lfrPWCr ;111<j I cnJcr C{)Vt..~llan' ;Ind ~lgrcc a~ follows. <br /> <br />I, Paym("nt of IJrindpul and In'('r('~f. A\\rnH.l,.er ...h;'lll promrrl\' pav \\ hen dllt,' lh~' Nmcipill d !Ind intere'.! (\11 the <br />IlllkhICdnl'''c; ('\-Ilknccd hy the Notl'. prepayment and b!e charges J<; pn'l\'lded In the Notc. 'and the princlp;jl of ;tnd inlcrc~f <br />(In an\- FIllllf,-' ..\,hdfh_L''> "1.-'l"llfL'.! I>v Ihl'i Deed pI "r fll..l <br />2. Funds for Tans and Insuram..'e. Suhject 10 appiicahic jaw or W a ...:riHen waiver by Lender. BOJro-"-'cr shaH pay <br />II> i t..'ndcr ,\11 Ihe d.t) Ilhmlhiy in"taihncni'. nl pnnClpal dnJ IDll.rl:,>i ,lIe p.iy;:>blc limier !he NOh;:, until the :'\in:~ i~. pJid H1 fu!-!, <br />d sum lhereln "Ftmds"l cqll:d h' OnC-Iv.l'lflh (11' the yearly la\c;j :.Jnd a"s~<.,...mcnls whlch may :..luain prlorifY over thl'" <br />Deed of Tru\l. dnd ground renl" 0n !he Pr0perly, If any. rlus onc-I<wclfth pf yearly premium installmcnt~ for hazard insurance. <br />plue; pnc,lwclflh of yearly prl'1ll1Iln.1 Installmcllt" for mortgage in\urancc, if <.I ny, .all as reasonably estimated and from <br />t:me hI lime bv I cnder on the ha<;ls of "'\sessmcnl,, and hili, and reasonahle estimates Ihereof <br />rhe rund" "h".11 he held 111 an lnstiltHi,-':l the J~ro'lt" or dccount' of \..\. hich arc insured or guarantec-d by;, Federal -or <br />\lalC agency (including Lender If Lender IS \ll\;h all l1lS.tltotlonl LcnJcr shall apply fhe Funds to pay said ra\cs, as'\cssmcnls, <br />,n"\l(.lfIU; prl~milllll" .Inti ground rcnts. Lenoer m~IY no! charge for so holdIng and applying Ihe Fund';.. analyzing s:ud account- <br />\'r \cnfying and ctlmpilmg "aid a<;sc"smcnl\ and hills. Imk"... I ender pays Borwwcr Interest on the Funds and appliCahlc-law <br />rcrmll<; I t:!ldcr j() make <,uch a charge Borrn\\er and Lender 1ll;IY agree In \\-THing at the lime of execution of this <br />Deed llf 1'rll'''l 111,\! inlL'rc"l on Ih~' FlInd.. ..hall hl, raId In Borro\\-cT. and unlc~... such ~grecment is made or applicable -law <br />rt:qtllrt:.. \11l"h rnlne,,' III he p,lid I ender shall nnl hc reqUIred 10 pay Borro\..\.er ,Iny rnlerc~! Of earnings on Ihe Fund... Lender <br />\hall !!I\"C ll\ Hnrmwcr. Wl/h/'uI chJrgc, .11l :lflilllal a\.'COltnllng of the Fond" "h(n~lI1g credit.. and dc-bill:, 10 the Funds n-nd the <br />purpose for \I.:hreh each debit to the FlInd, was made_ The Funds are pledged as additional security ,for the sums secured <br />h\' !hlS Dl'cd III Trust <br />If thL' amounf of tht: Fund.. held h\' Lender. (('gelhel" ....Ith the future mon!hly il1'\talIment$ of Funds payahle pflor t('I <br />Ihe dill' datL'\ of ta...e... .1....c...<;01en:--, Insurance premium" and ground fcnl" .;,najj e\ceed the amount required 10 pay said nixes. <br />l\~~..\nlt"nh. !O'lur;1I1(C premium... .Ind gr('und ren'" ;h lhc\ r,dl Juc-. \uch e\cl.'~~ ..h;lll he, al Borrower's option-, either <br />rrnmplly rcpaHJ Il' Horf(:'I\~cr nr I.:reditt'd 1,1 BnrrO\\,cr tln nWllthly lflSlallmenls o( Funds. If the amount (If the Fund~ <br />held h f coder <;h;lll nOl h<.: <;lltliclcnl !(1 r.l\ l;IXC\, ,1s..e"smcnl-"_ In<;llfance premlllms and ground rents as they fall due. <br />BOrrtlWl'r \h,1I1 pay", I ender any amount nC':t~.s\:n\ Itl mal-.c lip Ihe deficlencv \\lthlO ~O dayS from the date nOlice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower reque$ung paymenl thereof. <br />Upon p::nml'nl in lull pf all "um<; ",ecllrcd hv thiS Deeo of Tflhl. I coder shall pwmptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds <br />held h\' I cnder. II under oaracrraJ1h IS hercof the Pronert\" 1" ..old or Ihe Pr0flertv I'i, olhcnnsc aCQuired bv Lender, lender <br />\hall appl~, nn 1:l!er than'lnltTledlately prior hI lhe ".Iie 01 the Property (lr I'ts acquislt(on by Lender. 3.ny Funds held- by <br />'-ender at thc {,me of apphc~tion ~i a credl! against the ..urn" '>ccured hy thl~ Deed of Trust. <br />3. Application of Payments. l.~nlc<;'\. appflCahiL' j,J\" proVIde", otherWIse, all payments received by Lender under the <br />;"';l)!C and paragraph.. 1 Jnd 2 herenf shall he applied h I endcr first 10 p3.ymcnt of amOllnlS payable fa Lender by Borrower <br />under pari.lgraph 2 hereof. then !~1 lOterest p.lvahk on the No!e, lhen W !he prinCipal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnnclpal on any Future Advances <br />4, Chal'Ji!:~s: Uens. Borrower shall r,l~ ,Ill t;l\C". d\SC\Sment.. ,wL! Ilther .:harges, fines and Imposllions attribut.lble 10 <br />Ihe Property \I,.'hich m;ty attam a pnoftty over !hl"i Deed o( Trust and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph :2 hereot 0f. it nnr p,lid In slIch m;'lOner. hy Borrower makmg payment. when due. directly <br />10 Ihe payee thereot". Borrowcr ,>hall promplly furlll,>h 1\1 I cnder ;.\11 Il\JtICC'" llf amount"i due under this paragraph. and in the <br />event Borrower shall male p;lymenl d:rec!ly, Bnrr\' ...h;dl rromr!l~ Illrnl<;h In I cndcr receipts evidenCing slIch payments. <br />Borrower shall prnmplly dIscharge any lten \\ hll.'h h,l\ ~Hll"ltv Iht:[ lhl\ Decd or rru\t; :-,rovlded. lhat Borrower shall nor be <br />reqUired tn dl,>ch:lfgc <In\' "lKh hen ~,' hlll~ ,I' IhHr(1\\'cr ..h.dl ,1!,:H~l: III \\l'Illllg Ii' the payment of the ohhgatlon secured by <br />~lJch hen 111 a manner ai..ceptablc {l\ I ender. ('I ..h:dlltl good 1,lIth i.'on!e...t -.,lll.'h hen hy, i.H defend enforcement of slIch hen in. <br />Ic~al proceeding... V.hlCh ()peralc I.' pn:venl the L'njprccmC'nt 1'1 the Ill.:n III fnrlL-Hl1rC' of the ProperlY or any part thereoL <br />S. Ifazard Insunnct. B;)rrl~V\t:r \hilll !..ccr the Impft,\CnH'n!<;' no\..\. C\I:.lmg or her~after erected on the Property insured <br />J.g;J,lnsl loss ov fIre. h;llard" 1i\l.."ludcd v,lIhm the IcrrH .'t:...tcndcd ,.:llVcr.1gl.: , ;H1d \u~h olhcr haza.:ls as I.ender may require <br />and In 'lKh 3moun!s :lnd for 'iln.:h rcrhJd<, ,1\ I \.'fHkr Illa\ rL'(.flllfl.:. plPVIJ~l.L th;1I Lendcr ~hall nOI reqUlre thaI the amount of <br />\uch covcragt.' c\cccd lhal anlNlnl of c.ner,lgt: rC4u:rL'd !(, r:1\ the sinn... ,>c...lIred b~ thl'; Deed of TflI<;t <br />1 he in~uranc~ ....- ,urlcr pr,,\! Ithn~ Ihc In'>llf .lnl...L" \hall h~' l h,'v:n r-\ Bl1rrl'Vlcr sllh,cct h\ appro\'JI n\ I,endcr: rrovldcJ. <br />Ihat such approval shall nOI ~c unreason.lnl\" v,lthhc1d ,\11 prCIlHunh on ImW.1ncc pOIICIC'> shall he pa1d 10 the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereot or, II nol p.ali..t lrl ~\Kh Olanner. ~\ Borwwer maklOg payment. when due, directly 10 the <br />insurancc carTier. <br />AlIlnsurafll.."c POlt<':It'\ .\nJ n:nt:vl,als therCl..lf ...hall b..: In 1\\r01 J.;.I...l'l'u.blc hi I cnder and ..hall In,.:lude a sland.ud mortgage <br />dause to of and 10 f(\rm .H.:u:plahlc In Lcnder 'l..'nJer "h...lIl h,J'l.: Ihe rl~ht III holJ (hc policlt's and renewals Ihereof. <br />:iod BOrrll\\Cr .;,haJl prl~mplly fUflllSh t" Len\.kr ,J!! rl'llc'''J.I Ill)ll....'\.'\ ;1l1J ,Ill It',-ClpIS t1f p,ud premium.... In the evenl of loss. <br />Borro~er shall glH prompt mHl\;c III !he 11lSUf.lfh..t: LIIIII.;'! ,llll! 1l.'nJcr l.ender Ol,l\ prl'of of los.. d nOI made promptl, <br />bv Borrower <br />. Unless Lender and Borw~cl Llther\\I.'.C aglct: III \\rlllng, IfJ..,lH.Hlle I'rll'-ced~ ...h.di he ,lrplrcd ICl re,>torallon or rcpalr of <br />the Property d,lmaged, fHL)"lJed \tl\..h re~lOral!l'll \l[ It::p.llr h I'd'ntl!1l!'-;III~ Il.."J"'lhlc .Ind Iht: <,eL:urlty of !hls Deed (If Trust ,... <br />not Ihereby ImpancJ. H "u~h rcSlOraIIOn~)f fCrall !... IHlt c(oOt1nll.....Jll} Ic,\~lhk: I'f tl !he ~l'CUf1lY of lhl'i Deed nf Trust would <br />he ImpalreJ. the m~ur,j!KC pre'l;ceds "h<tll bl' .\ppllcd 1....1 {hI.: l.llnh \c...Uft.'d tn' !il/" Dt.'cd (If Trll"!. .....llh Ihe C\(("', If an). paid <br />10 Borro\\cr If Ihe Pmpcrtj I... <1oandnncJ hy Borll)Vlt:r, ,'( tl H,lrrl.)\..\.cr (,111.., hI tc,p..lnd !tl Lender \..\.ilhm :\0 day" from the <br />dale notICe is mdlh:d hv Lender 10 Born1\\cr lll;it the I1l'\Ulanl.L' ';,-Hfll::r l)lfcr" It I ~l'tllc .1 ...I.llm for m..llran..:c henefits., Lender <br />1<;' authofllc,l Il.l ;,;oHect .md "pply the insur..lnn: PW(ccJ... at L..:-nucf 50 ('PIIlHl t:lIhcr 10 ft:..tMallon or repaIr of the Propen) <br />or to the sun\'. sCio.:urt.'d hy thl~ Deed l"'!f Tn"t <br />Unle!is Lender anJ Borrower olhcn"'lse o.igrce 1{1 \.\- rllln~. .ln~ \tl<.:h .lpph..:,HI~)ll ~ll rro~ccds 10 prtrlt:lpal ~hall not e\lend <br />l.'r postpone the due dJ.lC \,.'\{ Ihe 1110nthJj InqJ,llm(.'lll~ fl'terrnl II' :Il p.lf.l!!r.:tph.... I and 2. hereol or ....:hange Ihe amount o! <br />~uch Installmeni\. If under palagraph I ~ here.)t the Propt:l1\ I'" J'-".jUHCJ h~ ll'nJer, ,ill rlghl. title and Interest of Borroowcr <br />In and to any lO~lHdncc fX1lu.:ICS ..lIld In and to lhe pr..);,:eel~'" lher..:," rewlllng lrum J.amJ.gc 10 the Propat~ prior 10 the ~alc <br />or aC4U1Mlton !!r.hall pJS~ t,l Lender w [he c:\lent l)t Ihe sUHl~ ~c(ulcd b) [hI:) Deed 01 rru~1 immediately pW.lf \(\ ':<uch ~ale or <br />acquisition <br />6, Presef\alion ilnd MalottRance of Properl); Lt"aseho.ds; ("ondominium~; Planned lJnit Developments. Borrower <br />\h.ll1 keep Ihe Pwpcny In gnod rcp.J.H Jnd ....h..dl o..){ ,-'i1nHlHI 'o.I.,Il>IL' ,'r Pt.:lI11l[ Hllpo.il1nh:nl ~lr dCICIHH,HH'1l l)f Ihe Propert~ <br />.1nd shail comply With the prO'dS!0OS (){ all; lease If lhi's Deed ,lf Trml l~ nn ~\ Jca~chold_ It thl~ Deed of Trm! IS on a unl! In ,I <br />condomiOlum or a planned unll development. B(lrr('~er Sh.lll rcdorm all of Borro\\-cr'!j, ohhgatlons under Ihe declaratlon <br />or covenants creating or governIng tht: l:OndOmlnlum or planned unll development, Ihe by~la'As and n:gulatlons ('If Ihe <br />condominIUm or planned umt dc\'Clopmcnl. and (O/lSllluenl d\,.)..:umcnl\ 11 <l ,..pndl)mlnIUOl Of planned un:! developmenl <br />rider 150 e.\eCuleJ. by Borrower and recorded logclher ~Ith thiS Peed III Irml, the dl\-cn.IO(S and agrcclllcnh of s.uch Ilder <br />s.haU be lOcorporaled lOIn and shall amend ilnd ~uppkmcrll Ihe I...-\l\t:n.mi'> ,1m.! ,lgrl"Cments of Ihls DeeJ ,It rrmt :\'> If Ihe flder <br />were a part hereof <br />7. Protection of Lcnder's Securiry, Ii B\.' 100d" I_l pnl,~rm the l..~)I,cnJnl\ ~nJ agn.'cmcnh ~.,1nla(neJ 10 lhl\ <br />Deed of Trust. or It any actlon ,)f proceeding I'> ,,:o!11lllcnt.:cJ '.\h~-::h 11l,ltCII.llI~ arlce!\ 1 cnJcr~ lnleIC'>l In the Properl}. <br />mdudlng, nUl not limited to. eminent domain, In~oi\"enL:), co...k enli1r..:cmcnl. (lr :lrr.lngcmenls Dr prllccedlng,:< 111\OIVHlg ,J <br />hankrupt or decedent. Ihen Lender al Lenders optl\m. up...m ootl,-e hl U,, ma) Oli.lkt: ':Iudl J.ppe.lrdlk~'" lb...hul"'l.c ~\l,-h <br />sums and take su-ch action as l-l> necess.ary to prote..:t LC'ndL'f-~ IntcrC:.I, mdudme:. hUI 0111 Ilfllll('d III d,~hur't:!llcnt t'! <br />r{:.ii.wfi.ihk ClHoruc,'" fees, dnJ erHi, Upoll ih~ rfO~Ii} ;\. i1l<lt..~ lo:,;p,u,;, :~ l.\;n.J\.i 'l."'IU1i\;;J f,,\..'fi~,1~~ .1"ui<tiil.O;; .1' ,I <br />condition of maklOg the IClan set:urcJ by thiS Deed of TrusL ! ~h~ill r.l~ the prelllium" f1:'-!UIIL'J It' rn,llOlatn \\Kh <br />lns,uran-ce in effect unt11 such lime d~ lhe requirement (or ~u(:h ImUfijlh:C termH1J.!e" lfl .ll...:uru.llh:e v,lrh Hnrr,,'V>L't',> ,lnJ <br />l.enders wrlUen agreement or appl1..:able la\\ Bnrro\\cr ')h~dl 1'3) the <-illhHlIlt ,11 ,III I1wngagc In'lllf.tll-."c r'lt:m:um\ In the <br />manner pro\.ided und-er paral1:raph ~ hereof. <br />Any amount! disbursed by I cndcr pursuant It' thiS par<lSfo.iph 7, "Jth HlIclC~1 therl:{)n \h,lli hc,-prnc .lJJltl\".nal <br />lodebtedness of Borrower secured hy thIS Deed 01 Trw,t l 'nlc.\~ Horwwcr and I cnder .lgrl:c t,) ()ther InIH... dt P,l'dllcnt. ~Ud1 <br />amounts Shl\n be payahle up\)n notice ff{'1l\ Lender It' Bl1fH)\\-CI r('411e\1il\g p<l}nh?11l IhclC',}f, IlIlJ \h,lt: 1~',lI !nlt,'rcq fr\)If\ lhe <br />dale or disbursemenl a.t the rale payable fr('Jn time !~l tJtn~ Oil \1\11..L.WJIOg prrn~lral under lhe '\."It' \inks.. r,lyn~cnl l,r Inlere'll <br />at such ratc would be .::o.nHary 10 applicahle la"". 1(1 \\-hli.."h cvent 'H<:h <i.nWunh "hJIi !waf Inleft"\l ,l{ the hlghesl rate- <br />pcr'miuible under apphcah!e la\\ Nothing cnnl.llHcd In lhl~ p.11J.graph -: ...h.lii (\"1IJI1(': ll'I1Jer h' ilh:lJf ..rn ('\flCmc M Iftk.l' <br />an} actIOn hereunder <br />8, Ina~('tIQn, I endt:r may make ,.H ,,-_111\1'; hI t't:: 1l1..tJe F1,.'a\,)f),\hk (.'I':iH'> ,Ir,." ..lIh: n.,p(~;"ln, ,It lrh P:,'j1Cl['. 'ck.! <br />lnal Lender \h.:t!l gl"'c Burrower llnlH;C prllH W ;}n:o \lh_h',11dn ~pr:,-I:::--,nJ; :lC.l""r1.1!~:t: ~.j'l"t.: In.:!c!," '\'i,,!t:d ~<' <br />,ntere~l In Ihc Properh <br />